You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

2314 lines
57 KiB

<view :style="colorStyle">
<view class="order-details">
<!-- 给header上与data上加on为退款订单-->
<view class="header bg-color acea-row row-middle" :class="isGoodsReturn ? 'on' : ''">
<view class="pictrue" v-if="isGoodsReturn == false">
<image :src="orderInfo.status_pic"></image>
<view class="data" :class="isGoodsReturn ? 'on' : ''">
<view class="state">{{ orderInfo._status._msg }}</view>
{{ orderInfo.add_time_y }}
<text class="time">{{ orderInfo.add_time_h }}</text>
<view class="refund-msg" v-if="[4, 5].includes(orderInfo.refund_type)">
<view v-if="orderInfo._status.refund_name != ''">
<view class="refund-msg-user">
<text class="name">{{ orderInfo._status.refund_name }}</text>
<text>{{ orderInfo._status.refund_phone }}</text>
<!-- #ifndef H5 -->
<text class="copy-refund-msg" @click="copyAddress()">{{ $t(`复制`) }}</text>
<!-- #endif -->
<!-- #ifdef H5 -->
<text class="copy-refund-msg" :data-clipboard-text="orderInfo._status.refund_name + orderInfo._status.refund_phone + orderInfo._status.refund_address">
{{ $t(`复制`) }}
<!-- #endif -->
<view class="refund-address">
{{ orderInfo._status.refund_address }}
<view class="refund-tip">
<text class="iconfont icon-zhuyi-copy"></text>
{{ $t(`请按以上退货信息将商品退回`) }}
<view v-else>
<view class="refund-tip1">
<text class="iconfont icon-zhuyi-copy"></text>
{{ $t(`请联系管理员获取退货地址`) }}
<view class="line" v-if="[4, 5].includes(orderInfo.refund_type)">
<image src="@/static/images/line.jpg"></image>
<view v-if="isGoodsReturn == false">
<view class="nav">
<view class="navCon acea-row row-between-wrapper">
<view :class="status.type == 0 || status.type == -9 ? 'on' : ''">{{ $t(`待付款`) }}</view>
<view :class="status.type == 1 || status.type == 5 ? 'on' : ''">
{{ orderInfo.shipping_type == 1 ? $t(`待发货`) : $t(`待核销`) }}
<view :class="status.type == 2 ? 'on' : ''" v-if="orderInfo.shipping_type == 1">{{ $t(`待收货`) }}</view>
<view :class="status.type == 3 ? 'on' : ''">{{ $t(`待评价`) }}</view>
<view :class="status.type == 4 ? 'on' : ''">{{ $t(`已完成`) }}</view>
<view class="progress acea-row row-between-wrapper">
<view class="iconfont" :class="(status.type == 0 || status.type == -9 ? 'icon-webicon318' : 'icon-yuandianxiao') + ' ' + (status.type >= 0 ? 'font-num' : '')"></view>
<view class="line" :class="status.type > 0 ? 'bg-color' : ''"></view>
:class="(status.type == 1 || status.type == 5 ? 'icon-webicon318' : 'icon-yuandianxiao') + ' ' + (status.type >= 1 ? 'font-num' : '')"
v-if="orderInfo.shipping_type != 4"
<view class="line" :class="status.type > 1 && status.type != 5 ? 'bg-color' : ''" v-if="orderInfo.shipping_type == 1"></view>
:class="(status.type == 2 ? 'icon-webicon318' : 'icon-yuandianxiao') + ' ' + (status.type >= 2 ? 'font-num' : '')"
v-if="orderInfo.shipping_type == 1"
<view class="line" :class="status.type > 2 && status.type != 5 ? 'bg-color' : ''"></view>
<view class="iconfont" :class="(status.type == 3 ? 'icon-webicon318' : 'icon-yuandianxiao') + ' ' + (status.type >= 3 && status.type != 5 ? 'font-num' : '')"></view>
<view class="line" :class="status.type > 3 && status.type != 5 ? 'bg-color' : ''"></view>
<view class="iconfont" :class="(status.type == 4 ? 'icon-webicon318' : 'icon-yuandianxiao') + ' ' + (status.type >= 4 && status.type != 5 ? 'font-num' : '')"></view>
<!-- <view class="writeOff" v-if="orderInfo.shipping_type == 2 && orderInfo.paid"> -->
<view class="writeOff" v-if="orderInfo.verify_code && orderInfo.paid == 1">
<view class="title">{{ $t(`核销信息`) }}</view>
<view class="grayBg">
<view class="written" v-if="orderInfo.status == 2">
