You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

330 lines
9.1 KiB

12 months ago
<view class="calendar">
<view class="calendar-title flex flex-center-x">
<view class="pre-month operate" @click="gotoPreMonth">
<view class="iconfont iconxiangyou" style="transform: rotate(180deg);"></view>
{{ monthYear }}
<view class="next-month operate" @click="gotoNextMonth">
<view class="iconfont iconxiangyou"></view>
<view class='showData'>
<view class="title"></view>
<view class="title"></view>
<view class="title"></view>
<view class="title"></view>
<view class="title"></view>
<view class="title"></view>
<view class="title"></view>
<view class='content'>
v-for="(item, index) in allArr"
class="flex flex-center-x"
:class="['date', {
'nowDay': item.month === 'current' && nowYear === currentYear && nowMonth === currentMonth && nowDate ===,
11 months ago
'hasPlan': item.month === 'current' && dateList.filter(v => === `${currentYear}-${formatterNum(currentMonth)}-${formatterNum(}`).length > 0,
12 months ago
'isClock': item.month === 'current' && dateList.includes(`${currentYear}-${formatterNum(currentMonth)}-${formatterNum(}`)
>{{ item.month === 'current' ? : '' }}</view>
11 months ago
import { getMonthRecord } from '@/api/learning';
12 months ago
export default {
props: {
calendarData: {
type: Array,
require: true,
type: {
type: String,
require: true,
data() {
return {
currentMonthDateLen: 0, // 当月天数
preMonthDateLen: 0, // 当月中,上月多余天数
currentYear: new Date().getFullYear(), // 当前显示的年
currentMonth: new Date().getMonth() + 1, // 当前显示的月
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-template
monthYear: new Date().getFullYear() + '年' + (new Date().getMonth() + 1 < 10 ? '0' + (new Date().getMonth() + 1) : (new Date().getMonth() + 1)) + '月', //当前年月
nowYear: new Date().getFullYear(), // 当前显示的月
nowMonth: new Date().getMonth() + 1, // 当前显示的月
nowDate: new Date().getDate(), // 当前显示的日
allArr: [],
dateList: [],
mounted() {
11 months ago
12 months ago
methods: {
11 months ago
async getDateList() {
const { data } = await getMonthRecord(
month: `${this.currentYear}-${this.currentMonth < 10 ? '0' + this.currentMonth : this.currentMonth}`,
this.dateList = data;
12 months ago
// 获取某年某月总共多少天
getDateLen(year, month) {
let actualMonth = month - 1;
let timeDistance = +new Date(year, month) - +new Date(year, actualMonth);
return timeDistance / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);
// 获取某月1号是周几
getFirstDateWeek(year, month) {
return new Date(year, month - 1, 1).getDay();
// 上月 年、月
preMonth(year, month) {
if (month == 1) {
return {
year: --year,
month: 12
} else {
return {
year: year,
month: --month
// 下月 年、月
nextMonth(year, month) {
if (month == 12) {
return {
year: ++year,
month: 1
} else {
return {
year: year,
month: ++month
// 获取当月数据,返回数组
let currentMonthDateLen = this.getDateLen(this.currentYear, this.currentMonth); // 获取当月天数
let currentMonthDateArr = []; // 定义空数组
if (currentMonthDateLen > 0) {
for (let i = 1; i <= currentMonthDateLen; i++) {
month: 'current', // 只是为了增加标识,区分上下月
date: i
this.currentMonthDateLen = currentMonthDateLen;
return currentMonthDateArr;
// 获取当月中,上月多余数据,返回数组
let preMonthDateLen = this.getFirstDateWeek(this.currentYear, this.currentMonth); // 当月1号是周几 == 上月残余天数)
let preMonthDateArr = []; // 定义空数组
if (preMonthDateLen > 0) {
let { year, month } = this.preMonth(this.currentYear, this.currentMonth); // 获取上月 年、月
let date = this.getDateLen(year, month); // 获取上月天数
for (let i = 0; i < preMonthDateLen; i++) {
preMonthDateArr.unshift({ // 尾部追加
month: 'pre', // 只是为了增加标识,区分当、下月
date: date
this.preMonthDateLen = preMonthDateLen;
return preMonthDateArr;
// 获取当月中,下月多余数据,返回数组
getNextArr() {
let nextMonthDateLen = 35 - this.preMonthDateLen - this.currentMonthDateLen; // 下月多余天数
let nextMonthDateArr = []; // 定义空数组
if (nextMonthDateLen > 0) {
for (let i = 1; i <= nextMonthDateLen; i++) {
month: 'next',// 只是为了增加标识,区分当、上月
date: i
return nextMonthDateArr;
// 整合当月所有数据
let preArr = this.getPreArr();
let currentArr = this.getCurrentArr();
let nextArr = this.getNextArr();
let allArr = [...preArr, ...currentArr, ...nextArr];
this.allArr = allArr;
let sendObj = {
currentYear: this.currentYear,
currentMonth: this.currentMonth,
monthYear: this.currentYear + '年' + (this.currentMonth < 10 ? '0' + this.currentMonth : this.currentMonth) + '月',
nowYear: this.nowYear,
nowMonth: this.nowMonth,
nowDate: this.nowDate,
fullDate: this.nowYear + '-' + this.nowMonth + '-' + this.nowDate,
allArr: allArr
this.$emit('sendObj', sendObj);
// 点击 上月
gotoPreMonth() {
let { year, month } = this.preMonth(this.currentYear, this.currentMonth);
this.currentYear = year;
this.currentMonth = month;
this.monthYear = year + '年' + (month < 10 ? '0' + month : month) + '月';
11 months ago
12 months ago
// 点击 下月
gotoNextMonth() {
let { year, month } = this.nextMonth(this.currentYear, this.currentMonth);
this.currentYear = year;
this.currentMonth = month;
this.monthYear = year + '年' + (month < 10 ? '0' + month : month) + '月';
11 months ago
12 months ago
clockPreTask(id) {
this.$emit('clock', id);
chooseDay(item) {
if (item.month === 'current') {
this.nowYear = this.currentYear;
this.nowMonth = this.currentMonth;
this.nowDate =;
11 months ago
12 months ago
formatterNum(num) {
return Number(num) < 10 ? `0${num}` : num;
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justify-content: center;
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>view {
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&.next-month {
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height: 48rpx;
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&.nowDay {
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&.hasPlan {
&:after {
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