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1071 lines
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1071 lines
26 KiB
5 months ago
<view class='shoppingCart copy-data'>
<view class='nav acea-row row-between-wrapper'>
<view>订单号:<text class='num'>{{ list.order_id }}</text></view>
<navigator class="btn" :url="'/pages/admin/writeRecordList/index?id='+id+'&storeNum='+storeNum" hover-class="none">
核销记录<text class="iconfont icon-ic_rightarrow"></text>
<!-- <view v-if="lets != 1" class='administrate acea-row row-center-wrapper' @click="switchs">切换</view> -->
<!-- <view class='administrate acea-row row-center-wrapper' @click="switchs">切换</view> -->
<view class="content">
<!-- <view class="list_top">共<span class="bluefont">{{ list.total_num }}</span>件<span class="garyfont">(已核销 {{ list.writeoff_count }} 件)</span>
</view> -->
<view class='list'>
<block v-for="(item,index) in list.cart_info" :key="index">
<view class='item acea-row row-between-wrapper' :style="{ opacity: item.is_writeoff ? 0.5: 1 }">
<div class="xuan" @click="dan(item.cart_id,index)">
<view :class="(item.checked || item.is_writeoff)?'iconfont icon-a-ic_CompleteSelect':'iconfont icon-ic_unselect'"></view>
<view class='picTxt acea-row row-between-wrapper'>
<view class='pictrue'>
<image :src="item.cart_info.productInfo.attrInfo?item.cart_info.productInfo.attrInfo.image:item.cart_info.productInfo.image" mode=""></image>
<view class='text'>
<view class="title">
<view class='line1' :class="item.attrStatus?'':'reColor'">
{{ item.cart_info.productInfo.store_name }}
<view v-if="item.is_writeoff == 1" class="txt">已核销</view>
<view v-if="item.is_writeoff == 0 && lists.cart_info[index].surplus_num == lists.cart_info[index].cart_num" class="txt bluecol">未核销</view>
<view v-if="item.is_writeoff == 0 && lists.cart_info[index].surplus_num != lists.cart_info[index].cart_num" class="txt orangcol">
<view class='infor line1'>
属性:{{ item.cart_info.productInfo.attrInfo.suk }}</view>
<view class='money he row-middle'>
<view>¥{{ item.cart_info.productInfo.attrInfo?item.cart_info.productInfo.attrInfo.price:item.cart_info.productInfo.price }}</view>
<view v-if="item.is_writeoff == 1" class="txt">
<view class='carnum acea-row row-center-wrapper'>
<view class="reduce">
<text class="iconfont icon-ic_Reduce"></text>
<view class='nums'>0</view>
<view class="plus">
<text class="iconfont icon-ic_increase"></text>
<view v-else class="txt">
<view class='carnum acea-row row-center-wrapper'>
<view v-if="item.surplus_num_input == 1" class="reduce bggary">
<text class="iconfont icon-ic_Reduce"></text>
<view v-else class="reduce" @click.stop='subCart(item,index)'>
<text class="iconfont icon-ic_Reduce"></text>
<!-- <view class='nums'>{{parseInt(item.surplus_num)}}</view> -->
<input v-model="item.surplus_num_input" class='nums' type="number" @input="numInput(index, $event)" />
<view v-if="item.surplus_num_input == item.surplus_num" class="plus bggary">
<text class="iconfont icon-ic_increase"></text>
<view v-else class="plus" @click.stop='addCart(item,index)'>
<text class="iconfont icon-ic_increase"></text>
<view class='footer acea-row row-between-wrapper'>
<view style="display: flex;" @change="checkboxAllChange">
<!-- <input type="checkbox" @click="checkboxAllChange" v-model="isAllSelect"> -->
<div class="xuan" @click="checkAll" v-model="checked">
<!-- <view class="iconfont icon-duihao dui"></view> -->
<view class="iconfont" :class="checked?'icon-a-ic_CompleteSelect':'icon-ic_unselect'"></view>
<!-- <div v-if="lengt == 0" class="xuan noxuan ">
<view class="iconfont icon-jingyanzhi dui"></view>
</div> -->
<text class='checkAll'>全选</text>
<button class='money' type="primary" @click="verification">{{checked?'一键':'确认'}}核销({{numChecked}})</button>
<view v-if="box">
<view class="box">
<view class="small_box">
