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5 months ago
OSS is a [node.js](http://nodejs.org) SDK and Command-Line Tool for [Aliyun OSS](http://www.aliyun.com/product?type=oss)
#Support API
+ service operation
+ bucket operation
+ object operation
+ multipart upload operation
+ object group operation
more api infomations you can see [oss_api](http://storage.aliyun.com/aliyun_portal_storage/oss_api/OSS_API.zip)
npm install oss
all api functions have the same style as showed below
var oss = require('oss');
var client = new oss({
accessId : xxx,
accessKey xxx:
var options = {
bucket : "test"
if(err) throw err;
// operation result
you can configue the options object to make your oss request , it is really simple !!!
#Command Line
first you must configure the key.js file to add your access_id and access_key
then put oss/bin/ to your system PATH then you can use oss command line directly
type oss -h you can get the help infomation showed below
Usage: oss [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-v, --version output the version number
-p, --putbucket create a new bucket
-l, --listbucket list buckets
-s, --setacl set bucket acl
-L, --listobject list objects
-g, --getacl get bucket acl
-d, --deletebucket delete bucket
-P, --putobject simple put object to oss
-G, --getobject get object from oss to local dstFile
-C, --copyobject copy object in oss
-H, --headobject get object meta info
-D, --deleteobject delete object in oss
-x, --deleteobjects delete objects in oss
-m, --multiputobject multipart upload object to oss
-S, --listmultiput list multipart uploads
-n, --group post object group
-u, --uploaddir upload local dir files to a oss dir in a bucket
-U, --syncdir sync local dir files to a oss dir in a bucket
-c, --copyright show oss command line copyright
you can visit test file to get more examples
#Some Features
+ compress upload
when put object you can set options gzip : true to use compress upload
oss.put_object( { bucket : "fni_te", object : "node-demos.tar.gz" , srcFile : "/home/fantasyni/node-demos.tar.gz" ,gzip : true},function(err,results){
if(err) throw err;
+ upload_objects_by_dir
you can upload local dir files to oss
local dir path support relative path and absolute path of course
oss.upload_objects_by_dir({ bucket:"fni_oss1", ossDir:"test3", local:"." },function(err,results){
+ sync_local_dir
similar to upload_objects_by_dir the differene is the dir will also be created in oss
oss.sync_local_dir({ bucket:"fni_oss1", ossDir:"test2", local:"." },function(err,results){