You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1177 lines
42 KiB
1177 lines
42 KiB
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | 天诚科技 [ 刘海东 17600099397赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2020 All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed 该系统并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author:甘肃天诚志信电子商务有限公司 刘海东 联系电话维系17600099397
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace app\admin\controller\setting;
use app\admin\model\special\SpecialSubject;
use app\admin\model\special\RecommendBanner;
use app\admin\model\special\Special;
use app\admin\model\special\Lecturer;
use app\admin\model\system\Recommend;
use app\admin\model\system\RecommendRelation;
use app\admin\model\system\WebRecommend;
use app\admin\model\system\WebRecommendRelation;
use app\admin\model\user\Group;
use service\FormBuilder as Form;
use service\JsonService as Json;
use service\UploadService as Upload;
use think\Request;
use think\Url;
use app\admin\model\system\SystemGroup as GroupModel;
use app\admin\model\system\SystemGroupData as GroupDataModel;
use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
use app\admin\model\system\SystemAttachment;
use service\SystemConfigService;
use app\admin\model\system\SystemConfig;
use app\admin\model\download\DataDownload;
* 数据列表控制器 在组合数据中
* Class SystemGroupData
* @package app\admin\controller\setting
class SystemGroupData extends AuthController
* 显示资源列表
* @return \think\Response
public function index($gid)
$where = parent::getMore([
['status', '']
], $this->request);
$this->assign('where', $where);
$where['gid'] = $gid;
// Json::successful(GroupDataModel::getList($where));
return $this->fetch();
* 显示创建资源表单页.
* @return \think\Response
public function create($gid)
$Fields = GroupModel::getField($gid);
$f = array();
foreach ($Fields["fields"] as $key => $value) {
$info = [];
if (!empty($value["param"])) {
$value["param"] = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $value["param"]);//防止不兼容
$params = explode("\n", $value["param"]);
if (is_array($params) && !empty($params)) {
foreach ($params as $index => $v) {
if (strstr($v, '=>') !== false) {
list($left, $right) = explode('=>', $v);
} else if (strstr($v, '=') !== false) {
list($left, $right) = explode('=', $v);
$val["value"] = $left;
$val["label"] = $right;
$info[] = $val;
switch ($value["type"]) {
case 'input':
$f[] = Form::input($value["title"], $value["name"])->maxlength(90);
case 'text':
case 'textarea':
$f[] = Form::input($value["title"], $value["name"])->type('textarea')->placeholder($value['param']);
case 'radio':
$f[] = Form::radio($value["title"], $value["name"], isset($info[0]["value"]) ? $info[0]["value"] : '')->options($info);
case 'checkbox':
$f[] = Form::checkbox($value["title"], $value["name"], isset($info[0]) ? $info[0] : '')->options($info);
case 'select':
$f[] = Form::select($value["title"], $value["name"], isset($info[0]) ? $info[0] : '')->options($info)->multiple(false);
case 'upload':
$f[] = Form::frameImageOne($value["title"], $value["name"], Url::build('admin/widget.images/index', array('fodder' => $value["title"])))->icon('image')->width('100%')->height('500px');
case 'uploads':
$f[] = Form::frameImages($value["title"], $value["name"], Url::build('admin/widget.images/index', array('fodder' => $value["title"])))->maxLength(5)->icon('images')->width('100%')->height('500px')->spin(0);
$f[] = Form::input($value["title"], $value["name"]);
$f[] = Form::number('sort', '排序', 1)->min(0);
$f[] = Form::radio('status', '状态', 1)->options([['value' => 1, 'label' => '显示'], ['value' => 2, 'label' => '隐藏']]);
$form = Form::make_post_form('添加数据', $f, Url::build('save', compact('gid')), 2);
return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
* 保存新建的资源
* @param \think\Request $request
* @return \think\Response
public function save(Request $request, $gid)
$Fields = GroupModel::getField($gid);
$params = $request->post();
$value = array();
foreach ($params as $key => $param) {
foreach ($Fields['fields'] as $index => $field) {
if ($key == $field["title"]) {
if ($param == "" || preg_replace("#(^( |\s)+|( |\s)+$)#", "", $param) == '')
return Json::fail($field["name"] . "不能为空!");
else {
$value[$key]["type"] = $field["type"];
$value[$key]["value"] = $param;
$value[$key]["color_one"] = $params['color_one'];
$value[$key]["color_two"] = $params['color_two'];
$data = array("gid" => $gid, "add_time" => time(), "value" => json_encode($value), "sort" => $params["sort"], "status" => $params["status"]);
return Json::successful('添加数据成功!');
* 显示编辑资源表单页.
