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5 months ago
<!-- 积分详情 -->
<view :style="colorStyle">
<!-- #ifdef MP || APP-PLUS -->
<view class="accountTitle">
<view :style="{height:getHeight.barTop+'px'}"></view>
<view class="sysTitle acea-row row-center-wrapper" :style="{height:getHeight.barHeight+'px'}">
<text class="iconfont icon-ic_leftarrow" @click="goarrow"></text>
<view :style="{height:(getHeight.barTop+getHeight.barHeight)+'px'}"></view>
<!-- #endif -->
<view class='integral-details'>
<view class='header'>
<view class='currentScore acea-row row-middle'>
<image src="../static/integral.png"></image>
<view class="notice acea-row row-center-wrapper">
<view class="iconfont icon-ic_horn1"></view>
<view v-if="userInfo.clear_integral>0 && userInfo.clear_time>0">您的积分将于{{ userInfo.clear_time | dateFormat }}清零</view>
<view v-else>积分数值的高低会直接影响您的会员等级</view>
<view class="scoreNum">{{userInfo.integral}}</view>
<view class='nav'>
<view class="title acea-row row-middle">
<text class="name">积分详情</text>
<navigator url="/pages/users/user_integral_detail/index" hover-class="none">
积分明细<text class="iconfont icon-ic_rightarrow"></text>
<view class="list acea-row row-middle row-around">
<view class='item'>
<view class='num'>{{userInfo.sum_integral}}</view>
<view class="line"></view>
<view class='item'>
<view class='num'>{{userInfo.deduction_integral}}</view>
<view class="line"></view>
<view class='item'>
<view class='num'>{{userInfo.frozen_integral}}</view>
<view class="pictrue">
<image :src="imgHost+'/statics/images/balance_species.png'"></image>
<view class='wrapper'>
<view class="title">互动玩积分</view>
<view class="list acea-row row-bottom">
<view class="item">
<view class="name">下单抵扣</view>
<navigator hover-class='none' open-type="switchTab" url="/pages/index/index" class="bnt acea-row row-center-wrapper">去下单</navigator>
<view class="item on">
<view class="name">积分兑换</view>
<navigator hover-class='none' url='/pages/activity/points_mall/index' class="bnt acea-row row-center-wrapper">去兑换</navigator>
<view class="item on1">
<view class="name">抽奖赢积分</view>
<navigator hover-class='none' url='/pages/goods/lottery/grids/index?type=1' class="bnt acea-row row-center-wrapper">去抽奖</navigator>
<view class='wrapper on'>
<view class="title">做任务领积分</view>
<view class="task">
<view class="item acea-row row-between-wrapper">
<view class="picTxt acea-row row-middle">
<view class="pictrue">
<image src="../static/goumai.png"></image>
<view class="text">
<view class="name">购买商品</view>
<view class="info">购买商品可获得</view>
<navigator hover-class='none' open-type="switchTab" url="/pages/index/index" class="bnt acea-row row-center-wrapper">去完成</navigator>
<view class="item acea-row row-between-wrapper">
<view class="picTxt acea-row row-middle">
<view class="pictrue">
<image src="../static/qiandao.png"></image>
<view class="text">
<view class="name">每日签到</view>
<view class="info">每日签到可获得</view>
<navigator hover-class='none' url='/pages/users/user_sgin/index' class="bnt acea-row row-center-wrapper">去完成</navigator>
<view class="item acea-row row-between-wrapper">
<view class="picTxt acea-row row-middle">
<view class="pictrue">
<image src="../static/choujiang.png"></image>
<view class="text">
<view class="name">九宫格抽奖</view>
<view class="info">评价完成可获得</view>
<navigator hover-class='none' url='/pages/goods/lottery/grids/index?type=1' class="bnt acea-row row-center-wrapper">去完成</navigator>
<view class="footer"></view>
import { HTTP_REQUEST_URL } from '@/config/app';
import home from '@/components/home';
import {
} from '@/api/user.js';
import dayjs from '@/plugin/dayjs/dayjs.min.js';
import {
} from '@/libs/login.js';
import {
} from "vuex";
import emptyPage from '@/components/emptyPage.vue';
import colors from '@/mixins/color'
export default {
components: {
filters: {
dateFormat: function(value) {
return dayjs(value * 1000).format('YYYY-MM-DD');
data() {
return {
getHeight: this.$util.getWXStatusHeight(),
userInfo: {},
isAuto: false, //没有授权的不会自动授权
isShowAuth: false, //是否隐藏授权
isTime: 0
computed: mapGetters(['isLogin']),
watch: {
isLogin: {
handler: function(newV, oldV) {
if (newV) {
// #ifdef H5 || APP-PLUS
// #endif
deep: true
onLoad() {
if (this.isLogin) {
} else {
onShow() {
methods: {
* 授权回调
onLoadFun: function() {
this.isShowAuth = false;
// 授权关闭
authColse: function(e) {
this.isShowAuth = e
getUserInfo: function() {
let that = this;
sign: 1,
integral: 1,
all: 1
}).then(function(res) {
that.$set(that, 'userInfo',;
let clearTime =;
let showTime = clearTime-(86400*14);
let timestamp = Date.parse(new Date())/1000;
if(showTime < timestamp){
that.isTime = 1
that.isTime = 0
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