You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

912 lines
20 KiB

1 year ago
<NavBar title="素材详情" />
<view class="source-detail-page" v-if="source">
<view class="player-box">
<view v-if="source.type === 3">
<video id="myVideo" @loadedmetadata="handleReady" @ended="handleEnded" @timeupdate="handleTimeupdateVideo"
class="player-self" :poster="source.image" :src=""></video>
<view v-show="tryShow" class="try">
<i class="iconfont iconbofang"></i>免费试看
<image :src="source.image" class="cover" mode="aspectFill" />
<view class="title-wrap">
<view class="title">{{ source.title }}</view>
<view class="wrap">
<view class="learn">{{ source.play_count + 1 }}次学习</view>
<view v-if="isWeiXin" class="share" @click="share = true">
<view class="iconfont iconfenxiang"></view>
<view v-if="source.type === 2" class="audio-player">
<view v-if="!(!source.videoId && !" class="control">
<view @click="toggleTask">
<i class="iconfont icon" :class="isPause ? 'iconbofang' : 'iconzanting'"></i>
<view class="timeline" @touchmove="moveTask" @touchend="moveEndTask">
<view>{{ currentTime | formatTime(duration) }}</view>
<view class="progress">
<view :style="{ width: taskRange + '%' }" class="inner">
<view class="thumb"></view>
<view>{{ duration | formatTime }} </view>
<view class="main">
<view class="title">详情</view>
<mp-html class="wrap" container-style="padding: 30rpx;background: #ffffff;"
:content="source.type == 1 && source.is_try ? source.try_content : source.detail"></mp-html>
<view class="third">
<view class="group flex">
<view class="btn flex flex-center-y flex-column" @click="goPage(1)">
<image :src="getImgPath('/wap/first/zsff/images/special01.png')" />
<!-- 抖音客服 -->
<view class="btn flex flex-center-y flex-column" v-if="TOUTIAO_STATUS">
<button class="im" open-type="im" :data-im-id="source.d_im" bindim="imCallback" binderror="onimError">
<image :src="getImgPath('/wap/first/zsff/images/special02.png')" />
<!-- 系统客服 -->
<view class="btn flex flex-center-y flex-column" @click="goPage(2)" v-else>
<image :src="getImgPath('/wap/first/zsff/images/special02.png')" />
<view v-if="course.length > 0" @click="relatedCourses" class="submit-btn flex flex-center">相关课程</view>
<view v-else class="submit-btn flex flex-center" @click="relatedCourses">更多课程</view>
<image v-show="share" class="share-mask" :src="getImgPath('/wap/first/zsff/images/share-info.png')"
@touchmove.prevent @click="share = false" />
<view :class="{ mask: dialog }" @touchmove.prevent @click="dialog = false"></view>
<view class="dialog" :class="{ active: dialog }" @touchmove.prevent>
<view class="ul" v-if="course.length">
<view class="li" v-for="item in course" :key="">
<navigator :url="`/pages/special/details?id=${}`">
<view class="figure">
<image :src="item.image" />
<text>{{ item.type_name }}</text>
<view class="figcaption">
<view class="title">{{ item.title }}</view>
<view class="mark">
<text v-for="itm in item.label">{{ itm }}</text>
<view class="info">
<view class="money">
<text>{{ }}</text>
<view class="lesson">{{ item.count }}</view>
<view class="learn">{{ item.record }}次学习</view>
<image v-else class="empty" :src="getImgPath('/wap/first/zsff/images/no_data_available.png')" />
import {
} from "@/api/special";
import mpHtml from "mp-html/dist/uni-app/components/mp-html/mp-html.vue";
import dayjs from "dayjs";
import { CUSTOMER_DETAIL_TYPE, CUSTOMER_SUPPORT_TYPE } from "@/constants/customer-type";
export default {
filters: {
formatTime(time, sibling) {
let duration = dayjs.duration(time * 1000);
let hours = duration.hours();
let siblingHours = sibling ? dayjs.duration(sibling * 1000).hours() : 0;
return dayjs({
h: hours,
m: duration.minutes(),
s: duration.seconds(),
}).format((hours || siblingHours ? "HH:" : "") + "mm:ss");
components: {
computed: {
taskRange: function () {
return Math.floor(this.currentTime / this.duration * 100);
data() {
const { screenHeight: height } = this.$util.getSystemInfo();
return {
currentTime: 0,
duration: 0,
id: "",
source: null,
course: [],
isPause: true,
dialog: false,
appear: true,
share: false,
width: 0,
height: height - 400 + "rpx",
track: null,
audio: null,
paused: true,
aliplayer: null,
isWeiXin: false,
tryShow: true,
player: null,
onLoad({ id }) { = id;
/* #ifdef MP-TOUTIAO */
this.TOUTIAO_STATUS = true;
/* #endif */
onUnload() {
methods: {
relatedCourses() {
if (this.course.length > 0) {
this.dialog = true;
} else {
1 year ago
url: "/pages/course/special_cate",
1 year ago
async handlePlayVideo() {
if (this.source.videoId) {
uni.showLoading({ mask: true });
try {
const { msg } = await getVideoPlayCredentials(this.source.videoId, 2);
url: msg,
dataType: "json",
success: (res) => {
if (res.status === 200) {
} else {
fail: (err) => {
} catch (err) {
} else {
goPage(value) {
switch (value) {
case 1:
url: "/pages/index/index",
case 2:
// 创建播放器
createPlayer() {
this.player = uni.createVideoContext("myVideo");
createAudioPlayer() {
if (this.player) {
this.player = null;
const innerAudioContext = uni.createInnerAudioContext();
innerAudioContext.autoplay = false;
innerAudioContext.src =;
innerAudioContext.onCanplay(() => {
let intervalID = setInterval(() => {
if (innerAudioContext.duration !== 0) {
this.duration = innerAudioContext.duration;
}, 100);
innerAudioContext.onEnded(() => {
innerAudioContext.onTimeUpdate(() => {
this.player = innerAudioContext;
handleEnded() {
handleTimeupdate() {
this.currentTime = this.player.currentTime;
var floorTime = Math.floor(this.currentTime);
if (floorTime && floorTime !== this.floorTime && !(floorTime % 10)) {
this.floorTime = floorTime;
onUnload() {
if(!this.player) return;
// 播放/暂停音频
toggleTask: function () {
this.isPause = !this.isPause;
this.isPause ? this.player.pause() :;
// 滑动音频
moveTask: function (event) {
if (!this.player || !this.player.paused) {
this.isPause = true;
this.$util.getClientRect(".progress").then(({ left, width }) => {
let range = Math.floor(((event.touches[0].pageX - left) / width) * 100);
if (range > 100) {
range = 100;
this.audioRange = range;
// 滑动音频停止
moveEndTask: function () { * this.audioRange) / 100);
if (this.player.paused) {
this.isPause = false;
// 获取素材
async getSourceDetail() {
uni.showLoading({ mask: true });
try {
const { data } = await getSourceDetail(;
this.source = data;
if (this.source.type === 2) {
} else if (this.source.type === 3) {
} catch (err) {
// 获取关联课程
async getRelateCourse() {
uni.showLoading({ mask: true });
try {
const { data } = await getSpecialRelatedCourses(;
const course = data;
course.forEach((item) => {
switch (item.type) {
case 1:
item.type_name = "图文";
case 2:
item.type_name = "音频";
item.type_name = "视频";
this.course = course;
} catch (err) {
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/* 素材详情 */
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