You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
694 lines
17 KiB
694 lines
17 KiB
5 months ago
<!-- 促销列表 -->
<view class="index-product-wrapper" v-show="!isSortType" :style="[bottomBgColor]">
<view :style="{height:navBdH+'px'}" class="nav-bd-box">
<view class="nav-bd" :class="{
'nav-bd2': dataConfig.styleConfig.tabVal == 1,
'nav-bd3': dataConfig.styleConfig.tabVal == 2,
'nav-bd4': dataConfig.styleConfig.tabVal == 3,
'nav-bd5': dataConfig.styleConfig.tabVal == 4,
}" :style="{
<scroll-view class="scroll-view" scroll-x="true">
<view class="item"
v-for="(item,index) in explosiveMoney" :index="index"
:class="{on: index == ProductNavindex}" @click="ProductNavTab(item,index)">
<view v-if="dataConfig.styleConfig.tabVal == 4" class="image-wrap">
<image :src="item.image" class="image"></image>
<view class="txt" :style="[index == ProductNavindex ? textColor : {}]">{{item.chiild[0].val}}</view>
<view v-if="[1,2].includes(dataConfig.styleConfig.tabVal)" class="line"
:style="[index == ProductNavindex ? lineColor : {}]"></view>
<view class="label" v-if="dataConfig.styleConfig.tabVal == 0 && item.chiild[1].val" :style="[index == ProductNavindex ? decorateColor : {}]">
{{ item.chiild[1].val }}
<goodList v-if="goodDataConfig" :dataConfig="goodDataConfig" @detail="goDetail"></goodList>
// import {
// getProductslist
// } from '@/api/store.js';
import goodList from './goodList.vue';
export default {
name: 'promotionList',
props: {
dataConfig: {
type: Object,
default: () => {}
isSortType: {
type: String | Number,
default: 0
productVideoStatus: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
positionTop: {
type: Number,
default: 0
components: {
data() {
return {
tempArr: [],
iSshowH: false,
ProductNavindex: 0,
explosiveMoney: this.dataConfig.tabConfig.list,
numConfig: this.dataConfig.tabConfig.list[0].numConfig.val,
// imgStyle: this.dataConfig.imgStyle.type,
mbConfig: 0,
themeColor: '',
titleShow: 0, //标题是否显示
opriceShow: 0, //原价是否显示
priceShow: 0, //价格是否显示
couponShow: 0, //优惠券标签是否显示
titleConfig: 0, //标题位置
fontColor: '',
labelColor: '',
txtColor: '',
infoColor: '',
goodType: this.dataConfig.tabConfig.list[0].tabVal,
loadend: false,
loading: false,
limit: this.$config.LIMIT,
page: 1,
canPlay: false,
autoplay: false,
activeValue: this.dataConfig.tabConfig.list[0],
goodDataConfig: null,
sticky: false,
navBdH: 0
computed: {
decorateColor() {
let color = this.dataConfig.decorateColor.color;
let background = `linear-gradient(90deg, ${color[0].item} 0%, ${color[1].item} 100%)`;
if (this.dataConfig.styleConfig.tabVal == 2) {
color = this.dataConfig.decorateColor2.color;
background = color[0].item;
return {
background: background,
return {
background: `linear-gradient(90deg, var(--view-gradient) 0%, var(--view-theme) 100%)`
textColor() {
let color = this.dataConfig.textColor.color[0].item;
let bgColor = this.dataConfig.decorateColor.color;
let background = '';
if ([0,2].includes(this.dataConfig.styleConfig.tabVal)) {
color = this.dataConfig.textColor2.color[0].item;
} else if ([3,4].includes(this.dataConfig.styleConfig.tabVal)) {
color = '#ffffff';
background = `linear-gradient(90deg, ${bgColor[0].item} 0%, ${bgColor[1].item} 100%)`;
} else if (this.dataConfig.styleConfig.tabVal == 1){
color = '#282828'
return {
color: color,
if(this.dataConfig.styleConfig.tabVal == 1){
return {
color: '#282828'
}else if([3,4].includes(this.dataConfig.styleConfig.tabVal)){
return {
background: 'linear-gradient(90deg, var(--view-gradient) 0, var(--view-theme) 100%)',
color: '#ffffff'
return {
color: 'var(--view-theme)'
bottomBgColor() {
return {
padding: `${this.dataConfig.topConfig.val*2}rpx ${this.dataConfig.prConfig.val*2}rpx ${this.dataConfig.bottomConfig.val*2}rpx`,
'margin-top': `${this.dataConfig.mbConfig.val*2}rpx`,
background: this.dataConfig.bottomBgColor.color[0].item,
let diy = this.dataConfig.toneConfig.tabVal;
let type = this.dataConfig.styleConfig.tabVal;
let color = this.dataConfig.decorateColor.color;
let bgColor = `linear-gradient(90deg, ${color[0].item} 0%, ${color[1].item} 100%)`;
if(type == 1){
return {
background: diy ? bgColor : 'linear-gradient(90deg, var(--view-gradient) 0, var(--view-theme) 100%)'
}else if(type == 2){
return {
'border-bottom-color': diy ? this.dataConfig.textColor2.color[0].item : 'var(--view-theme)'
watch: {
activeValue: {
handler(value) {
let that = this;
let type = that.goodType == 0 ? 3 : that.goodType;
let goodDataConfig = {
styleConfig: {
tabVal: 1
goodsList: this.activeValue.goodsList,
brandList: this.activeValue.brandConfig,
classList: {
