You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1036 lines
42 KiB
1036 lines
42 KiB
4 months ago
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2020 All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace app\controller\api\admin\order;
use app\Request;
use app\services\activity\collage\UserCollageCodeServices;
use app\services\activity\coupon\StoreCouponIssueServices;
use app\services\activity\combination\StorePinkServices;
use app\services\message\service\StoreServiceServices;
use app\services\order\StoreOrderPromotionsServices;
use app\services\order\store\WriteOffOrderServices;
use app\services\order\StoreOrderCartInfoServices;
use app\services\order\StoreOrderCreateServices;
use app\services\order\StoreOrderSplitServices;
use app\services\order\StoreOrderWriteOffServices;
use app\services\product\product\StoreProductLogServices;
use app\services\store\DeliveryServiceServices;
use app\services\order\StoreOrderDeliveryServices;
use app\services\order\StoreOrderRefundServices;
use app\services\order\StoreOrderServices;
use app\services\order\StoreOrderWapServices;
use app\services\pay\OrderOfflineServices;
use app\services\serve\ServeServices;
use app\services\store\SystemStoreStaffServices;
use app\services\user\UserServices;
use app\services\other\ExpressServices;
use crmeb\services\SystemConfigService;
use think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException;
use think\db\exception\DbException;
use think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException;
use think\Response;
* 订单类
* Class StoreOrder
* @package app\api\controller\admin\order
class StoreOrder
protected $services;
public function __construct(StoreOrderWapServices $services)
$this->services = $services;
* 获取erp开关
* @return Response
public function getErpConfig(): Response
return app('json')->success(['open_erp' => !!sys_config('erp_open')]);
* 订单数据统计
* @param StoreOrderServices $services
* @return Response
public function statistics(StoreOrderServices $services): Response
$dataCount = $services->getOrderData(0, 0, 0);
$dataPrice = $this->services->getOrderTimeData(0);
$data = array_merge($dataCount, $dataPrice);
return app('json')->successful($data);
* 工作台数据
* @param StoreOrderServices $services
* @return Response
* @throws DbException
public function stagingData(StoreOrderServices $services): Response
$data = $services->getStagingData();
return app('json')->successful($data);
* 订单每月统计数据
* @param Request $request
* @return Response
public function data(Request $request): Response
[$start, $stop] = $request->getMore([
['start', strtotime(date('Y-m'))],
['stop', time()],
], true);
return app('json')->successful($this->services->getOrderDataPriceCount(['time' => [$start, $stop]]));
* 订单列表
* @param Request $request
* @return Response
* @throws DataNotFoundException
* @throws DbException
* @throws ModelNotFoundException
public function lst(Request $request): Response
$where = $request->getMore([
['status', ''],
['is_del', 0],
['data', '', '', 'time'],
['type', ''],
['pay_type', ''],
['plat_type', ''],
['field_key', ''],
['field_value', ''],
['keyword', '', '', 'real_name']
$where['is_system_del'] = 0;
if (!in_array($where['status'], [-1, -2, -3])) {
$where['pid'] = 0;
return app('json')->successful($this->services->getWapAdminOrderList($where, ['split' => function ($query) {
}, 'pink', 'invoice']));
* 订单详情
* @param Request $request
* @param StoreOrderServices $services
* @param UserServices $userServices
* @param StoreOrderPromotionsServices $storeOrderPromotiosServices
* @param $orderId
* @return Response
public function detail(Request $request, StoreOrderServices $services, UserServices $userServices, StoreOrderPromotionsServices $storeOrderPromotiosServices, $orderId): Response
if (!strlen(trim($orderId))) return app('json')->fail('参数错误');
