You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
613 lines
26 KiB
613 lines
26 KiB
1 year ago
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | 天诚科技 [ 刘海东 17600099397赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2020 All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed 该系统并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author:甘肃天诚志信电子商务有限公司 刘海东 联系电话维系17600099397
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace app\web\model\special;
use app\web\model\user\User;
use app\web\model\user\UserBill;
use app\wap\model\user\WechatUser;
use basic\ModelBasic;
use behavior\wechat\PaymentBehavior;
use app\web\model\user\MemberShip;
use app\web\model\material\DataDownloadBuy;
use app\web\model\merchant\MerchantFlowingWater;
use app\wap\model\institution\InstitutionFlowingWater;
use app\wap\model\topic\TestPaperObtain;
use service\HookService;
use service\SystemConfigService;
use service\WechatService;
use service\WechatTemplateService;
use service\AlipayTradeWapService;
use app\wap\model\wap\SmsTemplate;
use think\Cache;
use think\Url;
use traits\ModelTrait;
* Class StoreOrder
* @package app\web\model\special
class StoreOrder extends ModelBasic
use ModelTrait;
protected $insert = ['add_time'];
protected static $payType = ['weixin' => '微信支付', 'yue' => '余额支付', 'offline' => '线下支付', 'zhifubao' => '支付宝','toutiao' => '抖音支付','kuaishou' => '快手支付'];
protected static $deliveryType = ['send' => '商家配送', 'express' => '快递配送'];
protected function setAddTimeAttr()
return time();
protected function setCartIdAttr($value)
return is_array($value) ? json_encode($value) : $value;
protected function getCartIdAttr($value)
return json_decode($value, true);
public static function getPinkOrderId($id)
return self::where('id', $id)->value('order_id');
public static function cacheOrderInfo($uid, $cartInfo, $priceGroup, $cacheTime = 600)
$subjectUrl = getUrlToDomain();
$key = md5(time());
Cache::store("redis")->set($subjectUrl . 'user_order_' . $uid . $key, compact('cartInfo', 'priceGroup'), $cacheTime);
return $key;
public static function getCacheOrderInfo($uid, $key)
$subjectUrl = getUrlToDomain();
$cacheName = $subjectUrl . 'user_order_' . $uid . $key;
if (!Cache::store("redis")->has($cacheName)) return null;
return Cache::store("redis")->get($cacheName);
public static function clearCacheOrderInfo($uid, $key)
$subjectUrl = getUrlToDomain();
Cache::store("redis")->clear($subjectUrl . 'user_order_' . $uid . $key);
public static function getSpecialIds($uid)
return self::where(['is_del' => 0, 'paid' => 1, 'uid' => $uid, 'is_gift' => 0])->column('cart_id');
* 获取专题订单列表
* @param $type
* @param $page
* @param $limit
* @param $uid
* @return array
* @throws \think\Exception
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public static function getSpecialOrderList($type, $page, $limit, $uid)
$model = self::where(['a.is_del' => 0, 's.is_del' => 0, 'a.uid' => $uid, 'a.paid' => 1])->order('a.add_time desc')->alias('a')->join('__SPECIAL__ s', '');
switch ($type) {
case 2:
$model = $model->where(['a.is_gift' => 0, 'a.combination_id' => 0, 'a.pink_id' => 0, 'a.type' => 0]);
$list = $model->field(['a.*', 's.title', 's.image', '', 's.pink_number', 's.is_light'])->page($page, $limit)->select();
$list = count($list) ? $list->toArray() : [];
foreach ($list as &$item) {
$item['image'] = get_oss_process($item['image'], 4);
$item['is_draw'] = false;
return compact('list', 'page');
* 获取订单的专题详情信息
* @param $order_id 订单号
* @return bool
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public static function getOrderIdToSpecial($order_id, $uid)
$order = self::where(['is_del' => 0, 'order_id' => $order_id, 'uid' => $uid])->find();
if (!$order) return self::setErrorInfo('订单不存在或给订单不是您的!');
