You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

603 lines
22 KiB

1 year ago
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | 天诚科技 [ 刘海东 17600099397赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2020 All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed 该系统并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author:甘肃天诚志信电子商务有限公司 刘海东 联系电话维系17600099397
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace service;
use app\admin\model\wechat\WechatMessage;
use behavior\wechat\MessageBehavior;
use behavior\wechat\PaymentBehavior;
use EasyWeChat\Foundation\Application;
use EasyWeChat\Message\Article;
use EasyWeChat\Message\Image;
use EasyWeChat\Message\Material;
use EasyWeChat\Message\News;
use EasyWeChat\Message\Text;
use EasyWeChat\Message\Video;
use EasyWeChat\Message\Voice;
use EasyWeChat\Payment\Order;
use EasyWeChat\Server\Guard;
use EasyWeChat\Support\XML;
use think\Request;
use think\Url;
class WechatService
private static $instance = null;
public static function options()
$wechat = SystemConfigService::more(['wechat_appid', 'wechat_appsecret', 'wechat_token', 'wechat_encodingaeskey']);
$payment = SystemConfigService::more(['pay_weixin_mchid', 'pay_weixin_client_cert', 'pay_weixin_client_key', 'pay_weixin_key', 'pay_weixin_open']);
$config = [
'app_id' => isset($wechat['wechat_appid']) ? $wechat['wechat_appid'] : '',
'secret' => isset($wechat['wechat_appsecret']) ? $wechat['wechat_appsecret'] : '',
'token' => isset($wechat['wechat_token']) ? $wechat['wechat_token'] : '',
'aes_key' => isset($wechat['wechat_encodingaeskey']) ? $wechat['wechat_encodingaeskey'] : '',
'guzzle' => [
'timeout' => 10.0, // 超时时间(秒)
if (isset($payment['pay_weixin_open']) && $payment['pay_weixin_open'] == 1) {
$config['payment'] = [
'merchant_id' => $payment['pay_weixin_mchid'],
'key' => $payment['pay_weixin_key'],
'cert_path' => realpath('.' . $payment['pay_weixin_client_cert']),
'key_path' => realpath('.' . $payment['pay_weixin_client_key']),
'notify_url' => SystemConfigService::get('site_url') . Url::build('wap/Wechat/notify')
return $config;
public static function application($cache = false)
(self::$instance === null || $cache === true) && (self::$instance = new Application(self::options()));
return self::$instance;
public static function serve()
$wechat = self::application(true);
$server = $wechat->server;
$response = $server->serve();
* 监听行为
* @param Guard $server
private static function hook($server)
$server->setMessageHandler(function ($message) {
$behavior = MessageBehavior::class;
HookService::beforeListen('wechat_message', $message, null, true, $behavior);
$response = '';
switch ($message->MsgType) {
case 'event':
switch (strtolower($message->Event)) {
case 'subscribe':
if (isset($message->EventKey)) {
$response = HookService::resultListen('wechat_event_scan_subscribe', $message, $message->EventKey, true, $behavior);
} else {
$response = HookService::resultListen('wechat_event_subscribe', $message, null, true, $behavior);
case 'unsubscribe':
$response = HookService::resultListen('wechat_event_unsubscribe', $message, null, true, $behavior);
case 'scan':
$response = HookService::resultListen('wechat_event_scan', $message, $message->EventKey, true, $behavior);
case 'location':
$response = HookService::resultListen('wechat_event_location', $message, null, true, $behavior);
case 'click':
$response = HookService::resultListen('wechat_event_click', $message, null, true, $behavior);
case 'view':
$response = HookService::resultListen('wechat_event_view', $message, null, true, $behavior);
case 'text':
$response = HookService::resultListen('wechat_message_text', $message, null, true, $behavior);
case 'image':
$response = HookService::resultListen('wechat_message_image', $message, null, true, $behavior);
case 'voice':
$response = HookService::resultListen('wechat_message_voice', $message, null, true, $behavior);
case 'video':
$response = HookService::resultListen('wechat_message_video', $message, null, true, $behavior);
