You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
307 lines
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307 lines
7.0 KiB
5 months ago
<!-- 带背景轮播图 -->
<view class="swiperBg" :style="[swiperBgStyle]">
<template v-if="dataConfig.swiperConfig.list.length">
<view class="colorBg" :style="[colorBgStyle]"></view>
<view class="swiper">
<swiper :style="'height:'+ imageH +'rpx;'" :autoplay="true" :previous-margin="swiperMargin" :next-margin="swiperMargin" :circular="circular" :interval="interval" :duration="duration"
@change="bannerfun" v-if="imageH">
<swiper-item v-for="(item,index) in dataConfig.swiperConfig.list" :key="index">
<view @click="goDetail(item)" class="swiper-item" :class="{ active: active == index }">
<image :src="item.img" mode="aspectFill" class="image" :style="[imageStyle]"></image>
<view class="noPic" v-else>图片加载中...</view>
<view class="dot acea-row" :style="[dotStyle]">
<view class="progress" v-if="dataConfig.docConfig.tabVal == 2" :style="[progressWidth,dotItemStyle]">
<view class="inner" :style="[progressValue,dotItemActiveStyle]"></view>
<view class="acea-row" :class="{ small: dataConfig.docConfig.tabVal == 1, line: dataConfig.docConfig.tabVal == 3 }" v-else>
<view class="dot-item" v-for="(item, index) in dataConfig.swiperConfig.list" :key="index" :class="{ active: active == index }"
:style="[active == index ? dotItemActiveStyle : dotItemStyle]"></view>
export default {
name: 'swiperBg',
props: {
dataConfig: {
type: Object,
default: () => {}
isSortType: {
type: String | Number,
default: 0
data() {
return {
circular: true,
autoplay: true,
interval: 3000,
duration: 500,
imgUrls: [], //图片轮播数据
bgColor: '', //轮播背景颜色
marginTop: 0, //组件上边距
paddinglr: 0, //轮播左右边距
docConfig: 0, //指示点样式
imgConfig: 0, //是否为圆角
imageH: 0,
isColor: 0,
txtStyle: 0,
dotColor: '',
current: 1, //数字指示器当前
active: 0, //一般指示器当前
swiperMargin: '',
swiperMargin: '',
computed: {
swiperBgStyle() {
return {
padding: `${this.dataConfig.topConfig.val * 2}rpx ${this.dataConfig.prConfig.val * 2}rpx ${this.dataConfig.bottomConfig.val * 2}rpx`,
marginTop: `${this.dataConfig.mbConfig.val * 2}rpx`,
colorBgStyle() {
let styleObject = {
'background': this.dataConfig.bgColor.color[0].item,
if (this.dataConfig.styleConfig.tabVal == 1) {
styleObject['height'] = '50%';
return styleObject;
imageStyle() {
return {
borderRadius: `${this.dataConfig.filletImg.val * 2}rpx`,
dotStyle() {
let styleObject = {};
if (this.dataConfig.docPosition.tabVal) {
styleObject['justify-content'] = this.dataConfig.docPosition.tabVal == 1 ? 'center' : 'flex-end';
return styleObject;
dotItemStyle() {
let styleObject = {};
if (this.dataConfig.toneConfig.tabVal) {
styleObject['background'] = this.dataConfig.dotBgColor.color[0].item;
return styleObject;
dotItemActiveStyle() {
let styleObject = {};
if (this.dataConfig.toneConfig.tabVal) {
styleObject['background'] = this.dataConfig.dotColor.color[0].item;
return styleObject;
progressWidth() {
return {
width: `${this.dataConfig.swiperConfig.list.length * 20}rpx`,
progressValue() {
return {
width: `${this.current / this.dataConfig.swiperConfig.list.length * 100}%`,
watch: {
imageH(nVal, oVal) {
let self = this
this.imageH = nVal
created() {
this.imgUrls = this.dataConfig.swiperConfig.list
if (this.dataConfig.styleConfig.tabVal == 2) {
this.swiperMargin = '55rpx';
mounted() {
if (this.imgUrls.length) {
let that = this;
this.$nextTick((e) => {
src: that.setDomain(that.imgUrls[0].img),
success: (res) => {
if (res && res.height > 0) {
// that.$set(that, 'imageH',
// res.height / res
// .width * 750)
let height = res.height * ((750 - this.dataConfig.prConfig.val * 4) / res.width)
that.$set(that, 'imageH', height);
} else {
that.$set(that, 'imageH', 375);
fail: function(error) {
that.$set(that, 'imageH', 375);
methods: {
bannerfun(e) {
| = e.detail.current;
this.current = e.detail.current + 1;
setDomain: function(url) {
url = url ? url.toString() : '';
if (url.indexOf("https://") > -1) return url;
else return url.replace('http://', 'https://');
goDetail(url) {
let urls =[0].value;
<style lang="scss">
.noPic {
border-radius: 10rpx;
width: 100%;
height: 300rpx;
background-color: #F0F0F0;
color: #ccc;
text-align: center;
line-height: 300rpx;
font-size: 30rpx;
.swiperBg {
position: relative;
.colorBg {
position: absolute;
left: 0;
top: 0;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
.swiper {
z-index: 20;
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
.dot {
position: absolute;
bottom: 20rpx;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
padding: 0 20rpx;
.dot-item {
width: 12rpx;
height: 12rpx;
border-radius: 6rpx;
margin-right: 16rpx;
background: #DDDDDD;
&:last-child {
margin-right: 0;
&.active {
background: var(--view-theme);
.small {
.dot-item {
width: 10rpx;
height: 10rpx;
border-radius: 5rpx;
margin-right: 8rpx;
&.active {
width: 18rpx;
.line {
.dot-item {
width: 20rpx;
height: 6rpx;
border-radius: 3rpx;
margin-right: 10rpx;
.progress {
width: 60rpx;
height: 6rpx;
border-radius: 3rpx;
background: #DDDDDD;
.inner {
width: 33%;
height: 6rpx;
border-radius: 3rpx;
background: var(--view-theme);
transition: 0.3s;
.swiper-item {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
transform: scale(0.9);
transition: 0.3s;
&.active {
transform: scale(1);
.image {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
// 圆形指示点
&.circular {
/deep/.uni-swiper-dot {
width: 10rpx !important;
height: 10rpx !important;
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .4) !important
/deep/.uni-swiper-dot-active {
background: #fff !important
// 方形指示点
&.square {
/deep/.uni-swiper-dot {
width: 20rpx !important;
height: 5rpx !important;
border-radius: 3rpx;
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .4) !important
/deep/.uni-swiper-dot-active {
background: #fff !important