$order = $this->services->getOne(['order_id' => $orderId], '*', ['invoice', 'refund' => function ($query) {
if (!$order) return app('json')->fail('订单不存在');
$order = $order->toArray();
$order['number_diners'] = 0;
$order['serial_number'] = '';
if ($order['type'] == 10) {
/** @var UserCollageCodeServices $userCollageCodeServices */
$userCollageCodeServices = app()->make(UserCollageCodeServices::class);
$table = $userCollageCodeServices->getOne(['oid' => $order['id']], 'id,oid,number_diners,serial_number');
if ($table) {
$order['number_diners'] = $table['number_diners'];
$order['serial_number'] = $table['number_diners'];
$order['split'] = [];
$orderInfo = $services->tidyOrder($order, true);
$vipTruePrice = 0;
foreach ($orderInfo['cartInfo'] ?? [] as $key => &$cart) {
$vipTruePrice = bcadd((string)$vipTruePrice, (string)$cart['vip_sum_truePrice'], 2);
$orderInfo['vip_true_price'] = $vipTruePrice;
$orderInfo['total_price'] = floatval(bcsub((string)$orderInfo['total_price'], (string)$vipTruePrice, 2));
$orderInfo['promotions_detail'] = $storeOrderPromotiosServices->getOrderPromotionsDetail((int)$order['id']);
if ($orderInfo['give_coupon']) {
$couponIds = is_string($orderInfo['give_coupon']) ? explode(',', $orderInfo['give_coupon']) : $orderInfo['give_coupon'];
/** @var StoreCouponIssueServices $couponIssueService */
$couponIssueService = app()->make(StoreCouponIssueServices::class);
$orderInfo['give_coupon'] = $couponIssueService->getColumn([['id', 'IN', $couponIds]], 'id,coupon_title');
$orderInfo['pinkStatus'] = null;
if ($orderInfo['type'] == 3) {
/** @var StorePinkServices $pinkService */
$pinkService = app()->make(StorePinkServices::class);
$orderInfo['pinkStatus'] = $pinkService->value(['order_id' => $orderInfo['order_id']], 'status');
$nickname = $userServices->value(['uid' => $orderInfo['uid']], 'nickname');
$orderInfo['nickname'] = $nickname;
$refund_num = array_sum(array_column($orderInfo['refund'], 'refund_num'));
$cart_num = 0;
foreach ($orderInfo['cartInfo'] as &$items) {
if (isset($items['is_gift']) && $items['is_gift']) continue;
$cart_num += $items['cart_num'];
$cart_ids = [];
$cart_ids[] = ['cart_id' => $items['id'], 'cart_num' => $items['cart_num']];
/** @var StoreOrderSplitServices $storeOrderSpliteServices */
$storeOrderSpliteServices = app()->make(StoreOrderSplitServices::class);
$cartInfos = $storeOrderSpliteServices->getSplitOrderCartInfo($orderInfo['id'], $cart_ids, $orderInfo);
$total_price = $pay_postage = 0;
foreach ($cartInfos as $cart1) {
$_info = is_string($cart1['cart_info']) ? json_decode($cart1['cart_info'], true) : $cart1['cart_info'];
$total_price = bcadd((string)$total_price, bcmul((string)($_info['truePrice'] ?? 0), (string)$cart1['cart_num'], 4), 4);
if (!in_array($orderInfo['shipping_type'], [2, 4])) {
$pay_postage = bcadd((string)$pay_postage, (string)($_info['postage_price'] ?? 0), 4);
$refund_pay_price = bcadd((string)$total_price, (string)$pay_postage, 2);
$refund_price = $refund_pay_price;
if (isset($orderInfo['change_price']) && (float)$orderInfo['change_price']) {//有改价 且是拆分
$order_pay_price = bcadd((string)$orderInfo['change_price'], (string)$orderInfo['pay_price'], 4);
if ((float)$order_pay_price) {
$refund_price = bcmul((string)bcdiv((string)$orderInfo['pay_price'], (string)$order_pay_price, 4), (string)$refund_pay_price, 2);
$items['refund_price'] = $refund_price;
$orderInfo['is_all_refund'] = $refund_num == $cart_num;
return app('json')->successful('ok', $orderInfo);
* 订单发货获取订单信息
* @param UserServices $userServices
* @param $orderId
* @return Response
public function delivery_gain(UserServices $userServices, $orderId): Response
$order = $this->services->getOne(['order_id' => $orderId], 'real_name,user_phone,user_address,order_id,uid,status,paid,id');
if (!$order) return app('json')->fail('订单不存在');
