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675 lines
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675 lines
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9 months ago
namespace app\services\agent;
use app\services\BaseServices;
use app\services\other\QrcodeServices;
use app\services\system\admin\SystemAdminServices;
use app\services\system\admin\SystemRoleServices;
use app\services\user\UserServices;
use crmeb\exceptions\AdminException;
use crmeb\exceptions\ApiException;
use crmeb\services\FormBuilder as Form;
use think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException;
use think\db\exception\DbException;
use think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException;
use think\facade\Route;
class DivisionServices extends BaseServices
* 获取事业部/代理/员工列表
* @param array $where
* @return array
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function getDivisionList(array $where = [])
/** @var UserServices $userServices */
$userServices = app()->make(UserServices::class);
$data = $userServices->getDivisionList($where + ['status' => 1], 'uid,nickname,avatar,division_percent,division_end_time,division_status,division_invite');
foreach ($data['list'] as &$item) {
$item['division_end_time'] = date('Y-m-d', $item['division_end_time']);
$item['agent_count'] = $userServices->count([
$where['division_type'] == 1 ? 'division_id' : 'agent_id' => $item['uid'],
'division_type' => $where['division_type'] + 1,
'status' => 1,
'is_del' => 0
return $data;
* 下级列表
* @param $type
* @param $uid
* @return array
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function divisionDownList($type, $uid)
/** @var UserServices $userServices */
$userServices = app()->make(UserServices::class);
$where = [
$type == 2 ? 'division_id' : 'agent_id' => $uid,
'division_type' => $type
$where['status'] = 1;
$where['is_del'] = 0;
$data = $userServices->getDivisionList($where, 'uid,nickname,avatar,division_percent,division_end_time,division_status');
foreach ($data['list'] as &$item) {
$item['agent_count'] = $userServices->count([
'agent_id' => $item['uid'],
'division_type' => $type + 1,
'status' => 1
return $data;
* 添加编辑事业部表单
* @param $uid
* @return array
* @throws \FormBuilder\Exception\FormBuilderException
public function getDivisionForm($uid)
/** @var UserServices $userServices */
$userServices = app()->make(UserServices::class);
/** @var SystemAdminServices $adminService */
$adminService = app()->make(SystemAdminServices::class);
$userInfo = $userServices->getUserInfo($uid);
if ($uid && !$userInfo) throw new AdminException(100100);
if ($uid) {
$adminInfo = $adminService->getInfo(['division_id' => $uid])->toArray();
if (isset($adminInfo['roles'])) {
foreach ($adminInfo['roles'] as &$item) {
$item = intval($item);
$field = [];
$title = '事业部';
if ($uid) {
$field[] = Form::hidden('uid', $uid);
} else {
$field[] = Form::frameImage('image', '用户', $this->url(config('app.admin_prefix', 'admin') . '/system.user/list', ['fodder' => 'image'], true))->icon('el-icon-user')->width('950px')->height('560px')->Props(['srcKey' => 'image', 'footer' => false]);
$field[] = Form::hidden('aid', $adminInfo['id'] ?? 0);
$field[] = Form::number('division_percent', '佣金比例', $userInfo['division_percent'] ?? '')->placeholder('区域代理佣金比例1-100')->info('填写1-100,如填写50代表返佣50%')->style(['width' => '173px'])->min(0)->max(100)->required();