if (!$order->cart_id) return self::setErrorInfo('订单专题不存在!');
$special = Special::PreWhere()->where(['id' => $order->cart_id])->find();
if (!$special) return self::setErrorInfo('赠送的专题已下架,或已被删除!');
$special->abstract = self::HtmlToMbStr($special->abstract);
return $special->toArray();
* 创建订单专题订单
* @param $special
* @param $pinkId
* @param $pay_type
* @param $uid
* @param $payType
* @param int $link_pay_uid
* @param int $total_num
* @return bool|object
public static function createSpecialOrder($special, $pay_type_num, $uid, $payType)
if (!array_key_exists($payType, self::$payType)) return self::setErrorInfo('选择支付方式有误!');
$userInfo = User::getUserData($uid);
if (!$userInfo) return self::setErrorInfo('用户不存在!');
$total_price = 0;
switch ((int)$pay_type_num) {
case 2:
$total_price = $special->money;
if (isset($userInfo['level']) && $userInfo['level'] > 0 && $special->member_pay_type == 1 && $special->member_money > 0) {
$total_price = $special->member_money;
$res = SpecialBuy::PaySpecial($special->id, $uid);
if ($res) return self::setErrorInfo('您已购买专题,无需再次购买!');
return self::setErrorInfo('购买方式有误!');
$orderInfo = [
'uid' => $uid,
'mer_id' => $special->mer_id,
'order_id' => self::getNewOrderId(),
'cart_id' => $special->id,
'total_num' => 1,
'total_price' => $total_price,
'pay_price' => $total_price,
'pay_type' => $payType,
'combination_id' => 0,
'is_gift' => 0,
'pink_time' => 0,
'paid' => 0,
'pink_id' => 0,
'unique' => md5(time() . '' . $uid . $special->id),
'cost' => $total_price,
'link_pay_uid' => 0,
'spread_uid' => $userInfo['spread_uid'] ? $userInfo['spread_uid'] : 0,
'is_del' => 0,
$order = self::set($orderInfo);
if (!$order) return self::setErrorInfo('订单生成失败!');
StoreOrderStatus::status($order['id'], 'cache_key_create_order', '订单生成');
return $order;
* @param $uid
* @param $kid
* @return bool|object
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public static function cacheMemberCreateOrder($uid, $id, $payType)
if (!array_key_exists($payType, self::$payType)) return self::setErrorInfo('选择支付方式有误!');
$userInfo = User::getUserData($uid);
if (!$userInfo) return self::setErrorInfo('用户不存在!');
if ($userInfo['level'] && $userInfo['is_permanent']) return self::setErrorInfo('您是永久会员,无需续费!');
$member = MemberShip::where('id', $id)->where('is_publish', 1)->where('is_del', 0)->where('type', 1)->find();
if ($member['is_free']) {
if (self::be(['uid' => $uid, 'member_id' => $id, 'is_del' => 0])) return self::setErrorInfo('免费会员不能重复领取!');
$orderInfo = [
'uid' => $uid,
'order_id' => self::getNewOrderId(),
'type' => 1,
'member_id' => $id,
'total_num' => 1,
'total_price' => $member['original_price'],
'pay_price' => $member['price'],
'pay_type' => $payType,
'combination_id' => 0,
'is_gift' => 0,
'pink_time' => 0,
'paid' => 0,
'pink_id' => 0,
'unique' => md5(time() . '' . $uid . $id),
'cost' => $member['original_price'],
'link_pay_uid' => 0,
'spread_uid' => $userInfo['spread_uid'] ? $userInfo['spread_uid'] : 0,
'is_del' => 0,
$order = self::set($orderInfo);
if (!$order) return self::setErrorInfo('订单生成失败!');
StoreOrderStatus::status($order['id'], 'cache_key_create_order', '订单生成');
return $order;
public static function getNewOrderId()
return getNewOrderId('wx');
public static function changeOrderId($orderId)
$ymd = substr($orderId, 2, 8);
$key = substr($orderId, 16);
return 'wx' . $ymd . date('His') . $key;
* @param $orderId
* @param string $field
* @return array|string
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public static function jsSpecialPay($orderId, $field = 'order_id')
if (is_string($orderId))
$orderInfo = self::where($field, $orderId)->find();
$orderInfo = $orderId;
if (!$orderInfo || !isset($orderInfo['paid'])) exception('支付订单不存在!');
if ($orderInfo['paid']) exception('支付已支付!');
