You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

625 lines
22 KiB

1 year ago
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | 天诚科技 [ 刘海东 17600099397赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2020 All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed 该系统并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author:甘肃天诚志信电子商务有限公司 刘海东 联系电话维系17600099397
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace app\admin\controller\ump;
use app\admin\controller\AuthController;
use app\admin\model\ump\EventPrice;
use service\JsonService as Json;
use think\Request;
use think\Url;
use app\admin\model\user\User;
use app\admin\model\user\UserBill;
use service\FormBuilder as Form;
use app\admin\model\ump\EventRegistration as EventRegistrationModel;
use app\admin\model\ump\EventWriteOffUser;
use app\admin\model\ump\EventSignUp as EventSignUpModel;
use app\admin\model\ump\EventData as EventDataModel;
use app\admin\model\ump\EventPrice as EventPriceModel;
use app\admin\model\merchant\MerchantFlowingWater;
use app\admin\model\merchant\Merchant;
use service\AlipayTradeWapService;
use behavior\wechat\PaymentBehavior;
use service\HookService;
use service\KuaiMiniProgramService;
use service\TouMiniProgramService;
* Class EventRegistration
* @package app\admin\controller\ump
class EventRegistration extends AuthController
public function index()
$mer_list = Merchant::getMerchantList();
$this->assign(['mer_list' => $mer_list]);
return $this->fetch();
* 活动列表
public function event_registration_list()
$where = parent::getMore([
['title', ''],
['status', 1],
['is_show', ''],
['mer_id', ''],
['page', 1],
['limit', 20],
], $this->request);
return Json::successlayui(EventRegistrationModel::systemPage($where));
* @return mixed
public function examine()
$mer_list = Merchant::getMerchantList();
$this->assign(['mer_list' => $mer_list]);
return $this->fetch();
* 异步查找产品
* @return json
public function event_examine_ist()
$where = parent::getMore([
['title', ''],
['page', 1],
['limit', 20],
['mer_id', ''],
['status', ''],
return Json::successlayui(EventRegistrationModel::eventExamineList($where));
public function examineDetails($id)
if (!$id) return Json::fail('参数错误');
$details = EventRegistrationModel::get($id);
if (!$details) return Json::fail('活动不存在');
$details->activity_rules = htmlspecialchars_decode($details->activity_rules);
$details->content = htmlspecialchars_decode($details->content);
$event = EventDataModel::eventDataList($id);
$price = EventPriceModel::eventPriceList($id);
$this->assign(['details' => json_encode($details), 'event' => json_encode($event), 'price' => json_encode($price)]);
return $this->fetch('activity');
* @param $id
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public function fail($id)
$fail_msg = parent::postMore([
['message', ''],
if (!EventRegistrationModel::be(['id' => $id, 'status' => 0])) return Json::fail('操作记录不存在或状态错误!');
$special = EventRegistrationModel::get($id);
if (!$special) return Json::fail('操作记录不存!');
if ($special->status != 0) return Json::fail('您已审核,请勿重复操作');
$res = EventRegistrationModel::changeFail($id, $special['mer_id'], $fail_msg['message']);
if ($res) {
return Json::successful('操作成功!');
} else {
return Json::fail('操作失败!');
* @param $id
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public function succ($id)
if (!EventRegistrationModel::be(['id' => $id, 'status' => 0])) return Json::fail('操作记录不存在或状态错误!');
$special = EventRegistrationModel::get($id);
if (!$special) return Json::fail('操作记录不存!');
if ($special->status != 0) return Json::fail('您已审核,请勿重复操作');
$res = EventRegistrationModel::changeSuccess($id, $special['mer_id']);
if ($res) {
return Json::successful('操作成功!');
} else {
return Json::fail('操作失败!');
