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558 lines
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558 lines
14 KiB
12 months ago
<BaseContainer class="learning" :fixedNav="false">
<view class="learning-box">
<view class="swiper-box">
<swiper class="custom-banner" indicator-dots autoplay @click="handleBannerClick" >
<swiper-item v-for="(item, index) in banner" :key="index" :data-url="item.url" class="swiper-item">
<image :data-url="item.url" mode="aspectFill" :src="item.pic" :alt="item.title" />
<view class="my-exam flex">
<image :src="getImgPath('/static/frontend/exam-bg.png')" mode="aspectFill"></image>
<view class="exam-left flex">
<view class="exam-name flex">我的考试:
<text>{{ myExam.examName }}</text>
<image src="@/static/images/learning/change.png" mode="aspectFill"></image>
<view class="exam-time">开考时间:
<text>{{ myExam.examTime}}</text>
<view class="exam-right">
<view class="exam-days-title">距离考试</view>
<view class="exam-days-value"><text>{{ myExam.examDays }}</text>天</view>
<view class="learning-info flex">
<view class="info-item flex">
<view class="item-title">坚持天数</view>
<view class="item-value"><text style="color: #FF9500;">{{ info.signDays }}</text>天</view>
<view class="item-rank">排名:{{ info.signRank }}</view>
<view class="info-item flex">
<view class="item-title">背诵考点</view>
<view class="item-value"><text style="color: #0F74BB;">{{ info.reciteExamPoint }}</text>个</view>
<view class="item-rank">排名:{{ info.reciteRank }}</view>
<view class="info-item flex">
<view class="item-title">刷题正确率</view>
<view class="item-value"><text style="color: #52C794;">{{ info.currentPercent }}</text>%</view>
<view class="item-rank">排名:{{ info.currentRank }}</view>
<view class="sign-record">
<view class="record-title content-title">
<text class="more-content">查看 ></text>
<view class="record-content flex">
<view class="content-left">
已背诵章节(词汇) <image src="@/static/images/learning/success.png" mode="aspectFill"></image>
今日背诵检测 <image src="@/static/images/learning/success.png" mode="aspectFill"></image>
<view>进度 <view class="progress-bg"><text class="progress" style="width: 100%;"></text></view> <text class="progress-percent">100%</text> </view>
<view class="content-right">已打卡</view>
<view class="practice flex">
2021-2022英语四级考试真题 <text>开始练习</text>
<view class="tab-container">
<view class="content-title">
<text class="more-content">更多 ></text>
<view class="flex tab-content">
<view :data-idx="index" class="tab-item" v-for="(item, index) in categoryList" :key="" @click="handleCateClick(item)">
<image :src="item.pic" mode="aspectFill"></image>
<view>{{ }}</view>
<advert :img="'/static/frontend/learning-advert.png'" />
<view class="tab-container">
<view class="content-title">
<text class="more-content">更多 ></text>
<view class="flex tab-content">
<view :data-idx="index" class="tab-item" v-for="(item, index) in categoryList" :key="" @click="handleCateClick(item)">
<image :src="item.pic" mode="aspectFill"></image>
<view>{{ }}</view>
<advert :img="'/static/frontend/learning-advert.png'" />
<template v-for="(item, index) in indexMenu">
<view v-if="specialData[item.key] && specialData[item.key].length > 0" :key="index" class="special-content">
<view class="content-title">
{{ item.menuName }}
<text v-if="item.menuName !== '线下课堂'" class="more-content">更多 ></text>
<square-style-course v-if="item.menuName === '直播课'" :specialList="specialData[item.key]" @detail="handleSpecialClick"></square-style-course>
<offline-style-course v-if="item.menuName === '线下课堂'" :specialList="specialData[item.key]" @detail="handleOfflineClick"></offline-style-course>
import { getGoodsCateList, getIndexData } from "@/api/store";
import { getSpecialIndexData } from "@/api/special";
import Advert from '@/components/Advert/index.vue';
import SquareStyleCourse from '@/components/Course/squareStyleCourse.vue';
import OfflineStyleCourse from '@/components/Course/offlineStyleCourse.vue';
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
banner: [],
categoryList: [],
loading: false,
myExam: {
examName: '英语六级',
examTime: '2024-1-12',
examDays: 180,
info: {
signDays: 82,
signRank: 1,
reciteExamPoint: 8532,
reciteRank: 64,
currentPercent: 60,
currentRank: '--',
indexMenu: [
{ menuName: '直播课', key: 'hot_course' },
{ menuName: '线下课堂', key: 'offline_courses' },
specialData: [],
onLoad() {
onShareAppMessage() {
return {};
onShareTimeline() {
return {};
mounted() {
methods: {
async getIndexData() {
try {
const { data } = await getIndexData();
this.banner = data;
if(!this.color_one && !this.color_two){
this.color_one = this.banner[0].color_one;
this.color_two = this.banner[0].color_two;
} catch (err) { }
async getSpecialIndexData() {
try {
const { data, code, msg } = await getSpecialIndexData();
this.loading = false;
if (code != 200) {
title: msg,
} else {
console.log(data, 646);
const { banner, category_list } = data;
this.bannerList = banner;
this.gradeCate = category_list;
// .concat([{
// grade_id: 0,
// name: '全部分类',
// }]);
this.specialData = { };
} catch (err) {
this.loading = false;
// 点击轮播图
handleBannerClick(e) {
if ( === undefined) return;
// 获取分类
async getGoodsCateList() {
try {
const { data } = await getGoodsCateList();
this.categoryList = data.category_list.concat([
name: "全部",
id: 0,
} catch (err) { }
handleSpecialClick(item) {
const url = item.is_light
? '/pages/special/single_details?id=' +
: '/pages/special/details?id=' +;
// this.$util.checkLogin(() => {
// }, this.showLoginPage);
handleOfflineClick(item) {
url: `/pages/special/offline_details?id=${}`,
background: #F7F8F9;
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