<image src="../static/written.png"></image>
<view class="pictrue">
<image :src="codeSrc" mode=""></image>
<view class="gear">
<image src="../static/writeOff.jpg"></image>
<view class="num">{{ orderInfo._verify_code }}</view>
<view class="rules">
<view class="item" v-if="orderInfo.shipping_type == 2">
<view class="rulesTitle acea-row row-middle">
<text class="iconfont icon-shijian"></text>
{{ $t(`营业时间`) }}
<view class="info">
{{ $t(`每日`) }}:
<text class="time">{{ orderInfo.system_store.day_time }}</text>
<view class="item">
<view class="rulesTitle acea-row row-middle">
<text class="iconfont icon-shuoming1"></text>
{{ $t(`使用说明`) }}
<view class="info">
{{ orderInfo.shipping_type == 2 ? $t(`可将二维码出示给店员扫描或提供数字核销码`) : $t(`可将二维码出示给配送员进行核销`) }}
<view class="map acea-row row-between-wrapper" v-if="orderInfo.shipping_type == 2">
<view>{{ $t(`地址信息`) }}</view>
<!-- <view class="place cart-color acea-row row-center-wrapper" @tap="showMaoLocation">
<text class="iconfont icon-weizhi"></text>
{{ $t(`查看位置`) }}
</view> -->
<view v-if="orderInfo.virtual_type == 0">
<view class="address" v-if="orderInfo.shipping_type === 1">
<view class="name">
{{ orderInfo.real_name }}
<text class="phone">{{ orderInfo.user_phone }}</text>
<view>{{ orderInfo.user_address }}</view>
<view v-else class="address acea-row row-between-wrapper">
<view class="address-box">
<view class="name" @tap="makePhone">
{{ orderInfo.system_store.name }}
<text class="phone">{{ orderInfo.system_store.phone }}</text>
<view>{{ orderInfo.system_store.detailed_address }}</view>
<view class="icon acea-row row-middle">
<view class="iconfont icon-dianhua" @click.stop="makePhone"></view>
<view class="iconfont icon-dingwei2" @click.stop="showMaoLocation(system_store)"></view>
<view class="line" v-if="orderInfo.shipping_type === 1">
<image src="@/static/images/line.jpg"></image>
<view v-if="orderInfo.virtual_type != 0" style="paddingtop: 6px"></view>
<view v-else>
<!-- 拒绝退款 -->
<view class="refund" v-if="orderInfo.refund_type == 3">
<view class="title">
<image src="../static/shuoming.png" mode=""></image>
{{ $t(`拒绝退款`) }}
<view class="con">{{ $t(`拒绝原因`) }}:{{ orderInfo.refuse_reason || '' }}</view>
v-for="(item, index) in split"
:evaluate="item._status._type == 3 ? 3 : 0"
<!-- #ifdef H5 || APP-PLUS -->
<div class="goodCall" @click="goGoodCall">
<span class="iconfont icon-kefu"></span>
<span>{{ $t(`联系客服`) }}</span>
<!-- #endif -->
<!-- #ifdef MP -->
<div class="goodCall" @click="goGoodCall" v-if="routineContact == 0">
<button hover-class="none">
<span class="iconfont icon-kefu"></span>
<span>{{ $t(`联系客服`) }}</span>
<div class="goodCall" v-else>
<button hover-class="none" open-type="contact">
<span class="iconfont icon-kefu"></span>
<span>{{ $t(`联系客服`) }}</span>
<!-- #endif -->
<view class="wrapper" v-if="isReturen == 1">
<view class="item acea-row row-between">
<view>{{ $t(`申请理由`) }}:</view>
<view class="conter">{{ orderInfo.refund_reason }}</view>
<view class="item acea-row row-between">
<view>{{ $t(`用户备注`) }}:</view>
<view class="conter">{{ orderInfo.refund_explain }}</view>
<view class="item acea-row row-between" v-if="orderInfo.refund_img.length">
<view>{{ $t(`申请图片`) }}:</view>
<view class="upload acea-row row-middle">
<view class="conter">
<view class="pictrue" v-for="(item, index) in orderInfo.refund_img" :key="index">
<image :src="item"></image>
<view class="wrapper">
<view class="item acea-row row-between">
<view>{{ $t(`订单号`) }}:</view>
<view class="conter acea-row row-middle row-right">
<text>{{ orderInfo.order_id }}</text>
<!-- #ifndef H5 -->
<text class="copy" @tap="copy(orderInfo.order_id)">{{ $t(`复制`) }}</text>