* @param string $is_show
* @param string $id
public function set_show($is_show = '', $id = '')
if ($is_show == '' || $id == '') return Json::fail('缺少参数');
$res = parent::getDataModification('event', $id, 'is_show', (int)$is_show);
if ($res)
return Json::successful($is_show == 1 ? '显示成功' : '隐藏成功');
return Json::fail($is_show == 1 ? '显示失败' : '隐藏失败');
* @return mixed|void
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public function create($id = 0)
$news = [];
$event = [];
$price = [];
if ($id) {
$news = EventRegistrationModel::eventRegistrationOne($id);
$event = EventDataModel::eventDataList($id);
$price = EventPriceModel::eventPriceList($id);
if (!count($price)) {
$price[0] = [
'event_id' => $id,
'event_number' => 1,
'event_price' => $news['price'],
'event_mer_price' => $news['member_price'],
'sort' => 0
$this->assign(['id' => $id, 'news' => json_encode($news), 'event' => json_encode($event), 'price' => json_encode($price)]);
return $this->fetch();
* 删除活动
* */
public function delete($id)
$res = EventRegistrationModel::delArticleCategory($id);
if (!$res)
return Json::fail(EventRegistrationModel::getErrorInfo('删除失败,请稍候再试!'));
else {
return Json::successful('删除成功!');
* 添加和修改活动
public function add_new()
$data = parent::postMore([
['id', 0],
['sort', 0],
['event', ''], //资料
['event_price', ''], //价格
['restrictions', 0],
['is_fill', 1],
['is_show', 0],
['pay_type', 1],
['member_pay_type', 1],
$data['signup_start_time'] = strtotime($data['signup_start_time']);
$data['signup_end_time'] = strtotime($data['signup_end_time']);
$data['start_time'] = strtotime($data['start_time']);
$data['end_time'] = strtotime($data['end_time']);
if (bcsub($data['signup_end_time'], $data['signup_start_time'], 0) <= 0) return Json::fail('报名结束时间不能小于等于开始时间');
if (bcsub($data['start_time'], $data['signup_end_time'], 0) <= 0) return Json::fail('活动开始时间不能小于等于报名结束时间');
if (bcsub($data['end_time'], $data['start_time'], 0) <= 0) return Json::fail('活动结束时间不能小于等于开始时间');
$data['content'] = htmlspecialchars($data['content']);
$data['activity_rules'] = htmlspecialchars($data['activity_rules']);
if (isset($data['event']) && $data['event'] != '') {
$event = json_decode($data['event'], true);
} else {
$event = [];
if (isset($data['event_price']) && $data['event_price'] != '') {
$price = json_decode($data['event_price'], true);
} else {
$price = [];
$number = $data['number'];
if ($data['id']) {
$id = $data['id'];
unset($data['id'], $data['event'], $data['event_price']);
$res1 = EventRegistrationModel::edit($data, $id, 'id');
$res2 = EventDataModel::eventDataAdd($id, $event);
$res3 = EventPriceModel::eventPriceAdd($id, $price, $number);
$res = $res1 && $res2 && $res3;
if ($res) {
return Json::successful('修改活动成功!', $id);
} else
return Json::fail('修改活动失败,您并没有修改什么!', $id);
} else {
$data['add_time'] = time();
$data['statu'] = 0;
$id = EventRegistrationModel::insertGetId($data);
$res2 = EventDataModel::eventDataAdd($id, $event);
$res3 = EventPriceModel::eventPriceAdd($id, $price, $number);
$res = $id && $res2 && $res3;
if ($res)
return Json::successful('添加活动成功!', $id);
return Json::successful('添加活动失败!', $id);
* 查看报名人员
public function viewStaff($id)
if (!$id) return Json::fail('参数错误!');
$activity = EventRegistrationModel::where('id', $id)->find();
if (!$activity) return Json::fail('活动不存在!');
$this->assign(['aid' => $id]);
return $this->fetch('view_staff');
* @return mixed
public function order()
'year' => getMonth('y'),
'orderCount' => EventSignUpModel::orderCount()
return $this->fetch();
* 查看活动报名订单列表
public function get_sign_up_list()
$where = parent::getMore([
['id', $this->request->param('id')],
['page', 1],
['limit', 20],
['status', ''],
['type', $this->request->param('type')],
['real_name', ''],
['data', ''],
['excel', 0],
