You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
380 lines
12 KiB
380 lines
12 KiB
5 months ago
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2020 All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace app\controller\store\user;
use app\services\store\DeliveryServiceServices;
use think\facade\App;
use app\controller\store\AuthController;
use app\services\store\StoreUserServices;
use app\services\user\UserServices;
use app\services\other\queue\QueueServices;
use app\services\user\label\UserLabelServices;
use app\jobs\BatchHandleJob;
* 门店用户
* Class User
* @package app\controller\store\user
class User extends AuthController
* DeliveryService constructor.
* @param App $app
* @param StoreUserServices $services
public function __construct(App $app, StoreUserServices $services)
$this->services = $services;
* 搜索用户
* @param UserServices $services
* @return mixed
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function search(UserServices $services)
$data = $this->request->getMore([
['keyword', ''],
['field_key', ''],
if ($data['field_key'] == 'all') {
$data['field_key'] = '';
if ($data['field_key'] && in_array($data['field_key'], ['uid', 'phone', 'bar_code'])) {
$where[$data['field_key']] = trim($data['keyword']);
} else {
$where['store_like'] = trim($data['keyword']);
$result = $services->getUserList($where, 'uid,nickname,avatar,phone,now_money,user_type');
$list = $result['list'] ?? [];
$count = $result['count'] ?? 0;
if ($list) {
foreach ($list as &$item) {
if ($item['user_type'] == 'routine') {
$item['user_type'] = '小程序';
} else if ($item['user_type'] == 'wechat') {
$item['user_type'] = '公众号';
} else if ($item['user_type'] == 'h5') {
$item['user_type'] = 'H5';
} else if ($item['user_type'] == 'pc') {
$item['user_type'] = 'PC';
} else if ($item['user_type'] == 'app') {
$item['user_type'] = 'APP';
} else $item['user_type'] = '其他';
return app('json')->success(compact('list', 'count'));
* 显示资源列表
* @return \think\Response
public function index()
$where = $this->request->getMore([
['page', 1],
['limit', 20],
['nickname', ''],
['status', ''],
['pay_count', ''],
['is_promoter', ''],
['order', ''],
['data', ''],
['user_type', ''],
['country', ''],
['province', ''],
['city', ''],
['user_time_type', ''],
['user_time', ''],
['sex', ''],
[['level', 0], 0],
[['group_id', 'd'], 0],
[['label_id', 'd'], 0],
['now_money', 'normal'],
['field_key', ''],
['isMember', '']
return app('json')->success($this->services->index($where, $this->storeId));
* 显示创建资源表单页.
* @return \think\Response
public function create()
return app('json')->success($this->services->saveForm());
* 保存新建的资源
* @param \think\Request $request
* @return \think\Response
public function save()
$data = $this->request->postMore([
['is_promoter', 0],
['real_name', ''],
['card_id', ''],
['birthday', ''],
['mark', ''],
['status', 0],
['level', 0],
['phone', 0],
['addres', ''],
['label_id', []],
['group_id', 0],
['pwd', ''],
['true_pwd', ''],
['spread_open', 1]
if ($data['phone']) {
if (!check_phone($data['phone'])) {
return app('json')->fail('手机号码格式不正确');
if ($this->services->count(['phone' => $data['phone']])) {
return app('json')->fail('手机号已经存在不能添加相同的手机号用户');
$data['nickname'] = substr_replace($data['phone'], '****', 3, 4);
if ($data['card_id']) {
try {
if (!check_card($data['card_id'])) return app('json')->fail('请输入正确的身份证');
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
// return app('json')->fail('请输入正确的身份证');
if ($data['pwd']) {
if (!$data['true_pwd']) {
return app('json')->fail('请输入确认密码');
if ($data['pwd'] != $data['true_pwd']) {
return app('json')->fail('两次输入的密码不一致');
$data['pwd'] = md5($data['pwd']);
} else {
$data['avatar'] = sys_config('h5_avatar');
$data['adminId'] = $this->adminId;
$data['user_type'] = 'h5';
$lables = $data['label_id'];
foreach ($lables as $k => $v) {
if (!$v) {
$data['birthday'] = empty($data['birthday']) ? 0 : strtotime($data['birthday']);
$data['add_time'] = time();
$this->services->transaction(function () use ($data, $lables) {
$res = true;
$userInfo = $this->services->save($data);
if ($lables) {
$res = $this->services->saveSetLabel([$userInfo->uid], $lables);