if ($order['paid']) {
$order['nickname'] = $userServices->value(['uid' => $order['uid']], 'nickname');
$order = $order->hidden(['uid', 'status', 'paid'])->toArray();
$order['config_export_open'] = sys_config('config_export_open');
return app('json')->successful('ok', $order);
return app('json')->fail('状态错误');
* 订单发货
* @param Request $request
* @param StoreOrderDeliveryServices $services
* @param $id
* @return Response
* @throws DataNotFoundException
* @throws DbException
* @throws ModelNotFoundException
public function delivery_keep(Request $request, StoreOrderDeliveryServices $services, $id): Response
$data = $request->postMore([
['type', 1],
['delivery_name', ''],//快递公司id
['delivery_id', ''],//快递单号
['delivery_code', ''],//快递公司编码
['express_record_type', 2],//发货记录类型
['express_temp_id', ""],//电子面单模板
['to_name', ''],//寄件人姓名
['to_tel', ''],//寄件人电话
['to_addr', ''],//寄件人地址
['sh_delivery_name', ''],//送货人姓名
['sh_delivery_id', ''],//送货人电话
['sh_delivery_uid', ''],//送货人ID
['delivery_type', 1],//送货类型
['fictitious_content', '']//虚拟发货内容
$services->delivery((int)$id, $data);
return app('json')->successful('发货成功!');
* 订单拆单发送货
* @param StoreOrderDeliveryServices $services
* @param Request $request
* @param $id 订单id
* @return Response
* @throws DataNotFoundException
* @throws DbException
* @throws ModelNotFoundException
public function split_delivery(StoreOrderDeliveryServices $services, Request $request, $id): Response
$data = $request->postMore([
['type', 1],
['delivery_name', ''],//快递公司名称
['delivery_id', ''],//快递单号
['delivery_code', ''],//快递公司编码
['express_record_type', 2],//发货记录类型
['express_temp_id', ""],//电子面单模板
['to_name', ''],//寄件人姓名
['to_tel', ''],//寄件人电话
['to_addr', ''],//寄件人地址
['sh_delivery_name', ''],//送货人姓名
['sh_delivery_id', ''],//送货人电话
['sh_delivery_uid', ''],//送货人ID
['fictitious_content', ''],//虚拟发货内容
['cart_ids', []]
if (!$id) {
return app('json')->fail('缺少发货ID');
if (!$data['cart_ids']) {
return app('json')->fail('请选择发货商品');
foreach ($data['cart_ids'] as $cart) {
if (!isset($cart['cart_id']) || !$cart['cart_id'] || !isset($cart['cart_num']) || !$cart['cart_num']) {
return app('json')->fail('请重新选择发货商品,或发货件数');
$services->splitDelivery((int)$id, $data);
return app('json')->success('SUCCESS');
* 获取订单可拆分发货商品列表
* @param $id
* @param StoreOrderCartInfoServices $services
* @return mixed
public function split_cart_info($id, StoreOrderCartInfoServices $services)
if (!$id) {
return app('json')->fail('缺少发货ID');
return app('json')->success($services->getSplitCartList((int)$id));
* 订单改价
* @param Request $request
* @param StoreOrderServices $services
* @return mixed
* @throws \Exception
public function price(Request $request, StoreOrderServices $services)
[$order_id, $price] = $request->postMore([
['order_id', ''],
['price', '']
], true);
$order = $this->services->getOne(['order_id' => $order_id], 'id,user_phone,id,paid,pay_price,order_id,total_price,total_postage,pay_postage,gain_integral');
if (!$order) return app('json')->fail('订单不存在');
if ($order['paid']) {
return app('json')->fail('订单已支付');
if ($price === '') return app('json')->fail('请填写实际支付金额');
if ($price < 0) return app('json')->fail('实际支付金额不能小于0元');
if ($order['pay_price'] == $price) return app('json')->successful('改价成功');
$services->updateOrder($order['id'], ['total_price' => $order['total_price'], 'pay_price' => $price]);
return app('json')->successful('改价成功');
* 订单备注
* @param Request $request
* @return mixed
* @throws DataNotFoundException
* @throws ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public function remark(Request $request)
[$order_id, $remark] = $request->postMore([
['order_id', ''],
['remark', '']
], true);
$order = $this->services->getOne(['order_id' => $order_id], 'id,remark');
if (!$order) return app('json')->fail('订单不存在');
if (!strlen(trim($remark))) return app('json')->fail('请填写备注内容');