return Json::successlayui(EventSignUpModel::getUserSignUpAll($where));
* 统计
public function getBadge()
$where = parent::postMore([
['id', $this->request->param('id')],
['status', ''],
['type', ''],
['data', ''],
['real_name', '']
return Json::successful(EventSignUpModel::getBadge($where));
* @param string $order_id
* @param int $aid
* @param string $code
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public function scanCodeSignIn($id)
if (!$id) $this->failed('参数有误!');
$order = EventSignUpModel::where('id', $id)->find();
if (!$order) $this->failed('订单不存在!');
if ($order['status']) $this->failed('订单已核销!');
$res = EventSignUpModel::where(['id' => $id, 'paid' => 1, 'is_del' => 0])->update(['status' => 1]);
if ($res) return Json::successful('核销成功');
else return Json::fail('核销失败');
* 修改退款状态
* @param $id
* @return \think\response\Json|void
public function refund_y($id)
if (!$id) return $this->failed('数据不存在');
$product = EventSignUpModel::get($id);
if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
if ($product['paid'] == 1) {
$f = array();
$f[] = Form::input('order_id', '退款单号', $product->getData('order_id'))->disabled(1);
$f[] = Form::number('refund_price', '退款金额', $product->getData('pay_price'))->precision(2)->min(0.01);
$form = Form::make_post_form('退款处理', $f, Url::build('updateRefundY', array('id' => $id)), 4);
return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
} else return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
* @param Request $request
* @param $id
public function updateRefundY(Request $request, $id)
$data = parent::postMore([
], $request);
if (!$id) return Json::fail('数据不存在');
$product = EventSignUpModel::get($id);
if (!$product) return Json::fail('数据不存在!');
if ($product['pay_price'] == $product['refund_price']) return Json::fail('已退完支付金额!不能再退款了');
if (!$data['refund_price']) return Json::fail('请输入退款金额');
$refund_price = $data['refund_price'];
$data['refund_price'] = bcadd($data['refund_price'], $product['refund_price'], 2);
$bj = bccomp((float)$product['pay_price'], (float)$data['refund_price'], 2);
if ($bj < 0) return Json::fail('退款金额大于支付金额请修改退款金额');
$data['refund_status'] = 2;
$refund_data['pay_price'] = $product['pay_price'];
$refund_data['refund_price'] = $refund_price;
switch ($product['pay_type']) {
case 'weixin':
try {
HookService::listen('wechat_pay_order_refund', $product['order_id'], $refund_data, true, PaymentBehavior::class);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return Json::fail($e->getMessage());
case 'yue':
$res = User::bcInc($product['uid'], 'now_money', $refund_price, 'uid');
if (!$res) return Json::fail('余额退款失败!');
case 'zhifubao':
$res = AlipayTradeWapService::init()->AliPayRefund($product['order_id'], $product['trade_no'], $refund_price, '活动订单退款', 'refund');
if (empty($res) || $res != 10000) {
return Json::fail('支付宝退款失败!');
case 'toutiao':
try {
$refund_data['order_id'] = $product['order_id'];
$refund_data['refund_reason_wap_explain'] = '协商商户主动退款';
$res = (new TouMiniProgramService())->createRefund($refund_data);
if (empty($res) || $res['err_no'] != 0) {
return Json::fail('抖音退款失败!');
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return Json::fail($e->getMessage());
case 'kuaishou':
try {
$refund_data['order_id'] = $product['order_id'];
$refund_data['refund_reason_wap_explain'] = '协商商户主动退款';
$res = (new KuaiMiniProgramService())->createRefund($refund_data);
if (empty($res) || $res['result'] != 1) {
return Json::fail('快手退款失败!');
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return Json::fail($e->getMessage());
return Json::fail('退款失败!');
$data['refund_reason_time'] = time();
$resEdit = EventSignUpModel::edit($data, $id);
if ($resEdit) {
$pay_type = $product['pay_type'] == 'yue' ? 'now_money' : $product['pay_type'];
