You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1153 lines
37 KiB

1 year ago
{extend name="public/container"}
{block name="title"}客服工作台{/block}
{block name="head"}
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margin-right: 0.22rem;
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margin-left: 0;
margin-right: 0.22rem;
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margin: 0;
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z-index: 30;
position: fixed;
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100% {
transform: translateY(0);
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<script> = "calc(100vw/7.5)";
{block name="content"}
<div class="chat-box" id="app" v-cloak>
<div class="head-box">
<div class="back" @click="goBack"><span class="iconfont iconfanhui"></span></div>
<div class="title">{{nickname}} - 对话详情</div>
<div class="chat-scroll-box">
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<div class="slot-refresh" slot="refresh-beforeDeactive"></div>
<div id="chatBox" class="chat" ref="chat" style="padding: .3rem .3rem 0;">
<div v-for="(item,index) in records" :key="index" :id="`chat_${}`">
<div class="day-box" v-if="">{{item.time}}</div>
<div class="day-box" v-if="item.msn_type == 24 && item.kefu_info">已将用户转接到{{item.kefu_info.nickname}}</div>
<div class="chat-item" :class="{'right-box': item.is_kefu_send && item.uid ==}" v-else-if="item.msn_type != 24">
<img class="avatar" :src="item.avatar" mode="">
<!-- 消息 -->
<div class="msg-box" v-if="item.msn_type==1" v-html="item.msn"></div>
<!-- 图片 -->
<div class="img-box" v-if="item.msn_type==3" v-viewer><img :src="item.msn" mode="widthFix"></div>
<!-- 商品 -->
<div class="product-box" v-if="item.msn_type==5">
<img :src="item.productInfo.image" mode="widthFix">
<div class="info">
<div class="price"><span></span>{{item.productInfo.price}}</div>
<div class="name line2">{{item.productInfo.store_name}}</div>
<!-- 订单 -->
<div class="order-box" v-if="item.msn_type==6">
<div class="title">订单ID: {{item.orderInfo.order_id}}</div>
<div class="info">
<img :src="item.orderInfo.cartInfo[0].productInfo.image">
<div class="product-info">
<div class="name line2">{{item.orderInfo.cartInfo[0].productInfo.store_name}}</div>
<div class="price">¥{{item.orderInfo.cartInfo[0].productInfo.price}}</div>
<div class="footer-box">
<!-- <div class="words" @click="showWords"><span class="iconfont iconhuashu1"></span></div> -->
<div class="input-box">
<i-input v-model="con" placeholder="请输入内容" style="font-size: .28rem"></i-input>
<span class="iconfont iconfasong" @click="sendText" :class="{isSend:isSend}"></span>
<div class="emoji" @click="openBox(1)"><span class="iconfont iconbiaoqing2"></span></div>
<div class="more" @click="openBox(2)"><span class="iconfont icongengduozhankai1"></span></div>
<!-- 工具 -->
<div class="tool-wrapper" v-if="isTool">
<div class="tool-item">
<Upload :show-upload-list="false" class="mr10 mb10" :before-upload="beforeUpload" :format="['jpg','jpeg','png','gif']" style="margin-top: 1px;display: inline-block">
<img src="/kefu-assets/assets/images/tool-01.png" mode="">
<div class="tool-item" @click="goTransfer">
<img src="/kefu-assets/assets/images/tool-02.png" mode="">
<div class="tool-item" @click="goAdminOrder">
<img src="/kefu-assets/assets/images/tool-03.png" mode="">
<!-- <div class="tool-item" @click="goodsInfo">
<img src="/kefu-assets/assets/images/tool-04.png" mode="">
</div> -->
<!-- 表情 -->
