You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

683 lines
24 KiB

5 months ago
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
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// | Copyright (c) 2016~2020 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace app\services\order;
use app\dao\order\StoreDeliveryOrderDao;
use app\jobs\order\OrderTakeJob;
use app\jobs\store\StoreFinanceJob;
use app\services\BaseServices;
use app\services\other\CityAreaServices;
use app\services\store\SystemStoreServices;
use app\services\supplier\SystemSupplierServices;
use crmeb\services\DeliverySevices;
use crmeb\services\FormBuilder as Form;
use crmeb\services\SystemConfigService;
use crmeb\traits\OptionTrait;
use think\exception\ValidateException;
use think\facade\Log;
use think\facade\Route as Url;
* 发货单
* Class StoreDeliveryOrderServices
* @package app\services\order
* @mixin StoreDeliveryOrderDao
class StoreDeliveryOrderServices extends BaseServices
use OptionTrait;
protected $statusData = [
2 => '待取货',
3 => '配送中',
4 => '已完成',
-1 => '已取消',
9 => '物品返回中',
10 => '物品返回完成',
100 => '骑士到店',
* 平台达达门店
* @var string
public $platCityShopId = 'plat_delivery_city_shop_001';
* 构造方法
* StoreDeliveryOrderServices constructor.
* @param StoreDeliveryOrderDao $dao
public function __construct(StoreDeliveryOrderDao $dao)
$this->dao = $dao;
* 配送信息
* @return string[]
public function getStatusMsg()
return $this->statusData;
* @param array $where
* @return array
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function systemPage(array $where)
[$page, $limit] = $this->getPageValue();
$list = $this->dao->getList($where, '*', $page, $limit, ['orderInfo', 'storeInfo']);
$count = $this->dao->count($where);
if ($list) {
foreach ($list as &$item) {
$item['add_time'] = $item['add_time'] ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s') : '';
$item['distance'] = $item['distance'] ? bcdiv($item['distance'], '1000', 3) : 0;
return compact('count', 'list');
* 生成订单号
* @return string
* @throws \Exception
public function getOrderSn(string $key = '')
[$msec, $sec] = explode(' ', microtime());
$msectime = number_format((floatval($msec) + floatval($sec)) * 1000, 0, '', '');
$orderId = $key . $msectime . random_int(10000, max(intval($msec * 10000) + 10000, 98369));
return $orderId;
* 地址转经纬度
* @param $region
* @param $address
* @return mixed|null
public function lbs_address($region, $address)
$key = sys_config('tengxun_map_key', '');
if (!$key) {
throw new ValidateException('请先配置地图KEY');
$locationOption = new \Joypack\Tencent\Map\Bundle\AddressOption($key);
// $locationOption->setRegion($region);
$location = new \Joypack\Tencent\Map\Bundle\Address($locationOption);
$res = $location->request();
if ($res->error) {
throw new ValidateException($res->error);
if ($res->status) {
throw new ValidateException($res->message);
if (!$res->result) {
throw new ValidateException('获取失败');
return $res->result;
* 处理订单数据
* @param array $station
* @param array $order
* @param int $type
* @return array
public function getPriceParams(array $station, array $order, int $type)
$data = [];
$type = (int)$type;
switch ($type) {
case 1:
$city = DeliverySevices::init(DeliverySevices::DELIVERY_TYPE_DADA)->getCity([]);
$res = [];
foreach ($city as $item) {
$res[$item['label']] = $item['key'];
$city_name = str_replace(['市','自治州','地区','区划','县'], '',$station['city_name'] ?? '');
$data = [
'shop_no' => $station['origin_shop_id'],
'city_code' => $res[$city_name] ?? '西安',
'cargo_price' => $order['pay_price'],
'is_prepay' => 0,
'receiver_name' => $order['real_name'],
'receiver_address' => $order['user_address'],
'cargo_weight' => 0,
'receiver_phone' => $order['user_phone'],
'is_finish_code_needed' => 1,
case 2://uu城市数据:西安市
$business = DeliverySevices::init(DeliverySevices::DELIVERY_TYPE_UU)->getBusiness();
$business = array_combine(array_column($business, 'key'), $business);
$data = [
'from_address' => $station['station_address'],
'to_address' => $order['user_address'],
'city_name' => $station['city_name'] ?? '西安',
'goods_type' => $business[$station['business'] ?? 1]['label'],
'send_type' =>'0',
'to_lat' => $order['latitude'],
'to_lng' => $order['longitude'],
'from_lat' => $station['lat'],
'from_lng' => $station['lng'],
return $data;
* 创建配送单
* @param int $id
* @param array $data