$field[] = Form::date('division_end_time', '到期时间', ($userInfo['division_end_time'] ?? '') != 0 ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $userInfo['division_end_time']) : '')->placeholder('区域代理到期时间');
$field[] = Form::radio('division_status', '代理状态', $userInfo['division_status'] ?? 1)->options([['label' => '开通', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '关闭', 'value' => 0]]);
$field[] = Form::input('account', '管理账号', $adminInfo['account'] ?? '')->required('请填写管理员账号');
$field[] = Form::input('pwd', '管理密码')->type('password')->placeholder('请填写管理员密码');
$field[] = Form::input('conf_pwd', '确认密码')->type('password')->placeholder('请输入确认密码');
$field[] = Form::input('real_name', '代理姓名', $adminInfo['real_name'] ?? '')->required('请输入管理员姓名');
/** @var SystemRoleServices $service */
$service = app()->make(SystemRoleServices::class);
$options = $service->getRoleFormSelect(1);
$field[] = Form::select('roles', '管理员身份', $adminInfo['roles'] ?? [])->setOptions(Form::setOptions($options))->multiple(true)->required('请选择管理员身份');
return create_form($title, $field, Route::buildUrl('/agent/division/save'), 'POST');
* 保存事业部数据
* @param $data
* @return mixed
public function divisionSave($data)
if ((int)$data['uid'] == 0) $data['uid'] = $data['image']['uid'];
if ((int)$data['uid'] == 0) throw new AdminException(400450);
/** @var UserServices $userServices */
$userServices = app()->make(UserServices::class);
$userInfo = $userServices->getUserInfo($data['uid'], 'is_division,is_agent,is_staff');
if (!$userInfo) throw new AdminException('用户不存在');
if ($userInfo['is_division']) throw new AdminException('此用户是事业部,请勿重复添加');
if ($userInfo['is_agent']) throw new AdminException('此用户是代理商,无法添加为事业部');
if ($userInfo['is_staff']) throw new AdminException('此用户是下级员工,无法添加为事业部');
$uid = $data['uid'];
$aid = $data['aid'];
$agentData = [
'division_percent' => $data['division_percent'],
'division_end_time' => strtotime($data['division_end_time']),
'division_change_time' => time(),
'is_division' => 1,
'is_agent' => 0,
'is_staff' => 0,
'division_id' => $uid,
'agent_id' => 0,
'staff_id' => 0,
'division_type' => 1,
'division_status' => $data['division_status'],
'spread_uid' => 0,
'spread_time' => 0
$adminData = [
'account' => $data['account'],
'pwd' => $data['pwd'],
'conf_pwd' => $data['conf_pwd'],
'real_name' => $data['real_name'],
'roles' => $data['roles'],
'status' => 1,
'level' => 1,
'division_id' => $uid
return $this->transaction(function () use ($uid, $agentData, $adminData, $aid, $userServices) {
$agentData['division_invite'] = $userServices->value(['uid' => $uid], 'division_invite') ?: rand(10000000, 99999999);
$userServices->update($uid, $agentData);
/** @var SystemAdminServices $adminService */
$adminService = app()->make(SystemAdminServices::class);
if (!$aid) {
if ($adminData['pwd']) {
if (!$adminData['conf_pwd']) throw new AdminException(400263);
if ($adminData['pwd'] != $adminData['conf_pwd']) throw new AdminException(400264);
} else {
throw new AdminException(400263);
} else {
$adminInfo = $adminService->get($aid);
if (!$adminInfo)
throw new AdminException(400451);
if ($adminInfo->is_del) {
throw new AdminException(400452);
if (!$adminData['real_name'])
throw new AdminException(400453);
if ($adminData['pwd']) {
if (!$adminData['conf_pwd']) throw new AdminException(400263);
if ($adminData['pwd'] != $adminData['conf_pwd']) throw new AdminException(400264);