<div class="banner slider-banner" v-show="isSwiper">
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<i class="em" :class="emoji" v-for="emoji in emojiList" :key="emoji" @click="addEmoji(emoji)"></i>
<!-- 常用语 -->
<!-- <words :isWords="isWords" @closeBox="closeBox" @selectMsg="selectMsg"></words> -->
<!-- 转接 -->
<div class="transfer-mask" v-if="isTransfer">
<div class="content" :class="{on:isTransfer}">
<div class="title">转接客服<span class="iconfont iconcha" @click="closeTransfer"></span></div>
<div class="list-wrapper">
<radio-group v-model="activeKF">
<Radio class="list-item" v-for="(item,index) in transferList" :label="" :key="index">
<div class="avatar-box">
<img :src="item.avatar" alt="">
<p class="nickName">{{item.nickname}}</p>
<i-button class="btn" @click="confirm">确定</i-button>
{block name="script"}
window.$P = JSON.parse.bind(JSON);
const mp3 = new Audio("/kefu-assets/assets/audio/notice.wav");
const chunk = function(arr, num) {
num = num * 1 || 1;
var ret = [];
arr.forEach(function(item, i) {
if (i % num === 0) {
ret[ret.length - 1].push(item);
return ret;
], (Vue, kefuApi, Socket, iView, dayjs, VueViewer, happyScroll, vueScroll, empty, words, emojiList, vueAwesomeSwiper) => {
Vue.prototype.bus = new Vue();
Vue.prototype.$socket = Socket;
const kefuInfo = $P(`{$kefuInfo}`);
const userInfo = $P(`{$userInfo}`);
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data() {
return {
ops: {
vuescroll: {
mode: 'slide',
enable: false,
auto: false,
autoLoadDistance: 0,
pullRefresh: {
enable: true,
auto: false,
autoLoadDistance: 0,
tips: {
deactive: '',
active: '上拉加载更多',
start: 'Loading...',
beforeDeactive: ' '
pushLoad: {
enable: false,
bar: {
background: '#393232',
opacity: '.5',
size: '2px'
swiperOptions: {},
status: false,
loading: false,
isTool: false,
isSwiper: false,
isWords: false,
autoplay: false,
circular: true,
interval: 3000,
duration: 500,
emojiGroup: chunk(emojiList, 21),
con: '',
toUid: "{$userInfo.uid}",
limit: 15,
upperId: 0,
chatList: [],
scrollTop: 0,
active: true,
isScroll: true,
oldHeight: 0,
selector: '',
transferList: [], //转接列表
isTransfer: false,
uploadData: {}, // 上传参数
header: {},
fileUrl: '',
tourist: 0,
activeKF: ''
components: {
computed: {
isSend() {
if (this.con.length == 0) {
return false
} else {
return true
records() {
return, index) => {
item.time = dayjs(item.add_time * 1000).format('MMMDo h:mm')
if (index) {
if (
item.add_time -
this.chatList[index - 1].add_time >=
) { = true;
} else { = false;
} else { = true;
return item;
created() {
this.toUid = "{$userInfo.uid}";
this.nickname = "{$userInfo.nickname}";
window.document.title = `${this.nickname} - 对话详情`;
.then(token => {
if (!token) return;
this.$socket.then(ws => {
type: "kefu_login",
data: token
// 消息接收
ws.$on(["reply", "chat"], data => {
if (!data.is_kefu_send &&
data.uid != "{$userInfo.uid}") return;
if (data.msn_type == 1 || data.msn_type == 2) {
data.msn = this.replace_em(data.msn)
if (data.msn_type == 5) return
this.$nextTick(() => {
ws.$on("socket_error", () => {
title: '连接失败'
ws.$on("request_transfer", (data) => {
title: "请求转接用户",
content: data.nickname + "请求将用户转接给您,是否同意?",
cancelText: "拒绝",
onOk: () => {
type: "accept_transfer",
data: {
kefu_id: data.kefu_id,
uid: data.uid
onCancel: () => {
type: "reject_transfer",
data: {
kefu_id: data.kefu_id,
uid: data.uid
ws.$on("accept_transfer", (data) => {
title: "同意转接通知",
desc: data.nickname + "已同意您的转接请求"
type: "chat",
data: {
msn_type: 24,
msn: data.kefu_id,
