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416 lines
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416 lines
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3 months ago
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2020 All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace app\services\agent;
use app\dao\agent\AgentLevelDao;
use app\services\BaseServices;
use app\services\order\StoreOrderServices;
use app\services\user\UserBrokerageServices;
use app\services\user\UserExtractServices;
use app\services\user\UserServices;
use app\services\user\UserSpreadServices;
use crmeb\exceptions\AdminException;
use crmeb\services\FormBuilder as Form;
use FormBuilder\Factory\Iview;
use think\exception\ValidateException;
use think\facade\Route as Url;
* 分销等级
* Class AgentLevelServices
* @package app\services\agent
* @mixin AgentLevelDao
class AgentLevelServices extends BaseServices
* AgentLevelServices constructor.
* @param AgentLevelDao $dao
public function __construct(AgentLevelDao $dao)
$this->dao = $dao;
* 获取某一个等级信息
* @param int $id
* @param string $field
* @param array $with
* @return array|\think\Model|null
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function getLevelInfo(int $id, string $field = '*', array $with = [])
return $this->dao->getOne(['id' => $id, 'is_del' => 0], $field, $with);
* 获取等级列表
* @param array $where
* @return array
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function getLevelList(array $where)
$where['is_del'] = 0;
[$page, $limit] = $this->getPageValue();
$count = $this->dao->count($where);
$list = [];
if ($count) {
$list = $this->dao->getList($where, '*', ['task' => function ($query) {
$query->field('count(*) as sum');
}], $page, $limit);
$store_brokerage_ratio = sys_config('store_brokerage_ratio');
$store_brokerage_two = sys_config('store_brokerage_two');
foreach ($list as &$item) {
$item['one_brokerage_ratio'] = $this->compoteBrokerage($store_brokerage_ratio, $item['one_brokerage']);
$item['two_brokerage_ratio'] = $this->compoteBrokerage($store_brokerage_two, $item['two_brokerage']);
return compact('count', 'list');
* 商城获取分销员等级列表
* @param int $uid
* @return array
public function getUserlevelList(int $uid)
if (!sys_config('brokerage_func_status')) {
return [];
/** @var UserServices $userServices */
$userServices = app()->make(UserServices::class);
$user = $userServices->getUserCacheInfo($uid);
if (!$user) {
throw new ValidateException('没有此用户');
try {
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
$list = $this->dao->getList(['is_del' => 0, 'status' => 1]);
$agent_level = $user['agent_level'] ?? 0;
if (!$agent_level) {
$levelInfo = [];
} else {
$levelInfo = $this->getLevelInfo($agent_level) ?: [];
$sum_task = $finish_task = 0;
if ($levelInfo) {
/** @var AgentLevelTaskServices $levelTaskServices */
$levelTaskServices = app()->make(AgentLevelTaskServices::class);
$sum_task = $levelTaskServices->count(['level_id' => $levelInfo['id'], 'is_del' => 0, 'status' => 1]);
/** @var AgentLevelTaskRecordServices $levelTaskRecordServices */
$levelTaskRecordServices = app()->make(AgentLevelTaskRecordServices::class);
$finish_task = $levelTaskRecordServices->count(['level_id' => $levelInfo['id'], 'uid' => $uid]);
$levelInfo['sum_task'] = $sum_task;
$levelInfo['finish_task'] = $finish_task;
/** @var StoreOrderServices $orderServices */
$orderServices = app()->make(StoreOrderServices::class);