case 'location':
$response = HookService::resultListen('wechat_message_location', $message, null, true, $behavior);
case 'link':
$response = HookService::resultListen('wechat_message_link', $message, null, true, $behavior);
// ... 其它消息
$response = HookService::resultListen('wechat_message_other', $message, null, true, $behavior);
return $response ? $response : false;
* 多客服消息转发
* @param string $account
* @return \EasyWeChat\Message\Transfer
public static function transfer($account = '')
$transfer = new \EasyWeChat\Message\Transfer();
return empty($account) ? $transfer : $transfer->to($account);
* 企业付款
* @return \EasyWeChat\Material\Material
public static function merchantPayService()
return self::application()->merchant_pay;
* 上传永久素材接口
* @return \EasyWeChat\Material\Material
public static function materialService()
return self::application()->material;
* 上传临时素材接口
* @return \EasyWeChat\Material\Temporary
public static function materialTemporaryService()
return self::application()->material_temporary;
* 用户接口
* @return \EasyWeChat\User\User
public static function userService()
return self::application()->user;
* 客服消息接口
* @param null $to
* @param null $message
public static function staffService()
return self::application()->staff;
* 微信公众号菜单接口
* @return \EasyWeChat\Menu\Menu
public static function menuService()
return self::application()->menu;
* 微信二维码生成接口
* @return \EasyWeChat\QRCode\QRCode
public static function qrcodeService()
return self::application()->qrcode;
* 短链接生成接口
* @return \EasyWeChat\Url\Url
public static function urlService()
return self::application()->url;
* 用户授权
* @return \Overtrue\Socialite\Providers\WeChatProvider
public static function oauthService()
return self::application()->oauth;
* 模板消息接口
* @return \EasyWeChat\Notice\Notice
public static function noticeService()
return self::application()->notice;
public static function sendTemplate($openid, $templateId, array $data, $url = null, $defaultColor = null)
$notice = self::noticeService()->to($openid)->template($templateId)->andData($data);
if ($url !== null) $notice->url($url);
if ($defaultColor !== null) $notice->defaultColor($defaultColor);
return $notice->send();
* 企业支付给个人
* @param $partner_trade_no string 订单号
* @param $openid string 被支付用户openid
* @param $re_user_name string 真实姓名
* @param $money string 支付金额
* @return array
* */
public static function PayPersonal($partner_trade_no, $openid, $money, $re_user_name = '默认姓名')
$merchantPayData = [
'partner_trade_no' => $partner_trade_no, //随机字符串作为订单号,跟红包和支付一个概念。
'openid' => $openid, //收款人的openid
'check_name' => 'NO_CHECK', //文档中有三种校验实名的方法 NO_CHECK OPTION_CHECK FORCE_CHECK
're_user_name' => $re_user_name, //OPTION_CHECK FORCE_CHECK 校验实名的时候必须提交
'amount' => bcmul($money, 100, 0), //单位为分
'desc' => '企业付款',
'spbill_create_ip' => Request::instance()->ip(), //发起交易的IP地址
return self::merchantPayService()->send($merchantPayData);
* 支付
* @return \EasyWeChat\Payment\Payment
public static function paymentService()
return self::application()->payment;
public static function downloadBill($day, $type = 'ALL')
public static function userTagService()
return self::application()->user_tag;
public static function userGroupService()
return self::application()->user_group;
* 生成支付订单对象
* @param $openid
* @param $out_trade_no
* @param $total_fee
* @param $attach
* @param $body
* @param string $detail
* @param string $trade_type
* @param array $options
* @return Order
protected static function paymentOrder($openid, $out_trade_no, $total_fee, $attach, $body, $detail = '', $trade_type = 'JSAPI', $options = [])
$total_fee = bcmul($total_fee, 100, 0);
$order = array_merge(compact('openid', 'out_trade_no', 'total_fee', 'attach', 'body', 'detail', 'trade_type'), $options);
if ($order['detail'] == '') unset($order['detail']);
return new Order($order);
* 获得下单ID
* @param $openid
* @param $out_trade_no
* @param $total_fee
* @param $attach
* @param $body
* @param string $detail
* @param string $trade_type
