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5 months ago
<view class="order-details">
<!-- #ifdef H5 -->
<!-- 给header上与data上加on为退款订单-->
<view class="nav_bar">
<navigator url="/pages/work/orderList/index">
<text class="iconfont icon-fanhui2"></text>
<view class='header acea-row row-middle' :class='isGoodsReturn ? "on":""'>
<view class='pictrue' v-if="isGoodsReturn==false">
<image :src="orderInfo.status_pic"></image>
<view class='data' :class='isGoodsReturn ? "on":""'>
<view class='state'>{{title}}</view>
<view>{{orderInfo._add_time }}</view>
<view class="address_info">
<view class="user_top acea-row row-middle" v-if="orderInfo.real_name">
<text class="iconfont icon-yonghu2"></text>
<text class="order_name">{{ userInfo.nickname }}</text>
<view class="address" v-if="orderInfo.product_type == 0 && orderInfo.delivery_type !='fictitious'">
<view class="user">
<span>{{ orderInfo.real_name }}</span>
<span class="pl34">{{ orderInfo.user_phone }}</span>
<view class="detail">{{orderInfo.user_address }}</view>
<view class="list">
<view class="item-info acea-row row-between row-top" v-for="(item, index) in orderInfo.cartInfo" :key="index">
<view class="pictrue">
<image :src="item.productInfo.image"></image>
<view class="text acea-row row-between">
<view class="name line2">{{ item.productInfo.store_name }}</view>
<view class="money">{{ item.productInfo.attrInfo.price }}
<view class="cart_num">x{{ item.cart_num }}</view>
<view class="sku line1" v-if="item.productInfo.attrInfo.suk">
{{ item.productInfo.attrInfo.suk }}
<view class="public-total">
{{ orderInfo.total_num }}件商品实付款
<span class="money">{{ orderInfo.pay_price }}</span> ( 邮费 ¥{{ orderInfo.pay_postage}})
<div class='wrapper' v-if='orderInfo.delivery_type=="fictitious" && orderInfo.product_type!=1'>
<view class='item acea-row row-between'>
<view class='conter'>已发货请注意查收</view>
<div class='item acea-row row-between'>
<div class='conter'>{{orderInfo.fictitious_content}}</div>
<div class='wrapper' v-if="orderInfo.virtual_info && orderInfo.product_type==1">
<div class='item acea-row row-between'>
<div class='conter'>{{orderInfo.virtual_info}}</div>
<!-- <div class='wrapper' style="border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;" v-if="orderInfo.custom_form && orderInfo.custom_form.length">
<div class='item acea-row row-between' v-for="(item,index) in orderInfo.custom_form" :key="index" v-if="item.value">
<div v-if="item.label == 'img'" class='conter'>
<div class='pictrue' v-for="(img,indexn) in item.value" :key="indexn">
<image :src='img'/>
<div v-if="item.label != 'img'" class='conter'>{{item.value}}</div>
</div> -->
<view class='wrapper'>
<view class='item acea-row row-between'>
<view class='conter'> {{ orderInfo.order_id}}
<text class="copy copy-data" @tap="copy(orderInfo.order_id)">复制</text>
<div class="item acea-row row-between">
<div class="conter">{{ orderInfo._pay_time }}</div>
<div class="item acea-row row-between">
<div class="conter">{{ orderInfo.paid ? '已支付' : '未支付' }}</div>
<div class="item acea-row row-between">
<div class="conter">{{ orderInfo._status?orderInfo._status._payType:'' }}</div>
<div class="item acea-row row-between" v-if="orderInfo.mark">
<div v-if="isReturen == 1">退款留言</div>
<div v-else>买家留言</div>
<div class="conter">{{ orderInfo.mark }}</div>
<div class="item acea-row row-between" v-if="orderInfo.refund_goods_explain">
<div class='conter'>{{orderInfo.refund_goods_explain}}</div>
<div class="item acea-row row-between" v-if="orderInfo.refund_img && orderInfo.refund_img.length">
<div class="conter">
<div class="pictrue" v-for="(item,index) in orderInfo.refund_img">
<image :src="item" mode="aspectFill"/>
<div class="item acea-row row-between" v-if="orderInfo.refund_goods_img && orderInfo.refund_goods_img.length">
<div class="conter">
<div class="pictrue" v-for="(item,index) in orderInfo.refund_goods_img">
<image :src="item" mode="aspectFill"/>
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="item acea-row row-between">
<div class="conter">{{ orderInfo.total_price }}</div>
<div class="item acea-row row-between">
<div class="conter">-{{ orderInfo.coupon_price }}</div>
<div class="item acea-row row-between">
<div class="conter">-{{ orderInfo.promotions_price }}</div>
<div class="item acea-row row-between">
<div class="conter">{{ orderInfo.pay_postage }}</div>
<div class="actualPay acea-row row-right">
实付款<span class="money font-color-red">{{ orderInfo.pay_price }}</span>
<div class="wrapper" v-show="orderInfo.delivery_type">
<div class="item acea-row row-between">
<div class="conter" v-if="orderInfo.delivery_type === 'express'">快递</div>
<div class="conter" v-if="orderInfo.delivery_type === 'send'">送货</div>
<div class="conter" v-if="orderInfo.delivery_type === 'cashier'">收银台</div>
<div class="conter" v-if="orderInfo.delivery_type === 'fictitious'">虚拟发货</div>
<div class="item acea-row row-between">
<div v-if="orderInfo.delivery_type === 'express'">快递公司</div>
<div v-if="orderInfo.delivery_type === 'send'">送货人</div>
<div class="conter">{{ orderInfo.delivery_name }}</div>
<div class="item acea-row row-between">
<div v-if="orderInfo.delivery_type === 'express'">快递单号</div>
<div v-if="orderInfo.delivery_type === 'send'">送货人电话</div>
<div class="conter" v-if="orderInfo.delivery_id">
{{ orderInfo.delivery_id}}
<span class="copy copy-data" @tap="copy(orderInfo.delivery_id)">复制</span>
<view style='height:20rpx;'></view>
<!-- <view class='footer acea-row row-right row-middle'>
<div class="more"></div>
<div class="bnt cancel" @click="modify(0)" v-if="types === 0">一键改价</div>
<div class="bnt cancel" @click="modify(2)" v-if="types === -1">立即退款</div>
<div class="bnt cancel" @click="modify(1)">订单备注</div>
<div class="bnt cancel"
v-if="orderInfo.pay_type === 'offline' && orderInfo.paid === 0"
</view> -->
<!-- #endif -->
// #ifdef H5
import {getWorkOrderInfo} from "@/api/work.js";
export default{
data() {
return {
onLoad(e) {
this.order_id = e.id;
this.userId = this.$Cache.get('work_user_id')
let that = this;
that.orderInfo = res.data.orderInfo;
that.userInfo = res.data.userInfo;
that.types = res.data.orderInfo._status._type;
that.title = res.data.orderInfo._status._title;
return that.$util.Tips({
title: err
let that = this;
data: value
// #endif
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