@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ |
<template> |
<BaseContainer class="recite"> |
<NavBar title="背诵过关" /> |
<view class="list"> |
<template v-if="list.length > 0"> |
<view v-for="(item, index) in list" class="list-item flex flex-center-x" @click="toContent"> |
<view class="item-left"> |
<view class="title"> |
<image src="@/static/images/learning/icon.png" mode="aspectFill"></image> |
{{ }} |
</view> |
<view class="content"> |
<view :style="{ borderColor: item.todayRecite ? '' : '#FFC067', color: item.todayRecite ? '': '#FFBF66' }">今日{{ item.todayRecite ? '已' : '未' }}背诵</view> |
<view>词汇量:{{ item.count }}</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="item-right"> |
<view |
v-if="item.type < 2" |
class="status" |
:style="{ background: item.type === 0 ? '#FFEDE9' : '#EFF8FE', color: item.type === 0 ? '#FF4B33': '#0F74BB' }">{{ item.type === 0 ? '免费' : '试看' }}</view> |
<image v-if="item.type === 2" src="@/static/images/learning/nolock.png" mode="aspectFill"></image> |
<image v-if="item.type === 3" src="@/static/images/learning/lock.png" mode="aspectFill"></image> |
<view class="list-more"></view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</template> |
</view> |
</BaseContainer> |
</template> |
<script> |
export default { |
data() { |
return { |
list: [ // 0:免费 1:试看 2:解锁 3:锁住 |
{ name: '大学英语四级词汇背诵', count: '1000', todayRecite: true, type: 0 }, |
{ name: '大学英语四级词汇背诵', count: '1000', todayRecite: false, type: 0 }, |
{ name: '大学英语四级词汇背诵', count: '1000', todayRecite: false, type: 1 }, |
{ name: '大学英语四级词汇背诵', count: '1000', todayRecite: false, type: 1 }, |
{ name: '大学英语四级词汇背诵', count: '1000', todayRecite: false, type: 2 }, |
{ name: '大学英语四级词汇背诵', count: '1000', todayRecite: false, type: 3 } |
], |
}; |
}, |
methods: { |
toContent() { |
uni.navigateTo({ |
url: '/pages/learningCenter/reciteContent', |
}); |
}, |
}, |
}; |
</script> |
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margin-right: 24rpx; |
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margin-left: 13rpx; |
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@ -0,0 +1,185 @@ |
<template> |
<BaseContainer class="recite-content flex"> |
<NavBar title="内容列表" /> |
<view class="content-box"> |
<view class="content-info"> |
<view class="info-top flex"> |
<image src="@/static/images/learning/icon.png" mode="aspectFill"></image> |
{{ }} |
<view class="change">修改</view> |
</view> |
<view class="info-center"> |
<view class="center-percent" :style="{ width: `${ info.hasRecite / info.count * 100 }%`}"></view> |
</view> |
<view class="info-bottom flex flex-center-x"> |
<view>已练习:{{ info.hasRecite }}/{{ info.count }}</view> |
<view>试看剩余:{{ info.surplus }}</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="list-content"> |
<template v-if="info.contentList.length > 0"> |
<view v-for="(item, index) in info.contentList" :key="index" class="list-box"> |
<view class="title flex flex-center-x"> |
{{ item.title }} |
<image v-if="item.isLock" src="@/static/images/learning/lock.png" mode="aspectFill"></image> |
<image v-else src="@/static/images/learning/nolock.png" mode="aspectFill"></image> |
</view> |
<view class="list"> |
<view v-for="(con, k) in item.list" class="list-item flex flex-center-x" @click="toDetail(con, item.isLock)"> |
<view class="item-name">{{ k + 1 < 10 ? `0${k+1}` : k }}.{{ con }}</view> |
<view class="list-more"></view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</template> |
</view> |
</view> |
