You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
282 lines
11 KiB
282 lines
11 KiB
var domUtils = UM.dom.domUtils;
var widgetName = 'video';
UM.registerWidget( widgetName,{
tpl: "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"<%=video_url%>video.css\" />" +
"<div class=\"edui-video-wrapper\">" +
"<div id=\"eduiVideoTab\">" +
"<div id=\"eduiVideoTabHeads\" class=\"edui-video-tabhead\">" +
"<span tabSrc=\"video\" class=\"edui-video-focus\"><%=lang_tab_insertV%></span>" +
"</div>" +
"<div id=\"eduiVideoTabBodys\" class=\"edui-video-tabbody\">" +
"<div id=\"eduiVideoPanel\" class=\"edui-video-panel\">" +
"<table><tr><td><label for=\"eduiVideoUrl\" class=\"edui-video-url\"><%=lang_video_url%></label></td><td><input id=\"eduiVideoUrl\" type=\"text\"></td></tr></table>" +
"<div id=\"eduiVideoPreview\"></div>" +
"<div id=\"eduiVideoInfo\">" +
"<fieldset>" +
"<legend><%=lang_video_size%></legend>" +
"<table>" +
"<tr><td><label for=\"eduiVideoWidth\"><%=lang_videoW%></label></td><td><input class=\"edui-video-txt\" id=\"eduiVideoWidth\" type=\"text\"/></td></tr>" +
"<tr><td><label for=\"eduiVideoHeight\"><%=lang_videoH%></label></td><td><input class=\"edui-video-txt\" id=\"eduiVideoHeight\" type=\"text\"/></td></tr>" +
"</table>" +
"</fieldset>" +
"<fieldset>" +
"<legend><%=lang_alignment%></legend>" +
"<div id=\"eduiVideoFloat\"></div>" +
"</fieldset>" +
"</div>" +
"</div>" +
"</div>" +
"</div>" +
initContent:function( editor, $widget ){
var me = this,
lang = editor.getLang( widgetName),
video_url = UMEDITOR_CONFIG.UMEDITOR_HOME_URL + 'dialogs/video/';
me.lang = lang;
me.editor = editor;
me.$widget = $widget;
me.root().html( $.parseTmpl( me.tpl, $.extend( { video_url: video_url }, lang['static'] ) ) );
me.initController( lang );
var me = this,
url = $("#eduiVideoUrl", me.$widget)[0];
if( 'oninput' in url ) {
url.oninput = function(){
me.createPreviewVideo( this.value );
} else {
url.onpropertychange = function () {
me.createPreviewVideo( this.value );
initController: function( lang ){
var me = this,
img = me.editor.selection.getRange().getClosedNode(),
me.createAlignButton( ["eduiVideoFloat"] );
if(img && img.className == "edui-faked-video"){
$("#eduiVideoUrl", me.$widget)[0].value = url = img.getAttribute("_url");
$("#eduiVideoWidth", me.$widget)[0].value = img.width;
$("#eduiVideoHeight", me.$widget)[0].value = img.height;
var align = domUtils.getComputedStyle(img,"float"),
parentAlign = domUtils.getComputedStyle(img.parentNode,"text-align");
* 根据url生成视频预览
createPreviewVideo: function(url){
if ( !url )return;
var me = this,
lang = me.lang,
conUrl = me.convert_url(url);
$("#eduiVideoPreview", me.$widget).html( lang.urlError );
$("#eduiVideoPreview", me.$widget)[0].innerHTML = '<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=""' +
' src="' + url + '"' +
' width="' + 420 + '"' +
' height="' + 280 + '"' +
' wmode="transparent" play="true" loop="false" menu="false" allowscriptaccess="never" allowfullscreen="true" ></embed>';
* 将单个视频信息插入编辑器中
insertSingle: function(){
var me = this,
width = $("#eduiVideoWidth", me.$widget)[0],
height = $("#eduiVideoHeight", me.$widget)[0],
url=$('#eduiVideoUrl', me.$widget)[0].value,
align = this.findFocus("eduiVideoFloat","name");
if(!url) return false;
if ( !me.checkNum( [width, height] ) ) return false;