<!-- <image src="../../../static/decorate.png" mode=""></image> -->
<view class="content">
<view class="font">核销成功</view>
<view v-if="list.total_num == parseInt(list.writeoff_count)+writeOffNum" class="small_font">当前订单已完成核销</view>
<view v-else class="small_font">该订单仍有其他待核销商品</view>
<view class="acea-row btn-box">
<view v-if="lets == 1 && list.total_num == parseInt(list.writeoff_count)+writeOffNum" class="btn primary" @click="ok(1)">知道了</view>
<navigator v-if="lets > 1 && list.total_num != parseInt(list.writeoff_count)+writeOffNum" :url='"/pages/admin/distribution/scanning/index?code="+attr.code' hover-class='none'
open-type="redirect" class="btn btn_no">返回列表</navigator>
<navigator v-if="(lets > 1 && list.total_num == parseInt(list.writeoff_count)+writeOffNum)||(lets==1&&list.total_num != parseInt(list.writeoff_count)+writeOffNum)"
url="/pages/admin/distribution/index" hover-class='none' open-type="redirect" class="btn btn_no">返回首页</navigator>
<view v-if="list.total_num != parseInt(list.writeoff_count)+writeOffNum" class="btn on" @click="ok(0)">继续核销</view>
<navigator v-if="lets > 1 && list.total_num == parseInt(list.writeoff_count)+writeOffNum" :url='"/pages/admin/distribution/scanning/index?code="+attr.code' open-type="redirect"
hover-class='none' class="btn">核销其他订单</navigator>
<writeOffSwitching ref="writeOff" :attr="attr" :isShow='1' :iSplus='1' :iScart='1' @dataId="onDataId" @myevent="onMyEvent" id='product-window'></writeOffSwitching>
import writeOffSwitching from '../../../components/writeOffSwitching/index.vue';
import {
} from '@/api/admin'
import {
} from 'process';
export default {
components: {
props: {
idss: {
type: Number,
default: 0
code: {
type: String,
default: ''
let: {
type: Number,
default: 0
data() {
return {
nums: [],
newList: [],
reduce_show: -1,
plus_show: -1,
ids: [], //选定需要核销的id
lets: 0, //判断订单的数量
listlet: 0, //判断订单商品的数量
attr: { //切换组件传值
cartAttr: false,
id: [],
code: '',
type: 0
id: 0, //订单ID
list: [],
lists: [],
lengt: 0,
box: false,
checked: false,
checkModel: [],
isAllSelect: false,
data: [{
id: '1',
value: 'aaa'
}, {
id: '2',
value: 'bbb'
}, {
id: '3',
value: 'ccc'
writeOffNum: 0, //每次核销商品数量
auth: 1,
numChecked: 0,
watch: {
checkModel(val) {
if (this.lengt == this.checkModel.length) {
this.checked = true;
} else {
this.checked = false;
onLoad: function(options) {
this.storeNum = parseInt(options.storeNum)
| =
this.attr.code = options.code
this.lets = options.let
this.auth = options.auth
onShow: function() {},
methods: {
numInput(index, event) {
let value = event.detail.value;
// if (parseInt(event.detail.value) > (this.list.cart_info[index].surplus_num + this.nums[index].num)) {
// this.$nextTick(() => {
// this.list.cart_info[index].surplus_num_input = this.list.cart_info[index].surplus_num + this.nums[index].num
// })
// }
if (value) {
value = Number(value);
this.$nextTick(() => {
if (value > this.list.cart_info[index].surplus_num) {
this.list.cart_info[index].surplus_num_input = this.list.cart_info[index].surplus_num;
} else if (value < 1) {
this.list.cart_info[index].surplus_num_input = 1;
let numChecked = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < this.list.cart_info.length; i++) {
if (!this.list.cart_info[i].is_writeoff) {
if (this.list.cart_info[i].checked) {
numChecked = numChecked + Number(this.list.cart_info[i].surplus_num_input)
this.numChecked = numChecked;
num() {
for (let index = 0; index < this.lists.cart_info.length; index++) {
num: 0
subCart(item, index) {
if (item.surplus_num_input == 1) {
this.reduce_show = index;
} else {
let numChecked = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < this.list.cart_info.length; i++) {
if (!this.list.cart_info[i].is_writeoff) {
if (this.list.cart_info[i].checked) {
numChecked = numChecked + this.list.cart_info[i].surplus_num_input
