You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

894 lines
19 KiB

5 months ago
<!-- #ifdef MP || APP -->
<NavBar titleText="配送员" :iconColor="iconColor" :textColor="iconColor" :isScrolling="isScrolling" showBack></NavBar>
<!-- #endif -->
<view class="headerBg"></view>
<view class="order-index">
<view class="header acea-row row-middle">
<image :src="user.avatar" class="avatar"></image>
<view class="text">
<view class="name line1">{{ user.nickname }}</view>
<view class="phone">{{ user.phone }}</view>
<view class="item">
<!-- #ifdef APP-PLUS || MP-WEIXIN -->
<view class="item">
<view class="iconfont icon-ic_Scan ite" @click="to"></view>
<!-- #endif -->
<!-- #ifdef H5 -->
<view v-if="isWeixin" class="item">
<view class="iconfont icon-ic_Scan ite" @click="to"></view>
<!-- #endif -->
<view v-show="footer == 'tongji'" class="">
<view class="wrapper">
<view class="title acea-row row-between row-middle">
<view class="uni-list-cell-db" @click="hiddened">
<picker @change="bindPickerChange" :range="arrays" @cancel="cancel">
<label class="aa">{{array.length && array[index].name}}</label>
<text class='iconfont' :class='hidden==true?"icon-ic_downarrow":"icon-ic_uparrow"'></text>
<view class="tab acea-row">
<view class="box" :class="detailtabs== 'today' ? 'on':''" @click="detailtab('today')">今日</view>
<view class="box" :class="detailtabs== 'yesterday' ? 'on':''" @click="detailtab('yesterday')">昨日</view>
<view class="box" :class="detailtabs== 'month' ? 'on':''" @click="detailtab('month')">本月</view>
<Loading :loaded="loaded" :loading="loading"></Loading>
<view class="list acea-row" v-if="!loading">
<view class="item">
<view class="num">{{ census.unsend || 0 }}</view>
<view class="item">
<view class="num">{{ census.send || 0 }}</view>
<view class="item">
<view class="num">{{ census.send_price || 0 }}</view>
<view class="public-wrapper">
<view class="title">
<view class="uni-list-cell-db" @click="hiddened">
<view class="nav acea-row row-between-wrapper">
<view class="data">日期</view>
<view class="browse">订单数</view>
<view class="turnover">配送金额</view>
<Loading :loaded="loaded" :loading="loading"></Loading>
<view v-if="list.length" class="conter">
<view class="item acea-row row-between-wrapper" v-for="(item, index) in list" :key="index">
<view class="data">{{ item.time }}</view>
<view class="browse">{{ item.count }}</view>
<view class="turnover">¥ {{ item.price }}</view>
<view v-else class="unconter">
<view v-if="!loading">暂无数据</view>
<view v-show="footer == 'list'" class="tongji-index">
<view class="tabbar acea-row">
<view class="item" :class="{ active: type == 1 }">
<view class="text-box"></view>
<view class="item-box"></view>
<view class="inner acea-row row-center row-middle" @click="tab('1')">待配送({{ count.unsend }})</view>
<view class="item" :class="{ active: type == 2 }">
<view class="text-box"></view>
<view class="item-box"></view>
<view class="inner acea-row row-center row-middle" @click="tab('2')">已配送({{ count.send }})</view>
<view class="content">
<view class="item" v-for="(item,index) in orderlist" @click="jump(item.order_id)">
<view class="item-top acea-row row-between row-middle">
<view class="">订单号{{ item.order_id }}</view>
<view style="color: #FF7E00;">{{type == 1?'待配送':'已配送'}}</view>
<view class="item-center acea-row">
<scroll-view v-if="item.cart_id.length > 1" class="goods-section scroll-view" scroll-x="true">
<image v-for="value in item._info" :src="value.cart_info.productInfo.image" class="image"></image>
<view v-else class="goods-section">
<view v-for="value in item._info" class="acea-row">
<image :src="value.cart_info.productInfo.image" class="image"></image>
<view class="name-wrap">
<view class="name line2">{{ value.cart_info.productInfo.store_name }}</view>
<view class="attr line1">{{ value.cart_info.productInfo.attrInfo.suk }}</view>
<view class="money-section">
<baseMoney :money="item.pay_price" symbolSize="20" integerSize="32" decimalSize="20"></baseMoney>
<view class="num">{{ item.total_num }}</view>
<view class="item-bottom acea-row">
<view class="info">{{ item.user_address }}</view>
<emptyPage v-if="!orderlist.length && !loading" title="暂无数据~" src="/statics/images/noOrder.gif"></emptyPage>
<Loading :loaded="loaded" :loading="loading"></Loading>
<view class="footer">
<view class="footer-inner acea-row">
<view class="tab acea-row row-column row-center row-middle" :class="footer == 'list'?'on':''" @click="footerTab('list')">