$adminInfo->pwd = $this->passwordHash($adminData['pwd']);
$adminInfo->real_name = $adminData['real_name'];
$adminInfo->account = $adminData['account'];
$adminInfo->roles = implode(',', $adminData['roles']);
if ($adminInfo->save())
return true;
return false;
return true;
// /**
// * 生成邀请码
// * @return false|string
// */
// public function getDivisionInvite()
// {
// /** @var UserServices $userServices */
// $userServices = app()->make(UserServices::class);
// list($msec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
// $num = time() + mt_rand(10, 999999) . '' . substr($msec, 2, 3);//生成随机数
// if (strlen($num) < 12)
// $num = str_pad((string)$num, 8, 0, STR_PAD_RIGHT);
// else
// $num = substr($num, 0, 8);
// if ($userServices->count(['division_invite' => $num])) {
// return $this->getDivisionInvite();
// }
// return $num;
// }
* 添加编辑代理商
* @param $uid
* @return array
* @throws \FormBuilder\Exception\FormBuilderException
public function getDivisionAgentForm($uid)
/** @var UserServices $userService */
$userService = app()->make(UserServices::class);
$userInfo = $userService->get($uid);
if ($uid && !$userInfo) throw new AdminException(400214);
$field = [];
$options = [];
$divisionList = $userService->getDivisionList(['status' => 1, 'division_type' => 1], 'uid,nickname');
foreach ($divisionList['list'] as $item) {
$options[] = ['value' => $item['uid'], 'label' => $item['nickname']];
if ($uid) {
$field[] = Form::hidden('uid', $uid);
$field[] = Form::hidden('edit', 1);
} else {
$field[] = Form::select('division_id', '事业部', $info['file_name'] ?? '')->setOptions(Form::setOptions($options))->filterable(1);
$field[] = Form::frameImage('image', '代理商', $this->url(config('app.admin_prefix', 'admin') . '/system.user/list', ['fodder' => 'image'], true))->icon('el-icon-user')->width('950px')->height('560px')->Props(['srcKey' => 'image', 'footer' => false]);
$field[] = Form::hidden('edit', 0);
$field[] = Form::number('division_percent', '佣金比例', $userInfo['division_percent'] ?? '')->placeholder('代理商佣金比例1-100')->info('填写1-100,如填写50代表返佣50%,但是不能高于上级事业部的比例')->style(['width' => '173px'])->min(0)->max(100)->required();
$field[] = Form::date('division_end_time', '到期时间', ($userInfo['division_end_time'] ?? '') != 0 ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $userInfo['division_end_time']) : '')->placeholder('代理商代理到期时间');
$field[] = Form::radio('division_status', '代理状态', $userInfo['division_status'] ?? 1)->options([['label' => '开通', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '关闭', 'value' => 0]]);
return create_form('代理商', $field, Route::buildUrl('/agent/division/agent/save'), 'POST');
* 保存代理商
* @param $data
* @return bool
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function divisionAgentSave($data)
/** @var UserServices $userServices */
$userServices = app()->make(UserServices::class);
$uid = $data['uid'];
$agentData = [
'spread_uid' => $data['division_id'],
'spread_time' => time(),
'division_id' => $data['division_id'],
'division_status' => $data['division_status'],
'division_percent' => $data['division_percent'],
'division_change_time' => time(),
'division_end_time' => strtotime($data['division_end_time']),
'division_type' => 2,
'is_agent' => 1,
'agent_id' => $uid,
'is_staff' => 0,
'staff_id' => 0
$division_info = $userServices->getUserInfo($data['division_id'], 'division_end_time,division_percent');