if ($product['pay_type'] == 'yue') {
$balance = User::where(['uid' => $product['uid']])->value('now_money');
} else {
$balance = 0;
UserBill::income('活动订单退款', $product['uid'], $pay_type, 'pay_sign_up_refund', $refund_price, $product['id'], $balance, '活动订单退款' . floatval($refund_price) . '元');
MerchantFlowingWater::orderRefund($id, $product['mer_id'], 4);
return Json::successful('修改成功!');
} else {
return Json::successful('修改失败!');
* @param string $oid
* @return mixed|void
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public function order_info($oid = '')
if (!$oid || !($orderInfo = EventSignUpModel::get($oid)))
return $this->failed('订单不存在!');
$userInfo = User::getAllUserinfo($orderInfo['uid']);
$this->assign(compact('orderInfo', 'userInfo'));
return $this->fetch();
* @param int $id
public function order_delete($id = 0)
if (!$id) return Json::fail('参数错误!');
$data['is_del'] = 1;
EventSignUpModel::edit($data, $id);
return Json::successful('删除成功!');
* @param $id
* @return mixed
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public function increase($id = 0)
if (!$id) $this->failed('缺少参数');
$event = EventRegistrationModel::get($id);
if (!$event) $this->failed('没有查到此活动');
if ($event->is_del) $this->failed('此活动已删除');
$form = Form::create(Url::build('change_increase', ['id' => $id]), [
Form::select('mer_id', '讲师')->setOptions(function () {
$model = Merchant::getMerWhere();
$list = $model->field('mer_name,id')->order('sort desc,add_time desc')->select();
$menus = [['value' => 0, 'label' => '总后台']];
foreach ($list as $menu) {
$menus[] = ['value' => $menu['id'], 'label' => $menu['mer_name']];
return $menus;
$form->setMethod('post')->setTitle('活动转增')->setSuccessScript('parent.$(".J_iframe:visible")[0].contentWindow.location.reload(); setTimeout(function(){parent.layer.close(parent.layer.getFrameIndex(;},800);');
return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');
* 活动转增
* @param int $id
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public function change_increase($id = 0)
if (!$id) $this->failed('缺少参数');
$data = parent::postMore([
['mer_id', 0],
$res = EventRegistrationModel::edit($data, $id, 'id');
if ($res)
return Json::successful('资料转增成功');
return Json::fail('资料转增失败');
* @param $event_id
* @return mixed
public function write_off_user($event_id = 0)
return $this->fetch();
public function user($event_id = 0)
return $this->fetch();
* 获取用户列表
public function user_list()
$where = parent::getMore([
['page', 1],
['limit', 20],
['nickname', ''],
['identitys', 1],
['order', '']
return Json::successlayui(User::add_teacher_user_list($where));
* @param $event_id
* @return void
public function set_write_off_user()
$data = parent::getMore([
['uid', 0],
['event_id', 0],
if (!$data['event_id'] || !$data['uid']) $this->failed('缺少参数');
$res = EventWriteOffUser::set_event_write_off_user($data);
if ($res) {
$dat['is_write_off'] = 1;
User::edit($dat, $data['uid'], 'uid');
return Json::successful('添加成功');
} else
return Json::fail('添加失败');
* @return void
public function del_write_off_user()
$data = parent::getMore([
['uid', 0],
['event_id', 0],
if (!$data['event_id'] || !$data['uid']) $this->failed('缺少参数');
$res = EventWriteOffUser::del_event_write_off_user($data);
if ($res) {
$count = EventWriteOffUser::where(['uid' => $data['uid'], 'is_del' => 0])->count();
if ($count <= 0) {
$dat['is_write_off'] = 0;
User::edit($dat, $data['uid'], 'uid');
return Json::successful('删除成功');
} else
return Json::fail('删除失败');
* @return void
public function get_write_off_user_list()
$where = parent::getMore([
['event_id', $this->request->param('event_id')],
['page', 1],
['limit', 20]
return Json::successlayui(EventWriteOffUser::get_event_write_off_user_list($where));