You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
613 lines
24 KiB
613 lines
24 KiB
5 months ago
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
var _keys = require("babel-runtime/core-js/object/keys");
var _keys2 = _interopRequireDefault(_keys);
var _create = require("babel-runtime/core-js/object/create");
var _create2 = _interopRequireDefault(_create);
var _getIterator2 = require("babel-runtime/core-js/get-iterator");
var _getIterator3 = _interopRequireDefault(_getIterator2);
var _symbol = require("babel-runtime/core-js/symbol");
var _symbol2 = _interopRequireDefault(_symbol);
exports.default = function () {
var REASSIGN_REMAP_SKIP = (0, _symbol2.default)();
var reassignmentVisitor = {
ReferencedIdentifier: function ReferencedIdentifier(path) {
var name =;
var remap = this.remaps[name];
if (!remap) return;
if (this.scope.getBinding(name) !== path.scope.getBinding(name)) return;
var replacement = t.cloneDeep(remap);
replacement.loc = path.node.loc;
if (path.parentPath.isCallExpression({ callee: path.node })) {
path.replaceWith(t.sequenceExpression([t.numericLiteral(0), replacement]));
} else if (path.isJSXIdentifier() && t.isMemberExpression(replacement)) {
var object = replacement.object,
property =;
path.replaceWith(t.JSXMemberExpression(t.JSXIdentifier(, t.JSXIdentifier(;
} else {
AssignmentExpression: function AssignmentExpression(path) {
var node = path.node;
if (node[REASSIGN_REMAP_SKIP]) return;
var left = path.get("left");
if (left.isIdentifier()) {
var name =;
var exports = this.exports[name];
if (!exports) return;
if (this.scope.getBinding(name) !== path.scope.getBinding(name)) return;
for (var _iterator = exports, _isArray = Array.isArray(_iterator), _i = 0, _iterator = _isArray ? _iterator : (0, _getIterator3.default)(_iterator);;) {
var _ref;
if (_isArray) {
if (_i >= _iterator.length) break;
_ref = _iterator[_i++];
} else {
_i =;
if (_i.done) break;
_ref = _i.value;
var reid = _ref;
node = buildExportsAssignment(reid, node).expression;
} else if (left.isObjectPattern()) {
for (var _iterator2 =, _isArray2 = Array.isArray(_iterator2), _i2 = 0, _iterator2 = _isArray2 ? _iterator2 : (0, _getIterator3.default)(_iterator2);;) {
var _ref2;
if (_isArray2) {
if (_i2 >= _iterator2.length) break;
_ref2 = _iterator2[_i2++];
} else {
_i2 =;
if (_i2.done) break;
_ref2 = _i2.value;
var property = _ref2;
var _name =;
var _exports = this.exports[_name];
if (!_exports) continue;
if (this.scope.getBinding(_name) !== path.scope.getBinding(_name)) return;
path.insertAfter(buildExportsAssignment(t.identifier(_name), t.identifier(_name)));
} else if (left.isArrayPattern()) {
for (var _iterator3 = left.node.elements, _isArray3 = Array.isArray(_iterator3), _i3 = 0, _iterator3 = _isArray3 ? _iterator3 : (0, _getIterator3.default)(_iterator3);;) {
var _ref3;
if (_isArray3) {
if (_i3 >= _iterator3.length) break;
_ref3 = _iterator3[_i3++];
} else {
_i3 =;
if (_i3.done) break;
_ref3 = _i3.value;
var element = _ref3;
if (!element) continue;
var _name2 =;
var _exports2 = this.exports[_name2];
if (!_exports2) continue;
if (this.scope.getBinding(_name2) !== path.scope.getBinding(_name2)) return;
path.insertAfter(buildExportsAssignment(t.identifier(_name2), t.identifier(_name2)));
UpdateExpression: function UpdateExpression(path) {
var arg = path.get("argument");
if (!arg.isIdentifier()) return;
var name =;
var exports = this.exports[name];
if (!exports) return;
if (this.scope.getBinding(name) !== path.scope.getBinding(name)) return;
var node = t.assignmentExpression(path.node.operator[0] + "=", arg.node, t.numericLiteral(1));
if (path.parentPath.isExpressionStatement() && !path.isCompletionRecord() || path.node.prefix) {
var nodes = [];
var operator = void 0;
if (path.node.operator === "--") {
operator = "+";
} else {
operator = "-";
nodes.push(t.binaryExpression(operator, arg.node, t.numericLiteral(1)));
return {
inherits: _babelPluginTransformStrictMode2.default,
visitor: {
ThisExpression: function ThisExpression(path, state) {