if ($division_info) {
if ($agentData['division_percent'] > $division_info['division_percent']) throw new AdminException(400448);
if ($agentData['division_end_time'] > $division_info['division_end_time']) throw new AdminException(400449);
$res = $userServices->update($uid, $agentData);
if ($res) return true;
throw new AdminException('保存失败');
* 修改状态
* @param $status
* @param $uid
* @return bool
public function setDivisionStatus($status, $uid)
/** @var UserServices $userServices */
$userServices = app()->make(UserServices::class);
/** @var SystemAdminServices $adminServices */
$adminServices = app()->make(SystemAdminServices::class);
$res = $userServices->update($uid, ['division_status' => $status]);
$res = $res && $adminServices->update(['division_id' => $uid], ['status' => $status]);
if ($res) {
return true;
} else {
throw new AdminException(100005);
* 删除事业部/代理商
* @param $type
* @param $uid
* @return mixed
public function delDivision($type, $uid)
return $this->transaction(function () use ($type, $uid) {
/** @var UserServices $userServices */
$userServices = app()->make(UserServices::class);
switch ($type) {
case 1:
/** @var SystemAdminServices $adminService */
$adminService = app()->make(SystemAdminServices::class);
$adminService->delete(['division_id' => $uid]);
$data = [
'division_type' => 0,
'division_status' => 0,
'is_division' => 0,
'division_id' => 0,
'is_agent' => 0,
'agent_id' => 0,
'is_staff' => 0,
'staff_id' => 0,
'division_change_time' => time()
$userServices->update($uid, $data);
/** @var DivisionAgentApplyServices $divisionApply */
$divisionApply = app()->make(DivisionAgentApplyServices::class);
$divisionApply->update(['uid' => $uid], ['is_del' => 1]);
* 后台添加员工
* @param $uid
* @return array
* @throws \FormBuilder\Exception\FormBuilderException
* @author 吴汐
* @email
* @date 2024/1/22
public function getDivisionStaffForm($uid)
$field = [];
$field[] = Form::frameImage('image', '员工', $this->url(config('app.admin_prefix', 'admin') . '/system.user/list', ['fodder' => 'image'], true))->icon('el-icon-user')->width('950px')->height('560px')->Props(['srcKey' => 'image', 'footer' => false]);
$field[] = Form::number('division_percent', '佣金比例', '')->placeholder('员工佣金比例1-100')->info('填写1-100,如填写50代表返佣50%,但是不能高于上级代理商的比例')->style(['width' => '173px'])->min(0)->max(100)->required();
$field[] = Form::hidden('agent_id', $uid);
return create_form('员工', $field, Route::buildUrl('/agent/division/staff/save'), 'POST');
* 保存员工
* @param $data
* @return true
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @author 吴汐
* @email
* @date 2024/1/22
public function divisionStaffSave($data)
$data['uid'] = $data['image']['uid'];
/** @var UserServices $userServices */
$userServices = app()->make(UserServices::class);
$userInfo = $userServices->getUserInfo($data['uid'], 'is_division,is_agent,is_staff,division_id,agent_id,staff_id,division_end_time,division_percent');
if (!$userInfo) throw new AdminException('用户不存在');
if ($userInfo['is_division']) throw new AdminException('此用户是事业部,无法绑定为员工');
if ($userInfo['is_agent']) throw new AdminException('此用户是代理商,无法绑定为员工');
if ($userInfo['is_staff'] && $userInfo['agent_id'] == $data['agent_id']) throw new AdminException('此用户是您的员工,请勿重复添加');
$agentInfo = $userServices->getUserInfo($data['agent_id'], 'division_id,agent_id,division_end_time,division_percent');
