You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
324 lines
13 KiB
324 lines
13 KiB
5 months ago
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
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// | Copyright (c) 2016~2020 All rights reserved.
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// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
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// | Author: CRMEB Team <>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
declare (strict_types=1);
namespace app\dao\user;
use think\model;
use app\dao\BaseDao;
use app\model\user\User;
use app\model\wechat\WechatUser;
* Class UserWechatUserDao
* @package app\dao\user
class UserWechatUserDao extends BaseDao
* @var string
protected $alias = '';
* @var string
protected $join_alis = '';
* 精确搜索白名单
* @var string[]
protected $withField = ['uid', 'nickname', 'user_type', 'phone'];
* 设置模型
* @return string
protected function setModel(): string
return User::class;
public function joinModel(): string
return WechatUser::class;
* 关联模型
* @param string $alias
* @param string $join_alias
* @return \crmeb\basic\BaseModel
public function getModel(string $alias = 'u', string $join_alias = 'w', $join = 'left')
$this->alias = $alias;
$this->join_alis = $join_alias;
/** @var WechatUser $wechcatUser */
$wechcatUser = app()->make($this->joinModel());
$table = $wechcatUser->getName();
return parent::getModel()->withTrashed()->alias($alias)->join($table . ' ' . $join_alias, $alias . '.uid = ' . $join_alias . '.uid', $join);
* 获取列表
* @param array $where
* @param string $field
* @param int $page
* @param int $limit
* @return array
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function getList(array $where, $field = '*', int $page = 0, int $limit = 0)
return $this->getModel()->where($where)->field($field)->when($page && $limit, function ($query) use ($page, $limit) {
$query->page($page, $limit);
* 获取总数
* @param array $where
* @return int
public function getCount(array $where): int
return $this->getModel()->where($where)->count();
* 组合条件模型条数
* @param Model $model
* @return int
public function getCountByWhere(array $where): int
return $this->searchWhere($where)->group($this->alias . '.uid')->count();
* 组合条件模型查询列表
* @param array $where
* @param string $field
* @param string $order
* @param int $page
* @param int $limit
* @return array
public function getListByModel(array $where, string $field = '', string $order = '', int $page = 0, int $limit = 0): array
return $this->searchWhere($where)->field($field)->when($page && $limit, function ($query) use ($page, $limit) {
$query->page($page, $limit);
})->group($this->alias . '.uid')->order(($order ? $order . ' ,' : '') . $this->alias . '.uid desc')->select()->toArray();
* @param $where
* @param array|null $field
* @param int $page
* @param int $limit
* @return \crmeb\basic\BaseModel
public function searchWhere($where, ?array $field = [])
$model = $this->getModel();
$userAlias = $this->alias . '.';
$wechatUserAlias = $this->join_alis . '.';
if (isset($where['is_filter_del']) && $where['is_filter_del'] == 1) {
$model = $model->where($userAlias . 'delete_time', null);
// 用户访问时间
if (isset($where['user_time_type']) && isset($where['user_time'])) {
if ($where['user_time_type'] == 'visitno' && $where['user_time'] != '') {
[$startTime, $endTime] = explode('-', $where['user_time']);
if ($startTime && $endTime) {
$endTime = strtotime($endTime) + 24 * 3600;
$model = $model->where($userAlias . "last_time < " . strtotime($startTime) . " OR " . $userAlias . "last_time > " . $endTime);
if ($where['user_time_type'] == 'visit' && $where['user_time'] != '') {
[$startTime, $endTime] = explode('-', $where['user_time']);
if ($startTime && $endTime) {
$model = $model->where($userAlias . 'last_time', '>', strtotime($startTime));
$model = $model->where($userAlias . 'last_time', '<', strtotime($endTime) + 24 * 3600);
if ($where['user_time_type'] == 'add_time' && $where['user_time'] != '') {
[$startTime, $endTime] = explode('-', $where['user_time']);
if ($startTime && $endTime) {
$model = $model->where($userAlias . 'add_time', '>', strtotime($startTime));
$model = $model->where($userAlias . 'add_time', '<', strtotime($endTime) + 24 * 3600);
if (isset($where['pay_count']) && $where['pay_count'] != '') {
if ($where['pay_count'] == '-1') {
$model = $model->where($userAlias . 'pay_count', 0);
} else {
$model = $model->where($userAlias . 'pay_count', '>', $where['pay_count']);
if (isset($where['level']) && $where['level']) {
$model = $model->where($userAlias . 'level', $where['level']);
if (isset($where['group_id']) && $where['group_id']) {
$model = $model->where($userAlias . 'group_id', $where['group_id']);
if (isset($where['status']) && $where['status'] != '') {
$model = $model->where($userAlias . 'status', $where['status']);
if (isset($where['is_promoter']) && $where['is_promoter'] != '') {