if ($data['level']) {
$res = $this->services->saveGiveLevel((int)$userInfo->uid, (int)$data['level']);
event('user.register', [$this->services->get((int)$userInfo->uid), true, 0]);
return app('json')->success('添加成功');
* 显示指定的资源
* @param int $id
* @param UserServices $services
* @return \think\Response
public function read($id, UserServices $services)
return app('json')->success($services->read((int)$id));
* 设置用户标签表单
* @param UserServices $services
* @return mixed
public function set_label(UserServices $services)
[$uids, $all, $where] = $this->request->postMore([
['uids', []],
['all', 0],
['where', ""],
], true);
return app('json')->success($services->setLabel($uids, $all, $where, 1, (int)$this->storeId));
* 批量设置用户标签
* @return mixed
public function save_set_label()
[$lables, $uids, $all, $where] = $this->request->postMore([
['label_id', []],
['uids', ''],
['all', 0],
['where', ""],
], true);
if (!$uids && $all == 0) return app('json')->fail('缺少参数');
if (!$lables || (count($lables) == 1 && !$lables[0])) return app('json')->fail('请选择标签');
if ($all == 0) {
$uids = explode(',', $uids);
$where = [];
if ($all == 1) {
$uids = [];
$where = $where ? json_decode($where, true) : [];
/** @var UserLabelServices $userLabelServices */
$userLabelServices = app()->make(UserLabelServices::class);
$count = $userLabelServices->getCount([['id', 'IN', $lables]]);
if ($count != count($lables)) {
return app('json')->fail('有用户标签不存在或被删除');
$type = 3;//批量设置用户标签
/** @var QueueServices $queueService */
$queueService = app()->make(QueueServices::class);
$queueService->setQueueData($where, 'uid', $uids, $type, $lables);
BatchHandleJob::dispatch([$lables, $type, ['store_id' => $this->storeId]]);
return app('json')->success('后台程序已执行批量设置用户标签任务!');
* 编辑其他
* @param $id
* @return mixed
* @throws \FormBuilder\Exception\FormBuilderException
public function edit_other($id)
if (!$id) return app('json')->fail('数据不存在');
return app('json')->success($this->services->editOther((int)$id));
* 执行编辑其他
* @param int $id
* @return mixed
public function update_other($id)
$data = $this->request->postMore([
['money_status', 0],
['money', 0],
['integration_status', 0],
['integration', 0],
if (!$id) return app('json')->fail('数据不存在');
$data['adminId'] = $this->adminId;
$data['money'] = (string)$data['money'];
$data['integration'] = (string)$data['integration'];
$data['is_other'] = true;
return app('json')->success($this->services->updateInfo($id, $data) ? '修改成功' : '修改失败');
* 编辑会员信息
* @param $id
* @return mixed|\think\response\Json|void
public function edit($id)
if (!$id) return app('json')->fail('数据不存在');
return app('json')->success($this->services->edit($id));
public function update($id)
$data = $this->request->postMore([
['money_status', 0],
['is_promoter', 0],
['real_name', ''],
['card_id', ''],
['birthday', ''],
['mark', ''],
['money', 0],
['integration_status', 0],
['integration', 0],
['status', 0],
['level', 0],
['phone', 0],
['addres', ''],
['label_id', ''],
['group_id', 0],
['pwd', ''],
['spread_open', 1]
if ($data['phone']) {
if (!check_phone($data['phone'])) return app('json')->fail('手机号码格式不正确');
if ($data['card_id']) {
try {
if (!check_card($data['card_id'])) return app('json')->fail('请输入正确的身份证');
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
// return app('json')->fail('请输入正确的身份证');
if ($data['pwd']) {
if (!$data['true_pwd']) {
return app('json')->fail('请输入确认密码');
if ($data['pwd'] != $data['true_pwd']) {
return app('json')->fail('两次输入的密码不一致');
$data['pwd'] = md5($data['pwd']);
} else {
if (!$id) return app('json')->fail('数据不存在');
$data['adminId'] = $this->adminId;
$data['money'] = (string)$data['money'];
$data['integration'] = (string)$data['integration'];
return app('json')->success($this->services->updateInfo($id, $data) ? '修改成功' : '修改失败');
* 获取单个用户信息
* @param $id 用户id
* @param UserServices $services
* @return mixed
public function oneUserInfo($id, UserServices $services)
$data = $this->request->getMore([
['type', ''],
$id = (int)$id;
if ($data['type'] == '') return app('json')->fail('缺少参数');
return app('json')->success($services->oneUserInfo($id, $data['type']));