You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

177 lines
5.3 KiB

1 year ago
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | 天诚科技 [ 刘海东 17600099397赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2020 All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed 该系统并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author:甘肃天诚志信电子商务有限公司 刘海东 联系电话维系17600099397
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace app\admin\controller\special;
use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
use traits\CurdControllerTrait;
use service\JsonService as Json;
use service\UploadService as Upload;
use think\Request;
use app\admin\model\special\SpecialReply as SpecialReplyModel;
use app\admin\model\special\Special;
use think\Url;
* 评论管理 控制器
* Class SpecialReply
* @package app\admin\controller\special
class SpecialReply extends AuthController
use CurdControllerTrait;
* 显示资源列表
* @return \think\Response
public function index($special_id = 0)
$this->assign('special_id', $special_id);
return $this->fetch();
* 评论列表
public function getSpecialReplyList()
$where = parent::getMore([
['page', 1],
['limit', 20],
['special_name', ''],
['is_reply', ''],
['special_id', 0],
['title', ''],
['comment', '']
], $this->request);
return Json::successlayui(SpecialReplyModel::specialReplyList($where));
* @param $id
* @return \think\response\Json|void
public function delete($id)
if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
$data['is_del'] = 1;
if (!SpecialReplyModel::edit($data, $id))
return Json::fail(SpecialReplyModel::getErrorInfo('删除失败,请稍候再试!'));
return Json::successful('删除成功!');
* @param Request $request
public function set_reply(Request $request)
$data = parent::postMore([
], $request);
if (!$data['id']) return Json::fail('参数错误');
if ($data['content'] == '') return Json::fail('请输入回复内容');
$save['merchant_reply_content'] = $data['content'];
$save['merchant_reply_time'] = time();
$save['is_reply'] = 1;
$res = SpecialReplyModel::edit($save, $data['id']);
if (!$res)
return Json::fail(SpecialReplyModel::getErrorInfo('回复失败,请稍候再试!'));
return Json::successful('回复成功!');
* @param int $id
public function refining_reply($id = 0)
if (!$id) return Json::fail('参数错误');
$save['is_selected'] = 1;
$res = SpecialReplyModel::edit($save, $id);
if (!$res)
return Json::fail(SpecialReplyModel::getErrorInfo('加精失败,请稍候再试!'));
return Json::successful('加精成功!');
* 创建虚拟评论
* */
public function create_false($special_id=0)
return $this->fetch();
* 提交虚拟评论
public function save_false()
$data = parent::postMore([
['nickname', 0],
['avatar', ''],
['special_id', 0],
['satisfied_score', 1],
['comment', ''],
['pics', []]
$data['type'] = 0;
$special_id = $data['special_id'];
$banner = [];
foreach ($data['pics'] as $item) {
$banner[] = $item['pic'];
if (!$data['nickname']) return Json::fail('请输入昵称');
if (!$data['avatar']) return Json::fail('请上传头像');
if (!$data['special_id']) return Json::fail('请选择专题');
if (!$data['comment']) return Json::fail('请编辑评论内容');
$res = SpecialReplyModel::helpeFalse($data, $banner);
if ($res === false)
return Json::fail(SpecialReplyModel::getErrorInfo());
else {
return Json::successful('虚拟评论成功');
public function specialList()
$list = Special::PreWhere()->where('type', 'not in', 4)->field('id,title')->select();
return Json::successful($list);
* 快速编辑
* @param string $field 字段名
* @param int $id 修改的主键
* @param string value 修改后的值
* @return json
public function set_value($field = '', $id = '', $value = '')
if (!$field || !$id || $value == '') Json::fail('缺少参数3');
$res = SpecialReplyModel::where('id', $id)->update([$field => $value]);
if ($res)
return Json::successful('保存成功');
return Json::fail('保存失败');