</BaseContainer> |
</template> |
<script> |
export default { |
data() { |
return { |
info: { |
name: '大学英语四级词汇背诵', |
count: 1000, |
hasRecite: 120, |
surplus: '00:12:12', |
contentList: [ |
{ |
title: '第一章节', |
isLock: false, |
list: ['goods', 'administration', 'goods', 'administration', 'goods', 'administration'] |
}, |
{ |
title: '第二章节', |
isLock: true, |
list: ['goods', 'administration', 'goods', 'administration', 'goods', 'administration'] |
} |
] |
}, |
list: [], |
}; |
}, |
methods: { |
toDetail(con, isLock) { |
console.log(isLock); |
if (isLock) { |
this.$util.showMsg('还未解锁'); |
} else { |
uni.navigateTo({ |
url: '/pages/learningCenter/reciteDetail', |
}); |
} |
}, |
}, |
}; |
</script> |
<style lang="scss" scoped> |
.recite-content { |
background: #f6f6f6; |
flex-direction: column; |
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width: 690rpx; |
margin: 20rpx 30rpx 0; |
flex: 1; |
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height: 178rpx; |
background: #FFFFFF; |
box-shadow: 0rpx 4rpx 10rpx 0rpx rgba(68,68,68,0.04); |
border-radius: 8rpx; |
padding: 27rpx 30rpx 0; |
.info-top { |
color: #333; |
font-size: 30rpx; |
display: flex; |
align-items: center; |
image { |
width: 44rpx; |
height: 44rpx; |
margin-right: 14rpx; |
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color: #FFFFFF; |
font-size: 20rpx; |
margin-left: auto; |
line-height: 36rpx; |
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.info-center { |
margin: 13rpx 0 18rpx; |
height: 20rpx; |
background: rgba(255, 149, 0, 0.1); |
border-radius: 10rpx; |
position: relative; |
.center-percent { |
background: #FF9500; |
border-radius: 10rpx; |
height: 100%; |
position: absolute; |
top: 0; |
left: 0; |
} |
} |
.info-bottom { |
justify-content: space-between; |
color: #666; |
font-size: 20rpx; |
} |
} |
} |
.list-content { |
.list-box { |
margin-top: 50rpx; |
.title { |
color: #333; |
font-size: 30rpx; |
justify-content: center; |
margin-bottom: 25rpx; |
image { |
width: 44rpx; |
height: 44rpx; |
margin-left: 14rpx; |
} |
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.list { |
background: #FFFFFF; |
box-shadow: 0rpx 4rpx 10rpx 0rpx rgba(68,68,68,0.04); |
border-radius: 8rpx; |
padding: 0 30rpx; |
.list-item { |
height: 100rpx; |
border-bottom: 2rpx solid #F6F6F6; |
padding-left: 15rpx; |
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width: 14rpx; |
height: 14rpx; |
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border-style: solid; |
-webkit-transform: matrix(0.71, 0.71, -0.71, 0.71, 0, 0); |
transform: matrix(0.71, 0.71, -0.71, 0.71, 0, 0); |
vertical-align: top; |
margin-left: 13rpx; |
} |
.item-name { |
flex: 1; |
overflow: hidden; |
text-overflow: ellipsis; |
white-space: nowrap; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,238 @@ |
<template> |
<BaseContainer class="recite-detail flex"> |
<NavBar title="详情" /> |
<view class="detail-box"> |
<view class="detail-info"> |
<view class="info-name flex"> |
{{ }} |
<view :class="[ |
'iconfont', |
detailInfo.collect ? 'iconshoucang2' : 'iconshoucang11', |
]" @click="detailInfo.collect = !detailInfo.collect"></view> |
</view> |
<view class="audio-box"> |
<view class="audio" :class="{ audioActive: activeAudio === 1 }" @click="activeAudio = 1;"> |
英 <text>{{ detailInfo.enAudio }}</text> |
<image v-if="activeAudio !== 1" src="@/static/images/learning/audio.png" mode="aspectFill" @click="openAudio"></image> |