$order->remark = $remark;
if (!$order->save())
return app('json')->fail('备注失败');
return app('json')->successful('备注成功');
* $type 1 = 今天 7 = 近 7 天 30 = 近 30 天
* 订单交易额/订单数量时间统计
* @param Request $request
* @return bool
public function time(Request $request)
[$type] = $request->getMore([
['type', 0],
], true);
switch ($type) {
case 1:
$start = strtotime(date('Y-m-d'));
case 7:
$start = strtotime(date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-6 day")));
case 30:
$start = strtotime(date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-29 day")));
$stop = time();
//$start 开始时间 $stop 结束时间 $front 上一期限开始时间
[$start, $stop, $front] = getFrontTime((int)$start, (int)$stop);
$front_stop = (int)bcsub((string)$start, '1');// 上一期限结束时间
/** @var StoreOrderServices $orderService */
$orderService = app()->make(StoreOrderServices::class);
$order_where = ['pid' => 0, 'paid' => 1, 'refund_status' => [0, 3], 'is_del' => 0, 'is_system_del' => 0];
$frontPrice = $orderService->sum($order_where + ['time' => [$front, $front_stop]], 'pay_price', true);
$afterPrice = $orderService->sum($order_where + ['time' => [$start, $stop]], 'pay_price', true);
$data['after_price'] = $afterPrice;//时间区间营业额
$increase = (float)bcsub((string)$afterPrice, (string)$frontPrice, 2); //同比上个时间区间增长营业额
$growthRate = abs($increase);
if ($growthRate == 0) $data['growth_rate'] = 0;
else if ($frontPrice == 0) $data['growth_rate'] = (int)bcmul($growthRate, 100, 0);
else $data['growth_rate'] = (int)bcmul((string)bcdiv((string)$growthRate, (string)$frontPrice, 2), '100', 0);//时间区间增长率
$data['increase_time'] = abs($increase); //同比上个时间区间增长营业额
$data['increase_time_status'] = $increase >= 0 ? 1 : 2; //同比上个时间区间增长营业额增长 1 减少 2
$after_number_arr = $orderService->column($order_where + ['time' => [$start, $stop]], 'id,uid,order_id', 'id'); //订单数
$data['after_number'] = count($after_number_arr); //订单数
$uid_arr = array_unique(array_column($after_number_arr, 'uid'));
$data['after_pay_number'] = count($uid_arr); //支付人数
/** @var StoreProductLogServices $productLogServices */
$productLogServices = app()->make(StoreProductLogServices::class);
$data['today_visits'] = $productLogServices->count(['time' => [$start, $stop], 'type' => 'visit']);
return app('json')->successful($data);
* 统计图表
* $type 1 = 今天 7 = 近 7 天 30 = 近 30 天
* @param Request $request
* @return Response
public function timeChart(Request $request)
[$type] = $request->getMore([
['type', 0],
], true);
switch ($type) {
case 1:
$start = strtotime(date('Y-m-d'));
case 7:
$start = strtotime(date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-6 day")));
case 30:
$start = strtotime(date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-29 day")));
$stop = time();
//$start 开始时间 $stop 结束时间 $front 上一期限开始时间
[$start, $stop, $front] = getFrontTime((int)$start, (int)$stop);
$front_stop = (int)bcsub((string)$start, '1'); // 上一期限结束时间
if ($type == 1) {
$start = $front;
$dateList = range($start, $stop, 86400);
} else {
$dateList = range($start, $stop, 86400);
/** @var StoreOrderServices $orderService */
$orderService = app()->make(StoreOrderServices::class);
$chartInfoPrice = $orderService->chartTimePrice($start, $stop);
$chartInfoNumber = $orderService->chartTimeNumber($start, $stop);
$chart = [];
foreach ($dateList as $key => $time) {
$day = date('m-d', $time);
$chart[$key]['time'] = $day;
$chart[$key]['num'] = 0;
$chart[$key]['price'] = 0;
foreach ($chartInfoPrice as $p => $price) {
if ($day == $price['time']) {
$chart[$key]['price'] = $price['price'];
foreach ($chartInfoNumber as $n => $num) {
if ($day == $num['time']) {
$chart[$key]['num'] = $num['num'];
return app('json')->successful($chart);
* 订单支付
* @param Request $request
* @return mixed
* @throws DataNotFoundException
* @throws ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public function offline(Request $request, OrderOfflineServices $services)