<!-- #endif -->
<!-- #ifdef H5 -->
<text class="copy copy-data" :data-clipboard-text="orderInfo.order_id">{{ $t(`复制`) }}</text>
<!-- #endif -->
<view class="item acea-row row-between">
<view>{{ $t(`下单时间`) }}:</view>
<view class="conter">{{ (orderInfo.add_time_y || '') + ' ' + (orderInfo.add_time_h || 0) }}</view>
<view class="item acea-row row-between">
<view>{{ $t(`支付状态`) }}:</view>
<view class="conter" v-if="orderInfo.paid">{{ $t(`已支付`) }}</view>
<view class="conter" v-else>{{ $t(`未支付`) }}</view>
<view class="item acea-row row-between" v-if="orderInfo.paid">
<view>{{ $t(`支付方式`) }}:</view>
<view class="conter">{{ $t(orderInfo._status._payType) }}</view>
<view class="item acea-row row-between" v-if="orderInfo.mark && isReturen != 1">
<view v-if="orderInfo.pid">{{ $t(`买家备注`) }}:</view>
<view v-else>{{ $t(`买家留言`) }}:</view>
<view class="conter">{{ orderInfo.mark }}</view>
<view class="item acea-row row-between" v-if="orderInfo.remark">
<view>{{ $t(`商家备注`) }}:</view>
<view class="conter">
{{ orderInfo.remark }}
<!-- #ifndef H5 -->
<view v-if="orderInfo.virtual_type == 1" class="copy" @tap="copy(orderInfo.remark)">{{ $t(`复制`) }}</view>
<!-- #endif -->
<!-- #ifdef H5 -->
<view v-if="orderInfo.virtual_type == 1" class="copy copy-data" :data-clipboard-text="orderInfo.remark">
{{ $t(`复制`) }}
<!-- #endif -->
<view class="wrapper" v-if="customForm && customForm.length">
<view class="item acea-row row-between" v-for="(item, index) in customForm" :key="index">
<view class="upload" v-if="item.label == 'img'">
<view class="diy-from-title">{{ item.title }}:</view>
<view class="pictrue" v-for="(img, index) in item.value" :key="index">
<image :src="img"></image>
<view v-if="item.label !== 'img'" class="diy-from-title">{{ item.title }}:</view>
<view v-if="item.label !== 'img'" class="conter">{{ item.value }}</view>
<view class="copy-text" @click="copyText()">{{ $t(`复制`) }}</view>
<!-- 退款订单详情 -->
<view class="wrapper" v-if="isGoodsReturn && orderInfo.cartInfo[0].productInfo.virtual_type != 3">
<view class="item acea-row row-between">
<view>{{ $t(`收货人`) }}:</view>
<view class="conter">{{ orderInfo.real_name }}</view>
<view class="item acea-row row-between">
<view>{{ $t(`联系电话`) }}:</view>
<view class="conter">{{ orderInfo.user_phone }}</view>
<view class="item acea-row row-between" v-if="orderInfo.shipping_type && orderInfo.shipping_type == 1">
<view>{{ $t(`收货地址`) }}:</view>
<view class="conter">{{ orderInfo.user_address }}</view>
<view v-if="orderInfo.status != 0">
<view class="wrapper" v-if="orderInfo.delivery_type == 'express'">
<view class="item acea-row row-between">
<view>{{ $t(`配送方式`) }}:</view>
<view class="conter">{{ $t(`发货`) }}</view>
<view class="item acea-row row-between">
<view>{{ $t(`快递公司`) }}:</view>
<view class="conter">{{ orderInfo.delivery_name || '' }}</view>
<view class="item acea-row row-between">
<view>{{ $t(`快递单号`) }}:</view>
<view class="conter">{{ orderInfo.delivery_id || '' }}</view>
<view class="wrapper" v-else-if="orderInfo.delivery_type == 'send'">
<view class="item acea-row row-between">
<view>{{ $t(`配送方式`) }}:</view>
<view class="conter">{{ $t(`送货`) }}</view>
<view class="item acea-row row-between">
<view>{{ $t(`配送人姓名`) }}:</view>
<view class="conter">{{ orderInfo.delivery_name || '' }}</view>
<view class="item acea-row row-between">
<view>{{ $t(`送货人电话`) }}:</view>
<view class="conter acea-row row-middle row-right">
{{ orderInfo.delivery_id || '' }}
<text class="copy" @tap="goTel">{{ $t(`拨打`) }}</text>
<view class="wrapper" v-else-if="orderInfo.delivery_type == 'fictitious'">
<view class="item acea-row row-between">