<image v-else src="@/static/images/learning/audio_active.png" mode="aspectFill" @click="openAudio"></image> |
</view> |
<view class="audio" :class="{ audioActive: activeAudio === 2 }" @click="activeAudio = 2;"> |
美 <text>{{ detailInfo.uaAudio }}</text> |
<image v-if="activeAudio !== 2" src="@/static/images/learning/audio.png" mode="aspectFill" @click="openAudio"></image> |
<image v-else src="@/static/images/learning/audio_active.png" mode="aspectFill" @click="openAudio"></image> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="info-remark flex flex-center-x"> |
<view>{{ detailInfo.remark }}</view> |
<view>单词报错</view> |
</view> |
<view class="info-adverb"> |
副词 <text>{{ detailInfo.adverb }}</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="example"> |
<view class="title">例句</view> |
<view v-for="(item, index) in detailInfo.example" :key="index" class="example-item"> |
<view class="item-content"> |
<view v-html="item.content"></view> |
<image src="@/static/images/learning/audio.png" mode="aspectFill"></image> |
</view> |
<view class="item-translate">{{ item.translate }}</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="analysis"> |
<view class="title">词根词缀句</view> |
<view class="analysis-content">{{ detailInfo.analysis }}</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="detail-footer flex flex-center-x"> |
<view class="btn cut">砍掉</view> |
<view class="btn next">下一题</view> |
</view> |
</BaseContainer> |
</template> |
<script> |
export default { |
data() { |
return { |
detailInfo: { |
collect: false, |
name: 'outdoor', |
enAudio: '/’aʊtdɔ:(r)/', |
uaAudio: '/’aʊtdɔ:r/ ', |
remark: 'adj.户外的;室外的', |
adverb: 'outdoors', |
example: [ |
{ content: 'If you enjoy <text style="color: #0F74BB;">outdoor</text> activities, this is the trip for you.', translate: '如果你喜欢户外运动,这一旅行很适合你。' }, |
{ content: 'If you enjoy <text style="color: #0F74BB;">outdoor</text> activities, this is the trip for you.', translate: '如果你喜欢户外运动,这一旅行很适合你。' }, |
{ content: 'If you enjoy <text style="color: #0F74BB;">outdoor</text> activities, this is the trip for you.', translate: '如果你喜欢户外运动,这一旅行很适合你。' }, |
{ content: 'If you enjoy <text style="color: #0F74BB;">outdoor</text> activities, this is the trip for you.', translate: '如果你喜欢户外运动,这一旅行很适合你。' }, |
], |
analysis: 'out- 在外面 + door n.门' |
}, |
activeAudio: 1, |
}; |
}, |
methods: { |
openAudio() { |
}, |
}, |
}; |
</script> |
<style lang="scss" scoped> |
.recite-detail { |
background: #f6f6f6; |
flex-direction: column; |
.detail-box { |
width: 690rpx; |
margin: 20rpx auto; |
flex: 1; |
overflow-y: auto; |
.detail-info { |
padding: 36rpx 20rpx 36rpx 32rpx; |
background: #FFFFFF; |
box-shadow: 0rpx 4rpx 10rpx 0rpx rgba(68,68,68,0.04); |
border-radius: 8rpx; |
.info-name { |
color: #333333; |
font-size: 62rpx; |
line-height: 62rpx; |
align-items: baseline; |
font-weight: bold; |
.iconfont { |
font-size: 40rpx; |
margin-left: auto; |
font-weight: normal; |
&.iconshoucang2 { |
color: #ff6b00 !important; |
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.audio-box { |
display: flex; |
flex-wrap: wrap; |
margin-top: 40rpx; |
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&:first-child { |
margin-right: 16rpx; |
} |
&.audioActive { |
background: rgba(15, 116, 187, 0.1); |
} |
text { |
margin-left: 10rpx; |
} |
image { |
width: 28rpx; |
height: 28rpx; |
margin-left: 27rpx; |
} |
} |
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.info-remark { |
color: #333; |
font-size: 26rpx; |
margin: 16rpx 0 24rpx; |
view:last-child { |