[$orderId] = $request->postMore([['order_id', '']], true);
$orderInfo = $this->services->getOne(['order_id' => $orderId], 'id');
if (!$orderInfo) return app('json')->fail('参数错误');
$id = $orderInfo->id;
return app('json')->successful('修改成功!');
* 订单退款
* @param Request $request
* @return mixed
* @throws \think\Exception
* @throws DataNotFoundException
* @throws ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public function refund(Request $request, StoreOrderRefundServices $services, StoreOrderServices $orderServices, StoreOrderCartInfoServices $storeOrderCartInfoServices, StoreOrderCreateServices $storeOrderCreateServices)
[$orderId, $price, $type, $refuse_reason] = $request->postMore([
['order_id', ''],
['price', '0'],
['type', 1],
['refuse_reason', '']
], true);
if (!strlen(trim($orderId))) return app('json')->fail('参数错误');
$orderRefund = $services->getOne(['order_id' => $orderId]);
$is_admin = 0;
if (!$orderRefund) {
$orderRefund = $orderRefund ?: $orderServices->getOne(['order_id' => $orderId]);
$is_admin = 1;
if ($services->count(['store_order_id' => $orderRefund['id'], 'refund_type' => [0, 1, 2, 4, 5], 'is_cancel' => 0, 'is_del' => 0])) {
return app('json')->fail('请先处理售后申请');
if (!$is_admin) {
if (!$orderRefund) {
return app('json')->fail('数据不存在!');
if ($orderRefund['is_cancel'] == 1) {
return app('json')->fail('用户已取消申请');
$orderInfo = $this->services->get((int)$orderRefund['store_order_id']);
if (!$orderInfo) {
return app('json')->fail('数据不存在');
if (!in_array($orderRefund['refund_type'], [0, 1, 2, 5]) && !($orderRefund['refund_type'] == 4 && $orderRefund['apply_type'] == 3)) {
return app('json')->fail('售后订单状态不支持该操作');
if ($type == 1) {
$data['refund_type'] = 6;
} else if ($type == 2) {
$data['refund_type'] = 3;
$data['refuse_reason'] = $refuse_reason;
} else {
return app('json')->fail('退款修改状态错误');
$data['refunded_time'] = time();
if ($type == 2) {
$services->refuseRefund((int)$orderRefund['id'], $data, $orderRefund);
return app('json')->successful('修改退款状态成功!');
} else {
if ($orderRefund['refund_price'] == $orderInfo['refunded_price']) return app('json')->fail('已退完支付金额!不能再退款了');
if (!$price) {
return app('json')->fail('请输入退款金额');
$data['refunded_price'] = bcadd($price, $orderRefund['refunded_price'], 2);
$bj = bccomp((float)$orderRefund['refund_price'], (float)$data['refunded_price'], 2);
if ($bj < 0) {
return app('json')->fail('退款金额大于支付金额,请修改退款金额');
$refundData['pay_price'] = $orderInfo['pay_price'];
$refundData['refund_price'] = $price;
if ($services->agreeRefund((int)$orderRefund['id'], $refundData)) {
$services->update((int)$orderRefund['id'], $data);
return app('json')->success('审核成功');
} else {
$services->storeProductOrderRefundYFasle((int)$orderInfo['id'], $price);
return app('json')->fail('审核失败');
} else {
$order = $orderRefund;
$data['refund_price'] = $price;
$data['type'] = $type;
$id = $order['id'];
if ($data['type'] == 1) {
$data['refund_status'] = 2;
$data['refund_type'] = 6;
} else if ($data['type'] == 2) {
$data['refund_status'] = 0;
$data['refund_type'] = 3;
$type = $data['type'];
if ($type == 2) {
$this->services->update((int)$order['id'], ['refund_status' => 0, 'refund_type' => 3]);
return app('json')->successful('修改退款状态成功!');
} else {
if ($order['pay_price'] == 0 && in_array($order['refund_status'], [0, 1])) {
$refund_price = 0;
} else {
if ($order['pay_price'] == $order['refund_price']) {
return app('json')->fail('已退完支付金额!不能再退款了');
if (!$data['refund_price']) {
return app('json')->fail('请输入退款金额');
$refund_price = $data['refund_price'];
$data['refund_price'] = bcadd($data['refund_price'], $order['refund_price'], 2);
$bj = bccomp((string)$order['pay_price'], (string)$data['refund_price'], 2);
if ($bj < 0) {
return app('json')->fail('退款金额大于支付金额,请修改退款金额');