<view>{{ $t(`虚拟发货`) }}:</view>
<view class="conter">{{ $t(`已发货,请注意查收`) }}</view>
<view class="item acea-row row-between" v-if="orderInfo.fictitious_content">
<view>{{ $t(`虚拟备注`) }}:</view>
<view class="conter">{{ orderInfo.fictitious_content }}</view>
<view class="wrapper" v-if="orderInfo.total_price">
<view class="item acea-row row-between">
<view>{{ $t(`商品总价`) }}:</view>
<view class="conter">{{ $t(`¥`) }}{{ (parseFloat(orderInfo.total_price) + parseFloat(orderInfo.vip_true_price)).toFixed(2) }}</view>
<view class="item acea-row row-between" v-if="orderInfo.pay_postage > 0">
<view>{{ $t(`配送运费`) }}:</view>
<view class="conter">{{ $t(`¥`) }}{{ parseFloat(orderInfo.pay_postage).toFixed(2) }}</view>
<view v-if="orderInfo.levelPrice > 0" class="item acea-row row-between">
<view>{{ $t(`用户等级优惠`) }}:</view>
<view class="conter">-{{ $t(`¥`) }}{{ parseFloat(orderInfo.levelPrice).toFixed(2) }}</view>
<view v-if="orderInfo.memberPrice > 0" class="item acea-row row-between">
<view>{{ $t(`付费会员优惠`) }}:</view>
<view class="conter">-{{ $t(`¥`) }}{{ parseFloat(orderInfo.memberPrice).toFixed(2) }}</view>
<view class="item acea-row row-between" v-if="orderInfo.coupon_price > 0">
<view>{{ $t(`优惠券抵扣`) }}:</view>
<view class="conter">-{{ $t(`¥`) }}{{ parseFloat(orderInfo.coupon_price).toFixed(2) }}</view>
<view class="item acea-row row-between" v-if="orderInfo.use_integral > 0">
<view>{{ $t(`积分抵扣`) }}:</view>
<view class="conter">-{{ $t(`¥`) }}{{ parseFloat(orderInfo.deduction_price).toFixed(2) }}</view>
<view class="actualPay acea-row row-right" v-if="!orderInfo.help_info.help_status">
{{ $t(`实付款`) }}:
<text class="money font-color">{{ $t(`¥`) }}{{ parseFloat(orderInfo.pay_price).toFixed(2) }}</text>
<view class="actualPay acea-row row-right" v-else>
<view class="pay-people">
<image :src="orderInfo.help_info.pay_avatar" mode="代付头像"></image>
<view class="pay-nickname">
{{ orderInfo.help_info.pay_nickname || '' }}
{{ $t(`总代付`) }}:
<text class="money font-color">{{ $t(`¥`) }}{{ parseFloat(orderInfo.pay_price).toFixed(2) }}</text>
<view style="height: 120rpx"></view>
<view class="footer acea-row row-right row-middle" v-if="isGoodsReturn == false || status.type == 9 || orderInfo.refund_type || orderInfo.is_apply_refund">
<view class="more" v-if="(invoice_func || invoiceData) && orderInfo.paid && !orderInfo.refund_status" @click="more">
{{ $t(`更多`) }}
<span class="iconfont icon-xiangshang"></span>
<view class="" v-else></view>
<view class="more-box" v-if="moreBtn">
<view class="more-btn" v-if="invoice_func && !invoiceData" @click="invoiceApply">{{ $t(`申请开票`) }}</view>
<view class="more-btn" v-if="invoiceData" @click="aleartStatusChange">{{ $t(`查看发票`) }}</view>
<view class="right-btn">
<view class="qs-btn" v-if="status.type == 0 || status.type == -9" @click.stop="cancelOrder">
{{ $t(`取消订单`) }}
<view class="bnt bg-color" v-if="status.type == 0" @tap="pay_open(orderInfo.order_id)">{{ $t(`立即付款`) }}</view>
@click="openSubcribe(`/pages/goods/${cartInfo.length > 1 ? 'goods_return_list' : 'goods_return'}/index?orderId=` + orderInfo.order_id + '&id=' + orderInfo.id)"
class="bnt cancel"
v-else-if="orderInfo.is_apply_refund && orderInfo.refund_status == 0 && cartInfo.length > 1 && !orderInfo.virtual_type && orderInfo.is_refund_available"
{{ cartInfo.length > 1 ? $t(`批量退款`) : $t(`申请退款`) }}
class="bnt cancel"
v-if="orderInfo.delivery_type == 'express' && status.class_status == 3 && status.type == 2 && !split.length"
:url="'/pages/goods/goods_logistics/index?orderId=' + orderInfo.order_id"
{{ $t(`查看物流`) }}