* @param int $type
* @param $order
* @return bool
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function create(int $id, array $data, int $type = 1, $order = [])
if (!$order) {
/** @var StoreOrderServices $orderServices */
$orderServices = app()->make(StoreOrderServices::class);
$order = $orderServices->get($id);
if (!$order) {
throw new ValidateException('订单信息获取失败');
if (isset($order['user_address']) && !$order['user_address']) {
throw new ValidateException('自提订单不支持同城配送');
$order = is_object($order) ? $order->toArray() : $order;
if (isset($order['user_location']) && $order['user_location']) {
[$longitude, $latitude] = explode(' ', $order['user_location']);
$order['longitude'] = $longitude;
$order['latitude'] = $latitude;
if (!$order['longitude'] || !$order['latitude']) {
$addressArr = $this->addressHandle($order['user_address']);
$city_name = $addressArr['city'] ?? '';
try {
$addres = $this->lbs_address($city_name, $order['user_address']);
$order['latitude'] = $addres['location']['lat'] ?? '';
$order['longitude'] = $addres['location']['lng'] ?? '';
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new ValidateException('获取经纬度失败');
if ($order['store_id']) {//门店
$resType = 1;
$relationId = (int)$order['store_id'];
} elseif ($order['supplier_id']) {//供应商
$resType = 2;
$relationId = (int)$order['supplier_id'];
} else {//平台信息
$resType = 0;
$relationId = 0;
$station = $this->syncCityShop($relationId, $resType, $type);
if (!$station || !isset($station['lat']) || !$station['lat'] || !isset($station['lng']) || !$station['lng']) {
throw new ValidateException('获取发货信息失败');
$getPriceParams = $this->getPriceParams($station, $order, $type);
$orderSn = $this->getOrderSn($type == 1 ? 'dd' : 'uu');
$getPriceParams['origin_id'] = $orderSn;
$getPriceParams['cargo_weight'] = $data['cargo_weight'] ?? '';
$service = DeliverySevices::init($type);
try {
$priceData = $service->getOrderPrice($getPriceParams);
if ($type == DeliverySevices::DELIVERY_TYPE_UU) { //uu
$priceData['receiver'] = $order['real_name'];
$priceData['receiver_phone'] = $order['user_phone'];
$priceData['note'] = $data['delivery_remark'] ?? '';
$priceData['push_type'] = 2;
$priceData['special_type'] = $data['special_type'] ?? 0;
$res = $service->addOrder($priceData);
$ret = [
'type' => $resType,
'relation_id' => $relationId,
'oid' => $id,
'order_id' => $orderSn,
'delivery_no' => $type == 2 ?($res['ordercode'] ?? '') : ($priceData['deliveryNo'] ?? ''),
'city_code' => $station['city_name'] ?? '西安',
'receiver_phone' => $order['user_phone'],
'user_name' => $order['real_name'],
'from_address' => $station['station_address'] ?? '',
'to_address' => $order['user_address'],
'info' => $data['delivery_remark'] ?? '',
'status' => 0,
'station_type' => $type,
'to_lat' => $order['latitude'],
'to_lng' => $order['longitude'],
'from_lat' => $station['lat'] ?? '',
'from_lng' => $station['lng'] ?? '',
'distance' => $priceData['distance'],
'fee' => $priceData['fee'] ?? $priceData['need_paymoney'] ?? 0,
'mark' => $data['delivery_remark'] ?? '',
'uid' => $order['uid'],
'add_time' => time()
if ($resType == 1) {
StoreFinanceJob::dispatch([$ret, 6, $ret['fee']]);
return true;
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
if (isset($res['status']) && $res['status'] == 'success'){
$error['origin_id'] = $orderSn;
$error['reason'] = $type == 1 ? 36 : '信息错误';
$error['delivery_no'] = $type == 2 ? $res['ordercode'] : $priceData['deliveryNo'];
throw new ValidateException($e->getMessage());
* 配送订单详情
* @param int $id
* @return array|\think\Model
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function detail(int $id)
$res = $this->dao->get($id, ['orderInfo']);
if (!$res) {
throw new ValidateException('配送订单不存在,或已取消');
$res = $res->toArray();
$order = DeliverySevices::init((int)$res['station_type'])->getOrderDetail($res);
if (!$res) throw new ValidateException('订单不存在');
$res['data'] = [
'order_id' => $order['order_code'],
'to_address' => $order['to_address'],
'from_address' => $order['from_address'],
'state' => $order['state'],
'note' => $order['note'],
'order_price' => $order['order_price'],
'distance' => round(($order['distance'] / 1000),2) . ' km',
return $res;
* 删除
* @param int $id
* @return mixed
public function delete(int $id)
$res = $this->dao->get($id);
if (!$res) throw new ValidateException('订单不存在');