if (this.ranCommonJS) return;
if (state.opts.allowTopLevelThis !== true && !path.findParent(function (path) {
return !"shadow") && THIS_BREAK_KEYS.indexOf(path.type) >= 0;
})) {
Program: {
exit: function exit(path) {
this.ranCommonJS = true;
var strict = !!this.opts.strict;
var noInterop = !!this.opts.noInterop;
var scope = path.scope;
var hasExports = false;
var hasImports = false;
var body = path.get("body");
var imports = (0, _create2.default)(null);
var exports = (0, _create2.default)(null);
var nonHoistedExportNames = (0, _create2.default)(null);
var topNodes = [];
var remaps = (0, _create2.default)(null);
var requires = (0, _create2.default)(null);
function addRequire(source, blockHoist) {
var cached = requires[source];
if (cached) return cached;
var ref = path.scope.generateUidIdentifier((0, _path2.basename)(source, (0, _path2.extname)(source)));
var varDecl = t.variableDeclaration("var", [t.variableDeclarator(ref, buildRequire(t.stringLiteral(source)).expression)]);
if (imports[source]) {
varDecl.loc = imports[source].loc;
if (typeof blockHoist === "number" && blockHoist > 0) {
varDecl._blockHoist = blockHoist;
return requires[source] = ref;
function addTo(obj, key, arr) {
var existing = obj[key] || [];
obj[key] = existing.concat(arr);
for (var _iterator4 = body, _isArray4 = Array.isArray(_iterator4), _i4 = 0, _iterator4 = _isArray4 ? _iterator4 : (0, _getIterator3.default)(_iterator4);;) {
var _ref4;
if (_isArray4) {
if (_i4 >= _iterator4.length) break;
_ref4 = _iterator4[_i4++];
} else {
_i4 =;
if (_i4.done) break;
_ref4 = _i4.value;
var _path = _ref4;
if (_path.isExportDeclaration()) {
hasExports = true;
var specifiers = [].concat(_path.get("declaration"), _path.get("specifiers"));
for (var _iterator6 = specifiers, _isArray6 = Array.isArray(_iterator6), _i6 = 0, _iterator6 = _isArray6 ? _iterator6 : (0, _getIterator3.default)(_iterator6);;) {
var _ref6;
if (_isArray6) {
if (_i6 >= _iterator6.length) break;
_ref6 = _iterator6[_i6++];
} else {
_i6 =;
if (_i6.done) break;
_ref6 = _i6.value;
var _specifier2 = _ref6;
var ids = _specifier2.getBindingIdentifiers();
if (ids.__esModule) {
throw _specifier2.buildCodeFrameError("Illegal export \"__esModule\"");
if (_path.isImportDeclaration()) {
var _importsEntry$specifi;
hasImports = true;
var key = _path.node.source.value;
var importsEntry = imports[key] || {
specifiers: [],
maxBlockHoist: 0,
loc: _path.node.loc
(_importsEntry$specifi = importsEntry.specifiers).push.apply(_importsEntry$specifi, _path.node.specifiers);
if (typeof _path.node._blockHoist === "number") {
importsEntry.maxBlockHoist = Math.max(_path.node._blockHoist, importsEntry.maxBlockHoist);
imports[key] = importsEntry;
} else if (_path.isExportDefaultDeclaration()) {
var declaration = _path.get("declaration");
if (declaration.isFunctionDeclaration()) {
var id =;
var defNode = t.identifier("default");
if (id) {
addTo(exports,, defNode);
topNodes.push(buildExportsAssignment(defNode, id));
} else {
topNodes.push(buildExportsAssignment(defNode, t.toExpression(declaration.node)));
} else if (declaration.isClassDeclaration()) {
var _id =;
var _defNode = t.identifier("default");
if (_id) {
addTo(exports,, _defNode);
_path.replaceWithMultiple([declaration.node, buildExportsAssignment(_defNode, _id)]);
} else {
_path.replaceWith(buildExportsAssignment(_defNode, t.toExpression(declaration.node)));
} else {
_path.replaceWith(buildExportsAssignment(t.identifier("default"), declaration.node));
} else if (_path.isExportNamedDeclaration()) {
var _declaration = _path.get("declaration");
if (_declaration.node) {
if (_declaration.isFunctionDeclaration()) {
var _id2 =;
addTo(exports,, _id2);
topNodes.push(buildExportsAssignment(_id2, _id2));
} else if (_declaration.isClassDeclaration()) {
var _id3 =;
addTo(exports,, _id3);
_path.replaceWithMultiple([_declaration.node, buildExportsAssignment(_id3, _id3)]);
nonHoistedExportNames[] = true;
} else if (_declaration.isVariableDeclaration()) {
var declarators = _declaration.get("declarations");