* @param array $options
* @return mixed
public static function paymentPrepare($openid, $out_trade_no, $total_fee, $attach, $body, $detail = '', $trade_type = 'JSAPI', $options = [])
$order = self::paymentOrder($openid, $out_trade_no, $total_fee, $attach, $body, $detail, $trade_type, $options);
$result = self::paymentService()->prepare($order);
if ($result->return_code == 'SUCCESS' && $result->result_code == 'SUCCESS') {
try {
HookService::listen('wechat_payment_prepare', $order, $result->prepay_id, false, PaymentBehavior::class);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return $result;
} else {
if ($result->return_code == 'FAIL') {
exception('微信支付错误返回:' . $result->return_msg);
} else if (isset($result->err_code)) {
exception('微信支付错误返回:' . $result->err_code_des);
} else {
* @param $openid
* @param $out_trade_no
* @param $total_fee
* @param $attach
* @param $body
* @param string $detail
* @param string $trade_type
* @param array $options
* @return mixed
public static function nativePay($openid, $out_trade_no, $total_fee, $attach, $body, $detail = '', $trade_type = 'NATIVE', $options = [])
$paymentPrepare = self::paymentPrepare($openid, $out_trade_no, $total_fee, $attach, $body, $detail, $trade_type, $options);
return $paymentPrepare->code_url;
* 获得jsSdk支付参数
* @param $openid
* @param $out_trade_no
* @param $total_fee
* @param $attach
* @param $body
* @param string $detail
* @param string $trade_type
* @param array $options
* @return array|string
public static function jsPay($openid, $out_trade_no, $total_fee, $attach, $body, $detail = '', $trade_type = 'JSAPI', $options = [])
$paymentPrepare = self::paymentPrepare($openid, $out_trade_no, $total_fee, $attach, $body, $detail, $trade_type, $options);
return self::paymentService()->configForJSSDKPayment($paymentPrepare->prepay_id);
* 使用商户订单号退款
* @param $orderNo
* @param $refundNo
* @param $totalFee
* @param null $refundFee
* @param null $opUserId
* @param string $refundReason
* @param string $type
* @param string $refundAccount
public static function refund($orderNo, $refundNo, $totalFee, $refundFee = null, $opUserId = null, $refundReason = '', $type = 'out_trade_no', $refundAccount = 'REFUND_SOURCE_UNSETTLED_FUNDS')
$totalFee = floatval($totalFee);
$refundFee = floatval($refundFee);
return self::paymentService()->refund($orderNo, $refundNo, $totalFee, $refundFee, $opUserId, $type, $refundAccount, $refundReason);
public static function payOrderRefund($orderNo, array $opt)
if (!isset($opt['pay_price'])) exception('缺少pay_price');
$totalFee = floatval(bcmul($opt['pay_price'], 100, 0));
$refundFee = isset($opt['refund_price']) ? floatval(bcmul($opt['refund_price'], 100, 0)) : null;
$refundReason = isset($opt['desc']) ? $opt['desc'] : '';
$refundNo = isset($opt['refund_id']) ? $opt['refund_id'] : $orderNo;
$opUserId = isset($opt['op_user_id']) ? $opt['op_user_id'] : null;
$type = isset($opt['type']) ? $opt['type'] : 'out_trade_no';
$refundAccount = isset($opt['refund_account']) ? $opt['refund_account'] : 'REFUND_SOURCE_UNSETTLED_FUNDS';
try {
$res = (self::refund($orderNo, $refundNo, $totalFee, $refundFee, $opUserId, $refundReason, $type, $refundAccount));
if ($res->return_code == 'FAIL') exception('退款失败:' . $res->return_msg);
if (isset($res->err_code)) exception('退款失败:' . $res->err_code_des);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return true;
* 微信支付成功回调接口
public static function handleNotify()
self::paymentService()->handleNotify(function ($notify, $successful) {
if ($successful && isset($notify->out_trade_no)) {
if (($count = strpos($notify->out_trade_no, '_')) !== false) {
$notify->out_trade_no = substr($notify->out_trade_no, $count + 1);
WechatMessage::setOnceMessage($notify, $notify->openid, 'payment_success', $notify->out_trade_no);
return HookService::listen('wechat_pay_success', $notify, null, true, PaymentBehavior::class);
* jsSdk
* @return \EasyWeChat\Js\Js
public static function jsService()
return self::application()->js;
