You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

271 lines
8.5 KiB

// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2023 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace app\outapi\controller;
use app\services\order\OutStoreOrderServices;
use app\services\shipping\ExpressServices;
use crmeb\services\CacheService;
use think\facade\App;
* 订单管理
* Class StoreOrder
* @package app\outapi\controller
class StoreOrder extends AuthController
* StoreOrder constructor.
* @param App $app
* @param OutStoreOrderServices $service
* @method temp
public function __construct(App $app, OutStoreOrderServices $service)
$this->services = $service;
* 获取订单列表
* @return mixed
public function lst()
$where = $this->request->getMore([
['status', ''],
['real_name', ''],
['is_del', ''],
['data', '', '', 'time'],
['type', ''],
['pay_type', ''],
['order', ''],
['field_key', ''],
['paid', '']
$where['is_system_del'] = 0;
$where['pid'] = 0;
return app('json')->success($this->services->getOrderList($where));
* 快递公司列表
* @return mixed
public function express(ExpressServices $services)
[$status] = $this->request->getMore([
['status', ''],
], true);
if ($status != '') $data['status'] = $status;
$data['is_show'] = 1;
$list = CacheService::remember('EXPRESS_LIST', function () use ($services, $data) {
return $services->express($data);
}, 86400);
return app('json')->success($list);
* 订单发货
* @param string $order_id 订单号
* @return mixed
public function delivery(string $order_id)
if (!$order_id) return app('json')->fail(100100);
$data = $this->request->postMore([
['delivery_name', ''],//快递公司名称
['delivery_id', ''],//快递单号
['delivery_code', ''],//快递公司编码
$data['express_record_type'] = 1;
$data['type'] = 1;
return app('json')->success(100010, $this->services->delivery($order_id, $data));
* 获取订单可拆分发货商品列表
* @param string $order_id 订单号
* @return mixed
public function splitCartInfo(string $order_id)
if (!$order_id) return app('json')->fail(100100);
return app('json')->success($this->services->getCartList($order_id));
* 订单拆单发送货
* @param string $order_id 订单号
* @return mixed
public function splitDelivery(string $order_id)
if (!$order_id) return app('json')->fail(100100);
$data = $this->request->postMore([
['delivery_name', ''],//快递公司名称
['delivery_id', ''],//快递单号
['delivery_code', ''],//快递公司编码
['fictitious_content', ''],//虚拟发货内容
['cart_ids', []]
if (!$data['cart_ids']) {
return app('json')->fail(400158);
foreach ($data['cart_ids'] as &$cart) {
if (!isset($cart['cart_id']) || !$cart['cart_id'] || !isset($cart['cart_num']) || !$cart['cart_num']) {
return app('json')->fail(400159);
$cart['cart_id'] = (int)$cart['cart_id'];
$cart['cart_num'] = (int)$cart['cart_num'];
$data['express_record_type'] = 1;
$data['type'] = 1;
$this->services->splitDelivery($order_id, $data);
return app('json')->success(100010);
* 确认收货
* @param string $order_id 订单号
* @return mixed
* @throws \Exception
public function receive(string $order_id)
if (!$order_id) return app('json')->fail(100100);
return app('json')->success(400117);
* 设置发票信息
* @param string $order_id 订单号
* @return mixed
public function setInvoice(string $order_id)
if (!$order_id) return app('json')->fail(100100);
$data = $this->request->postMore([
[['header_type', 'd'], 1],
[['type', 'd'], 1],
['drawer_phone', ''],
['email', ''],
['name', ''],
['duty_number', ''],
['tell', ''],
['address', ''],
['bank', ''],
['card_number', ''],
if (!$data['drawer_phone']) return app('json')->fail(410144);
if (!check_phone($data['drawer_phone'])) return app('json')->fail(410018);
if (!$data['name']) return app('json')->fail(410145);
if (!in_array($data['header_type'], [1, 2])) {
$data['header_type'] = empty($data['duty_number']) ? 1 : 2;
if ($data['header_type'] == 1 && !preg_match('/^[\x80-\xff]{2,60}$/', $data['name'])) {
return app('json')->fail(410146);
if ($data['header_type'] == 2 && !preg_match('/^[0-9a-zA-Z&\(\)\(\)\x80-\xff]{2,150}$/', $data['name'])) {
return app('json')->fail(410146);
if ($data['header_type'] == 2 && !$data['duty_number']) {
return app('json')->fail(410147);
if ($data['header_type'] == 2 && !preg_match('/^[A-Z0-9]{15}$|^[A-Z0-9]{17}$|^[A-Z0-9]{18}$|^[A-Z0-9]{20}$/', $data['duty_number'])) {
return app('json')->fail(410148);
if ($data['card_number'] && !preg_match('/^[1-9]\d{11,19}$/', $data['card_number'])) {
return app('json')->fail(410149);
if ($this->services->setInvoice($order_id, $data)) {
return app('json')->success(100001);
} else {
return app('json')->fail(100005);
* 设置发票状态
* @param string $order_id 订单号
* @return mixed
public function setInvoiceStatus(string $order_id)
if (!$order_id) return app('json')->fail(100100);
$data = $this->request->postMore([
['is_invoice', 0],
['invoice_number', 0],
['remark', '']
if ($data['is_invoice'] == 1 && !$data['invoice_number']) {
return app('json')->fail(400166);
if ($data['invoice_number'] && !preg_match('/^\d{8,10}$/', $data['invoice_number'])) {
return app('json')->fail(400167);
$this->services->setInvoice($order_id, $data);
return app('json')->success(100014);
* 订单详情
* @param string $order_id 订单号
* @return mixed
public function read(string $order_id)
if (!$order_id) return app('json')->fail(100100);
return app('json')->success($this->services->getInfo($order_id));
* 修改备注
* @param string $order_id 订单号
* @return mixed
public function remark(string $order_id)
if (!$order_id) return app('json')->fail(100100);
$data = $this->request->postMore([['remark', '']]);
if (!$data['remark']) return app('json')->fail(400106);
if (!$order = $this->services->get(['order_id' => $order_id])) {
return app('json')->fail(400118);
$order->remark = $data['remark'];
if ($order->save()) {
return app('json')->success(100024);
} else
return app('json')->fail(100025);
* 修改配送信息
* @param string $order_id 订单号
* @return mixed
public function updateDistribution(string $order_id)
if (!$order_id) return app('json')->fail(100100);
$data = $this->request->postMore([['delivery_name', ''], ['delivery_code', ''], ['delivery_id', '']]);
$this->services->updateDistribution($order_id, $data);
return app('json')->success(100010);