$model = $model->where($userAlias . 'is_promoter', $where['is_promoter']);
if (isset($where['label_id']) && $where['label_id']) {
$model = $model->whereIn($userAlias . 'uid', function ($query) use ($where) {
if (is_array($where['label_id'])) {
$query->name('user_label_relation')->whereIn('label_id', $where['label_id'])->field('uid')->select();
} else {
if (strpos($where['label_id'], ',') !== false) {
$query->name('user_label_relation')->whereIn('label_id', explode(',', $where['label_id']))->field('uid')->select();
} else {
$query->name('user_label_relation')->where('label_id', $where['label_id'])->field('uid')->select();
if (isset($where['isMember']) && $where['isMember'] != '') {
if ($where['isMember'] == 0) {
$model = $model->where($userAlias . 'is_money_level', 0);
} else {
$model = $model->where($userAlias . 'is_money_level', '>', 0);
$fieldKey = $where['field_key'] ?? '';
$nickname = $where['nickname'] ?? '';
if ($fieldKey && $nickname && in_array($fieldKey, $this->withField)) {
switch ($fieldKey) {
case "nickname":
case "phone":
$model = $model->where($userAlias . trim($fieldKey), 'like', "%" . trim($nickname) . "%");
case "uid":
$model = $model->where($userAlias . trim($fieldKey), trim($nickname));
} else if ((!$fieldKey || $fieldKey == 'all') && $nickname) {
$model = $model->where($userAlias . 'nickname|' . $userAlias . 'uid|' . $userAlias . 'phone', 'LIKE', "%$where[nickname]%");
if (isset($where['user_type']) && $where['user_type']) {
$model = $model->where($userAlias . 'user_type', $where['user_type']);
if (isset($where['sex']) && $where['sex'] !== '' && in_array($where['sex'], [0, 1, 2])) {
$model = $model->where(function ($query) use ($wechatUserAlias, $userAlias, $where) {
$query->where($userAlias . 'sex', $where['sex']);
//所在国家 所在省份 所在城市
if ((isset($where['country']) && $where['country']) || (isset($where['province']) && $where['province']) || (isset($where['city']) && $where['city'])) {
$model = $model->where(function ($query) use ($wechatUserAlias, $userAlias, $where) {
$query->when(isset($where['country']) && $where['country'], function ($g) use ($wechatUserAlias, $userAlias, $where) {
if ($where['country'] == 'domestic') {
$g->where($wechatUserAlias . 'country', 'in', ['中国', 'China']);
} else if ($where['country'] == 'abroad') {
$g->whereOr($userAlias . 'addres', '');
})->when(isset($where['province']) && $where['province'], function ($q) use ($wechatUserAlias, $userAlias, $where) {
$q->whereOr($wechatUserAlias . 'province', $where['province'])->whereOr($userAlias . 'provincials', 'Like', '%' . $where['province'] . '%')->whereOr($userAlias . 'addres', 'Like', '%' . $where['province'] . '%');
})->when(isset($where['city']) && $where['city'], function ($c) use ($wechatUserAlias, $userAlias, $where) {
$c->whereOr($wechatUserAlias . 'city', $where['city'])->whereOr($userAlias . 'provincials', 'Like', '%' . $where['city'] . '%')->whereOr($userAlias . 'addres', 'Like', '%' . $where['city'] . '%');
if (isset($where['time'])) {
$model->withSearch(['time'], ['time' => $where['time'], 'timeKey' => 'u.add_time']);
return $field ? $model->field($field) : $model;
* 地域全部用户
* @param $time
* @param $userType
* @return mixed
public function getRegionAll($time, $userType)
return $this->getModel()->when($userType != '', function ($query) use ($userType) {
$query->where($this->alias . '.user_type', $userType);
})->where(function ($query) use ($time) {
$query->whereTime($this->alias . '.add_time', '<', strtotime($time[1]) + 86400)->whereOr($this->alias . '.add_time', NULL);
})->field('count(' . $this->alias . '.uid) as allNum,' . $this->join_alis . '.province')
->group($this->join_alis . '.province')->select()->toArray();
* 地域新增用户
* @param $time
* @param $userType
* @return mixed
public function getRegionNew($time, $userType)
return $this->getModel()->when($userType != '', function ($query) use ($userType) {
$query->where($this->alias . '.user_type', $userType);
})->where(function ($query) use ($time) {
if ($time[0] == $time[1]) {
$query->whereDay($this->alias . '.add_time', $time[0]);
} else {
$time[1] = date('Y/m/d', strtotime($time[1]) + 86400);
$query->whereTime($this->alias . '.add_time', 'between', $time);
})->field('count(' . $this->alias . '.uid) as newNum,' . $this->join_alis . '.province')
->group($this->join_alis . '.province')->select()->toArray();
* 获取用户性别
* @param $time
* @param $userType
* @return mixed
public function getSex($time, $userType)
return $this->getModel()->when($userType != '', function ($query) use ($userType) {
$query->where($this->join_alis . '.user_type', $userType);
})->where(function ($query) use ($time) {
if ($time[0] == $time[1]) {
$query->whereDay($this->alias . '.add_time', $time[0]);
} else {
$time[1] = date('Y/m/d', strtotime($time[1]) + 86400);
$query->whereTime($this->alias . '.add_time', 'between', $time);
})->field($this->alias . '.uid,' . $this->alias . '.sex as u_name,' . $this->join_alis . '.sex as w_name')