return $this->dao->delete($id);
* @param $id
* @return mixed
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function cancelForm($id)
$order = $this->dao->get($id);
if (!$order) throw new ValidateException('订单不存在');
if ($order['status'] == -1) throw new ValidateException('订单已取消,无法操作');
$field = [];
if ($order['station_type'] == 1) {
$options = DeliverySevices::init(1)->reasons();
$field[] = Form::select('reason', '取消原因')->setOptions(Form::setOptions($options))->filterable(1)->col(12);
$field[] = Form::input('cancel_reason', '其他原因说明')->required('请输入原因');
} else {
$field[] = Form::input('reason', '取消原因')->required('请输入原因');
return create_form('取消同城配送订单', $field, Url::buildUrl('/order/delivery_order/cancel/'. $id), 'POST');
* 取消订单
* @param int $id
* @param array $reason
* @return mixed
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function cancel(int $id, array $reason)
$order = $this->dao->get($id);
if (!$order) throw new ValidateException('配送订单不存在');
if ($order['status'] == -1) throw new ValidateException('请勿重复操作');
$data = [
'origin_id' => $order['order_id'],
'order_code'=> $order['delivery_no'],
'reason' => $reason['reason'],
'cancel_reason' => $reason['cancel_reason'],
$this->transaction(function () use($id, $order, $data){
$mark = $data['reason'];
$delivery = DeliverySevices::init((int)$order['station_type']);
if ($order['station_type'] == DeliverySevices::DELIVERY_TYPE_DADA) {
$options = $delivery->reasons();
if ($options) $options = array_combine(array_column($options, 'value'), $options);
$mark = $options[$data['reason']]['label'] ?? '';
if ($data['cancel_reason']) $mark .= ','.$data['cancel_reason'];
$res = $delivery->cancelOrder($data);
$deduct_fee = $res['deduct_fee'] ?? 0;
$this->doCancel($id, $order, $deduct_fee, $mark);
return true;
* 执行取消订单
* @param int $id
* @param $deliveryOrder
* @param $deduct_fee
* @param $mark
* @return bool
public function doCancel(int $id , $deliveryOrder, $deduct_fee, $mark)
$this->dao->update($id, ['status' => 1, 'mark' => $mark, 'deduct_fee' => $deduct_fee]);
/** @var StoreOrderServices $storeOrderServices */
$storeOrderServices = app()->make(StoreOrderServices::class);
$storeOrderServices->update($deliveryOrder['oid'], ['status' => 0, 'delivery_type' => '', 'delivery_name' => '', 'delivery_id' => '', 'delivery_uid' => '']);
/** @var StoreOrderStatusServices $statusServices */
$statusServices = app()->make(StoreOrderStatusServices::class);
'oid' => $deliveryOrder['oid'],
'change_type' => 'city_delivery_cancel',
'change_message' => '同城配送取消',
'change_time' => time()
if ($deliveryOrder['type'] == 1) {
StoreFinanceJob::dispatch([$deliveryOrder, 7, $deliveryOrder['fee']]);
return true;
* TODO 回调
* @param $data
* @author Qinii
* @day 2/17/22
public function notify($data)
* 订单状态(待接单=1,待取货=2,配送中=3,已完成=4,已取消=5, 指派单=8,妥投异常之物品返回中=9, 妥投异常之物品返回完成=10, 骑士到店=100,创建达达运单失败=1000 可参考文末的状态说明)
if (isset($data['data'])) {
$data = json_decode($data['data'], 1);
$reason = '';
$deductFee = 0;
$delivery = [];
if (isset($data['order_status'])){
$order_id = $data['order_id'];
if ($data['order_status'] == 1) {
$orderData = $this->dao->getOne(['order_id' => $data['order_id']]);
if (!$orderData['finish_code']) {
$orderData->finish_code = $data['finish_code'];
return ;
} else if (in_array( $data['order_status'],[2,3,4,5,9,10,100])){
$status = $data['order_status'];
if ($data['order_status'] == 5){
$msg = [
$status = -1;
$reason = $msg[$data['cancel_from']].$data['cancel_reason'];
$deductFee = $data['deductFee'] ?? 0;
if (isset($data['dm_name']) && $data['dm_name']) {
$delivery = [
'delivery_name' => $data['dm_name'],
'delivery_id' => $data['dm_mobile'],
} else if (isset($data['state'])){ //uu
if (!$data['origin_id']) $deliveryOrder = $this->dao->getOne(['delivery_no' => $data['order_code']]);
$order_id = $data['origin_id'] ?: $deliveryOrder['order_id'] ;
//当前状态 1下单成功 3跑男抢单 4已到达 5已取件 6到达目的地 10收件人已收货 -1订单取消
switch ($data['state']) {
case 3:
$status = 2;
case 4:
$status = 100;
case 5:
$status = 3;
case 10:
$status = 4;
case -1:
$status = -1;
$reason = $data['state_text'];
if (isset($data['driver_name']) && $data['driver_name']) {
$delivery = [
'delivery_name' => $data['driver_name'],
'delivery_id' => $data['driver_mobile'],
if (isset($order_id) && isset($status)){
