uid)->find(); if ($userStudy) { $subject_id = $userStudy['cate_id']; } else { $specialSubject = SpecialSubject::where('is_show', 1)->where('is_del', 0)->find(); $subject_id = $specialSubject['id']; } } //背诵 $recite = ClearanceModel::where('type',1)->where('subject_id', $subject_id)->where('is_show',1)->order('sort DESC,id desc')->select(); //刷题 $brush_questions = ClearanceModel::where('type',2)->where('subject_id', $subject_id)->where('is_show',1)->order('sort DESC,id desc')->select(); $activity = EventRegistration::eventRegistrationList(1, 4, $city, $subject_id, 0); $uid = $this->uid; $where = [ 'grade_id' => 1, 'subject_id' => $subject_id, 'search' => '', 'page' => 1, 'limit' => 4, 'type' => 0, 'special_type' => 3, 'is_member' => 0, 'uid' => $uid, ]; $video = SpecialModel::getSpecialList($where); $where['special_type'] = 4; $live = SpecialModel::getSpecialList($where); $sql = "SELECT rank,days FROM (SELECT @rank:=@rank+1 as rank, user_id, days,cate_id FROM tc_user_clearance, (SELECT @rank:=0) r ORDER BY days DESC ) t WHERE user_id = ".$uid ." and cate_id = ".$subject_id; $userClearance = Db::query($sql); $sql = "SELECT rank,recite_num FROM (SELECT @rank:=@rank+1 as rank, user_id, recite_num,cate_id FROM tc_user_clearance, (SELECT @rank:=0) r ORDER BY recite_num DESC ) t WHERE user_id = ".$uid ." and cate_id = ".$subject_id; $userClearance1 = Db::query($sql); $sql = "SELECT rank,accuracy FROM (SELECT @rank:=@rank+1 as rank, user_id, accuracy,cate_id FROM tc_user_clearance, (SELECT @rank:=0) r ORDER BY accuracy DESC ) t WHERE user_id = ".$uid ." and cate_id = ".$subject_id; $userClearance2 = Db::query($sql); $specialSubject = SpecialSubject::where('id', $subject_id)->find(); $relations = Relation::where('relationship', 7)->where('relationship_id', $subject_id)->where('is_del',0)->select()->toArray(); $test_paper = []; if ($relations) { $test_paper = TestPaper::whereIn('id',array_column($relations, "relation_id"))->field('id,title as name')->select(); } // var_dump($res); // var_dump($userClearance); // exit(); $date = date("Y-m-d"); $recite_num = UserClearanceDetail::where('user_id', $this->uid)->where('type', 1)->group('section_id')->count(); $brush_question_num = UserClearanceDetail::where('user_id', $this->uid)->where('type', 2)->group('item_id')->count(); $total_num = $specialSubject['recite_num'] + $specialSubject['brush_question_num']; return JsonService::successful('ok', [ 'exam' => [ 'grade_id' => $specialSubject['grade_id'], 'subject_id' => $subject_id, 'name' => $specialSubject['name'], 'date' => date("Y-m-d", $specialSubject['exam_time'] ?? 0), 'distance_exam_day' => ceil((($specialSubject['exam_time'] ?? 0) - time()) / 86400), ], 'user_study' => [ 'days' => $userClearance[0]['days'] ?? 0, 'rank' => $userClearance[0]['rank'] ?? 0, ], 'user_recite' => [ 'points' => $userClearance1[0]['recite_num'] ?? 0, 'rank' => $userClearance1[0]['rank'] ?? 0, ], 'user_brush_questions' => [ 'accuracy' => ($userClearance2[0]['accuracy'] ?? 0)."%", 'rank' => $userClearance2[0]['rank'] ?? 