* @param int $id
* @return \think\Response
public function edit($gid, $id)
$GroupData = GroupDataModel::get($id);
$GroupDataValue = json_decode($GroupData["value"], true);
$Fields = GroupModel::getField($gid);
$f = array();
foreach ($Fields['fields'] as $key => $value) {
$info = [];
if (!empty($value["param"])) {
$value["param"] = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $value["param"]);//防止不兼容
$params = explode("\n", $value["param"]);
if (is_array($params) && !empty($params)) {
foreach ($params as $index => $v) {
if (strstr($v, '=>') !== false) {
list($left, $right) = explode('=>', $v);
} else if (strstr($v, '=') !== false) {
list($left, $right) = explode('=', $v);
$val["value"] = $left;
$val["label"] = $right;
$info[] = $val;
switch ($value['type']) {
case 'input':
$f[] = Form::input($value['title'], $value['name'], $GroupDataValue[$value['title']]['value'])->maxlength(90);
case 'text':
case 'textarea':
$f[] = Form::input($value['title'], $value['name'], $GroupDataValue[$value['title']]['value'])->type('textarea');
case 'radio':
$f[] = Form::radio($value['title'], $value['name'], $GroupDataValue[$value['title']]['value'])->options($info);
case 'checkbox':
if (array_key_exists($value['title'], $GroupDataValue)) {
$f[] = Form::checkbox($value['title'], $value['name'], $GroupDataValue[$value['title']]['value'])->options($info);
} else {
$f[] = Form::checkbox($value["title"], $value["name"], isset($info[0]) ? $info[0] : '')->options($info);
case 'upload':
if (!empty($GroupDataValue[$value['title']]['value'])) {
$image = is_string($GroupDataValue[$value['title']]['value']) ? $GroupDataValue[$value['title']]['value'] : $GroupDataValue[$value['title']]['value'][0];
} else {
$image = '';
$f[] = Form::frameImageOne($value['title'], $value['name'], Url::build('admin/widget.images/index', array('fodder' => $value['title'])), $image)->icon('image')->width('100%')->height('500px');
case 'uploads':
$images = !empty($GroupDataValue[$value['title']]['value']) ? $GroupDataValue[$value['title']]['value'] : [];
$f[] = Form::frameImages($value['title'], $value['name'], Url::build('admin/widget.images/index', array('fodder' => $value['title'])), $images)->maxLength(5)->icon('images')->width('100%')->height('550px')->spin(0);
case 'select':
$f[] = Form::select($value['title'], $value['name'], $GroupDataValue[$value['title']]['value'])->setOptions($info);
$f[] = Form::input($value['title'], $value['name'], $GroupDataValue[$value['title']]['value']);
$f[] = Form::number('sort', '排序', $GroupData["sort"])->min(0);
$f[] = Form::radio('status', '状态', $GroupData["status"])->options([['value' => 1, 'label' => '显示'], ['value' => 2, 'label' => '隐藏']]);
$form = Form::make_post_form('编辑', $f, Url::build('update', compact('id')), 2);
return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
* 保存更新的资源
* @param \think\Request $request
* @param int $id
* @return \think\Response
public function update(Request $request, $id)
$GroupData = GroupDataModel::get($id);
$Fields = GroupModel::getField($GroupData["gid"]);
$params = $request->post();
foreach ($params as $key => $param) {
foreach ($Fields['fields'] as $index => $field) {
if ($key == $field["title"]) {
if ($param == "" || preg_replace("#(^( |\s)+|( |\s)+$)#", "", $param) == '')
return Json::fail($field["name"] . "不能为空!");
else {
$value[$key]["type"] = $field["type"];
$value[$key]["value"] = $param;
$data = array("value" => json_encode($value), "sort" => $params["sort"], "status" => $params["status"]);