for (var _iterator7 = declarators, _isArray7 = Array.isArray(_iterator7), _i7 = 0, _iterator7 = _isArray7 ? _iterator7 : (0, _getIterator3.default)(_iterator7);;) {
var _ref7;
if (_isArray7) {
if (_i7 >= _iterator7.length) break;
_ref7 = _iterator7[_i7++];
} else {
_i7 =;
if (_i7.done) break;
_ref7 = _i7.value;
var decl = _ref7;
var _id4 = decl.get("id");
var init = decl.get("init");
var exportsToInsert = [];
if (!init.node) init.replaceWith(t.identifier("undefined"));
if (_id4.isIdentifier()) {
addTo(exports,, _id4.node);
init.replaceWith(buildExportsAssignment(_id4.node, init.node).expression);
nonHoistedExportNames[] = true;
} else if (_id4.isObjectPattern()) {
for (var _i8 = 0; _i8 <; _i8++) {
var prop =[_i8];
var propValue = prop.value;
if (t.isAssignmentPattern(propValue)) {
propValue = propValue.left;
} else if (t.isRestProperty(prop)) {
propValue = prop.argument;
addTo(exports,, propValue);
exportsToInsert.push(buildExportsAssignment(propValue, propValue));
nonHoistedExportNames[] = true;
} else if (_id4.isArrayPattern() && _id4.node.elements) {
for (var _i9 = 0; _i9 < _id4.node.elements.length; _i9++) {
var elem = _id4.node.elements[_i9];
if (!elem) continue;
if (t.isAssignmentPattern(elem)) {
elem = elem.left;
} else if (t.isRestElement(elem)) {
elem = elem.argument;
var name =;
addTo(exports, name, elem);
exportsToInsert.push(buildExportsAssignment(elem, elem));
nonHoistedExportNames[name] = true;
var _specifiers = _path.get("specifiers");
var nodes = [];
var _source = _path.node.source;
if (_source) {
var ref = addRequire(_source.value, _path.node._blockHoist);
for (var _iterator8 = _specifiers, _isArray8 = Array.isArray(_iterator8), _i10 = 0, _iterator8 = _isArray8 ? _iterator8 : (0, _getIterator3.default)(_iterator8);;) {
var _ref8;
if (_isArray8) {
if (_i10 >= _iterator8.length) break;
_ref8 = _iterator8[_i10++];
} else {
_i10 =;
if (_i10.done) break;
_ref8 = _i10.value;
var _specifier3 = _ref8;
if (_specifier3.isExportNamespaceSpecifier()) {} else if (_specifier3.isExportDefaultSpecifier()) {} else if (_specifier3.isExportSpecifier()) {
if (!noInterop && === "default") {
topNodes.push(buildExportsFrom(t.stringLiteral(, t.memberExpression(t.callExpression(this.addHelper("interopRequireDefault"), [ref]), _specifier3.node.local)));
} else {
topNodes.push(buildExportsFrom(t.stringLiteral(, t.memberExpression(ref, _specifier3.node.local)));
nonHoistedExportNames[] = true;
} else {
for (var _iterator9 = _specifiers, _isArray9 = Array.isArray(_iterator9), _i11 = 0, _iterator9 = _isArray9 ? _iterator9 : (0, _getIterator3.default)(_iterator9);;) {
var _ref9;
if (_isArray9) {
if (_i11 >= _iterator9.length) break;
_ref9 = _iterator9[_i11++];
} else {
_i11 =;
if (_i11.done) break;
_ref9 = _i11.value;
var _specifier4 = _ref9;
if (_specifier4.isExportSpecifier()) {
addTo(exports,, _specifier4.node.exported);
nonHoistedExportNames[] = true;
nodes.push(buildExportsAssignment(_specifier4.node.exported, _specifier4.node.local));
} else if (_path.isExportAllDeclaration()) {
var exportNode = buildExportAll({
OBJECT: addRequire(_path.node.source.value, _path.node._blockHoist)
exportNode.loc = _path.node.loc;
for (var source in imports) {
var _imports$source = imports[source],
specifiers = _imports$source.specifiers,
maxBlockHoist = _imports$source.maxBlockHoist;
if (specifiers.length) {
var uid = addRequire(source, maxBlockHoist);
var wildcard = void 0;
for (var i = 0; i < specifiers.length; i++) {
var specifier = specifiers[i];
if (t.isImportNamespaceSpecifier(specifier)) {
if (strict || noInterop) {
remaps[] = uid;
} else {
var varDecl = t.variableDeclaration("var", [t.variableDeclarator(specifier.local, t.callExpression(this.addHelper("interopRequireWildcard"), [uid]))]);
if (maxBlockHoist > 0) {
varDecl._blockHoist = maxBlockHoist;
wildcard = specifier.local;
} else if (t.isImportDefaultSpecifier(specifier)) {
specifiers[i] = t.importSpecifier(specifier.local, t.identifier("default"));