<view class="bnt bg-color" v-if="orderInfo.type == 3 && orderInfo.refund_type == 0 && orderInfo.paid" @tap="goJoinPink">
{{ $t(`查看拼团`) }}
<view class="bnt bg-color" v-if="status.class_status == 3 && !split.length" @click="confirmOrder()">
{{ $t(`确认收货`) }}
<view class="bnt bg-color" v-if="status.class_status == 5" @tap="goOrderConfirm">{{ $t(`再次购买`) }}</view>
class="bnt bg-color refundBnt"
v-if="[1, 2, 4].includes(orderInfo.refund_type) && !orderInfo.is_cancel && orderInfo.type != 3 && orderInfo.refund_status != 2"
{{ $t(`取消申请`) }}
<view class="bnt bg-color refundBnt" v-if="orderInfo.refund_type == 4" @tap="refundInput">
{{ $t(`填写退货信息`) }}
class="bnt cancel refundBnt"
v-if="orderInfo.refund_type == 5"
:url="'/pages/goods/goods_logistics/index?orderId=' + orderInfo.order_id + '&type=refund'"
{{ $t(`查看退货物流`) }}
<view class="bnt cancel" v-if="(status.type == 4 && !split.length) || status.type == -2" @tap="delOrder">
{{ $t(`删除订单`) }}
<home v-show="!aleartStatus && !invShow"></home>
<view class="mask" v-if="refund_close" @click="refund_close = false"></view>
<!-- <view class="refund-input" :class="refund_close ? 'on' : ''">
<view class="input-msg">
<text class='iconfont icon-guanbi5' @tap='refund_close = false'></text>
<view class="refund-input-title">填写物流单号
<view class="refund-input-sty">
<input type="text" v-model="express_num" placeholder="请输入物流单号" />
<view class="refund-bth">
<view class="submit-refund" @click="refundSubmit()">提交</view>
</view> -->
<!-- #ifdef MP -->
<!-- <authorize @onLoadFun="onLoadFun" :isAuto="isAuto" :isShowAuth="isShowAuth" @authColse="authColse"></authorize> -->
<!-- #endif -->
<invoiceModal :aleartStatus="aleartStatus" :invoiceData="invoiceData" @close="aleartStatus = false"></invoiceModal>
<view class="mask invoice-mask" v-if="aleartStatus" @click="aleartStatus = false"></view>
<view class="mask more-mask" v-if="moreBtn" @click="moreBtn = false"></view>
import { getOrderDetail, refundOrderDetail, orderAgain, orderTake, orderDel, refundOrderDel, orderCancel, refundExpress, cancelRefundOrder } from '@/api/order.js';
import { openOrderRefundSubscribe } from '@/utils/SubscribeMessage.js';
import { getCustomerType } from '@/api/api.js';
import { getCustomer } from '@/utils/index.js';
import { getUserInfo, invoiceList, makeUpinvoice } from '@/api/user.js';
import home from '@/components/home';
import orderGoods from '@/components/orderGoods';
import ClipboardJS from '@/plugin/clipboard/clipboard.js';
import { toLogin } from '@/libs/login.js';
import { mapGetters } from 'vuex';
// #ifdef MP
import authorize from '@/components/Authorize';
// #endif
import colors from '@/mixins/color';
import invoicePicker from '../components/invoicePicker/index.vue';
import invoiceModal from '../components/invoiceModal/index.vue';
import zbCode from '@/components/zb-code/zb-code.vue';
import { HTTP_REQUEST_URL } from '@/config/app.js';
export default {
components: {
// #ifdef MP
// #endif
mixins: [colors],
data() {
return {
customForm: '', //自定义留言
codeShow: false,
cid: '1',
ifShow: true,
val: '', // 要生成的二维码值
size: 200, // 二维码大小
unit: 'upx', // 单位
background: '#FFF', // 背景色
foreground: '#000', // 前景色
pdground: '#000', // 角标色
icon: '', // 二维码图标
iconsize: 40, // 二维码图标大小
lv: 3, // 二维码容错级别 , 一般不用设置,默认就行
onval: true, // val值变化时自动重新生成二维码
loadMake: true, // 组件加载完成后自动生成二维码
src: '', // 二维码生成后的图片地址或base64
codeSrc: '',
wd: 0,
hg: 0,
mpUrl: '',
order_id: '',
evaluate: 0,
cartInfo: [], //购物车产品
pid: 0, //上级订单ID
split: [], //分单商品
orderInfo: {
help_info: {},
system_store: {},
_status: {}
}, //订单详情
system_store: {},
isGoodsReturn: false, //是否为退款订单
status: {}, //订单底部按钮状态
refund_close: false,
isClose: false,
