You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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1 year ago
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | 天诚科技 [ 刘海东 17600099397赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2020 All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed 该系统并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author:甘肃天诚志信电子商务有限公司 刘海东 联系电话维系17600099397
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace app\admin\model\system;
use traits\ModelTrait;
use basic\ModelBasic;
use think\Url;
* 菜单 model
* Class SystemMenus
* @package app\admin\model\system
class SystemMenus extends ModelBasic
use ModelTrait;
public static $isShowStatus = [1 => '显示', 0 => '不显示'];
public static $accessStatus = [1 => '管理员可用', 0 => '管理员不可用'];
public static function legalWhere($where = [])
$where['is_show'] = 1;
public function setParamsAttr($value)
$value = $value ? explode('/', $value) : [];
$params = array_chunk($value, 2);
$data = [];
foreach ($params as $param) {
if (isset($param[0]) && isset($param[1])) $data[$param[0]] = $param[1];
return json_encode($data);
protected function setControllerAttr($value)
return lcfirst($value);
public function getParamsAttr($_value)
return json_decode($_value, true);
public function getPidAttr($value)
if (!$value) {
return '顶级';
} else {
$data = self::get($value);
return empty($data) ? '' : $data->menu_name;
public static function getParentMenu($field = '*', $filter = false)
$where = ['pid' => 0];
$query = self::field($field);
$query = $filter ? $query->where(self::legalWhere($where)) : $query->where($where);
return $query->order('sort DESC,id DESC')->select();
public static function menuList()
$menusList = self::where('is_show', '1')->where('access', '1')->order('sort DESC,id DESC')->select();
return self::tidyMenuTier(true, $menusList);
public static function ruleList()
$ruleList = self::order('sort DESC,id DESC')->select();
return self::tidyMenuTier(false, $ruleList);
public static function rolesByRuleList($rules)
$res = SystemRole::where('id', 'IN', $rules)->field('GROUP_CONCAT(rules) as ids')->find();
$ruleList = self::where('id', 'IN', $res['ids'])->whereOr('pid', 0)->order('sort DESC,id DESC')->select();
return self::tidyMenuTier(false, $ruleList);
public static function getAuthName($action, $controller, $module, $route)
return strtolower($module . '/' . $controller . '/' . $action . '/' . SystemMenus::paramStr($route));
public static function tidyMenuTier($adminFilter = false, $menusList, $pid = 0, $navList = [])
static $allAuth = null;
static $adminAuth = null;
if ($allAuth === null) $allAuth = $adminFilter == true ? SystemRole::getAllAuth() : [];//所有的菜单
if ($adminAuth === null) $adminAuth = $adminFilter == true ? SystemAdmin::activeAdminAuthOrFail() : [];//当前登录用户的菜单
foreach ($menusList as $k => $menu) {
$menu = $menu->getData();
if ($menu['pid'] == $pid) {
if (in_array($menu['id'], ['148', '349', '273', '419', '278', '478', '477', '464', '476'])) continue;
$params = json_decode($menu['params'], true);//获取参数
$authName = self::getAuthName($menu['action'], $menu['controller'], $menu['module'], $params);// 按钮链接
if ($pid != 0 && $adminFilter && in_array($authName, $allAuth) && !in_array($authName, $adminAuth)) continue;
$menu['child'] = self::tidyMenuTier($adminFilter, $menusList, $menu['id']);
if ($pid != 0 && !count($menu['child']) && !$menu['controller'] && !$menu['action']) continue;
$menu['url'] = !count($menu['child']) ? Url::build($menu['module'] . '/' . $menu['controller'] . '/' . $menu['action'], $params) : 'javascript:void(0);';
if ($pid == 0 && !count($menu['child'])) continue;
$navList[] = $menu;
return $navList;
public static function delMenu($id)
if (self::where('pid', $id)->count())
return self::setErrorInfo('请先删除该菜单下的子菜单!');
return self::del($id);
public static function getAdminPage($params)
$model = new self;
if ($params['is_show'] !== '') $model = $model->where('is_show', $params['is_show']);
if ($params['pid'] !== '' && !$params['keyword']) $model = $model->where('pid', $params['pid']);
if ($params['keyword'] !== '') $model = $model->where('menu_name|id|pid', 'LIKE', "%$params[keyword]%");
$model = $model->order('sort DESC,id DESC');
return self::page($model, $params);
public static function paramStr($params)
if (!is_array($params)) $params = json_decode($params, true) ?: [];
$p = [];
foreach ($params as $key => $param) {
$p[] = $key;
$p[] = $param;
return implode('/', $p);
public static function getVisitName($action, $controller, $module, array $route = [])
$params = json_encode($route);
return self::where('action', $action)
->where('controller', lcfirst($controller))
->where('module', lcfirst($module))
->where('params', ['=', $params], ['=', '[]'], 'or')->order('id DESC')->value('menu_name');
* @param $menu_name
* @param $controller
public static function isMenu($menu_name, $controller)
$role_sign = get_login_role();
$id = self::where(['menu_name' => $menu_name, 'controller' => $controller])->value('id');
if ($role_sign['role_sign'] == 'admin') return true;
$rules = SystemRole::where(['id' => $role_sign['role_id'], 'sign' => $role_sign['role_sign']])->value('rules');
$rules_array = explode(',', $rules);
if (in_array($id, $rules_array)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;