for (var _iterator5 = specifiers, _isArray5 = Array.isArray(_iterator5), _i5 = 0, _iterator5 = _isArray5 ? _iterator5 : (0, _getIterator3.default)(_iterator5);;) {
var _ref5;
if (_isArray5) {
if (_i5 >= _iterator5.length) break;
_ref5 = _iterator5[_i5++];
} else {
_i5 =;
if (_i5.done) break;
_ref5 = _i5.value;
var _specifier = _ref5;
if (t.isImportSpecifier(_specifier)) {
var target = uid;
if ( === "default") {
if (wildcard) {
target = wildcard;
} else if (!noInterop) {
target = wildcard = path.scope.generateUidIdentifier(;
var _varDecl = t.variableDeclaration("var", [t.variableDeclarator(target, t.callExpression(this.addHelper("interopRequireDefault"), [uid]))]);
if (maxBlockHoist > 0) {
_varDecl._blockHoist = maxBlockHoist;
remaps[] = t.memberExpression(t.cloneWithoutLoc(target), t.cloneWithoutLoc(_specifier.imported));
} else {
var requireNode = buildRequire(t.stringLiteral(source));
requireNode.loc = imports[source].loc;
if (hasImports && (0, _keys2.default)(nonHoistedExportNames).length) {
var maxHoistedExportsNodeAssignmentLength = 100;
var nonHoistedExportNamesArr = (0, _keys2.default)(nonHoistedExportNames);
var _loop = function _loop(currentExportsNodeAssignmentLength) {
var nonHoistedExportNamesChunk = nonHoistedExportNamesArr.slice(currentExportsNodeAssignmentLength, currentExportsNodeAssignmentLength + maxHoistedExportsNodeAssignmentLength);
var hoistedExportsNode = t.identifier("undefined");
nonHoistedExportNamesChunk.forEach(function (name) {
hoistedExportsNode = buildExportsAssignment(t.identifier(name), hoistedExportsNode).expression;
var node = t.expressionStatement(hoistedExportsNode);
node._blockHoist = 3;
for (var currentExportsNodeAssignmentLength = 0; currentExportsNodeAssignmentLength < nonHoistedExportNamesArr.length; currentExportsNodeAssignmentLength += maxHoistedExportsNodeAssignmentLength) {
if (hasExports && !strict) {
var buildTemplate = buildExportsModuleDeclaration;
if (this.opts.loose) buildTemplate = buildLooseExportsModuleDeclaration;
var declar = buildTemplate();
declar._blockHoist = 3;
path.unshiftContainer("body", topNodes);
path.traverse(reassignmentVisitor, {
remaps: remaps,
scope: scope,
exports: exports,
requeueInParent: function requeueInParent(newPath) {
return path.requeue(newPath);
var _path2 = require("path");
var _babelTemplate = require("babel-template");
var _babelTemplate2 = _interopRequireDefault(_babelTemplate);
var _babelPluginTransformStrictMode = require("babel-plugin-transform-strict-mode");
var _babelPluginTransformStrictMode2 = _interopRequireDefault(_babelPluginTransformStrictMode);
var _babelTypes = require("babel-types");
var t = _interopRequireWildcard(_babelTypes);
function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) { if (obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } else { var newObj = {}; if (obj != null) { for (var key in obj) { if (, key)) newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } newObj.default = obj; return newObj; } }
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
var buildRequire = (0, _babelTemplate2.default)("\n require($0);\n");
var buildExportsModuleDeclaration = (0, _babelTemplate2.default)("\n Object.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", {\n value: true\n });\n");
var buildExportsFrom = (0, _babelTemplate2.default)("\n Object.defineProperty(exports, $0, {\n enumerable: true,\n get: function () {\n return $1;\n }\n });\n");
var buildLooseExportsModuleDeclaration = (0, _babelTemplate2.default)("\n exports.__esModule = true;\n");
var buildExportsAssignment = (0, _babelTemplate2.default)("\n exports.$0 = $1;\n");
var buildExportAll = (0, _babelTemplate2.default)("\n Object.keys(OBJECT).forEach(function (key) {\n if (key === \"default\" || key === \"__esModule\") return;\n Object.defineProperty(exports, key, {\n enumerable: true,\n get: function () {\n return OBJECT[key];\n }\n });\n });\n");
var THIS_BREAK_KEYS = ["FunctionExpression", "FunctionDeclaration", "ClassProperty", "ClassMethod", "ObjectMethod"];
module.exports = exports["default"];