GroupDataModel::edit($data, $id);
return Json::successful('修改成功!');
* 删除指定资源
* @param int $id
* @return \think\Response
public function delete($id)
if (!GroupDataModel::del($id))
return Json::fail(GroupDataModel::getErrorInfo('删除失败,请稍候再试!'));
return Json::successful('删除成功!');
public function upload()
$res = Upload::image('file', 'common');
$thumbPath = Upload::thumb($res->dir);
$fileInfo = $res->fileInfo->getinfo();
SystemAttachment::attachmentAdd($res->fileInfo->getSaveName(), $fileInfo['size'], $fileInfo['type'], $res->dir, $thumbPath, 6);
if ($res->status == 200)
return Json::successful('图片上传成功!', ['name' => $res->fileInfo->getSaveName(), 'url' => Upload::pathToUrl($thumbPath)]);
return Json::fail($res->error);
public function recommend()
$this->assign('fixedList', Recommend::fixedList());
return $this->fetch();
public function recommend_list()
$where = parent::getMore([
['page', 1],
['limit', 20],
['order', ''],
['is_fixed', $this->request->param('is_fixed', 0)]
return Json::successlayui(Recommend::getRecommendList($where));
public function create_recemmend($id = 0)
if ($id) $this->assign('recemmend', Recommend::get($id));
$this->assign('is_fixed', 1);
$this->assign('grade_list', SpecialSubject::specialCategoryAll(1));
$this->assign('id', $id);
return $this->fetch();
public function create_recemmend_v1($id = 0)
if ($id) $this->assign('recemmend', Recommend::get($id));
$this->assign('is_fixed', 0);
$this->assign('grade_list', SpecialSubject::specialCategoryAll(1));
$this->assign('is_fixed', 0);
$this->assign('id', $id);
return $this->fetch();
public function save_recemmend($id = 0)
$post = parent::postMore([
['icon', ''],
['image', ''],
['title', ''],
['type', ''],
['sort', 0],
['is_fixed', 0],
['is_show', 0],
['grade_id', 0],
['show_count', 0],
['typesetting', ''],
$post['is_show'] = $post['is_fixed'] ? 1 : $post['is_show'];
if ($post['type'] == 14) {
if ($post['typesetting'] == 1 || $post['typesetting'] == 4) return Json::fail('资料不能选择该排版');
if ($post['typesetting'] == 5) {
unset($post['type'], $post['image'], $post['show_count']);
if ($id) {
$rescomm = Recommend::get($id);
if (!$rescomm) return Json::fail('修改的信息不存在');
Recommend::update($post, ['id' => $id]);
return Json::successful('修改成功');
} else {
$post['add_time'] = time();
if (Recommend::set($post))
return Json::successful('保存成功');
return Json::fail('保存失败');
public function recemmend_content($id = 0)
if (!$id) return Json::fail('缺少参数');
if ($this->request->isAjax()) {
$where = parent::getMore([
['page', 1],
['limit', 20],
return Json::successlayui(RecommendRelation::getAll($where, $id));
} else {
$this->assign('id', $id);
return $this->fetch();
* @param int $id
* @return mixed
public function recemmend_article_content($id = 0)
$this->assign('id', $id);
return $this->fetch();
* @param int $id
* @return mixed
public function recemmend_test_content($id = 0)
$this->assign('id', $id);
return $this->fetch();
* @param int $id
* @return mixed
public function recemmend_store_content($id = 0)
$this->assign('id', $id);
return $this->fetch();
public function recemmed_delete($id = 0)
if (!$id) return Json::fail('缺少参数');
if (RecommendRelation::del($id))
return Json::successful('删除成功');
return Json::fail('删除失败');
* 设置单个产品上架|下架
* @return json
public function set_show($is_show = '', $id = '', $recommend = '')
($is_show == '' || $id == '') && Json::fail('缺少参数');
if ($recommend == 'web') {
$res = WebRecommend::where(['id' => $id])->update(['is_show' => (int)$is_show]);
} else {