$staffData = [
'spread_uid' => $data['agent_id'],
'spread_time' => time(),
'division_type' => 3,
'division_status' => 1,
'is_staff' => 1,
'division_id' => $agentInfo['division_id'],
'agent_id' => $agentInfo['agent_id'],
'staff_id' => $data['uid'],
'division_percent' => $data['division_percent'],
'division_change_time' => time(),
'division_end_time' => $agentInfo['division_end_time'],
if ($staffData['division_percent'] > $agentInfo['division_percent']) throw new AdminException(400448);
if ($userInfo['agent_id'] != 0 && $userInfo['agent_id'] != $agentInfo['agent_id']) {
$userServices->update(['staff_id' => $userInfo['uid'], 'spread_uid' => $userInfo['uid']], ['spread_uid' => $agentInfo['agent_id'], 'staff_id' => 0]);
$userServices->update(['staff_id' => $userInfo['uid'], 'not_spread_uid' => $userInfo['uid']], ['staff_id' => 0]);
$res = $userServices->update($data['uid'], $staffData);
if ($res) return true;
throw new AdminException('保存失败');
* 扫码绑定员工
* @param $uid
* @param int $agentId
* @param int $agentCode
* @return string
* @throws DataNotFoundException
* @throws DbException
* @throws ModelNotFoundException
* @author 吴汐
* @email
* @date 2024/2/2
public function agentSpreadStaff($uid, int $agentId = 0, int $agentCode = 0)
if ($agentCode && !$agentId) {
/** @var QrcodeServices $qrCode */
$qrCode = app()->make(QrcodeServices::class);
if ($info = $qrCode->getOne(['id' => $agentCode, 'status' => 1])) {
$agentId = $info['third_id'];
if ($uid == $agentId) return '自己不能推荐自己';
/** @var UserServices $userServices */
$userServices = app()->make(UserServices::class);
$agentInfo = $userServices->getUserInfo($agentId, 'division_id,agent_id,division_end_time,division_percent');
if (!$agentInfo) return '上级用户不存在';
$userInfo = $userServices->getUserInfo($uid, 'is_division,is_agent,is_staff,division_id,agent_id,staff_id,division_end_time,division_percent');
if (!$userInfo) return '用户不存在';
if ($userInfo['is_division']) return '您是事业部,不能绑定成为别人的员工';
if ($userInfo['is_agent']) return '您是代理商,不能绑定成为别人的员工';
$staffData = [
'spread_uid' => $agentId,
'spread_time' => time(),
'division_type' => 3,
'division_status' => 1,
'is_staff' => 1,
'division_id' => $agentInfo['division_id'],
'agent_id' => $agentInfo['agent_id'],
'staff_id' => $uid,
'division_change_time' => time(),
if ($userInfo['agent_id'] != 0 && $userInfo['agent_id'] != $agentInfo['agent_id']) {
$userServices->update(['staff_id' => $userInfo['uid'], 'spread_uid' => $userInfo['uid']], ['spread_uid' => $agentInfo['agent_id'], 'staff_id' => 0]);
$userServices->update(['staff_id' => $userInfo['uid'], 'not_spread_uid' => $userInfo['uid']], ['staff_id' => 0]);
$res = $userServices->update($uid, $staffData);
if ($res) return '绑定员工成功';
return '绑定员工失败';
* 获取返佣比例佣金比例
* 当前方法会将获得的佣金逐步的递减
* @param $uid
* @param $storeBrokerageRatio
* @param $storeBrokerageRatioTwo
* @param $isSelfBrokerage
* @return array
public function getDivisionPercent($uid, $storeBrokerageRatio, $storeBrokerageRatioTwo, $isSelfBrokerage)
$division_open = (int)sys_config('division_status', 1);
if (!$division_open) {
/** 代理商关闭 */
$storeBrokerageOne = $storeBrokerageRatio;
$storeBrokerageTwo = $storeBrokerageRatioTwo;
$staffPercent = 0;
$agentPercent = 0;
$divisionPercent = 0;
} else {
/** @var UserServices $userServices */
$userServices = app()->make(UserServices::class);
$userInfo = $userServices->get($uid);