payMode: [
name: this.$t(`微信支付`),
icon: 'icon-weixinzhifu',
value: 'weixin',
title: this.$t(`使用微信快捷支付`),
payStatus: true
// #ifdef H5 || APP-PLUS
name: this.$t(`支付宝支付`),
icon: 'icon-zhifubao',
value: 'alipay',
title: this.$t(`使用支付宝支付`),
payStatus: true
// #endif
name: this.$t(`余额支付`),
icon: 'icon-yuezhifu',
value: 'yue',
title: this.$t(`可用余额`),
number: 0,
payStatus: true
name: this.$t(`好友代付`),
icon: 'icon-haoyoudaizhifu',
value: 'friend',
title: this.$t(`找微信好友支付`),
payStatus: 1
name: this.$t(`通联支付`),
icon: 'icon-tonglianzhifu1',
value: 'allinpay',
title: this.$t(`使用通联支付付款`),
payStatus: 1
pay_close: false,
pay_order_id: '',
totalPrice: '0',
isAuto: false, //没有授权的不会自动授权
isShowAuth: false, //是否隐藏授权
routineContact: 0,
express_num: '',
invoice_func: false,
invoiceData: {},
invoice_id: 0,
invChecked: '',
moreBtn: false,
invShow: false,
aleartStatus: false, //发票弹窗
special_invoice: false,
invList: [],
customerInfo: {},
userInfo: {},
isReturen: '',
urlQuery: ''
computed: mapGetters(['isLogin']),
onLoad: function (options) {
if (options.order_id) {
this.$set(this, 'order_id', options.order_id);
this.isReturen = options.isReturen;
if (options.invoice_id) {
this.invoice_id = options.invoice_id;
onShow() {
if (this.isLogin) {
let opt = wx.getEnterOptionsSync();
if (opt.scene == '1038' && opt.referrerInfo.appId == 'wxef277996acc166c3') {
// 代表从收银台小程序返回
let extraData = opt.referrerInfo.extraData;
if (!extraData) {
// "当前通过物理按键返回,未接收到返参,建议自行查询交易结果";
} else {
if (extraData.code == 'success') {
// "支付成功";
} else if (extraData.code == 'cancel') {
// "支付已取消";
title: this.$t(`支付已取消`)
} else {
// "支付失败:" + extraData.errmsg;
title: this.$t(`支付失败:${extraData.errmsg}`)
} else {
onHide: function () {
this.isClose = true;
onReady: function () {
// #ifdef H5
this.$nextTick(function () {
const clipboard = new ClipboardJS('.copy-data');
clipboard.on('success', () => {
title: this.$t(`复制成功`)
const address = new ClipboardJS('.copy-refund-msg');
address.on('success', () => {
title: this.$t(`复制成功`)
// #endif
methods: {
qrR(res) {
this.codeSrc = res;
cancelRefundOrder(orderId) {
let that = this;
title: that.$t(`取消申请`),
content: that.$t(`您确认放弃此次申请吗`),
success: (res) => {
if (res.confirm) {
.then((res) => {
return that.$util.Tips(
title: that.$t(`操作成功`),
icon: 'success'
tab: 4,
url: '/pages/users/user_return_list/index'
.catch((err) => {
return that.$util.Tips({
title: err
refundInput() {
url: `/pages/goods/order_refund_goods/index?orderId=` + this.order_id
getCustomerType() {
.then((res) => {
this.customerInfo = res.data;
.catch((err) => {
title: err
goGoodCall() {
openSubcribe(e) {
let page = e;
// #ifndef MP
url: page
// #endif
// #ifdef MP
title: this.$t(`正在加载中`)
.then((res) => {
url: page
.catch((err) => {
// #endif
goReturnGoods() {},
* 拨打电话
makePhone: function () {
phoneNumber: this.system_store.phone
* 打开地图
showMaoLocation: function () {
if (!this.system_store.latitude || !this.system_store.longitude)
return this.$util.Tips({
title: this.$t(`缺少经纬度信息无法查看地图`)
latitude: parseFloat(this.system_store.latitude),
longitude: parseFloat(this.system_store.longitude),
scale: 8,
name: this.system_store.name,
address: this.system_store.address + this.system_store.detailed_address,
success: function () {}
* 打开支付组件
pay_open: function () {
url: `/pages/goods/cashier/index?order_id=${this.orderInfo.order_id}&from_type=order`
// this.pay_close = true;
// this.pay_order_id = this.orderInfo.order_id;
// this.totalPrice = this.orderInfo.pay_price;
* 支付失败回调
pay_fail: function () {
this.pay_close = false;
this.pay_order_id = '';
* 登录授权回调
onLoadFun: function () {
* 获取用户信息