$deliveryOrder = $this->dao->getOne(['order_id' => $order_id]);
if ($deliveryOrder) {
$this->notifyAfter($status, $reason, $deliveryOrder, $delivery, $deductFee);
}else {
* @param $status
* @param $reason
* @param $res
* @param $data
* @param $deductFee
* @return bool
public function notifyAfter($status, $reason, $deliveryOrder, $data, $deductFee)
if (!isset($this->statusData[$status])) return true;
/** @var StoreOrderServices $orderServices */
$orderServices = app()->make(StoreOrderServices::class);
$orderData = $orderServices->get($deliveryOrder['oid']);
/** @var StoreOrderStatusServices $statusServices */
$statusServices = app()->make(StoreOrderStatusServices::class);
$change_type = 'city_delivery_' . $status;
$oid = (int)$deliveryOrder['oid'];
if ($orderData['status'] != $status && !$statusServices->count(['oid' => $oid, 'change_type' => $change_type])) {
$order = $orderServices->get($oid);
$this->dao->update($deliveryOrder['id'], ['status' => $status, 'reason' => $reason]);
$message = '订单已配送【'. $this->statusData[$status].'】';
'oid' => $oid,
'change_type' => $change_type,
'change_message' => $message,
'change_time' => time()
switch ($status) {
case 2:
if (!empty($data)) $orderServices->update($oid, $data);
case 4:
if ($order['status'] != 2) {
case -1:
$this->doCancel((int)$deliveryOrder['id'], $deliveryOrder, $deductFee , $reason);
return true;
* 同步达达门店信息
* @param int $id
* @param bool $is_new
* @param int $type
* @param int $station_type
* @return array
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function syncCityShop(int $id, int $type = 1, int $station_type = 1)
$data = [];
if ($station_type == 1) {
$status = sys_config('dada_delivery_status');
} else {
$status = sys_config('uu_delivery_status');
if (!$status) {//未开启
return $data;
if ($type == 1) {//门店
/** @var SystemStoreServices $storeServices */
$storeServices = app()->make(SystemStoreServices::class);
$station = $storeServices->getStoreInfo($id);
/** @var CityAreaServices $cityArea */
$cityArea = app()->make(CityAreaServices::class);
$station['city_name'] = $cityArea->value(['id' => $station['city']], 'name');
$station['address'] = $station['address'] . $station['detailed_address'];
if (!$station['city_shop_id']) {
$station['city_shop_id'] = 'deliver_store_' . $station['id'] . '_'. $this->getOrderSn();
$storeServices->update($id, ['city_shop_id' => $station['city_shop_id']]);
} elseif ($type == 2){//供应商
/** @var SystemSupplierServices $services */
$services = app()->make(SystemSupplierServices::class);
$station = $services->getSupplierInfo($id);
if ($station) {
$station['name'] = $station['supplier_name'] ?? '';
} else {//平台
$station = SystemConfigService::more(['refund_address', 'refund_name', 'refund_phone']);
$address = $station['refund_address'];
if ($address) {
$station['address'] = $station['refund_address'];
$station['name'] = $station['refund_name'];
$station['phone'] = $station['refund_phone'];
$station['city_shop_id'] = $this->platCityShopId;
if (!isset($station['latitude'])) {//地址转经纬度
$addressArr = $this->addressHandle($station['address']);
if (!$addressArr['province'] || !$addressArr['city']) {
throw new ValidateException($type == 0 ? '请检查(设置->商城设置->交易设置->退货收货人地址)完整性' : '请检查该订单关联供应商地址信息是否正确');
$station['city_name'] = $addressArr['city'] ?? '';
try {
$addres = $this->lbs_address($station['city_name'], $station['address']);
$station['latitude'] = $addres['location']['lat'] ?? '';
$station['longitude'] = $addres['location']['lng'] ?? '';
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new ValidateException('获取经纬度失败');
$data = [
'lng' => (float)($station['longitude'] ?? 0),
'lat' => (float)($station['latitude'] ?? 0),
'phone' => $station['phone'] ?? '',
'business' => (int)($station['business'] ?? 5),
'contact_name' => $station['name'] ?? '',
'station_name' => $station['name'],
'station_address' => $station['address'] ?? '',
'status' => 1,
'origin_shop_id' => $station['city_shop_id'],
if ($data) {
$serve = DeliverySevices::init($station_type);
try {
$shop = $serve->getShopDetail($data['origin_shop_id']);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
$shop = [];
try {
if (!$shop) {
} else {
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
throw new ValidateException('创建达达门店失败,原因:' . $e->getMessage());
$data['city_name'] = $station['city_name'];
return $data;