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1 year ago
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | 天诚科技 [ 刘海东 17600099397赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2020 All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed 该系统并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author:甘肃天诚志信电子商务有限公司 刘海东 联系电话维系17600099397
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace app\push\controller;
use app\admin\model\system\SystemGroupData;
use app\wap\model\live\LiveGift;
use app\wap\model\live\LiveReward;
use app\wap\model\live\LiveStudio;
use app\wap\model\live\LiveUser;
use app\wap\model\user\UserBill;
use GatewayWorker\Lib\Gateway;
use app\wap\model\live\LiveHonouredGuest;
use app\wap\model\user\User;
use app\wap\model\live\LiveBarrage;
use service\SystemConfigService;
use think\Log;
class Push
* @var array 消息内容
* */
protected $message_data = [
'type' => '',
'message' => '',
* @var string 消息类型
* */
protected $message_type = '';
* @var string $client_id
* */
protected $client_id = '';
* @var int 当前登陆用户
* */
protected $uid = null;
* @var null 本类实例化结果
* */
protected static $instance = null;
* */
protected function __construct($message_data = [])
* 实例化本类
* */
public static function instance()
if (is_null(self::$instance)) self::$instance = new static();
return self::$instance;
* 检测参数并返回
* @param array || string $keyValue 需要提取的键值
* @param null || bool $value
* @return array;
* */
protected function checkValue($keyValue = null, $value = null)
if (is_null($keyValue))
$message_data = $this->message_data;
if (is_string($keyValue))
$message_data = isset($this->message_data[$keyValue]) ? $this->message_data[$keyValue] : (is_null($value) ? '' : $value);
if (is_array($keyValue))
$message_data = array_merge($keyValue, $this->message_data);
if (is_bool($value) && $value === true && is_array($message_data) && is_array($keyValue)) {
$newData = [];
foreach ($keyValue as $key => $item) {
$newData [] = $message_data[$key];
return $newData;
return $message_data;
* 开始设置回调
* @param string $typeFnName 回调函数名
* @param string $client_id
* @param array $message_data
* */
public function start($typeFnName, $client_id, $message_data)
$this->message_type = $typeFnName;
$this->message_data = $message_data;
$this->client_id = $client_id;
$this->uid = Gateway::getUidByClientId($client_id);
if ($this->uid && Gateway::isOnline($client_id) && ($live_id = $this->checkValue('room'))) {
$error['uid'] = $this->uid;
$error['is_line'] = Gateway::isOnline($client_id);
$error['live_id'] = $this->checkValue('room');
} else {
$error['uid'] = $this->uid;
$error['is_line'] = Gateway::isOnline($client_id);
$error['live_id'] = $this->checkValue('room');
// Log::write(json_encode($error));
if (method_exists($this, $typeFnName)) {
call_user_func([$this, $typeFnName]);
} else {
throw new \Exception('缺少回调方法');
* 心跳检测
* */
protected function ping()
Gateway::sendToClient($this->client_id, json_encode(['ping' => 'ok']));
* 绑定用户相应客户端
* @param string $client_id
* @param array $message_data
* @return
* */
protected function handshake()
$message_data = $this->checkValue(['uid' => 0, 'room' => 0]);
if (!$message_data['uid']) {
throw new \Exception("缺少用户uid,无法绑定用户");
$new_message = [
'type' => $this->message_type,
'uid' => $message_data['uid'],
'room' => $message_data['room'],
'client_id' => $this->client_id,
'time' => date('H:i:s'),
'msg' => '绑定成功!'
// Log::write(json_encode($new_message));
Gateway::bindUid($this->client_id, $message_data['uid']);
if ($message_data['room']) {
// 加入某个群组(可调用多次加入多个群组) 将clientid加入roomid分组中
Gateway::joinGroup($this->client_id, $message_data['room']);
Gateway::sendToGroup($message_data['room'], json_encode([
'type' => 'join_Group',
Gateway::sendToClient($this->client_id, json_encode($new_message));
* 接受客户端发送的消息
* @param string $client_id 客户端client_id
* @param array $message_data 发送的数据
* @return
* */
protected function send()
list($toUid, $message, $room, $type) = $this->checkValue(['uid' => 0, 'content' => '', 'room' => false, 'ms_type' => 0], true);
$client_id = $this->client_id;
if (!$this->uid) {
throw new \Exception("缺少用户uid");
$userInfo = User::where(['uid'=>$this->uid])->field('uid,nickname,avatar,user_type')->find();
if (!$userInfo) {
throw new \Exception("用户信息缺少");
if ($room && Gateway::getClientIdCountByGroup($room)) {
$user_type = LiveHonouredGuest::where(['uid' => $this->uid, 'live_id' => $room])->value('type');
if (is_null($user_type)) $user_type = 2;
$res = LiveBarrage::set([
'live_id' => $room,
'uid' => $this->uid,
'type' => $type,
'barrage' => $message,
'add_time' => time(),
'is_show' => 1
if (!$res) throw new \Exception("写入历史记录失败");
Gateway::sendToGroup($room, json_encode([
'message' => $message,
'm_type' => $type,
'type' => 'message',
'user_type' => $user_type,
'userInfo' => $userInfo,
'id' => $res['id']
} else {
$new_message = [
'type' => 'reception',
'content' => $message,