<image v-if="footer == 'list'" :src="imgHost+'/statics/images/admin-order-menu2.png'" class="image"></image>
<image v-else :src="imgHost+'/statics/images/admin-order-menu1.png'" class="image"></image>
<view class="font">订单列表</view>
<view class="tab acea-row row-column row-center row-middle" :class="footer == 'tongji'?'on':''" @click="footerTab('tongji')">
<image v-if="footer == 'tongji'" :src="imgHost+'/statics/images/admin-order-menu4.png'" class="image"></image>
<image v-else :src="imgHost+'/statics/images/admin-order-menu3.png'" class="image"></image>
<view class="font">数据统计</view>
<view class="safe-area-inset-bottom"></view>
<view class="footer-placeholder"></view>
<view class="safe-area-inset-bottom"></view>
import {
} from "@/api/admin";
import Loading from '@/components/Loading/index.vue';
import emptyPage from '@/components/emptyPage.vue'
// #ifdef MP || APP
import NavBar from '@/components/NavBar.vue';
// #endif
import {
} from '@/config/app';
export default {
name: 'adminOrder',
components: {
// #ifdef MP || APP
// #endif
data() {
return {
hidden: true,
index: 0,
detailtabs: 'today',
footer: 'list',
type: '1',
arrays: [], //展示下拉时的数据
array: [], //下拉时选择的数据
storeInfoid: 0, //下拉时选择的数据ID
census: {},
list: [],
orderlist: [],
count: {},
page: 1,
limit: 15,
loaded: false,
loading: false,
user: {},
ids: '',
verify_code: '',
// #ifdef H5
isWeixin: this.$wechat.isWeixin(),
// #endif
// #ifdef MP || APP
iconColor: '#FFFFFF',
isScrolling: false,
// #endif
onLoad() {
// this.getIndex();
// this.init()
// this.$scroll(this.$refs.container, () => {
// !this.loading && this.getList();
// });
methods: {
userInfo() {
deliveryInfo().then(res => {
this.user = res.data
this.array = res.data.store_info.map(a => a);
this.arrays = res.data.store_info.map(a => a.name);
let obj = {
id: 0,
name: '全部'
getStatistics() {
let data = {
store_id: this.storeInfoid,
data: this.detailtabs
deliveryStatistics(data).then(res => {
this.census = res.data
deliveryLists() {
let data = {
page: this.page,
limit: this.limit,
store_id: this.storeInfoid,
data: this.detailtabs
if (this.loading || this.loaded) return;
this.loading = true
deliveryList(data).then(res => {
this.loading = false
this.loaded = res.data.length < this.limit
this.page += 1
// this.list = res.data
this.list.push.apply(this.list, res.data);
getOrderList() {
if (this.loading || this.loaded) return;
this.loading = true
type: this.type,
page: this.page,
limit: this.limit
}).then(res => {
this.loading = false
this.count = res.data.data
this.loaded = res.data.list.length < this.limit
this.page += 1
let arr = [];
for (let i = 0; i < res.data.list.length; i++) {
arr = [];
for (let j = 0; j < res.data.list[i].user_address.length; j++) {
if (res.data.list[i].user_address[j] != ' ') {
res.data.list[i].user_address = arr.join('');
this.orderlist.push.apply(this.orderlist, res.data.list);
init: function() {
this.orderlist = [];
this.list = [];
this.page = 1;
this.loaded = false;
this.loading = false;
to() {
var self = this;
// #ifdef MP || APP
scanType: ["qrCode", "barCode"],
success(res) {
let path=decodeURIComponent(res.path);
// self.verify_code = res.result
self.verify_code = path.split('code=')[1];
fail(res) {},
// #endif
//#ifdef H5
this.$wechat.wechatEvevt('scanQRCode', {
needResult: 1,
scanType: ["qrCode", "barCode"]
}).then(res => {
let result = res.resultStr;
if (result.includes(',')) {
result = result.split(",")[1]
this.verify_code = result
// 立即核销
codeChange: function() {
let self = this
let ref = /^[0-9]*$/;
if (!this.verify_code) return self.$util.Tips({
title: '请输入核销码'
if (!ref.test(this.verify_code)) return self.$util.Tips({
title: '请输入正确的核销码'
title: '查询中'
setTimeout(() => {
orderWriteoffInfo(2, {
verify_code: self.verify_code,
code_type: 2
}).then(res => {
if (res.status == 200) {
url: './scanning/index?code=' + self.verify_code
} else {
title: res.msg
}).catch(err => {
title: err
}, 800);
footerTab: function(type) {
this.footer = type
if (type == 'tongji') {
if (type == 'list') {
tab(type) {
this.type = type
hiddened: function(e) {
this.hidden = !this.hidden;
cancel: function() {
this.hidden = !this.hidden;
bindPickerChange: function(e) {
this.hidden = !this.hidden;
this.index = e.target.value
this.storeInfoid = this.array[this.index].id
detailtab: function(type) {
this.detailtabs = type
jump: function(id) {
url: 'orderDetail/index?id=' + id
onReachBottom() {
if (this.footer == 'tongji') {
if (this.footer == 'list') {
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