if ($orderInfo['pay_price'] <= 0) exception('该支付无需支付!');
$site_name = SystemConfigService::get('site_name');
$openid = WechatUser::uidToOpenid($orderInfo['uid']);
return WechatService::jsPay($openid, $orderInfo['order_id'], $orderInfo['pay_price'], 'special', self::getSubstrUTf8($site_name, 30));
* 专题微信扫码支付
* @param $orderId
* @param string $field
* @return array|string
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public static function nativeSpecialPay($orderId, $field = 'order_id')
if (is_string($orderId))
$orderInfo = self::where($field, $orderId)->find();
$orderInfo = $orderId;
if (!$orderInfo || !isset($orderInfo['paid'])) exception('支付订单不存在!');
if ($orderInfo['paid']) exception('支付已支付!');
if ($orderInfo['pay_price'] <= 0) exception('该支付无需支付!');
$site_name = SystemConfigService::get('site_name');
if (!$site_name) exception('支付参数缺少:请前往后台设置->系统设置-> 填写 网站名称');
return WechatService::nativePay(null, $orderInfo['order_id'], $orderInfo['pay_price'], 'special', self::getSubstrUTf8($site_name . '-专题购买', 30), '', 'NATIVE');
* @param $orderId
* @param string $field
* @return mixed|\SimpleXMLElement|string|\提交表单HTML文本
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public static function alipayAativeSpecialPay($orderId, $field = 'order_id')
if (is_string($orderId))
$orderInfo = self::where($field, $orderId)->find();
$orderInfo = $orderId;
if (!$orderInfo || !isset($orderInfo['paid'])) exception('支付订单不存在!');
if ($orderInfo['paid']) exception('支付已支付!');
if ($orderInfo['pay_price'] <= 0) exception('该支付无需支付!');
return AlipayTradeWapService::init()->AliPayNative($orderInfo['order_id'], $orderInfo['pay_price'], '专题购买', 'special');
* @param $order_id
* @param $uid
* @return bool
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public static function yuePay($order_id, $uid)
$orderInfo = self::where('uid', $uid)->where('order_id', $order_id)->where('is_del', 0)->find();
if (!$orderInfo) return self::setErrorInfo('订单不存在!');
if ($orderInfo['paid']) return self::setErrorInfo('该订单已支付!');
if ($orderInfo['pay_type'] != 'yue') return self::setErrorInfo('该订单不能使用余额支付!');
$userInfo = User::getUserData($uid);
if (!$userInfo) return self::setErrorInfo('用户不存在!');
if ($userInfo['now_money'] < $orderInfo['pay_price']) return self::setErrorInfo('余额不足' . floatval($orderInfo['pay_price']));
$res1 = false !== User::bcDec($uid, 'now_money', $orderInfo['pay_price'], 'uid');
$res2 = UserBill::expend('购买专题', $uid, 'now_money', 'pay_product', $orderInfo['pay_price'], $orderInfo['id'], bcsub($userInfo['now_money'], $orderInfo['pay_price'], 2), '余额支付' . floatval($orderInfo['pay_price']) . '元购买专题');
$res3 = self::paySuccess($order_id);
try {
HookService::listen('yue_pay_product', $userInfo, $orderInfo, false, PaymentBehavior::class);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return self::setErrorInfo($e->getMessage());
$res = $res1 && $res2 && $res3;
return $res;
* 微信支付 为 0元时
* @param $order_id
* @param $uid
* @return bool
public static function jsPayPrice($order_id, $uid)
$orderInfo = self::where('uid', $uid)->where('order_id', $order_id)->where('is_del', 0)->find();
if (!$orderInfo) return self::setErrorInfo('订单不存在!');
if ($orderInfo['paid']) return self::setErrorInfo('该订单已支付!');
$userInfo = User::getUserData($uid);
if (!$userInfo) return self::setErrorInfo('用户不存在!');
$res1 = UserBill::expend('购买专题', $uid, 'now_money', 'pay_product', $orderInfo['pay_price'], $orderInfo['id'], $userInfo['now_money'], '支付' . floatval($orderInfo['pay_price']) . '元购买专题');
$res2 = self::paySuccess($order_id);
$res = $res1 && $res2;
return $res;
* 微信支付 为 0元时
* @param $order_id
* @param $uid
* @return bool
public static function jsPayMePrice($order_id, $uid)
$orderInfo = self::where('uid', $uid)->where('order_id', $order_id)->where('is_del', 0)->find();