to_uid: data.uid,
ws.$on("reject_transfer", (data) => {
title: "拒绝转接通知",
desc: data.nickname + "已拒绝您的转接请求"
methods: {
async getToken() {
try {
const res = await kefuApi.getToken();
} catch (err) {
return false;
goBack() {
window.history.length > 1 ? window.history.back() : (window.location.href = "{:Url('index')}");
update(e) {
// 上传照片
let file = e;
let param = new FormData(); // 创建form对象
param.append("filename", "file"); // 通过append向form对象添加数据进去
param.append("file", file); // 通过append向form对象添加数据进去
.then(res => {
if (res.code === 200) {
this.sendMsg(, 3);
} else {
.catch(err => {
// 上传之前
beforeUpload(e) {
return false;
// 滚动到底部
scrollBom() {
setTimeout(res => {
let num = parseFloat(document.getElementById('chatBox').offsetHeight)
if (this.$refs["scrollBox"]) {
y: num
}, 300)
// 底部功能区打开
openBox(key) {
if (key == 1) {
this.isTool = false
this.isSwiper = !this.isSwiper
} else {
this.isSwiper = false
this.isTool = !this.isTool
this.$nextTick(() => {
showWords() {
this.isWords = true
// 转接
goTransfer() {
this.isTransfer = true;
// 转接关闭
closeTransfer() {
this.isTransfer = false
// 转接确认
confirm() {
if (this.activeKF) {
this.$socket.then(ws => {
data: {
kefu_id: this.activeKF,
uid: this.toUid
type: "request_transfer"
this.isTransfer = false;
} else {
// 表情点击
addEmoji(item) {
let val = `[${item}]`
this.con += val
// 聊天表情转换
replace_em(str) {
str = str.replace(/\[em-([a-z_]*)\]/g, "<span class='em em-$1'/></span>");
return str;
// 获取聊天列表
getChatList() {
limit: this.limit,
uid: this.toUid,
upper_id: this.upperId,
is_tourist: 0
}).then(res => {
var sH = 0 => {
if (el.msn_type == 1 || el.msn_type == 2) {
el.msn = this.replace_em(el.msn)
let selector = ''
if (this.upperId == 0) {
selector = `chat_${[ - 1].id}`;
} else {
selector = `chat_${this.chatList[0].id}`;
this.selector = selector
this.chatList = [, ...this.chatList];
this.loading = false
this.isScroll = >= this.limit
this.$nextTick(() => {
if (this.upperId == 0) {
setTimeout(res => {
let num = parseFloat(document.getElementById(selector).offsetTop) - 60
y: num
}, 300)
// 发送消息
sendText() {
if (!this.isSend) {
return this.$Message.error('请输入内容')
this.sendMsg(this.con, 1);
this.con = ''
// ws发送
sendMsg(msn, msn_type) {
let obj = {
type: 'chat',
data: {
to_uid: this.toUid
this.$socket.then(ws => {
// 图片上传
uploadImg() {
let self = this
self.$util.uploadImageOne('upload/image', function(res) {
if (res.status == 200) {
self.sendMsg(, 3)
// 常用于选择
selectWords(item) {
this.isWords = false
this.sendMsg(item.message, 1)
// 管理员订单
goAdminOrder() {
window.location.href = "{:Url('mobile_order')}?uid=" + this.toUid;
// 滚动到底部
height() {
let self = this
var scrollTop = 0
let info = uni.createSelectorQuery().select(".chat");
setTimeout(res => {
info.boundingClientRect(function(data) { //data - 各种参数
scrollTop = data.height
if ( {
self.scrollTop = parseInt(scrollTop) + 500
} else {
self.scrollTop = parseInt(scrollTop) + 100
}, 1000)
// 转接列表
getTransferList() {
uid: this.toUid
}).then(res => {
this.transferList =;
// 关闭常用语
closeBox() {
this.isWords = false
// 选择话术
selectMsg(data) {
this.con += data
this.isWords = false
handleActivate(vm, refreshDom) {
this.upperId = this.chatList[0].id
handleStart(vm, refreshDom, done) {
setTimeout(() => {
// load finished
}, 2000)
handleBeforeDeactivate(vm, refreshDom, done) {
this.$on('change', data => {
if (data) done();
handleDeactivate(vm, refreshDom) {
let num = parseFloat(document.getElementById(this.selector).offsetTop) - 60
y: num