$res = Recommend::where(['id' => $id])->update(['is_show' => (int)$is_show]);
if ($res) {
return Json::successful($is_show == 1 ? '显示成功' : '隐藏成功');
} else {
return Json::fail($is_show == 1 ? '显示失败' : '隐藏失败');
public function set_show_banner($is_show = '', $id = '')
($is_show == '' || $id == '') && Json::fail('缺少参数');
$res = RecommendBanner::where(['id' => $id])->update(['is_show' => (int)$is_show]);
if ($res) {
return Json::successful($is_show == 1 ? '显示成功' : '隐藏成功');
} else {
return Json::fail($is_show == 1 ? '显示失败' : '隐藏失败');
* 快速编辑
* @return json
public function set_value($field = '', $id = '', $value = '', $recommend = '')
$field == '' || $id == '' || $value == '' && Json::fail('缺少参数');
if ($recommend == 'web') {
$res = WebRecommend::where(['id' => $id])->update([$field => $value]);
} else {
$res = Recommend::where(['id' => $id])->update([$field => $value]);
if ($res)
return Json::successful('保存成功');
return Json::fail('保存失败');
* 快速编辑
* @return json
public function set_recemmend_value($field = '', $id = '', $value = '')
$field == '' || $id == '' || $value == '' && Json::fail('缺少参数');
if (RecommendRelation::where(['id' => $id])->update([$field => $value]))
return Json::successful('保存成功');
return Json::fail('保存失败');
public function set_value_banner($field = '', $id = '', $value = '')
$field == '' || $id == '' || $value == '' && Json::fail('缺少参数');
if (RecommendBanner::where(['id' => $id])->update([$field => $value]))
return Json::successful('保存成功');
return Json::fail('保存失败');
* 删除指定资源
* @param int $id
* @return \think\Response
public function delete_recomm($id)
if (RecommendBanner::be(['recommend_id' => $id])) return Json::fail('删除失败,请先删除Banner图');
if (RecommendRelation::be(['recommend_id' => $id])) return Json::fail('删除失败,请先删除内容管理里面的列表');
if (!Recommend::del($id))
return Json::fail('删除失败');
return Json::successful('删除成功!');
* 删除导航推荐
* @param string $id
public function delete_banner($id = '')
if (!RecommendBanner::del($id))
return Json::fail('删除失败');
return Json::successful('删除成功!');
public function recemmend_banner($id = '')
if ($id == '') return $this->failed('缺少参数');
$this->assign('id', $id);
$this->assign('type', 1);
return $this->fetch();
public function recemmend_banner_list()
$where = parent::getMore([
['id', ''],
['page', ''],
['limit', ''],
if ($where['id'] == '') return Json::fail('缺少参数');
return Json::successlayui(RecommendBanner::getRecemmodBannerList($where));
* 创建banner图
* */
public function create_recemmend_banner($id = '', $banner_id = 0)
$this->assign('id', $id);
if ($banner_id) {
$banner = RecommendBanner::get($banner_id);
if (!$banner) return $this->failed('缺少修改的banner');
$banner['pic_key'] = get_key_attr($banner['pic'], false);
$this->assign('banner', $banner);
$this->assign('banner_id', (int)$banner_id);
$this->assign('type', 2);
return $this->fetch();
public function save_recemmend_banner($id = '', $banner_id = '')
$post = parent::postMore([
['url', ''],
['sort', ''],
['is_show', 0],
['pic', ''],
if ($id == '') return Json::fail('缺少参数');
if ($post['pic'] == '') return Json::fail('请上传封面图!');
if ($post['is_show'] == 'on') $post['is_show'] = 1;
else $post['is_show'] = 0;
$post['recommend_id'] = $id;
if ($banner_id) {
RecommendBanner::edit($post, $banner_id);
return Json::successful('修改成功');
} else {
$post['add_time'] = time();
return Json::successful('保存成功');
* 首页导航固定跳转添加
* @return mixed
public function navigation()
return $this->fetch();
* 个人中心题库菜单
public function center_menu_topic($gid = 0)
$this->assign('gid', $gid);
return $this->fetch('center_menu1');