$refund_data['pay_price'] = $order['pay_price'];
$refund_data['refund_price'] = $refund_price;
$refundOrderData['uid'] = $order['uid'];
$refundOrderData['store_id'] = $order['store_id'];
$refundOrderData['store_order_id'] = $id;
$refundOrderData['refund_num'] = $order['total_num'];
$refundOrderData['refund_type'] = $data['refund_type'];
$refundOrderData['refund_price'] = $order['pay_price'];
$refundOrderData['refunded_price'] = $refund_price;
$refundOrderData['refund_reason'] = '管理员手动退款';
$refundOrderData['order_id'] = $storeOrderCreateServices->getNewOrderId('');
$refundOrderData['refunded_time'] = time();
$refundOrderData['add_time'] = time();
$cartInfos = $storeOrderCartInfoServices->getCartColunm(['oid' => $id], 'id,cart_id,cart_num,cart_info');
foreach ($cartInfos as &$cartInfo) {
$cartInfo['cart_info'] = is_string($cartInfo['cart_info']) ? json_decode($cartInfo['cart_info'], true) : $cartInfo['cart_info'];
$refundOrderData['cart_info'] = json_encode(array_column($cartInfos, 'cart_info'));
$res = $services->save($refundOrderData);
if ($services->agreeRefund((int)$res->id, $refund_data)) {
$services->delete(['store_order_id' => $id]);
$this->services->update($id, $data);
return app('json')->success('审核成功');
} else {
$services->storeProductOrderRefundYFasle((int)$id, $refund_price);
return app('json')->fail('审核失败');
* 商家同意退货退款
* @return mixed
public function agreeRefund(Request $request, StoreOrderRefundServices $services)
[$id] = $request->getMore([
['id', '']
], true);
return app('json')->success('操作成功');
* 扫码获取订单信息
* $auth 0 管理员 1 客服 2 配送员 3 用户微信扫码 4店员
* @param Request $request
* @param WriteOffOrderServices $writeOffOrderServices
* @param StoreOrderCartInfoServices $orderCartInfo
* @return mixed
* @throws DataNotFoundException
* @throws DbException
* @throws ModelNotFoundException
public function order_verific(Request $request, WriteOffOrderServices $writeOffOrderServices, StoreOrderCartInfoServices $orderCartInfo, StoreOrderServices $orderServices)
[$code, $auth] = $request->postMore([
['code', ''],
['auth', 0],
], true);
if (!$code) return app('json')->fail('Lack of write-off code');
$uid = $request->uid();
/** @var StoreServiceServices $storeService */
$storeService = app()->make(StoreServiceServices::class);
$userService = $storeService->checkoutIsService(['uid' => $uid, 'status' => 1, 'account_status' => 1]); //客服权限是否存在
if ($auth == 2 && !$userService) return app('json')->fail('您没有客服权限!');
/** @var DeliveryServiceServices $deliveryService */
$deliveryService = app()->make(DeliveryServiceServices::class);
$deliveryUser = $deliveryService->checkoutIsService($uid); // 检查用户是否是配送员
if ($auth == 2 && !$deliveryUser) return app('json')->fail('您不是配送员!');
/** @var SystemStoreStaffServices $storeStaffServices */
$storeStaffServices = app()->make(SystemStoreStaffServices::class);
$where = ['uid' => $uid, 'is_del' => 0, 'status' => 1, 'verify_status' => 1];
$info = $storeStaffServices->getOne($where);
if($auth == 4 && !$info) return app('json')->fail('您不是店员!');
if ($auth == 3) {
if (!$deliveryUser && !$userService) {
return app('json')->fail('您没有任何权限!');
} else if ($deliveryUser && !$userService) {
$auth = 2;
} else if (!$deliveryUser && $userService) {
$auth = 1;
} else {
$auth = 0;
/** @var UserServices $userServices */
$userServices = app()->make(UserServices::class);
$userInfo = $userServices->getOne(['bar_code' => $code]);
if ($userInfo) {
$userInfo = $userInfo->toArray();
$is_order_code = 0;
} else {
$orderInfo = $orderServices->getOne(['verify_code' => $code, 'is_del' => 0]);
if ($orderInfo) {
$is_order_code = 1;
} else {
return app('json')->fail('暂未获取到订单信息,请先确认传入的码是否正确');
$product_type = 0;
if ($is_order_code == 1) {
$orderInfo = $writeOffOrderServices->writeoffOrderInfo($uid, $code, $auth);
if ($orderInfo && isset($orderInfo['product_type'])) {
