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185 lines
3.9 KiB
185 lines
3.9 KiB
12 months ago
<BaseContainer class="exchange-code">
<NavBar title="专题兑换" />
<view class="exchange-code-form">
class="submit-btn flex flex-center"
:class="{ disabled: !code }"
<view :class="{ mask: isSuccess }"></view>
<view v-show="isSuccess" class="dialog">
<image :src="getImgPath('/wap/first/zsff/images/exchange3.png')" alt="" />
? '/pages/special/single_details'
: '/pages/special/details') +
'?id=' +
import { exchangeSpecial } from "@/api/special";
export default {
data() {
return {
special_id: "",
code: "",
isSuccess: false,
loginShow: false,
isWechat: false,
is_light: 0,
onLoad({ special_id }) {
this.special_id = special_id;
methods: {
exchange() {
if (!/^\d{6}$/.test(this.code)) {
return this.$util.showMsg("请输入正确的兑换码");
this.$util.checkLogin(async () => {
uni.showLoading({ mask: true });
try {
const { data } = await exchangeSpecial(this.special_id, this.code);
this.is_light = data.is_light;
this.isSuccess = true;
} catch (err) {
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page {
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/* 兑换码 */
.exchange-code .exchange-code-form {
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&.disabled {
opacity: 0.5;
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