* 个人中心服务菜单
public function center_menu()
return $this->fetch('center_menu');
* pc端首页导航
public function center_web_menu()
return $this->fetch();
* pc端自定义跳转导航添加和修改页面
* @param int $id
* @return mixed|void
* @throws \FormBuilder\exception\FormBuilderException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public function create_web_recemmend_custom($id = 0, $is_fixed = 1)
if ($id) {
$recommend = WebRecommend::get($id);
if (!$recommend) {
return $this->failed('您修改的导航不存在');
$f[] = Form::input('title', '名称', isset($recommend) ? $recommend->title : '');
$f[] = Form::input('link', '跳转路径', isset($recommend) ? $recommend->link : '');
$f[] = Form::input('sort', '排序', isset($recommend) ? $recommend->sort : 0);
$f[] = Form::radio('is_show', '状态', isset($recommend) ? $recommend->is_show : 0)->options([['value' => 1, 'label' => '显示'], ['value' => 0, 'label' => '隐藏']]);
$form = Form::make_post_form('编辑', $f, Url::build('save_web_recemmend_custom', compact('id', 'is_fixed')), 2);
return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
* 保存pc端自定义导航链接
* @param int $id
public function save_web_recemmend_custom($id = 0, $is_fixed = 1)
$data = parent::postMore([
['title', ''],
['link', ''],
['sort', 0],
['is_show', 0],
['type', 6],
['is_fixed', $is_fixed],
$data['title'] = preg_replace("#(^( |\s)+|( |\s)+$)#", "", $data['title']);
$data['link'] = preg_replace("#(^( |\s)+|( |\s)+$)#", "", $data['link']);
if (!$data['title']) {
return Json::fail('请填写导航名称');
if (mb_strlen($data['title']) > 6) return Json::fail('标题不能超过6个字');
if (!$data['link']) {
return Json::fail('请填写导航跳转地址');
if ($id) {
WebRecommend::edit($data, $id);
return Json::successful('修改成功');
} else {
$data['add_time'] = time();
if (WebRecommend::be(['title' => $data['title'], 'link' => $data['link']])) return Json::fail('名称已存在');
$res = WebRecommend::set($data);
if ($res) {
return Json::successful('添加成功');
} else {
return Json::fail('修改失败');
* 自定义跳转导航添加和修改页面
* @param int $id
* @return mixed|void
* @throws \FormBuilder\exception\FormBuilderException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public function create_recemmend_custom($id = 0, $is_fixed = 1)
if ($id) {
$recommend = Recommend::get($id);
if (!$recommend) {
return $this->failed('您修改的导航不存在');
$f[] = Form::input('title', '名称', isset($recommend) ? $recommend->title : '');
$f[] = Form::frameImageOne('icon', '图标(100*100px)', get_image_Url('icon'), isset($recommend) ? $recommend->icon : '')->icon('image')->width('100%')->height('500px');
$f[] = Form::input('link', '跳转路径', isset($recommend) ? $recommend->link : '');
$f[] = Form::number('sort', '排序', isset($recommend) ? $recommend->sort : 0)->min(0);
if ($is_fixed == 2) {
$f[] = Form::radio('is_promoter', '推广权限', isset($recommend) ? $recommend->is_promoter : 0)->options([['value' => 1, 'label' => '需要权限'], ['value' => 0, 'label' => '无需权限']]);
$f[] = Form::radio('is_write_off', '核销权限', isset($recommend) ? $recommend->is_write_off : 0)->options([['value' => 1, 'label' => '需要权限'], ['value' => 0, 'label' => '无需权限']]);
$f[] = Form::radio('is_lecturer', '讲师菜单', isset($recommend) ? $recommend->is_lecturer : 0)->options([['value' => 0, 'label' => '非讲师菜单'], ['value' => 1, 'label' => '讲师申请菜单'], ['value' => 2, 'label' => '讲师中心菜单'], ['value' => 3, 'label' => '机构中心菜单']]);
$f[] = Form::radio('is_show', '状态', isset($recommend) ? $recommend->is_show : 0)->options([['value' => 1, 'label' => '显示'], ['value' => 0, 'label' => '隐藏']]);
$form = Form::make_post_form('编辑', $f, Url::build('save_recemmend_custom', compact('id', 'is_fixed')), 2);