if (!$orderInfo) return self::setErrorInfo('订单不存在!');
if ($orderInfo['paid']) return self::setErrorInfo('该订单已支付!');
$userInfo = User::getUserData($uid);
if (!$userInfo) return self::setErrorInfo('用户不存在!');
$res1 = UserBill::expend('购买会员', $uid, 'now_money', 'pay_vip', $orderInfo['pay_price'], $orderInfo['id'], $userInfo['now_money'], '支付' . floatval($orderInfo['pay_price']) . '元购买会员');
$res2 = self::payMeSuccess($order_id);
$res = $res1 && $res2;
return $res;
* @param $orderId
* @param string $field
* @return array|string
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public static function jsPayMember($orderId, $field = 'order_id')
if (is_string($orderId))
$orderInfo = self::where($field, $orderId)->find();
$orderInfo = $orderId;
if (!$orderInfo || !isset($orderInfo['paid'])) exception('支付订单不存在!');
if ($orderInfo['paid']) exception('支付已支付!');
if ($orderInfo['pay_price'] <= 0) exception('该支付无需支付!');
$openid = WechatUser::uidToOpenid($orderInfo['uid']);
return WechatService::jsPay($openid, $orderInfo['order_id'], $orderInfo['pay_price'], 'member', SystemConfigService::get('site_name'));
* 会员微信扫码支付
* @param $orderId
* @param string $field
* @return array|string
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public static function nativePayMember($orderId, $field = 'order_id')
if (is_string($orderId))
$orderInfo = self::where($field, $orderId)->find();
$orderInfo = $orderId;
if (!$orderInfo || !isset($orderInfo['paid'])) exception('支付订单不存在!');
if ($orderInfo['paid']) exception('支付已支付!');
if ($orderInfo['pay_price'] <= 0) exception('该支付无需支付!');
$site_name = SystemConfigService::get('site_name');
if (!$site_name) exception('支付参数缺少:请前往后台设置->系统设置-> 填写 网站名称');
return WechatService::nativePay(null, $orderInfo['order_id'], $orderInfo['pay_price'], 'member', self::getSubstrUTf8($site_name . '-会员购买', 30), '', 'NATIVE');
* @param $orderId
* @param string $field
* @return mixed|\SimpleXMLElement|string|\提交表单HTML文本
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public static function alipayAativePayMember($orderId, $field = 'order_id')
if (is_string($orderId))
$orderInfo = self::where($field, $orderId)->find();
$orderInfo = $orderId;
if (!$orderInfo || !isset($orderInfo['paid'])) exception('支付订单不存在!');
if ($orderInfo['paid']) exception('支付已支付!');
if ($orderInfo['pay_price'] <= 0) exception('该支付无需支付!');
return AlipayTradeWapService::init()->AliPayNative($orderInfo['order_id'], $orderInfo['pay_price'], '会员购买', 'member');
public static function yuePayMember($order_id, $uid)
$orderInfo = self::where('uid', $uid)->where('order_id', $order_id)->where('is_del', 0)->find();
if (!$orderInfo) return self::setErrorInfo('订单不存在!');
if ($orderInfo['paid']) return self::setErrorInfo('该订单已支付!');
if ($orderInfo['pay_type'] != 'yue') return self::setErrorInfo('该订单不能使用余额支付!');
$userInfo = User::getUserData($uid);
if (!$userInfo) return self::setErrorInfo('用户不存在!');
if ($userInfo['now_money'] < $orderInfo['pay_price']) return self::setErrorInfo('余额不足' . floatval($orderInfo['pay_price']));
$res1 = false !== User::bcDec($uid, 'now_money', $orderInfo['pay_price'], 'uid');
$res3 = self::payMeSuccess($order_id);
$res = $res1 && $res3;
return $res;
* //TODO 专题支付成功后
* @param $orderId
* @param $notify
* @return bool
public static function paySuccess($orderId)
$order = self::where('order_id', $orderId)->where('type', 0)->find();
if (!$order) return false;
User::bcInc($order['uid'], 'pay_count', 1, 'uid');
$res1 = self::where('order_id', $orderId)->where('type', 0)->update(['paid' => 1, 'pay_time' => time()]);
$res2 = true;
$res3 = true;
$res4 = true;
$res5 = true;
if ($res1 && $order['pay_type'] != 'yue') {
