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131 lines
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5 months ago
var setupDefaults = require('./setupDefaults')
var helperStringUpperCase = require('./helperStringUpperCase')
var helperGetDateFullYear = require('./helperGetDateFullYear')
var helperGetDateMonth = require('./helperGetDateMonth')
var toStringDate = require('./toStringDate')
var getYearWeek = require('./getYearWeek')
var getYearDay = require('./getYearDay')
var assign = require('./assign')
var isValidDate = require('./isValidDate')
var isFunction = require('./isFunction')
var padStart = require('./padStart')
function handleCustomTemplate (date, formats, match, value) {
var format = formats[match]
if (format) {
if (isFunction(format)) {
return format(value, match, date)
} else {
return format[value]
return value
var dateFormatRE = /\[([^\]]+)]|y{2,4}|M{1,2}|d{1,2}|H{1,2}|h{1,2}|m{1,2}|s{1,2}|S{1,3}|Z{1,2}|W{1,2}|D{1,3}|[aAeEq]/g
* 日期格式化为字符串,转义符号 []
* @param {Date} date 日期或数字
* @param {String} format 输出日期格式(年份(yy|yyyy)、月份(M|MM自动补0)、天(d|dd自动补0)、12小时制(h|hh自动补0)、24小时制(H|HH自动补0)、分钟(m|mm自动补0)、秒(s|ss自动补0)、毫秒(S|SSS自动补0)、D当年的第几天、a/A上午下午、e/E星期几、w当年的第几周、W当月的第几周、q当年第几个季度、Z时区)
* @param {Object} options {formats: {q: ['日', '一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六'], E: function (value, match, date) {return '三'}, }} 自定义格式化模板
* @return {String}
function toDateString (date, format, options) {
if (date) {
date = toStringDate(date)
if (isValidDate(date)) {
var result = format || setupDefaults.parseDateFormat || setupDefaults.formatString
var hours = date.getHours()
var apm = hours < 12 ? 'am' : 'pm'
var formats = assign({}, setupDefaults.parseDateRules || setupDefaults.formatStringMatchs, options ? options.formats : null)
var fy = function (match, length) {
return ('' + helperGetDateFullYear(date)).substr(4 - length)
var fM = function (match, length) {
return padStart(helperGetDateMonth(date) + 1, length, '0')
var fd = function (match, length) {
return padStart(date.getDate(), length, '0')
var fH = function (match, length) {
return padStart(hours, length, '0')
var fh = function (match, length) {
return padStart(hours <= 12 ? hours : hours - 12, length, '0')
var fm = function (match, length) {
return padStart(date.getMinutes(), length, '0')
var fs = function (match, length) {
return padStart(date.getSeconds(), length, '0')
var fS = function (match, length) {
return padStart(date.getMilliseconds(), length, '0')
var fZ = function (match, length) {
var zoneHours = date.getTimezoneOffset() / 60 * -1
return handleCustomTemplate(date, formats, match, (zoneHours >= 0 ? '+' : '-') + padStart(zoneHours, 2, '0') + (length === 1 ? ':' : '') + '00')
var fW = function (match, length) {
return padStart(handleCustomTemplate(date, formats, match, getYearWeek(date, (options ? options.firstDay : null) || setupDefaults.firstDayOfWeek)), length, '0')
var fD = function (match, length) {
return padStart(handleCustomTemplate(date, formats, match, getYearDay(date)), length, '0')
var parseDates = {
yyyy: fy,
yy: fy,
MM: fM,
M: fM,
dd: fd,
d: fd,
HH: fH,
H: fH,
hh: fh,
h: fh,
mm: fm,
m: fm,
ss: fs,
s: fs,
SSS: fS,
S: fS,
ZZ: fZ,
Z: fZ,
WW: fW,
W: fW,
DDD: fD,
D: fD,
a: function (match) {
return handleCustomTemplate(date, formats, match, apm)
A: function (match) {
return handleCustomTemplate(date, formats, match, helperStringUpperCase(apm))
e: function (match) {
return handleCustomTemplate(date, formats, match, date.getDay())
E: function (match) {
return handleCustomTemplate(date, formats, match, date.getDay())
q: function (match) {
return handleCustomTemplate(date, formats, match, Math.floor((helperGetDateMonth(date) + 3) / 3))
return result.replace(dateFormatRE, function (match, skip) {
return skip || (parseDates[match] ? parseDates[match](match, match.length) : match)
return 'Invalid Date'
return ''
module.exports = toDateString