this.numChecked = numChecked;
addCart(item, index) {
if (item.surplus_num_input == item.surplus_num) {
this.plus_show = index;
} else {
let numChecked = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < this.list.cart_info.length; i++) {
if (!this.list.cart_info[i].is_writeoff) {
if (this.list.cart_info[i].checked) {
numChecked = numChecked + this.list.cart_info[i].surplus_num_input
this.numChecked = numChecked;
checkAll() {
var items = this.list.cart_info,
data = [];
if (this.checked) {
this.checkModel = [];
for (var i = 0, lenI = this.list.cart_info.length; i < lenI; ++i) {
const item = items[i]
this.$set(item, 'checked', false)
} else {
this.checkModel = [];
for (var i = 0, lenI = this.list.cart_info.length; i < lenI; ++i) {
const item = items[i]
this.$set(item, 'checked', true)
if (item.is_writeoff == 1) {
this.checkModel = this.checkModel.filter(item => item != item.cart_id)
} else {
this.lengt = this.checkModel.length
let numChecked = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < this.list.cart_info.length; i++) {
if (!this.list.cart_info[i].is_writeoff) {
if (this.list.cart_info[i].checked) {
numChecked = numChecked + Number(this.list.cart_info[i].surplus_num_input)
this.numChecked = numChecked;
dan(id, index) {
if (this.list.cart_info[index].is_writeoff) {
if (this.checkModel.indexOf(id) == -1) {
this.$set(this.list.cart_info[index], 'checked', true)
} else {
this.$set(this.list.cart_info[index], 'checked', false)
this.checkModel = this.checkModel.filter(item => item != id)
// let checked = true;
// for (let i = 0; i < this.cart_info.length; i++) {
// if (!this.cart_info[i].is_writeoff) {
// if (!this.cart_info[i].checked) {
// checked = false;
// }
// }
// }
// this.checked = checked;
let numChecked = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < this.list.cart_info.length; i++) {
if (!this.list.cart_info[i].is_writeoff) {
if (this.list.cart_info[i].checked) {
numChecked = numChecked + Number(this.list.cart_info[i].surplus_num_input)
this.numChecked = numChecked;
getList: function(id) {
oid: id,
auth: this.auth,
}).then(res => {
for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
|[i].surplus_num_input =[i].surplus_num;
this.list =
this.lists = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(
this.listlet =
this.$set(this.attr, 'id',;
onDataId: function(id) {
this.nums.forEach((item) => {
item.num = 0
| = id;
switchs() {
this.attr.cartAttr = true;
onMyEvent() {
this.attr.cartAttr = false;
verification() {
let that = this
let obj = {};
// 将数组转化为对象
for (let key in this.checkModel) {
obj[key] = this.checkModel[key];
let newObj = Object.keys(obj).map(val => ({
cart_id: obj[val],
for (var i = 0; i < newObj.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < this.list.cart_info.length; j++) {
if (newObj[i].cart_id == this.list.cart_info[j].cart_id) {
newObj[i].cart_num = this.list.cart_info[j].surplus_num_input;
this.newList = newObj
if (that.checkModel.length == 0) {
title: '请选择商品'
} else {
title: '加载中',
let num = 0;
newObj.forEach((item) => {
num = num + parseInt(item.cart_num)
this.writeOffNum = num;
setTimeout(function() {
auth: that.auth,
cart_ids: that.newList
}).then(res => {
| = true
}).catch(err => {
title: err
}, 1000);
// 所有订单核销完成
ok(type) {
| = false
this.nums.forEach((item) => {
item.num = 0
if (type) {
url: '/pages/admin/orderDetail/index?id='+this.list.order_id+'&types=3&storeNum='+this.storeNum
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font-size: 26upx;
color: #bbb;
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padding-bottom: env(safe-area-inset-bottom); ///兼容 IOS>11.2/
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// #ifndef H5
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// #endif
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