width: 93rpx; |
height: 39rpx; |
background: #EEEEEE; |
border-radius: 10rpx; |
color: #666666; |
font-size: 20rpx; |
text-align: center; |
line-height: 39rpx; |
margin-left: auto; |
} |
} |
.info-adverb { |
color: #999999; |
font-size: 26rpx; |
text { |
color: #333; |
margin-left: 22rpx; |
} |
} |
} |
.example { |
background: #FFFFFF; |
box-shadow: 0rpx 4rpx 10rpx 0rpx rgba(68,68,68,0.04); |
border-radius: 8rpx; |
padding: 30rpx; |
margin-top: 20rpx; |
.title { |
color: #999999; |
font-size: 26rpx; |
} |
.example-item { |
margin-top: 30rpx; |
.item-content { |
display: flex; |
margin-bottom: 24rpx; |
>view { |
width: 520rpx; |
} |
image { |
width: 28rpx; |
height: 28rpx; |
margin-left: auto; |
margin-top: 10rpx; |
} |
} |
.item-translate { |
color: #999999; |
font-size:24rpx; |
} |
} |
} |
.analysis { |
background: #FFFFFF; |
box-shadow: 0rpx 4rpx 10rpx 0rpx rgba(68,68,68,0.04); |
border-radius: 8rpx; |
padding: 30rpx 32rpx; |
margin-top: 20rpx; |
.title { |
color: #999999; |
font-size: 26rpx; |
margin-bottom: 24rpx; |
} |
.analysis-content { |
color: #333333; |
font-size: 30rpx; |
} |
} |
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width: 100%; |
height: 130rpx; |
justify-content: center; |
padding-left: 30rpx; |
background: #fff; |
box-shadow: 0rpx -19rpx 54rpx 0rpx rgba(34,34,34,0.05); |
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.btn { |
color: #666; |
font-size: 30rpx; |
&.next { |
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height: 88rpx; |
background: linear-gradient(0deg, #0F74BB 0%, #3293FF 100%); |
border-radius: 44rpx; |
color: #fff; |
line-height: 88rpx; |
text-align: center; |
margin-left: 44rpx; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ |
<template> |
<BaseContainer class="feedback"> |
<NavBar title="帮助与反馈" /> |
<view class="feedback-form"> |
<textarea v-model="suggest" placeholder="请填写具体内容帮助我们了解您的意见和建议。" placeholder-class="input-placeholder" /> |
<view class="btn" @click="submitFeedback">提交</view> |
</view> |
</BaseContainer> |
</template> |
<script> |
export default { |
data() { |
return { |
suggest: '', |
}; |
}, |
methods: { |
submitFeedback() { |
if (!this.suggest) { |
return this.$util.showMsg("请输入您的意见和建议"); |
} |
}, |
}, |
}; |
</script> |
<style lang="scss" scoped> |
.feedback { |
background: linear-gradient(to top, #f6f6f6 0%, #f6f6f6 60%, #F6F8FA 70%, #A1BFFD 100%); |
.feedback-form { |
padding: 60rpx 30rpx 0; |
.input-placeholder { |
font-size: 28rpx; |
color: #ABABAB; |
font-weight: bold; |
} |
textarea { |
width: 100%; |
height: 420rpx; |
padding: 30rpx; |
font-size: 28rpx; |
color: #333; |
background: #fff; |
border-radius: 10rpx; |
} |
.btn { |
width: 100%; |
height: 80rpx; |
background: linear-gradient(0deg, #0F74BB 0%, #3293FF 100%); |
border-radius: 40rpx; |
color: #fff; |
font-size: 32rpx; |
text-align: center; |
line-height: 80rpx; |
margin-top: 100rpx; |
} |
} |
} |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ |
<template> |
<BaseContainer class="help-center"> |
<NavBar title="帮助与反馈" /> |
<view class="help-box flex flex-center-x"> |
<view class="help-left"> |
<view class="title">常见问题解答</view> |
<view class="cont">如您问题未得到解决可咨询我们客服哦 ~</view> |
</view> |
<view class="help-right flex flex-center-y" @click="toFeedback"> |
<image src="@/static/images/my/feedback.png" mode="aspectFill"></image> |
<view class="name">意见反馈</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="section-list"> |