$res2 = UserBill::expend('购买专题', $order['uid'], $order['pay_type'], 'pay_product', $order['pay_price'], $order['id'], 0, '支付' . floatval($order['pay_price']) . '元购买专题');
if ($res1) {
$res3 = MerchantFlowingWater::setMerchantFlowingWater($order, 0);
$res4 = InstitutionFlowingWater::setInstitutionFlowingWater($order, 0); // 机构
$res5 = MerchantFlowingWater::setAgentFlowingWater($order, 0); // 代理
if ($order['combination_id'] == 0 && $res1 && !$order['refund_status'] && !$order['is_gift']) {
SpecialBuy::setAllBuySpecial($orderId, $order['uid'], $order['cart_id']);
TestPaperObtain::setTestPaper($orderId, $order['uid'], $order['cart_id'], 2);
DataDownloadBuy::setDataDownload($orderId, $order['uid'], $order['cart_id'], 0);
try {
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
StoreOrderStatus::status($order['id'], 'pay_success', '用户付款成功');
$site_url = SystemConfigService::get('site_url');
try {
WechatTemplateService::sendTemplate(WechatUser::where('uid', $order['uid'])->value('openid'), WechatTemplateService::ORDER_PAY_SUCCESS, [
'first' => '亲,您购买的专题已支付成功',
'keyword1' => $orderId,
'keyword2' => $order['pay_price'],
'remark' => '点击查看订单详情'
], $site_url . Url::build('wap/special/grade_special'));
'first' => "亲,您有一个新的课程订单",
'keyword1' => $orderId,
'keyword2' => $order['pay_price'],
'remark' => '请及时查看'
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
$res = $res1 && $res2 && $res3 && $res4 && $res5;
return false !== $res;
* //TODO 会员支付成功后
* @param $orderId
* @param $notify
* @return bool
public static function payMeSuccess($orderId)
$order = self::where('order_id', $orderId)->where('type', 1)->find();
if (!$order) return false;
$resMer = true;
$res2 = true;
$res1 = self::where('order_id', $orderId)->where('type', 1)->update(['paid' => 1, 'pay_time' => time()]);
$userInfo = User::getUserData($order['uid']);
if ($order['type'] == 1 && $res1 && !$order['refund_status']) {
if ($order['pay_type'] != 'yue') {
$res2 = UserBill::expend('购买会员', $order['uid'], $order['pay_type'], 'pay_vip', $order['pay_price'], $order['id'], 0, '支付' . floatval($order['pay_price']) . '元购买会员');
$resMer = MemberShip::getUserMember($order, $userInfo);
try {
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
$site_url = SystemConfigService::get('site_url');
try {
WechatTemplateService::sendTemplate(WechatUser::where('uid', $order['uid'])->value('openid'), WechatTemplateService::ORDER_PAY_SUCCESS, [
'first' => '亲,您充值会员已支付成功',
'keyword1' => $orderId,
'keyword2' => $order['pay_price'],
'remark' => '点击查看会员详情'
], $site_url . Url::build('wap/special/member_recharge'));
'first' => "亲,您有一个新的会员购买订单",
'keyword1' => $orderId,
'keyword2' => $order['pay_price'],
'remark' => '请及时查看'
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
StoreOrderStatus::status($order['id'], 'pay_success', '用户付款成功');
$res = $res1 && $resMer && $res2;
return false !== $res;
* 计算普通裂变推广人返佣金额
* @param int $is_promoter 推广人级别
* @param float $money 返佣金额
* @return float
* */
public static function getBrokerageMoney($is_promoter, $money)
$is_promoter = !is_int($is_promoter) ? (int)$is_promoter : $is_promoter;
$systemName = 'store_brokerage_three_[###]x';
//配置星级字段和设置如: store_brokerage_three_0x store_brokerage_three_1x
//后台设置字段从零星开始 $is_promoter 应 -1 才能对应字段
$store_brokerage_three = $is_promoter ? SystemConfigService::get(str_replace('[###]', $is_promoter - 1, $systemName)) : 100;
$store_brokerage_three = $store_brokerage_three == 0 ? 0 : bcdiv($store_brokerage_three, 100, 2);
return bcmul($money, $store_brokerage_three, 2);
* @param $uid
* @param $key
* @return array|false|\PDOStatement|string|\think\Model
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public static function getUserOrderDetail($uid, $key)
return self::where('order_id|unique', $key)->where('uid', $uid)->where('is_del', 0)->find();