'time' => date('H:i:s'),
'timestamp' => time(),
if (Gateway::isUidOnline($toUid)) return Gateway::sendToUid($toUid, json_encode($new_message));
* 消息撤回
* @param string $client_id
* @param array $message_data
* */
protected function recall()
list($id, $room) = $this->checkValue(['id' => 0, 'room' => ''], true);
if (!$id) throw new \Exception('缺少撤回消息的id');
if (!$room) throw new \Exception('缺少房间号');
if (LiveBarrage::del($id)) {
Gateway::sendToGroup($room, json_encode([
'type' => 'recall',
'id' => $id
]), Gateway::getClientIdByUid($this->uid));
* @throws \think\Exception
protected function room_user_count()
list($room, $uid) = $this->checkValue(['room' => '', 'uid' => 0], true);
$onLine_user_count = LiveUser::where(['is_open_ben' => 0, 'live_id' => $room, 'is_online' => 1])->count();
$onLine_num = LiveStudio::where(['id' => $room])->value('online_num');
$user_type = 3;
if (!$uid || $uid == 0) {
$notice_content = "<span style='color: darkred'>欢迎新朋友进入直播间</span>";
} else {
$user_type = LiveHonouredGuest::where(['uid' => $uid, 'live_id' => $room])->field('type')->find();
$user_type = (isset($user_type['type']) && $user_type) ? $user_type['type'] : 3;
$user_info = User::where(['uid' => $uid])->field('uid, account, nickname, phone, avatar')->find();
$user_name = $user_info['nickname'] ? $user_info['nickname'] : ($user_info['account'] ? $user_info['account'] : "新游客");
$notice_content = $user_name . " 来了";
Gateway::sendToGroup($room, json_encode(['onLine_user_count' => $onLine_user_count + $onLine_num, 'type' => 'room_user_count', 'notice_content' => $notice_content, 'user_type' => $user_type]));
* @throws \think\Exception
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
protected function live_reward()
list($uid, $live_gift_id, $live_gift_num, $live_id, $special_id) = $this->checkValue(['uid' => 0, 'live_gift_id' => 0, 'live_gift_num' => 0, 'live_id' => 0, 'special_id' => 0], true);
if (!$uid || $uid == 0) throw new \Exception('用户id缺失');
if (!$live_gift_id || !is_numeric($live_gift_id) || $live_gift_id == 0) throw new \Exception('礼物id缺失');
if (!$live_id || !is_numeric($live_id) || $live_id == 0) throw new \Exception('直播间号缺失');
if (!$special_id || !is_numeric($special_id) || $special_id == 0) throw new \Exception('直播专题ID缺失');
$user_info = User::where(['uid' => $uid])->field('uid, account, nickname, phone, avatar,gold_num')->find();
if ($uid != $user_info['uid'] || !$user_info) throw new \Exception('非法用户');
if (!$live_gift_num || !is_numeric($live_gift_num) || $live_gift_num < 0) throw new \Exception('请选择礼物数量');
$live_gift = LiveGift::liveGiftOne($live_gift_id);
if (!$live_gift) throw new \Exception('礼物不存在');
$live_studio = LiveStudio::where(['id' => $live_id])->find();
if (!$live_studio) throw new \Exception('直播间不存在');
$live_studio = $live_studio->toarray();
if ($live_studio['special_id'] != $special_id) throw new \Exception('直播专题有误');
$gift_price = $live_gift['live_gift_price'] * $live_gift_num;
$gold_name = SystemConfigService::get('gold_name');
$user_type = LiveHonouredGuest::where(['uid' => $uid, 'live_id' => $live_id])->value('type');
if (is_null($user_type)) $user_type = 2;
if ($user_info['gold_num'] <= 0 || $gift_price > $user_info['gold_num']) {
$new_message = [
'type' => 'live_reward',
'content' => '您当前' . $gold_name . '不够,请充值',
'time' => date('H:i:s'),
'timestamp' => time(),
'user_type' => $user_type,
'recharge_status' => 0,
if (Gateway::isUidOnline($uid)) return Gateway::sendToUid($uid, json_encode($new_message));
try {
$add_gift['uid'] = $uid;
$add_gift['live_id'] = $live_studio['id'];
$add_gift['nickname'] = $user_info['nickname'];
$add_gift['gift_id'] = $live_gift_id;
$add_gift['gift_name'] = $live_gift['live_gift_name'];
$add_gift['gift_price'] = $live_gift['live_gift_price'];
$add_gift['total_price'] = $gift_price;
$add_gift['gift_num'] = $live_gift_num;
$add_gift['add_time'] = time();
$live_reward_id = LiveReward::insertLiveRewardData($add_gift);
$add_barrage['uid'] = $uid;
$add_barrage['to_uid'] = 0;
$add_barrage['type'] = 4;//礼物
$add_barrage['barrage'] = $live_reward_id;//礼物ID
$add_barrage['live_id'] = $live_studio['id'];
$add_barrage['is_show'] = 1;
$add_barrage['add_time'] = time();
$gold_name = SystemConfigService::get("gold_name");
$mark = '用户赠送' . $live_studio['stream_name'] . "号直播间" . $live_gift_num . '个' . $live_gift["live_gift_name"] . ',扣除' . $gold_name . $gift_price . '金币';
UserBill::expend('用户打赏扣除金币', $uid, 'gold_num', 'live_reward', $gift_price, 0, $user_info['gold_num'], $mark);
User::bcDec($uid, 'gold_num', $gift_price, 'uid');
Gateway::sendToGroup($live_id, json_encode(['uid' => $uid, 'username' => $user_info['nickname'], 'type' => 'live_reward', 'live_gift_num' => $live_gift_num, 'live_gift_id' => $live_gift_id, 'user_avatar' => $user_info['avatar'], 'user_type' => $user_type, 'recharge_status' => 1]));
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new \Exception($e->getMessage);