<view class="section-link" v-for="(item, index) in menuList" :key="index" @click="goUrl(item.url)" > |
{{ item.title }} |
<view class="menu-more"></view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</BaseContainer> |
</template> |
<script> |
export default { |
data() { |
return { |
menuList: [ |
{ title: '怎么申请发票' , url: '' }, |
{ title: '如何联系人工客服' , url: '' }, |
{ title: '怎么绑定手机号' , url: '' }, |
{ title: '忘记密码找回' , url: '' }, |
], |
}; |
}, |
methods: { |
goUrl(url) { |
if (url) { |
uni.navigateTo({ |
url, |
}); |
} |
}, |
toFeedback() { |
}, |
}, |
}; |
</script> |
<style lang="scss" scoped> |
.help-center { |
background: linear-gradient(to top, #f6f6f6 0%, #f6f6f6 60%, #F6F8FA 70%, #A1BFFD 100%); |
.help-box { |
padding: 30rpx 32rpx 0; |
height: 193rpx; |
.help-left { |
flex: 1; |
color: #333333; |
font-size: 26rpx; |
line-height: 26rpx; |
.title { |
font-size: 36rpx; |
line-height: 36rpx; |
font-weight: bold; |
margin-bottom: 26rpx; |
} |
} |
.help-right { |
width: 99rpx; |
height: 99rpx; |
background: #fff; |
border-radius: 20rpx; |
color: #333333; |
font-size: 22rpx; |
line-height: 22rpx; |
flex-direction: column; |
align-items: center; |
>image { |
width: 51rpx; |
height: 44rpx; |
margin-bottom: 6rpx; |
} |
} |
} |
.section-list { |
width: 690rpx; |
margin: 0 auto; |
font-size: 30rpx; |
color: #282828; |
background-color: #ffffff; |
border-radius: 10rpx; |
margin-top: 20rpx; |
.section-link { |
display: flex; |
align-items: center; |
font-size: 28rpx; |
color: #333; |
height: 96rpx; |
padding-left: 36rpx; |
padding-right: 26rpx; |
.menu-more { |
width: 14rpx; |
height: 14rpx; |
border-width: 2px 2px 0 0; |
border-color: #ccc; |
border-style: solid; |
-webkit-transform: matrix(0.71, 0.71, -0.71, 0.71, 0, 0); |
transform: matrix(0.71, 0.71, -0.71, 0.71, 0, 0); |
vertical-align: top; |
margin-left: auto; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,283 @@ |
<template> |
<BaseContainer class="cooperation-apply"> |
<NavBar title="出国留学" /> |
<view class="cooperation-form"> |
<view class="form-item"> |
<view class="item-label"><text>姓名</text>:</view> |
<view class="item-content"> |
<input type="text" v-model="applyForm.real_name" placeholder="请输入姓名" placeholder-class="input-placeholder"/> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="form-item"> |
<view class="item-label"><text>电话</text>:</view> |
<view class="item-content"> |
<input type="text" v-model="" placeholder="请输入电话" placeholder-class="input-placeholder"/> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="form-item"> |
<view class="item-label"><text>推荐人</text>:</view> |
<view class="item-content"> |
<input type="text" v-model="applyForm.recommend_user" placeholder="请输入推荐人" placeholder-class="input-placeholder"/> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="form-item"> |
<view class="item-label"><text>详细地址</text>:</view> |
<view class="item-content"> |
<input type="text" v-model="applyForm.address" placeholder="请输入详细地址" placeholder-class="input-placeholder"/> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="gold-box flex"> |
<label class="radio"> |
<radio value="意向金" :checked="true" color="#FF9500" /><text>意向金:</text> |
</label> |
<view class="gold">¥{{ 200 }}</view> |
</view> |
<view class="apply-btn" @click="apply">立即报名</view> |
<PayDialog v-if="initDataLoading" :open.sync="payDialogOpen" :money="Number(money)" :now_money="now_money" |
:pay_type_num="pay_type_num" :special_id="Number(special_id)" :is-wechat="isWechat" :is-alipay="is_alipay" :is-balance="is_yue" |