$user['spread_order_count'] = $orderServices->count(['type' => 0, 'paid' => 1, 'refund_status' => [0, 3], 'is_del' => 0, 'is_system_del' => 0, 'spread_or_uid' => $uid]);
/** @var UserBrokerageServices $userBrokerageServices */
$userBrokerageServices = app()->make(UserBrokerageServices::class);
$user['broken_commission'] = $userBrokerageServices->getUserFrozenPrice($uid);
$user['commissionCount'] = bcsub($user['brokerage_price'], $user['broken_commission'], 2);
$whereType = [['type', 'in', ['self_brokerage', 'one_brokerage', 'two_brokerage', 'brokerage_user']]];
$brokerage = $userBrokerageServices->sum($whereType + ['uid' => $uid, 'pm' => 1], 'number', true);
$refund = $userBrokerageServices->sum(['uid' => $uid, 'pm' => 0, 'type' => 'refund'], 'number', true);
$user['accumulate'] = bcsub((string)$brokerage, (string)$refund, 2);
$user['position_count'] = $userBrokerageServices->getUserBrokerageRank($uid, 'week')['position'] ?? 0;
$startTime = strtotime('this week Monday');
$endTime = time();
$field = 'spread_uid,count(uid) AS count,spread_time';
/** @var UserSpreadServices $userSpreadServices */
$userSpreadServices = app()->make(UserSpreadServices::class);
$rankList = $userSpreadServices->getAgentRankList([$startTime, $endTime], $field);
$rank = 0;
if ($rankList) {
$key = array_search($uid, array_column($rankList, 'spread_uid'));
if ($key !== false) {
$rank = (int)$key + 1;
foreach ($rankList as $key => $item) {
if ($item['spread_uid'] == $uid) $rank = $key + 1;
$user['rank_count'] = $rank;
$user['spread_count'] = $userServices->count(['spread_uid' => $uid]);
/** @var UserExtractServices $extractService */
$extractService = app()->make(UserExtractServices::class);
$user['extract_price'] = $extractService->sum(['uid' => $uid, 'status' => 1], 'extract_price');
return ['user' => $user, 'level_list' => $list, 'level_info' => $levelInfo];
* 检测用户是否能升级
* @param int $uid
* @param array $uids
* @return bool
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function checkUserLevelFinish(int $uid, array $uids = [])
if (!sys_config('brokerage_func_status')) {
return false;
/** @var UserServices $userServices */
$userServices = app()->make(UserServices::class);
$userInfo = $userServices->getUserCacheInfo($uid);
if (!$userInfo) {
return false;
$list = $this->dao->getList(['is_del' => 0, 'status' => 1]);
if (!$list) {
return false;
if (!$uids) {
//获取上级uid || 开启自购返回自己uid
$spread_uid = $userServices->getSpreadUid($uid, $userInfo);
$two_spread_uid = 0;
if ($spread_uid > 0 && $one_user_info = $userServices->getUserCacheInfo($spread_uid)) {
$two_spread_uid = $userServices->getSpreadUid($spread_uid, $one_user_info, false);
$uids = array_unique([$uid, $spread_uid, $two_spread_uid]);
foreach ($uids as $uid) {
if ($uid <= 0) continue;
if ($uid != $userInfo['uid']) {
$userInfo = $userServices->getUserCacheInfo($uid);
if (!$userInfo)
$now_grade = 0;
if ($userInfo['agent_level']) {
$now_grade = $this->dao->value(['id' => $userInfo['agent_level']], 'grade') ?: 0;
foreach ($list as $levelInfo) {
if (!$levelInfo || $levelInfo['grade'] <= $now_grade) {
/** @var AgentLevelTaskServices $levelTaskServices */
$levelTaskServices = app()->make(AgentLevelTaskServices::class);
$task_list = $levelTaskServices->getTaskList(['level_id' => $levelInfo['id'], 'is_del' => 0, 'status' => 1]);
if (!$task_list) {
foreach ($task_list as $task) {