$product_type = $orderInfo['product_type'];
$data = [$orderInfo];
} else {
$data = $writeOffOrderServices->userUnWriteoffOrder($uid, $code, $auth, $userInfo);
if (count($data) == 1) {
$is_order_code = 1;
$orderInfo = $data[0];
if ($orderInfo && isset($orderInfo['product_type'])) {
$product_type = $orderInfo['product_type'];
$res = [];
if ($data) {
/** @var StoreOrderServices $orderServices */
$orderServices = app()->make(StoreOrderServices::class);
$res = $orderServices->tidyOrderList($data, false);
foreach ($res as &$orderInfo) {
$orderInfo['image'] = '';
if (isset($orderInfo['cart_id'][0])) {
$cartInfo = $orderCartInfo->getOne(['oid' => $orderInfo['id'], 'cart_id' => $orderInfo['cart_id'][0]], 'cart_info');
if ($cartInfo) $orderInfo['image'] = $cartInfo['cart_info']['productInfo']['image'] ?? '';
return app('json')->success(['data' => $res, 'is_order_code' => $is_order_code, 'product_type' => $product_type, 'auth' => $auth]);
* 订单核销记录
* @param Request $request
* @param StoreOrderWriteOffServices $services
* @return \think\Response
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function writeOffRecords(Request $request, StoreOrderWriteOffServices $services, $id)
[$product_type] = $request->postMore([
['product_type', 0]
], true);
if (!$id) return app('json')->fail('参数错误');
return app('json')->successful($services->userOrderWriteOffRecords(['oid' => $id], $product_type));
* 获取所有配送员列表
* @param DeliveryServiceServices $services
* @return mixed
public function getDeliveryAll(DeliveryServiceServices $services)
$list = $services->getDeliveryList();
return app('json')->success($list['list']);
* 获取配置信息
* @return mixed
public function getDeliveryInfo()
$data = SystemConfigService::more(['config_export_temp_id', 'config_export_to_name', 'config_export_id', 'config_export_to_tel', 'config_export_to_address']);
return app('json')->success([
'express_temp_id' => $data['config_export_temp_id'] ?? '',
'to_name' => $data['config_export_to_name'] ?? '',
'id' => $data['config_export_id'] ?? '',
'to_tel' => $data['config_export_to_tel'] ?? '',
'to_add' => $data['config_export_to_address'] ?? ''
* 获取面单信息
* @param ServeServices $services
* @return mixed
public function getExportTemp(Request $request, ServeServices $services)
[$com] = $request->getMore([
['com', ''],
], true);
return app('json')->success($services->express()->temp($com));
* 物流公司
* @param ExpressServices $services
* @return mixed
public function getExportAll(ExpressServices $services)
return app('json')->success($services->expressList());
* 移动端订单管理退款列表
* @param Request $request
* @param StoreOrderRefundServices $services
* @return mixed
* @throws DataNotFoundException
* @throws DbException
* @throws ModelNotFoundException
public function refundOrderList(Request $request, StoreOrderRefundServices $services)
$where = $request->getMore([
['order_id', ''],
['time', ''],
['refundTypes', ''],
['apply_type', ''],
['pay_type', ''],
['plat_type', -1],
$data = $services->refundList($where)['list'];
return app('json')->success($data);
* 订单详情
* @param Request $request
* @param $uni
* @return mixed
public function refundOrderDetail(StoreOrderRefundServices $services, $uni)
$data = $services->refundDetail($uni);
return app('json')->successful('ok', $data);
* 修改备注
* @param $id
* @return mixed
public function refundRemark(StoreOrderRefundServices $services, Request $request)
[$remark, $order_id] = $request->postMore([
['remark', ''],
['order_id', ''],
], true);
if (!$remark)
return app('json')->fail('请输入要备注的内容');
if (!$order_id)
return app('json')->fail('缺少参数');
if (!$order = $services->get(['order_id' => $order_id])) {
return app('json')->fail('修改的订单不存在!');
$order->remark = $remark;
if ($order->save()) {
return app('json')->success('备注成功');
} else
return app('json')->fail('备注失败');
* 商家管理拆单退款