getUserInfo: function () {
let that = this;
getUserInfo().then((res) => {
that.userInfo = res.data;
// #ifdef H5
that.payMode[2].number = res.data.now_money;
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-PLUS
that.payMode[2].number = res.data.now_money;
// #endif
// #ifdef MP
that.payMode[1].number = res.data.now_money;
// #endif
that.$set(that, 'payMode', that.payMode);
* 获取订单详细信息
getOrderInfo: function () {
let that = this;
title: this.$t(`正在加载中`)
let obj = '';
if (that.isReturen) {
obj = refundOrderDetail(this.order_id);
} else {
obj = getOrderDetail(this.order_id);
.then((res) => {
if (res.data.pid && res.data.pid == -1) {
title: this.$t(`订单信息不存在`)
let _type = res.data._status._type;
that.$set(that, 'orderInfo', res.data);
let arr = [];
that.orderInfo.custom_form.map((i) => {
if (i.value != '') {
that.$set(that, 'customForm', arr);
that.$set(that, 'cartInfo', res.data.cartInfo);
that.$set(that, 'pid', res.data.pid);
that.$set(that, 'split', res.data.split);
that.$set(that, 'evaluate', _type == 3 ? 3 : 0);
that.$set(that, 'system_store', res.data.system_store);
that.$set(that, 'invoiceData', res.data.invoice);
if (that.invoiceData) {
that.invoiceData.pay_price = res.data.pay_price;
that.$set(that, 'invoice_func', res.data.invoice_func);
that.$set(that, 'special_invoice', res.data.special_invoice);
that.$set(that, 'routineContact', Number(res.data.routine_contact_type));
// #ifdef H5 || APP-PLUS
this.$nextTick(() => {
that.val = HTTP_REQUEST_URL + '/pages/admin/order_cancellation/index?verify_code=' + that.orderInfo.verify_code;
// #endif
// #ifdef MP
if (!that.orderInfo.code) {
this.$nextTick(() => {
that.val = HTTP_REQUEST_URL + '/pages/admin/order_cancellation/index?verify_code=' + that.orderInfo.verify_code;
} else {
this.codeSrc = that.orderInfo.code || '';
// #endif
if (this.orderInfo.refund_status != 0) {
this.isGoodsReturn = true;
} else {
this.isReturen = 0;
if (that.invoice_id && !that.invoiceData) {
that.invChecked = that.invoice_id || '';
that.payMode.map((item) => {
if (item.value == 'weixin') {
item.payStatus = res.data.pay_weixin_open ? true : false;
if (item.value == 'alipay') {
item.payStatus = res.data.ali_pay_status ? true : false;
if (item.value == 'yue') {
item.payStatus = res.data.yue_pay_status == 1 ? true : false;
if (item.value == 'friend') {
item.payStatus = res.data.friend_pay_status == 1 ? true : false;
if (item.value == 'allinpay') {
item.payStatus = res.data.pay_allin_open == 1 ? true : false;
.catch((err) => {
title: err
// 不开发票
invCancel() {
this.invChecked = '';
this.invTitle = this.$t(`不开发票`);
this.invShow = false;
// 选择发票
invSub(id) {
this.invChecked = id;
let data = {
order_id: this.order_id,
invoice_id: this.invChecked
.then((res) => {
title: this.$t(`申请成功`),
icon: 'success'
this.invShow = false;
this.aleartStatus = true;
.catch((err) => {
title: err,
icon: 'none'
// 关闭发票
invClose() {
this.invShow = false;
invoiceApply() {
this.urlQuery = `&specialInvoice=${this.userInfo.special_invoice}`;
this.moreBtn = false;
this.invShow = true;
aleartStatusChange() {
this.moreBtn = false;
this.aleartStatus = true;
getInvoiceList() {
title: this.$t(`正在加载中`)
.then((res) => {
this.invList = res.data.map((item) => {
item.id = item.id.toString();
return item;
const result = this.invList.find((item) => item.id == this.invChecked);
if (result) {
let name = '';
name += result.header_type === 1 ? this.$t(`个人`) : this.$t(`企业`);
name += result.type === 1 ? this.$t(`普通`) : this.$t(`专用`);
name += this.$t(`发票`);
this.invTitle = name;
.catch((err) => {
title: err,
icon: 'none'
more() {
this.moreBtn = !this.moreBtn;