$levelTaskServices->checkLevelTaskFinish($uid, (int)$task['id'], $task);
/** @var AgentLevelTaskRecordServices $levelTaskRecordServices */
$levelTaskRecordServices = app()->make(AgentLevelTaskRecordServices::class);
$ids = array_column($task_list, 'id');
$finish_task = $levelTaskRecordServices->count(['level_id' => $levelInfo['id'], 'uid' => $uid, 'task_id' => $ids]);
if ($finish_task >= count($task_list)) {
$userServices->update($uid, ['agent_level' => $levelInfo['id']]);
} else {
return true;
* 分销等级上浮
* @param int $uid
* @param array $userInfo
* @return array|int[]
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function getAgentLevelBrokerage(int $uid, $userInfo = [])
$one_brokerage_up = $two_brokerage_up = $spread_uid = $spread_two_uid = 0;
$data = [$one_brokerage_up, $two_brokerage_up, $spread_uid, $spread_two_uid];
if (!$uid) {
return $data;
if (!sys_config('brokerage_func_status')) {
return $data;
/** @var UserServices $userServices */
$userServices = app()->make(UserServices::class);
if (!$userInfo) {
$userInfo = $userServices->getUserCacheInfo($uid);
if (!$userInfo) {
return $data;
//获取上级uid || 开启自购返回自己uid
$spread_uid = $userServices->getSpreadUid($uid, $userInfo);
$one_agent_level = 0;
$two_agent_level = 0;;
if ($spread_uid > 0 && $one_user_info = $userServices->getUserInfo($spread_uid)) {
$one_agent_level = $one_user_info['agent_level'] ?? 0;
$spread_two_uid = $userServices->getSpreadUid($spread_uid, $one_user_info, false);
if ($spread_two_uid > 0 && $two_user_info = $userServices->getUserInfo($spread_two_uid)) {
$two_agent_level = $two_user_info['agent_level'] ?? 0;
$one_brokerage_up = $one_agent_level ? ($this->getLevelInfo($one_agent_level)['one_brokerage'] ?? 0) : 0;
$two_brokerage_up = $two_agent_level ? ($this->getLevelInfo($two_agent_level)['two_brokerage'] ?? 0) : 0;
return [$one_brokerage_up, $two_brokerage_up, $spread_uid, $spread_two_uid];
* 计算一二级返佣比率上浮
* @param $ratio
* @param $brokerage
* @return int|string
public function compoteBrokerage($ratio, $brokerage)
if (!$ratio) {
return 0;
$brokerage = bcdiv((string)$brokerage, '100', 4);
if ($brokerage) {
return bcmul((string)$ratio, bcadd('1', (string)$brokerage, 4), 2);
return $brokerage;
* 添加等级表单
* @param int $id
* @return array
* @throws \FormBuilder\Exception\FormBuilderException
public function createForm()
$store_brokerage_ratio = sys_config('store_brokerage_ratio');
$store_brokerage_two = sys_config('store_brokerage_two');
$field[] = Form::input('name', '等级名称')->col(24);
$field[] = Form::number('grade', '等级', 0)->min(0)->precision(0);
$field[] = Form::frameImage('image', '背景图', Url::buildUrl('admin/widget.images/index', array('fodder' => 'image')))->icon('ios-add')->width('960px')->height('505px')->modal(['footer-hide' => true])->appendValidate(Iview::validateStr()->required()->message('请选择背景图'));
$field[] = Form::color('color', '字体颜色')->required('请选择字体颜色');
$field[] = Form::number('one_brokerage', '一级上浮', 0)->info('在分销一级佣金基础上浮(0-1000之间整数)百分比,目前一级返佣比率:' . $store_brokerage_ratio . '%,例如上浮10%,则返佣比率:一级返佣比率 * (1 + 一级上浮比率) = ' . $this->compoteBrokerage($store_brokerage_ratio, 10) . '%')->min(0)->max(1000);
$field[] = Form::number('two_brokerage', '二级上浮', 0)->info('在分销二级佣金基础上浮(0-1000之间整数)百分比,目前二级返佣比率:' . $store_brokerage_two . '%,例如上浮10%,则返佣比率:二级返佣比率 * (1 + 二级上浮比率) = ' . $this->compoteBrokerage($store_brokerage_two, 10) . '%')->min(0)->max(1000);