if ($userInfo['is_division'] == 1 && $userInfo['division_end_time'] > time()) {
/** 自己是事业部 */
if ($isSelfBrokerage) {
$storeBrokerageOne = $storeBrokerageRatio;
$storeBrokerageTwo = 0;
$staffPercent = 0;
$agentPercent = 0;
$divisionPercent = 0;
} else {
$storeBrokerageOne = 0;
$storeBrokerageTwo = 0;
$staffPercent = 0;
$agentPercent = 0;
$divisionPercent = 0;
} elseif ($userInfo['is_agent'] == 1 && $userInfo['division_end_time'] > time()) {
/** 自己是代理商 */
$divisionInfo = $userServices->get($userInfo['division_id']);
if ($isSelfBrokerage) {
$storeBrokerageOne = $storeBrokerageRatio;
$storeBrokerageTwo = 0;
$staffPercent = 0;
$agentPercent = 0;
$divisionPercent = $divisionInfo['division_percent'] - $storeBrokerageOne;
} else {
$storeBrokerageOne = 0;
$storeBrokerageTwo = 0;
$staffPercent = 0;
$agentPercent = 0;
$divisionPercent = $divisionInfo['division_percent'];
} elseif ($userInfo['is_staff'] == 1 && $userInfo['division_end_time'] > time()) { // 自己是员工
/** 自己是员工 */
$agentInfo = $userServices->get($userInfo['agent_id']);
$divisionInfo = $userServices->get($userInfo['division_id']);
if ($isSelfBrokerage) {
$storeBrokerageOne = $storeBrokerageRatio;
$storeBrokerageTwo = 0;
$staffPercent = 0;
$agentPercent = $agentInfo['division_percent'] - $storeBrokerageOne;
$divisionPercent = $divisionInfo['division_percent'] - $agentInfo['division_percent'];
} else {
$storeBrokerageOne = 0;
$storeBrokerageTwo = 0;
$staffPercent = 0;
$agentPercent = $agentInfo['division_percent'];
$divisionPercent = $divisionInfo['division_percent'] - $agentInfo['division_percent'];
} else {
/** 自己是普通用户 */
$staffInfo = $userServices->get($userInfo['staff_id']);
$agentInfo = $userServices->get($userInfo['agent_id']);
$divisionInfo = $userServices->get($userInfo['division_id']);
if ($userInfo['staff_id']) {
/** 该用户为员工推广 */
if ($userInfo['staff_id'] == $userInfo['spread_uid']) {
/** 员工直接下级 */
if ($isSelfBrokerage) {
$storeBrokerageOne = $storeBrokerageRatio;
$storeBrokerageTwo = $staffInfo['division_percent'] - $storeBrokerageOne;
$staffPercent = 0;
$agentPercent = $agentInfo['division_percent'] - $staffInfo['division_percent'];
$divisionPercent = $divisionInfo['division_percent'] - $agentInfo['division_percent'];
} else {
$storeBrokerageOne = $staffInfo['division_percent'];
$storeBrokerageTwo = 0;
$staffPercent = 0;
$agentPercent = $agentInfo['division_percent'] - $staffInfo['division_percent'];
$divisionPercent = $divisionInfo['division_percent'] - $agentInfo['division_percent'];
} elseif ($userServices->value(['uid' => $userInfo['spread_uid']], 'spread_uid') == $userInfo['staff_id']) {
/** 员工间接下级 */
if ($isSelfBrokerage) {
$storeBrokerageOne = $storeBrokerageRatio;
$storeBrokerageTwo = $storeBrokerageRatioTwo;
$staffPercent = 0;
$agentPercent = $agentInfo['division_percent'] - $storeBrokerageOne - $storeBrokerageTwo;
$divisionPercent = $divisionInfo['division_percent'] - $agentInfo['division_percent'];
} else {
$storeBrokerageOne = $storeBrokerageRatio;
$storeBrokerageTwo = 0;
$staffPercent = $staffInfo['division_percent'] - $storeBrokerageOne;
$agentPercent = $agentInfo['division_percent'] - $staffInfo['division_percent'];
$divisionPercent = $divisionInfo['division_percent'] - $agentInfo['division_percent'];
} else {
/** 和员工的关系超过两级 */
$storeBrokerageOne = $storeBrokerageRatio;
$storeBrokerageTwo = $storeBrokerageRatioTwo;
$staffPercent = 0;