return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
* 保存自定义导航链接
* @param int $id
public function save_recemmend_custom($id = 0, $is_fixed = 1)
$data = parent::postMore([
['title', ''],
['icon', ''],
['link', ''],
['sort', 0],
['is_show', 0],
['is_promoter', 0],
['is_write_off', 0],
['is_lecturer', 0],
['type', 3],
['is_fixed', $is_fixed],
$data['title'] = preg_replace("#(^( |\s)+|( |\s)+$)#", "", $data['title']);
$data['link'] = preg_replace("#(^( |\s)+|( |\s)+$)#", "", $data['link']);
if (!$data['title']) {
return Json::fail('请填写导航名称');
if (!$data['icon']) {
return Json::fail('请选择导航图标');
if (!$data['link']) {
return Json::fail('请填写导航跳转地址');
if ($id) {
Recommend::edit($data, $id);
return Json::successful('修改成功');
} else {
$data['add_time'] = time();
if (Recommend::be(['title' => $data['title'], 'link' => $data['link']])) return Json::fail('名称已存在');
$res = Recommend::set($data);
if ($res) {
return Json::successful('添加成功');
} else {
return Json::fail('修改失败');
* 显示资源列表
* @return \think\Response
public function index_v1($gid)
$is_show_or_hide = SystemConfigService::get('is_show_or_hide');
$this->assign(compact("gid", 'is_show_or_hide'));
return $this->fetch();
* 获取某个组合数据列表
* @param int $gid
* @param int $page
* @param int $limit
* @throws \think\Exception
public function get_group_data_list($gid = 0, $status = '', $page = 1, $limit = 10)
$model = GroupDataModel::where(function ($query) use ($gid, $status) {
$query->where('gid', $gid);
if ($status != '') {
$query->where('status', $status);
$data = $model->order('sort desc,id desc')->page($page, $limit)->select();
$data = count($data) ? $data->toArray() : [];
foreach ($data as &$item) {
$value = json_decode($item['value'], true);
foreach ($value as $key => $val) {
$item[$key] = $value[$key]['value'];
$count = count($data);
return Json::successlayui(compact('data', 'count'));
* 修改某个字段
* @param string $field
* @param int $id
* @param string $value
public function set_group_data($field = '', $id = 0, $value = '')
if ('id' == $field) {
return Json::fail('修改失败,主键不允许修改');
if (!$field && !$value) {
return Json::fail('缺少修改参数');
$info = GroupDataModel::where('id', $id)->find();
if (!$info) {
return Json::fail('修改的信息不存在');
if (in_array($field, ['sort', 'status'])) {
$info->{$field} = $value;
$res = $info->save();
} else {
$infoVale = json_decode($info->value, true);
$infoVale[$field]['value'] = $value;
$info->value = json_encode($infoVale);
$res = $info->save();
if ($res) {
return Json::successful('修改成功');
} else {
return Json::fail('修改失败');
* 添加组合数据页面
* @return mixed
public function create_v1($id = 0)
'specialList' => json_encode(Special::PreWhere()->field(['id', 'title'])->order('sort desc,id desc')->select()),
'cateList' => json_encode(SpecialSubject::specialCategoryAll(1)),
if ($id) {
$info = GroupDataModel::get($id);
if ($info) {
$infoValue = json_decode($info->value, true);
$this->assign('data', [
'title' => isset($infoValue['title']['value']) ? $infoValue['title']['value'] : "",
'pic' => isset($infoValue['pic']['value']) ? $infoValue['pic']['value'] : "",
'info' => isset($infoValue['info']['value']) ? $infoValue['info']['value'] : '',
'sort' => $info->sort,
'status' => $info->status,
'type' => isset($infoValue['type']['value']) ? $infoValue['type']['value'] : "''",
'select_id' => isset($infoValue['select_id']['value']) ? $infoValue['select_id']['value'] : "''",
'id' => $id
return $this->fetch();
public function save_group_data($name = '')