:template-id="templateId" :wxpay-h5="wxpayH5" @change="changeVal" /> |
</BaseContainer> |
</template> |
<script> |
import PayDialog from "@/components/PayDialog/index.vue"; |
import { |
applycooperation, |
delSpecialOrder, |
getInitData |
} from "@/api/special"; |
export default { |
components: { |
PayDialog, |
}, |
data() { |
return { |
special_id: '', |
specialInfo: {}, |
applyForm: { |
real_name: '', |
mobile: '', |
recommend_user: '', |
address: '', |
}, |
payDialogOpen: false, |
payDialogOpen: false, // 是否显示支付弹窗 |
money: 200.0, |
pay_type_num: 20, |
is_alipay: false, //支付宝是否开启 |
is_yue: false, //余额是否开启 |
now_money: 0, //余额 |
templateId: "", |
wxpayH5: false, |
initDataLoading: false, |
}; |
}, |
onLoad(options) { |
this.special_id =; |
this.getInitData(); |
}, |
methods: { |
getInitData() { |
getInitData().then(({ data }) => { |
const { isWechat, is_alipay, is_yue, now_money, wxpayH5 } = data; |
Object.assign(this, { |
isWechat, |
url: isWechat ? "/pages/index/login" : "/pages/login/phone_check", |
is_alipay: is_alipay == 1, |
is_yue: is_yue == 1, |
now_money: Number(now_money), |
wxpayH5, |
initDataLoading: true, |
}); |
}); |
}, |
apply() { |
if (!this.applyForm.real_name) { |
return this.$util.showMsg("请输入姓名"); |
} |
if (! { |
return this.$util.showMsg("请输入电话"); |
} |
if (!/^1[3456789]\d{9}$/.test( { |
return this.$util.showMsg("电话错误"); |
} |
if (!this.applyForm.recommend_user) { |
return this.$util.showMsg("请输入推荐人"); |
} |
if (!this.applyForm.address) { |
return this.$util.showMsg("请输入详细地址"); |
} |
this.payDialogOpen = true; |
// } else { |
// this.submitApply(); |
// } |
}, |
async submitApply() { |
uni.showLoading({ mask: true }); |
try { |
const { data, msg } = await applycooperation({ |
oc_id: this.special_id, |
...this.applyForm |
}); |
uni.hideLoading(); |
this.$util.showMsg('报名成功'); |
uni.navigateBack(); |
} catch (err) { |
uni.hideLoading(); |
this.$util.showMsg(err.msg); |
} |
}, |
changeVal(opt) { |
if (typeof opt !== "object") { |
opt = {}; |
} |
console.log(opt); |
var action = opt.action || ""; |
var value = opt.value || ""; |
this[action] && this[action](value); |
}, |
// 支付完成后回调事件 |
pay_order: function (data) { |
this.orderId = || ""; |
switch ( { |
case "PAY_ERROR": |
case "ORDER_EXIST": |
case "ORDER_ERROR": |
this.extendOrder(data.msg); |
break; |
case "WECHAT_PAY": |
this.wechatPay(; |
break; |
case "WECHAT_H5_PAY": |
this.payDialogOpen = false; |
this.$util.wechatH5Pay(, this); |
break; |
this.$util.wechatRoutinePay(, this); |
break; |
case "SUCCESS": |
this.successOrder(data.msg); |
break; |
case "ZHIFUBAO_PAY": |
this.aliPay(, "datadownload"); |
break; |
case 'TOUTIAO_PAY': |
this.$util.toutiaoPay(, this); |
break; |
case 'KUAISHOU_PAY': |
this.$util.kuaishouPay(, this); |
break |
} |
}, |
extendOrder(msg) { |
if (typeof msg === "object" && msg.errMsg === "chooseWXPay:cancel") { |
msg = "微信支付取消"; |
} else { |
msg = "支付失败"; |
} |
this.$util.showMsg(msg); |
this.payDialogOpen = false; |
if (this.orderId) { |
delSpecialOrder(this.orderId); |
} |
}, |
wechatPay(config) { |
this.$util.weixinpay(config, this); |
}, |
successOrder(msg) { |
this.$util.showMsg(msg ? msg : "支付成功"); |
this.payDialogOpen = false; |
this.submitApply(); |
}, |
aliPay(msn, type) { |
this.$util.aliPay(msn, type, this); |
}, |
}, |
} |
</script> |
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font-size: 24rpx; |
color: #333; |
padding: 0 20rpx; |
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