$field[] = Form::radio('status', '是否显示', 1)->options([['value' => 1, 'label' => '显示'], ['value' => 0, 'label' => '隐藏']]);
return create_form('添加分销员等级', $field, Url::buildUrl('/agent/level'), 'POST');
* 获取修改等级表单
* @param int $id
* @return array
* @throws \FormBuilder\Exception\FormBuilderException
public function editForm(int $id)
$store_brokerage_ratio = sys_config('store_brokerage_ratio');
$store_brokerage_two = sys_config('store_brokerage_two');
$levelInfo = $this->getLevelInfo($id);
if (!$levelInfo)
throw new AdminException('数据不存在');
$field = [];
$field[] = Form::hidden('id', $id);
$field[] = Form::input('name', '等级名称', $levelInfo['name'])->col(24);
$field[] = Form::number('grade', '等级', $levelInfo['grade'])->min(0)->precision(0);
$field[] = Form::frameImage('image', '背景图', Url::buildUrl('admin/widget.images/index', array('fodder' => 'image')), $levelInfo['image'])->icon('ios-add')->width('960px')->height('505px')->modal(['footer-hide' => true])->appendValidate(Iview::validateStr()->required()->message('请选择背景图'));
$field[] = Form::color('color', '字体颜色', $levelInfo['color'] ?? '')->required('请选择字体颜色');
$field[] = Form::number('one_brokerage', '一级上浮', $levelInfo['one_brokerage'])->info('在分销一级佣金基础上浮(0-1000之间整数)百分比,目前一级返佣比率:' . $store_brokerage_ratio . '%,上浮' . $levelInfo['one_brokerage'] . '%,则返佣比率:一级返佣比率 * (1 + 一级上浮比率) = ' . $this->compoteBrokerage($store_brokerage_ratio, $levelInfo['one_brokerage']) . '%')->min(0)->max(1000);
$field[] = Form::number('two_brokerage', '二级上浮', $levelInfo['two_brokerage'])->info('在分销二级佣金基础上浮(0-1000之间整数)百分比,目前二级返佣比率:' . $store_brokerage_two . '%,上浮' . $levelInfo['two_brokerage'] . '%,则返佣比率:二级返佣比率 * (1 + 二级上浮比率) = ' . $this->compoteBrokerage($store_brokerage_two, $levelInfo['two_brokerage']) . '%')->min(0)->max(1000);
$field[] = Form::radio('status', '是否显示', $levelInfo['status'])->options([['value' => 1, 'label' => '显示'], ['value' => 0, 'label' => '隐藏']]);
return create_form('编辑分销员等级', $field, Url::buildUrl('/agent/level/' . $id), 'PUT');
* 赠送分销等级表单
* @param int $uid
* @return array
* @throws \FormBuilder\Exception\FormBuilderException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function levelForm(int $uid)
/** @var UserServices $userServices */
$userServices = app()->make(UserServices::class);
$userInfo = $userServices->getUserInfo($uid);
if (!$userInfo) {
throw new AdminException('分销员不存在');
$levelList = $this->dao->getList(['is_del' => 0, 'status' => 1]);
$setOptionLabel = function () use ($levelList) {
$menus = [];
foreach ($levelList as $level) {
$menus[] = ['value' => $level['id'], 'label' => $level['name']];
return $menus;
$field[] = Form::hidden('uid', $uid);
$field[] = Form::select('id', '分销等级', $userInfo['agent_level'] ?? 0)->setOptions(Form::setOptions($setOptionLabel))->filterable(true);
return create_form('赠送分销等级', $field, Url::buildUrl('/agent/give_level'), 'post');
* 赠送分销等级
* @param int $uid
* @param int $id
* @return bool
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function givelevel(int $uid, int $id)
/** @var UserServices $userServices */
$userServices = app()->make(UserServices::class);
$userInfo = $userServices->getUserInfo($uid);
if (!$userInfo) {
throw new AdminException('分销员不存在');
$levelInfo = $this->getLevelInfo($id);
if (!$levelInfo) {
throw new AdminException('分销等级不存在');
if ($userServices->update($uid, ['agent_level' => $id]) === false) {
throw new AdminException('赠送失败');
return true;