$data = parent::postMore([
['title', ''],
['id', ''],
['image', ''],
['info', ''],
['type', 0],
['select_id', 0],
['sort', 0],
['status', 0],
$gid = GroupModel::where(['config_name' => $name])->value('id');
if (!isset($data['id']) || !$data['id']) {
if (GroupDataModel::where('gid', $gid)->count() >= 3) {
return Json::fail('最多能添加3条信息');
if (!$data['title']) {
return Json::fail('请输入标题');
if (!$data['image']) {
return Json::fail('请选择图片');
if (!$data['info']) {
return Json::fail('请输入简介');
if (!$data['select_id']) {
return Json::fail('请选择' . ($data['type'] ? '分类' : "专题"));
$info = '{"pic":{"type":"upload","value":""},"title":{"type":"input","value":""},"info":{"type":"input","value":""},"wap_link":{"type":"select","value":""}}';
$info = json_decode($info, true);
$info['pic']['value'] = $data['image'];
$info['title']['value'] = $data['title'];
$info['info']['value'] = $data['info'];
$info['select_id']['value'] = $data['select_id'];
$info['select_id']['type'] = 'select';
$info['type']['type'] = 'radio';
$info['type']['value'] = $data['type'];
if ($data['type']) {
$info['wap_link']['value'] = '/pages/special/special_cate?cate_id=' . $data['select_id'];
} else {
$is_light = Special::where('id', $data['select_id'])->value('is_light');
if ($is_light) {
$info['wap_link']['value'] = '/pages/special/single_details?id=' . $data['select_id'];
} else {
$info['wap_link']['value'] = '/pages/special/details?id=' . $data['select_id'];
if (isset($data['id']) && $data['id']) {
$res = GroupDataModel::update([
'gid' => $gid,
'value' => json_encode($info),
'sort' => $data['sort'],
'status' => $data['status'],
], ['id' => $data['id']]);
} else {
$res = GroupDataModel::set([
'gid' => $gid,
'value' => json_encode($info),
'add_time' => time(),
'sort' => $data['sort'],
'status' => $data['status'],
if ($res) {
return Json::successful('编辑成功');
} else {
return Json::fail('编辑失败');
* @param $value
public function is_show_or_hide($value)
$res = SystemConfig::edit(['value' => json_encode($value)], 'is_show_or_hide', 'menu_name');
if ($res) {
return Json::successful('编辑成功');
} else {
return Json::fail('编辑失败');
public function web_recommend()
return $this->fetch();
public function web_recommend_list()
$where = parent::getMore([
['page', 1],
['limit', 20],
['is_fixed', $this->request->param('is_fixed', 0)],
['order', '']
return Json::successlayui(WebRecommend::getRecommendList($where));
public function create_web_recemmend($id = 0)
if ($id) {
$this->assign('recemmend', WebRecommend::get($id));
$this->assign('id', $id);
return $this->fetch();
public function save_web_recemmend($id = 0)
$post = parent::postMore([
['title', ''],
['explain', ''],
['type', ''],
['sort', 0],
['is_show', 0],
['show_count', 0],
if (mb_strlen($post['title']) > 6) return Json::fail('标题不能超过6个字');
if ($id) {
$rescomm = WebRecommend::get($id);
if (!$rescomm) return Json::fail('修改的信息不存在');
WebRecommend::update($post, ['id' => $id]);
return Json::successful('修改成功');
} else {
$post['add_time'] = time();
if (WebRecommend::set($post))
return Json::successful('保存成功');
return Json::fail('保存失败');
public function data_download($id = 0)
$this->assign('id', $id);
return $this->fetch();
public function article_list($id = 0)
$this->assign('id', $id);
return $this->fetch();
public function test_list($id = 0)
$this->assign('id', $id);
return $this->fetch();
public function recemmend_web_content($id = 0)
if (!$id) return Json::fail('缺少参数');
if ($this->request->isAjax()) {
$where = parent::getMore([
['page', 1],
['limit', 20],