public static function jsSdk($url = '')
$apiList = ['onMenuShareTimeline', 'onMenuShareAppMessage', 'onMenuShareQQ', 'onMenuShareWeibo', 'onMenuShareQZone', 'startRecord', 'stopRecord', 'onVoiceRecordEnd', 'playVoice', 'pauseVoice', 'stopVoice', 'onVoicePlayEnd', 'uploadVoice', 'downloadVoice', 'chooseImage', 'previewImage', 'uploadImage', 'downloadImage', 'translateVoice', 'getNetworkType', 'openLocation', 'getLocation', 'hideOptionMenu', 'showOptionMenu', 'hideMenuItems', 'showMenuItems', 'hideAllNonBaseMenuItem', 'showAllNonBaseMenuItem', 'closeWindow', 'scanQRCode', 'chooseWXPay', 'openProductSpecificView', 'addCard', 'chooseCard', 'openCard'];
$jsService = self::jsService();
if ($url) $jsService->setUrl($url);
try {
return $jsService->config($apiList);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return '{}';
* 回复文本消息
* @param string $content 文本内容
* @return Text
public static function textMessage($content)
return new Text(compact('content'));
* 回复图片消息
* @param string $media_id 媒体资源 ID
* @return Image
public static function imageMessage($media_id)
return new Image(compact('media_id'));
* 回复视频消息
* @param string $media_id 媒体资源 ID
* @param string $title 标题
* @param string $description 描述
* @param null $thumb_media_id 封面资源 ID
* @return Video
public static function videoMessage($media_id, $title = '', $description = '...', $thumb_media_id = null)
return new Video(compact('media_id', 'title', 'description', 'thumb_media_id'));
* 回复声音消息
* @param string $media_id 媒体资源 ID
* @return Voice
public static function voiceMessage($media_id)
return new Voice(compact('media_id'));
* 回复图文消息
* @param string|array $title 标题
* @param string $description 描述
* @param string $url URL
* @param string $image 图片链接
public static function newsMessage($title, $description = '...', $url = '', $image = '')
if (is_array($title)) {
if (isset($title[0]) && is_array($title[0])) {
$newsList = [];
foreach ($title as $news) {
$newsList[] = self::newsMessage($news);
return $newsList;
} else {
$data = $title;
} else {
$data = compact('title', 'description', 'url', 'image');
return new News($data);
* 回复文章消息
* @param string|array $title 标题
* @param string $thumb_media_id 图文消息的封面图片素材id(必须是永久 media_ID)
* @param string $source_url 图文消息的原文地址,即点击“阅读原文”后的URL
* @param string $content 图文消息的具体内容,支持HTML标签,必须少于2万字符,小于1M,且此处会去除JS
* @param string $author 作者
* @param string $digest 图文消息的摘要,仅有单图文消息才有摘要,多图文此处为空
* @param int $show_cover_pic 是否显示封面,0为false,即不显示,1为true,即显示
* @param int $need_open_comment 是否打开评论,0不打开,1打开
* @param int $only_fans_can_comment 是否粉丝才可评论,0所有人可评论,1粉丝才可评论
* @return Article
public static function articleMessage($title, $thumb_media_id, $source_url, $content = '', $author = '', $digest = '', $show_cover_pic = 0, $need_open_comment = 0, $only_fans_can_comment = 1)
$data = is_array($title) ? $title : compact('title', 'thumb_media_id', 'source_url', 'content', 'author', 'digest', 'show_cover_pic', 'need_open_comment', 'only_fans_can_comment');
return new Article($data);
* 回复素材消息
* @param string $type [mpnews、 mpvideo、voice、image]
* @param string $media_id 素材 ID
* @return Material
public static function materialMessage($type, $media_id)
return new Material($type, $media_id);
* 作为客服消息发送
* @param $to
* @param $message
* @return bool
public static function staffTo($to, $message)
$staff = self::staffService();
$staff = is_callable($message) ? $staff->message($message()) : $staff->message($message);
$res = $staff->to($to)->send();
HookService::afterListen('wechat_staff_to', compact('to', 'message'), $res);
return $res;
* 获得用户信息
* @param array|string $openid
* @return \EasyWeChat\Support\Collection
public static function getUserInfo($openid)
$userService = self::userService();
$userInfo = is_array($openid) ? $userService->batchGet($openid) : $userService->get($openid);
if (is_array($openid)) {
foreach ($userInfo as $key => &$item) {
unset($item['nickname'], $item['headimgurl']);
} else {
unset($userInfo['nickname'], $userInfo['headimgurl']);
return $userInfo;