$agentPercent = $agentInfo['division_percent'] - $storeBrokerageOne - $storeBrokerageTwo;
$divisionPercent = $divisionInfo['division_percent'] - $agentInfo['division_percent'];
} elseif ($userInfo['agent_id']) {
/** 该用户为代理商推广 */
if ($userInfo['agent_id'] == $userInfo['spread_uid']) {
/** 代理商直接下级 */
if ($isSelfBrokerage) {
$storeBrokerageOne = $storeBrokerageRatio;
$storeBrokerageTwo = 0;
$staffPercent = 0;
$agentPercent = $agentInfo['division_percent'] - $storeBrokerageOne;
$divisionPercent = $divisionInfo['division_percent'] - $agentInfo['division_percent'];
} else {
$storeBrokerageOne = 0;
$storeBrokerageTwo = 0;
$staffPercent = 0;
$agentPercent = $agentInfo['division_percent'];
$divisionPercent = $divisionInfo['division_percent'] - $agentInfo['division_percent'];
} elseif ($userServices->value(['uid' => $userInfo['spread_uid']], 'spread_uid') == $userInfo['agent_id']) {
/** 代理商间接下级 */
if ($isSelfBrokerage) {
$storeBrokerageOne = $storeBrokerageRatio;
$storeBrokerageTwo = $storeBrokerageRatioTwo;
$staffPercent = 0;
$agentPercent = $agentInfo['division_percent'] - $storeBrokerageOne - $storeBrokerageTwo;
$divisionPercent = $divisionInfo['division_percent'] - $agentInfo['division_percent'];
} else {
$storeBrokerageOne = $storeBrokerageRatio;
$storeBrokerageTwo = 0;
$staffPercent = 0;
$agentPercent = $agentInfo['division_percent'] - $storeBrokerageOne;
$divisionPercent = $divisionInfo['division_percent'] - $agentInfo['division_percent'];
} else {
/** 和代理商的关系超过两级 */
$storeBrokerageOne = $storeBrokerageRatio;
$storeBrokerageTwo = $storeBrokerageRatioTwo;
$staffPercent = 0;
$agentPercent = $agentInfo['division_percent'] - $storeBrokerageRatio - $storeBrokerageTwo;
$divisionPercent = $divisionInfo['division_percent'] - $agentInfo['division_percent'];
} elseif ($userInfo['division_id']) {
/** 该用户为事业部推广 */
if ($userInfo['division_id'] == $userInfo['spread_uid']) {
/** 事业部直接下级 */
if ($isSelfBrokerage) {
$storeBrokerageOne = $storeBrokerageRatio;
$storeBrokerageTwo = 0;
$staffPercent = 0;
$agentPercent = 0;
$divisionPercent = $divisionInfo['division_percent'] - $storeBrokerageOne;
} else {
$storeBrokerageOne = 0;
$storeBrokerageTwo = 0;
$staffPercent = 0;
$agentPercent = 0;
$divisionPercent = $divisionInfo['division_percent'];
} elseif ($userServices->value(['uid' => $userInfo['spread_uid']], 'spread_uid') == $userInfo['division_id']) {
/** 事业部间接下级 */
if ($isSelfBrokerage) {
$storeBrokerageOne = $storeBrokerageRatio;
$storeBrokerageTwo = $storeBrokerageRatioTwo;
$staffPercent = 0;
$agentPercent = 0;
$divisionPercent = $divisionInfo['division_percent'] - $storeBrokerageOne - $storeBrokerageTwo;
} else {
$storeBrokerageOne = $storeBrokerageRatio;
$storeBrokerageTwo = 0;
$staffPercent = 0;
$agentPercent = 0;
$divisionPercent = $divisionInfo['division_percent'] - $storeBrokerageOne;
} else {
/** 和事业部的关系超过两级 */
$storeBrokerageOne = $storeBrokerageRatio;
$storeBrokerageTwo = $storeBrokerageRatioTwo;
$staffPercent = 0;
$agentPercent = 0;
$divisionPercent = $divisionInfo['division_percent'] - $storeBrokerageOne - $storeBrokerageTwo;
} else {
/** 没有任何代理商关系 */
$storeBrokerageOne = $storeBrokerageRatio;
$storeBrokerageTwo = $storeBrokerageRatioTwo;
$staffPercent = 0;
$agentPercent = 0;
$divisionPercent = 0;
return [max($storeBrokerageOne, 0), max($storeBrokerageTwo, 0), max($staffPercent, 0), max($agentPercent, 0), max($divisionPercent, 0)];