var requirejs = require('requirejs'); var passed = 0; var failed = 0; var assert = function(name, statement, val) { if (statement === val) { console.log(' ' + name + '... passed.'); passed++; } else { console.log(' ' + name + '... failed.\n ' + 'Expected "' + val + '" got "' + statement + '"\n'); failed++; } } requirejs(['../css', '../normalize'], function(css, normalize) { console.log('\n--- Starting Require CSS Tests ---'); console.log('\nTesting URL Base Conversions'); assert( 'Changing subfolder', normalize.convertURIBase('test', '/one/two/', '/one/three/'), '../two/test' ); assert( 'Changing subfolder with backtrack', normalize.convertURIBase('../test', '/one/two/', '/one/three/'), '../test' ); assert( 'Changing two subfolders with a folder', normalize.convertURIBase('some/test', '/one/two/three/', '/one/four/five/'), '../../two/three/some/test' ); assert( 'Double forward slashes in relative URI', normalize.convertURIBase('some//test', '/one/two/three/', '/one/two/four/'), '../three/some/test' ); assert( 'protocol base urls work', normalize.convertURIBase('some/file', '', ''), '../some/file' ); assert( 'absolute protocol paths work with base conversion', normalize.convertURIBase('some/file', '', 'baseUrl/'), '' ); console.log('\nTesting Stylesheet Regular Expressions'); assert( '@import statements', normalize('@import "test.css"', '/first/', '/second/'), '@import "../first/test.css"' ); assert( 'url includes', normalize('background: url("../some/test.css")', '/first/one/', '/second/one/'), 'background: url("../../first/some/test.css")' ); assert( 'absolute url detection', normalize.absoluteURI("//", '/first/one/', '/second/one/'), '//' ); assert( 'absolute url convert base', normalize.convertURIBase("//", '/first/one/', '/second/one/'), '//' ); assert( 'absolute url convert base', normalize.convertURIBase("", '/first/one/', '/second/one/'), '' ); assert( 'multiple url includes on the same line', normalize('src: url("../fonts/font.eot") format("embedded-opentype"), url("../fonts/font.woff") format("woff");', '/base/', '/'), 'src: url("fonts/font.eot") format("embedded-opentype"), url("fonts/font.woff") format("woff");' ); assert( 'absolute URI test', normalize.absoluteURI('/my/file.less', 'http://localhost:8000/'), '/my/file.less' ); console.log('\n--- Require CSS Tests Complete: ' + passed + ' passed, ' + failed + ' failed. ---\n'); });