this.editor.execCommand('insertvideo', {
url: me.convert_url(url),
width: width.value,
height: height.value,
align: align
* URL转换
convert_url: function(url){
if ( !url ) return '';
var matches = url.match(/\/(\w+)$/) ||
url.match(/youtube\.com\/watch\?v=(\w+)/) ||
youku = url.match(/youku\.com\/v_show\/id_(\w+)/),
youkuPlay = /player\.youku\.com/ig.test(url);
url = url.replace(/\?f=.*/, "");
} else if (matches){
url = "" + matches[1] + "?version=3&feature=player_embedded";
}else if(youku){
url = ""+youku[1]+"/v.swf"
} else {
url = url.replace(/http:\/\/www\.tudou\.com\/programs\/view\/([\w\-]+)\/?/i, "$1")
.replace(/http:\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/watch\?v=([\w\-]+)/i, "$1")
.replace(/http:\/\/v\.youku\.com\/v_show\/id_([\w\-=]+)\.html/i, "$1")
.replace(/http:\/\/www\.56\.com\/u\d+\/v_([\w\-]+)\.html/i, "$1.swf")
.replace(/http:\/\/\/w\d+\/play_album\-aid\-\d+_vid\-([^.]+)\.html/i, "$1.swf")
.replace(/http:\/\/v\.ku6\.com\/.+\/([^.]+)\.html/i, "$1/v.swf")
.replace(/\?f=.*/, "");
return url;
* 检测传入的所有input框中输入的长宽是否是正数
checkNum: function checkNum( nodes ) {
var me = this;
for ( var i = 0, ci; ci = nodes[i++]; ) {
var value = ci.value;
if ( !me.isNumber( value ) && value) {
alert( me.lang.numError );
ci.value = "";
return false;
return true;
* 数字判断
* @param value
isNumber: function( value ) {
return /(0|^[1-9]\d*$)/.test( value );
updateAlignButton: function( align ) {
var aligns = $( "#eduiVideoFloat", this.$widget )[0].children;
for ( var i = 0, ci; ci = aligns[i++]; ) {
if ( ci.getAttribute( "name" ) == align ) {
if ( ci.className !="edui-video-focus" ) {
ci.className = "edui-video-focus";
} else {
if ( ci.className =="edui-video-focus" ) {
ci.className = "";
* 创建图片浮动选择按钮
* @param ids
createAlignButton: function( ids ) {
var lang = this.lang,
vidoe_home = UMEDITOR_CONFIG.UMEDITOR_HOME_URL + 'dialogs/video/';
for ( var i = 0, ci; ci = ids[i++]; ) {
var floatContainer = $( "#" + ci, this.$widget ) [0],
nameMaps = {"none":lang['default'], "left":lang.floatLeft, "right":lang.floatRight};
for ( var j in nameMaps ) {
var div = document.createElement( "div" );
div.setAttribute( "name", j );
if ( j == "none" ) div.className="edui-video-focus";
| = "background:url("+ vidoe_home +"images/" + j + "_focus.jpg);";
div.setAttribute( "title", nameMaps[j] );
floatContainer.appendChild( div );
this.switchSelect( ci );
* 选择切换
switchSelect: function( selectParentId ) {
var selects = $( "#" + selectParentId, this.$widget )[0].children;
for ( var i = 0, ci; ci = selects[i++]; ) {
$(ci).on("click", function () {
for ( var j = 0, cj; cj = selects[j++]; ) {
cj.className = "";
cj.removeAttribute && cj.removeAttribute( "class" );
this.className = "edui-video-focus";
} )
* 找到id下具有focus类的节点并返回该节点下的某个属性
* @param id
* @param returnProperty
findFocus: function( id, returnProperty ) {
var tabs = $( "#" + id , this.$widget)[0].children,
for ( var i = 0, ci; ci = tabs[i++]; ) {
if ( ci.className=="edui-video-focus" ) {
property = ci.getAttribute( returnProperty );
return property;
* 末尾字符检测
endWith: function(str,endStrArr){
for(var i=0,len = endStrArr.length;i<len;i++){
var tmp = endStrArr[i];
if(str.length - tmp.length<0) return false;
return true;
return false;
buttons: {
ok: {
exec: function( editor, $w ){
$("#eduiVideoPreview", $w).html("");
cancel: {
exec: function(){