classVal: this.activeValue.selectConfig.activeValue
goodsLabel: this.activeValue.goodsLabel,
typeConfig: {
activeValue: type
goodsSort: {
tabVal: this.activeValue.goodsSort,
numberConfig: {
val: that.numConfig
bntStyleConfig: this.dataConfig.bntStyleConfig,
cartConfig: this.dataConfig.cartConfig,
bntConfig: this.dataConfig.bntConfig,
filletImg: {
type: 0,
val: 8,
checkboxInfo: {
type: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
toneConfig: {
tabVal: 0,
toneCartConfig: this.dataConfig.toneCartConfig,
bntBgColor: this.dataConfig.bntBgColor,
goodsName: {
tabVal: 1,
goodsNameColor: {
color: [{
item: '#333333'
goodsPriceColor: {
color: [{
item: 'var(--view-theme)'
topConfig: {
val: 0,
prConfig: {
val: 0,
bottomConfig: {
val: 0,
mbConfig: {
val: 0,
bottomBgColor: {
color: [{
item: ''
fillet: {
type: 0,
val: 0,
that.goodDataConfig = goodDataConfig;
immediate: true,
goodType: {
handler(value) {
//value !== undefined && this.getGroomList();
immediate: true
tempArr() {
// #ifndef APP-PLUS
this.$nextTick(() => {
if (this.productVideoStatus) {
success: (res) => {
if (['wifi', 'unknown'].includes(res.networkType)) {
// 监听
if (['2g', '3g', '4g', '5g'].includes(res.networkType)) {
if (this.$ {
// 监听
} else {
// #endif
created() {
// #ifndef APP-PLUS
this.$eventHub.$on('product_video_observe', () => {
// #endif
// this.getGroomList();
let that = this;
let type = that.goodType == 0 ? 3 : that.goodType;
let goodDataConfig = {
styleConfig: {
tabVal: 1
goodsList: this.activeValue.goodsList,
brandList: this.activeValue.brandConfig,
classList: {
classVal: this.activeValue.selectConfig.activeValue
goodsLabel: this.activeValue.goodsLabel,
typeConfig: {
activeValue: type
goodsSort: {
tabVal: this.activeValue.goodsSort,
numberConfig: {
val: that.numConfig
bntStyleConfig: this.dataConfig.bntStyleConfig,
cartConfig: this.dataConfig.cartConfig,
bntConfig: this.dataConfig.bntConfig,
filletImg: {
type: 0,
val: 8,
checkboxInfo: {
type: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
toneConfig: {
tabVal: 0,
toneCartConfig: this.dataConfig.toneCartConfig,
bntBgColor: this.dataConfig.bntBgColor,
goodsName: {
tabVal: 1,
goodsNameColor: {
color: [{
item: '#333333'
goodsPriceColor: {
color: [{
item: 'var(--view-theme)'
topConfig: {
val: 0,
prConfig: {
val: 0,
bottomConfig: {
val: 0,
mbConfig: {
val: 0,
bottomBgColor: {
color: [{
item: ''
fillet: {
type: 0,
val: 0,
that.goodDataConfig = goodDataConfig;
mounted() {
let view = uni.createSelectorQuery().in(this).select(".nav-bd");
let views = uni.createSelectorQuery().in(this).select(".nav-bd-box");
view.boundingClientRect((data) => {
this.navBdH = data.height;
if (!this.dataConfig.slideConfig.tabVal) {
uni.$on('onPageScroll', () => {
views.boundingClientRect((data) => {
this.sticky = <= this.positionTop
methods: {
observeVideo() {
this.autoplay = true;
// let observer = uni.createIntersectionObserver(this, { observeAll: true });
// observer.relativeToViewport().observe('.video', res => {
// if (res.intersectionRatio) {
// console.log('66666666');
// uni.createVideoContext(, this).play();
// } else{
// uni.createVideoContext(, this).pause();
// }
// });
// 促销列表的点击事件;
changeTab(item) {
this.goodType = item.tabVal;
this.activeValue = item;
// this.tempArr = [];
// = 1;
// this.loadend = false;
// let onloadH = true;
// this.getGroomList(onloadH);
// 精品推荐
getGroomList(onloadH) {
let that = this;
let type = that.goodType == 0 ? 3 : that.goodType;
if (that.loadend) return false;
if (that.loading) return false;
if (onloadH) {
that.$set(that, 'iSshowH', true);
let datas = {
limit: this.numConfig
if (type == 1) {
datas.ids = that.activeValue.goodsList.ids.join();
} else if (type == 2) {
datas.brand_id = that.activeValue.brandConfig.brandVal.join();
} else if (type == 3) {
datas.cate_id = that.activeValue.selectConfig.activeValue.join();
} else if (type == 4) {
datas.store_label_id = that.activeValue.goodsLabel.activeValue.join();
}) => {
that.$set(that, 'iSshowH', false);
let maxPage = Math.ceil(this.numConfig / this.limit);
let list = data,
loadend = list.length < that.limit || >= maxPage;
let tempArr = that.$util.SplitArray(list, that.tempArr);
that.$set(that, 'tempArr', tempArr.slice(0, this.numConfig));
that.loadend = loadend;
that.loadTitle = loadend ? '没有更多内容啦~' : '加载更多';
| = + 1;
that.loading = false;
.catch(res => {
that.loading = false;
that.loadTitle = '加载更多';
// 首发新品切换
ProductNavTab(item, index) {
this.ProductNavindex = index;
goDetail(item) {
this.$emit('detail', item);
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