0, ], 'user_clock_in' => [ 'progress' => $total_num ? round(($recite_num + $brush_question_num) / $total_num ) : 0, 'list' => $this->dealClockInRecord("", 1, 2), ], 'exam_list' => $test_paper, 'banner' => GroupDataService::getData('mxtk_banner') ?: [], 'recite' => $recite, 'brush_questions' => $brush_questions, 'video' => $video, 'live' => $live, 'offline_courses' => $activity, ]); } /** * 背诵过关 * [clearanceSubject description] * @return [type] [description] */ public function clearanceSubject($recite_id = 0){ $recite_subject_list = ClearanceSubject::where('is_show',1)->where('recite_id',$recite_id)->order('sort DESC,id desc')->select(); return JsonService::successful('ok', $recite_subject_list); } /** * 背诵章节 * [clearanceSubjectChapter description] * @param integer $recite_subject_id [description] * @return [type] [description] */ public function clearanceSubjectChapter($recite_subject_id = 0){ $chapters = ClearanceSubjectChapter::where('is_show',1)->where('recite_subject_id',$recite_subject_id)->order('sort DESC,id desc')->select(); foreach ($chapters as &$value) { $value->content = htmlspecialchars_decode($value->content); } $chapters = subTree($chapters->toArray()); return JsonService::successful('ok', $chapters); } /** * 背诵接口 * [recite description] * @param integer $chapter_id [description] * @param integer $section_id [description] * @return [type] [description] */ public function recite($chapter_id = 0, $section_id = 0){ //var_dump($this->uid);exit(); $info = ClearanceSubjectChapter::where('id', $section_id)->where('pid', $chapter_id)->find(); if (!$info) { return JsonService::fail('背诵内容不存在'); } $recite_subject = ClearanceSubject::where('id', $info['recite_subject_id'])->find(); if (!$recite_subject) { return JsonService::fail('背诵内容不存在'); } $recite = ClearanceModel::where('id', $recite_subject['recite_id'])->find(); if (!$recite) { return JsonService::fail('背诵内容不存在'); } ClearanceService::clockIn($this->uid, $recite['subject_id'], 1, $recite['id'], $recite_subject['id'], $chapter_id, $section_id); return JsonService::successful('ok'); } protected function dealClockInRecord($date = "", $page = 1, $limit = 10){ $date = $date ? $date : date("Y-m-d"); $list = UserClearanceDetail::where('user_id', $this->uid)->where('date', $date)->order("id desc")->page($page, $limit)->select(); foreach ($list as &$value) { if ($value['type'] == 1) { $chapter = ClearanceSubjectChapter::where('id',$value['chapter_id'])->find(); $section = ClearanceSubjectChapter::where('id',$value['section_id'])->find(); $value['name'] = ($chapter['name'] ?? "")." ".($section['name'] ?? ""); } else { $test_paper = TestPaper::where('id',$value['item_id'])->field('id,title as name')->find(); $value['name'] = $test_paper['name'] ?? ""; $hour = round($value['use_time'] / 3600); $result = $value['use_time'] % 3600; $minute = round($result / 60); $value['use_time'] = $hour."小时".$minute."分"; } } return $list; } public function getMonthRecord($month){ $start_time = strtotime("{$month}-01"); // 月份的开始时间 $end_time = strtotime("+1 month", $start_time) - 1; // 月份的结束时间 $list = UserClearanceDetail::where('user_id', $this->uid)->where('add_time', ">=", $start_time)->where('add_time', "<=", $end_time)->field('date')->group('date')->select(); return JsonService::successful('ok', $list); } /** * 用户打卡记录 * [clockInRecord description] * @return [type] [description] */ public function clockInRecord($date = "", $page = 1, $limit = 10){ $list = $this->dealClockInRecord($date, $page, $limit); return JsonService::successful('ok', $list); } /** * 学习项目切换 * [study description] * @param integer $cate_id [description] * @return [type] [description] */ public function study($subject_id = 0){ $info = UserStudy::where('user_id', $this->uid)->find(); if ($info) { UserStudy::where('id', $info['id'])->update(['cate_id' => $subject_id, 'update_time' => time()]); return JsonService::successful('ok'); } UserStudy::create(['user_id' => $this->uid, 'cate_id' => $subject_id, 'add_time' => time(), 'update_time' => time()]); return JsonService::successful('ok'); } }