return Json::successlayui(WebRecommendRelation::getAll($where, $id));
} else {
$this->assign('id', $id);
return $this->fetch();
* @param int $id
* @param int $ids
public function addDataDownload($id = 0, $ids = '')
if (!$id || $ids == '') Json::fail('缺少参数');
$res = WebRecommendRelation::addDataDownload($id, $ids);
if ($res) {
return Json::successful('关联成功');
} else {
return Json::fail('关联失败');
* @param int $id
* @param int $data_id
public function delRecemmend($id, $data_id)
if (!$id || !$data_id) Json::fail('缺少参数');
$res = WebRecommendRelation::userDelRecemmend($id, $data_id);
if ($res)
return Json::successful('删除成功');
return Json::fail('删除失败');
* @param int $id
* @param int $link_id
* @param $value
public function upRecemmendSort($id, $value)
if (!$id) Json::fail('缺少参数');
$res = WebRecommendRelation::updateRecommendSort($id, $value);
if ($res)
return Json::successful('修改成功');
return Json::fail('修改失败');
* 获取资料列表
public function getDataDownloadList()
$where = parent::getMore([
['page', 1],
['limit', 20],
['recommend_id', 0],
['status', 1],
['title', '']
$data = [];
if (isset($where['recommend_id']) && $where['recommend_id']) {
$data = WebRecommendRelation::setWhere($where['recommend_id'])->column('link_id');
$download = DataDownload::dataDownloadLists($where, $data);
if (isset($download['data']) && $download['data']) {
foreach ($download['data'] as $k => $v) {
$download['data'][$k]['is_check'] = 0;
return Json::successlayui($download);
public function special_list($id = 0)
$this->assign('id', $id);
return $this->fetch();
* 图文、音频、视频、专栏专题素材列表获取
* @return json
* */
public function source_list()
$where = parent::getMore([
['page', 1],
['limit', 20],
['title', ''],
['type', ''],
['is_light', ''],
['recommend_id', 0]
$rescomm = WebRecommend::get($where['recommend_id']);
$special_source = [];
if (isset($where['recommend_id']) && $where['recommend_id']) {
$special_source = WebRecommendRelation::setWhere($where['recommend_id'])->column('link_id');
$special_task = Special::getUserSpecialLists($where, $special_source, $rescomm['type']);
if (isset($special_task['data']) && $special_task['data']) {
foreach ($special_task['data'] as $k => $v) {
$special_task['data'][$k]['is_check'] = 0;
$special_task['data'][$k]['pay_status'] = PAY_MONEY;
if ($v['type'] == 6) $v['type'] = $v['light_type'];
$special_task['data'][$k]['types'] = parent::specialTaskType($v['type']);
return Json::successlayui($special_task);
public function lecturer_list($id = 0)
$this->assign('id', $id);
return $this->fetch();
public function get_lecturer_list()
$where = parent::getMore([
['page', 1],
['limit', 20],
['title', ''],
['is_show', 1],
['recommend_id', 0]
$lecturer = [];
if (isset($where['recommend_id']) && $where['recommend_id']) {
$lecturer = WebRecommendRelation::setWhere($where['recommend_id'])->column('link_id');
$special_task = Lecturer::getRecommendLecturerList($where, $lecturer);
if (isset($special_task['data']) && $special_task['data']) {
foreach ($special_task['data'] as $k => $v) {
$special_task['data'][$k]['is_check'] = 0;
return Json::successlayui($special_task);
* 删除指定资源
* @param int $id
* @return \think\Response
public function delete_web_recomm($id)
if (WebRecommendRelation::be(['recommend_id' => $id])) return Json::fail('删除失败,请先删除内容管理里面的列表');
if (!WebRecommend::del($id))
return Json::fail('删除失败');
return Json::successful('删除成功!');
public function proxy(){
if (isset($_GET['src'])) {
$url = $_GET['src'];
$fp = fopen($url, 'rb');
foreach (get_headers($url) as $header) {