* 剪切订单号
// #ifndef H5
copy: function (text) {
let that = this;
data: text
// #endif
// #ifndef H5
copyAddress() {
data: this.orderInfo._status.refund_name + this.orderInfo._status.refund_phone + this.orderInfo._status.refund_address,
success() {
title: this.$t(`复制成功`),
icon: 'success'
// #endif
copyText(text) {
let str = '';
this.customForm.map((e) => {
if (e.label !== 'img') {
str += e.title + e.value;
data: str
// #ifdef H5
copyAddress() {
// let msg =
// return msg
// #endif
* 打电话
goTel: function () {
phoneNumber: this.orderInfo.delivery_id
* 设置底部按钮
getOrderStatus: function () {
let orderInfo = this.orderInfo || {},
_status = orderInfo._status || {
_type: 0
status = {};
let type = parseInt(_status._type),
delivery_type = orderInfo.delivery_type,
seckill_id = orderInfo.seckill_id ? parseInt(orderInfo.seckill_id) : 0,
bargain_id = orderInfo.bargain_id ? parseInt(orderInfo.bargain_id) : 0,
discount_id = orderInfo.discount_id ? parseInt(orderInfo.discount_id) : 0,
combination_id = orderInfo.combination_id ? parseInt(orderInfo.combination_id) : 0;
status = {
type: type == 9 ? -9 : type,
class_status: 0
if (type == 1 && combination_id > 0) status.class_status = 1; //查看拼团
if (type == 2 && delivery_type == 'express') status.class_status = 2; //查看物流
if (type == 2) status.class_status = 3; //确认收货
if (type == 4 || type == 0) status.class_status = 4; //删除订单
if (!seckill_id && !bargain_id && !combination_id && !discount_id && !orderInfo.type && (type == 3 || type == 4)) status.class_status = 5; //再次购买
this.$set(this, 'status', status);
* 去拼团详情
goJoinPink: function () {
url: '/pages/activity/goods_combination_status/index?id=' + this.orderInfo.pink_id
* 再此购买
goOrderConfirm: function () {
let that = this;
.then((res) => {
return uni.navigateTo({
url: '/pages/goods/order_confirm/index?new=1&cartId=' + res.data.cateId
.catch((err) => {
return that.$util.Tips({
title: err
confirmOrder(orderId) {
let that = this;
// #ifdef MP
if (wx.openBusinessView && this.orderInfo.order_shipping_open && this.orderInfo.trade_no) {
title: this.$t(`加载中`)
businessType: 'weappOrderConfirm',
extraData: {
transaction_id: this.orderInfo.trade_no
success() {},
fail(err) {
return that.$util.Tips({
title: err.errMsg
complete() {
} else {
// #endif
// #ifndef MP
// #endif
defaultTake(orderId) {
let that = this;
title: that.$t(`确认收货`),
content: that.$t(`为保障权益,请收到货确认无误后,再确认收货`),
success: (res) => {
if (res.confirm) {
orderTake(orderId ? orderId : that.order_id)
.then((res) => {
return that.$util.Tips(
title: that.$t(`操作成功`),
icon: 'success'
function () {
.catch((err) => {
return that.$util.Tips({
title: err
* 删除订单
delOrder() {
let that = this;
title: this.$t(`删除订单`),
content: this.$t(`确定删除该订单`),
success: (res) => {
if (res.confirm) {
(that.isReturen ? refundOrderDel : orderDel)(that.order_id)
.then((res) => {
if (that.status.type == -2) {
return that.$util.Tips(
title: that.$t(`删除成功`),
icon: 'success'
tab: 5,
url: '/pages/users/user_return_list/index'
} else {
return that.$util.Tips(
title: that.$t(`删除成功`),
icon: 'success'
tab: 5,
url: '/pages/goods/order_list/index'
.catch((err) => {
return that.$util.Tips({
title: err
} else if (res.cancel) {
return that.$util.Tips({
title: that.$t(`已取消`)
cancelOrder() {
let self = this;
title: this.$t(`提示`),
content: this.$t(`确认取消该订单`),
success: function (res) {
if (res.confirm) {
.then((data) => {
// #ifndef MP
title: data.msg
tab: 3
// #endif
// #ifdef MP
title: data.msg
// #endif
.catch(() => {
} else if (res.cancel) {
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/* #ifdef MP */
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