* @param Request $request
* @param StoreOrderServices $orderServices
* @param StoreOrderRefundServices $services
* @param $id
* @return Response
* @throws DataNotFoundException
* @throws DbException
* @throws ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \Psr\SimpleCache\InvalidArgumentException
public function open_order_refund(Request $request, StoreOrderServices $orderServices, StoreOrderRefundServices $services, $id)
$uid = (int)$request->uid();
if ($services->cacheHander()->has('open_mobile_' . $uid)) {
return app('json')->fail('请勿重复操作!');
$services->cacheTag()->set('open_mobile_' . $uid, 1, 1);
$data = $request->postMore([
['refund_price', 0],
['type', 1],
['is_split_order', 0],
['cart_ids', []]
if (!$id) {
return app('json')->fail('Data does not exist!');
$data['refund_price'] = sprintf("%.2f", $data['refund_price']);
$order = $orderServices->get($id);
if (!$order) {
return app('json')->fail('Data does not exist!');
if ($services->count(['store_order_id' => $id, 'refund_type' => [0, 1, 2, 4, 5], 'is_cancel' => 0, 'is_del' => 1])) {
return app('json')->fail('请先处理售后申请');
if ($order['pay_price'] == 0 && in_array($order['refund_status'], [0, 1])) {
$refund_price = 0;
} else {
if ($order['pay_price'] == $order['refund_price']) {
return app('json')->fail('已退完支付金额!不能再退款了');
if (!$data['refund_price']) {
return app('json')->fail('请输入退款金额');
$refund_price = $data['refund_price'];
$data['refund_price'] = bcadd($data['refund_price'], $order['refund_price'], 2);
$bj = bccomp((string)$order['pay_price'], (string)$data['refund_price'], 2);
if ($bj < 0) {
return app('json')->fail('退款金额大于支付金额,请修改退款金额');
if ($data['type'] == 1) {
$data['refund_status'] = 2;
$data['refund_type'] = 6;
} else if ($data['type'] == 2) {
$data['refund_status'] = 0;
$data['refund_type'] = 3;
$type = $data['type'];
if ($data['is_split_order']) {
if (!$data['cart_ids']) {
return app('json')->fail('请选择商品');
foreach ($data['cart_ids'] as $cart) {
if (!isset($cart['cart_id']) || !$cart['cart_id'] || !isset($cart['cart_num']) || !$cart['cart_num']) {
return app('json')->fail('请重新选择商品,或件数');
if ($type == 2) {
$orderServices->update((int)$order['id'], ['refund_status' => 0, 'refund_type' => 3]);
return app('json')->successful('修改退款状态成功!');
} else {
$refund_data['pay_price'] = $order['pay_price'];
$refund_data['refund_price'] = $refund_price;
if ($order['refund_price'] > 0) {
$refund_data['refund_id'] = $order['order_id'] . rand(100, 999);
$refundId = $services->applyRefund((int)$id, (int)$order['uid'], $order, $data['cart_ids'], 4, $refund_price, [
'refund_reason' => '客服人员主动退款',
'refund_explain' => '客服人员主动退款',
'refund_img' => '',
$order_id = '';
if ($services->agreeRefund($refundId, $refund_data)) {
$services->delete(['store_order_id' => $id]);
if ($data['is_split_order']) {
$services->update($refundId, $data);
$oid = $services->value(['id' => $refundId], 'store_order_id');
$order_id = $orderServices->value(['id' => $oid], 'order_id');
} else {
$orderServices->update($id, $data);
return app('json')->success('操作成功', ['order_id' => $order_id]);
} else {
$services->storeProductOrderRefundYFasle((int)$id, $refund_price);
return app('json')->fail('操作失败');
* 提醒发货
* @param StoreOrderDeliveryServices $storeOrderDeliveryServices
* @param $id
* @return Response
* @throws \Psr\SimpleCache\InvalidArgumentException
public function deliverRemind(StoreOrderDeliveryServices $storeOrderDeliveryServices, $id)
if (!$id) return app('json')->fail('参数异常');
return app('json')->success('提醒成功');
* @param Request $request
* @return mixed
* @throws \Psr\SimpleCache\InvalidArgumentException
public function checkShipping(Request $request,StoreOrderServices $services)
[$cartId, $new, $uid] = $request->postMore(['cartId', 'new', 'uid'], true);
return app('json')->successful($services->checkShipping($uid, $cartId, $new));