
fanfan 9 months ago
parent a5025ea9c4
commit a1967a046a
  1. 21692
  2. 4
  3. 281
  4. 623
  5. 281
  6. 10

package-lock.json generated

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -361,8 +361,8 @@ export const asyncRouterMap = [
path: '/goods/filter/index',
component: () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "goods" */ '@/views/goods/filter/Index'),
meta: {
title: '数据过滤',
pageTitle: '数据过滤',
title: '数据渠道',
pageTitle: '数据渠道',
keepAlive: false,
permission: ['/goods/filter/index'],

@ -3,61 +3,61 @@
<div class="card-title">{{ $route.meta.title }}</div>
<a-spin :spinning="isLoading">
<a-form :form="form" @submit="handleSubmit">
<a-form-item v-bind="formItemLayoutWithOutLabel">
<div class="msg">
<a-modal v-model:visible="setPriceVisible" width="450px" title="利润值" @ok="handleBatchPrice(index_1, index_2, mixPrice, maxPrice)">
<div class="fen" style="margin-top: -10px">
<input placeholder="最大利润值" style="margin-right: 25px" v-model="mixPrice" class="input" type="text" />
<input placeholder="最小利润值" v-model="maxPrice" class="input" type="text" />
<div class="setRule">
<div class="ruleTitle">设置规则</div>
<div class="ruleText">
A.当加价率生效后会员价高于市场价会员价统一自动按以下标准执行 市场价-成本价x_____% +成本价=会员价
_____%为此时的加价率 利润低于_____元的商品不展示在商城里
<div style="width:1000px">
<a-form-item v-bind="formItemLayoutWithOutLabel">
<div class="msg">
<a-form-item v-bind="formItemLayoutWithOutLabel">
<a-button type="dashed" style="width: calc(43.5% + 8px); margin-right: 50px" @click="handleAddCondition">
<a-icon type="plus-circle" /> 新增分类模版 </a-button><a-button type="dashed" style="width: calc(44.5% + 8px)" @click="handleRemoveCondition">
<a-icon type="minus-circle-o" /> 删除分类模版
<a-form-item v-for="(k, index) in form.getFieldValue('list')" :key="k.id" :label="index === 0 ? '分销模版' : ''" :labelCol="labelCol" v-bind="index === 0 ? { wrapperCol } : formItemLayoutWithOutLabel" required>
<a-tree-select style="width: 100%; margin-right: 8px; margin-top: 3px" placeholder="请选择商品分类" :dropdownStyle="{ maxHeight: '500px', overflow: 'auto' }" :treeData="formData.categoryList" treeCheckable allowClear treeCheckStrictly
@select="onSelect(index, $event)" @focus="handleSelectChange(index)" v-decorator="[`category${k.id}`]"></a-tree-select>
<div style="width: 100%">
<div class="fan" v-for="(m, index2) in k.price_list" :key="m.id">
<a-form-item style="margin-right: 15px; width: 33%; cursor: pointer">
<div class="inMax" @click="setPrice(index, index2,m.min,m.max)">
<span v-if="m.min && m.max">{{ m.min }} ~ {{ m.max }}</span><span style="color: #d9d9d9" v-else>利润值</span>
<div class="yuan"></div>
<div class="ruleText"><span class="ruleTitle">分销说明</span>A.当加价率生效后分销价高于市场价分销价统一自动按以下标准执行
市场价-成本价x_____% +成本价=分销价 _____%为此时的加价率
B.当加价率生效后分销价高于会员价分销价进一步统一自动按以下标准执行会员价-成本价x_____% +成本价=分销价 _____%为此时的加价率</div>
<a-form-item v-bind="formItemLayoutWithOutLabel">
<div style="width: 100%;">
<a-button type="dashed" style="width: 100%" @click="handleAddCondition">
<a-icon type="plus-circle" /> 新增分类模版 </a-button>
<a-form-item v-for="(k, index) in form.getFieldValue('list')" :key="k.id" :label="index === 0 ? '分销模版' : ''" :labelCol="labelCol" v-bind="index === 0 ? { wrapperCol } : formItemLayoutWithOutLabel" required>
<div style="width: 100%;display: flex;align-items: center;justify-content: space-between">
<div style="width: 700px;">
<a-tree-select style="width: 100%; margin-right: 8px; margin-top: 3px" placeholder="请选择商品分类" :dropdownStyle="{ maxHeight: '500px', overflow: 'auto' }" :treeData="formData.categoryList" treeCheckable allowClear
treeCheckStrictly @select="onSelect(index, $event)" @focus="handleSelectChange(index)" v-decorator="[`category${k.id}`]"></a-tree-select>
<div style="width: 100%">
<div class="fan" v-for="(m, index2) in k.price_list" :key="m.id">
<a-form-item style="margin-right: 15px; width: 47%; cursor: pointer">
<div class="inMax">
<input placeholder="最小利润值" @blur="onPrice($event, index, index2)" v-model="m.min" class="input" type="text" />
~<input placeholder="最大利润值" @blur="onPrice($event, index, index2)" v-model="m.max" class="input" type="text" />
<div class="yuan"></div>
<a-form-item style="margin-right: 15px; width: 23%">
<a-input placeholder="利润率" @input="onRate($event, index, index2)" suffix="%" v-model="m.add_price_rate" style="width: 100%; margin-right: 8px; text-align: center" />
<div style="width: 30%; text-align: center">
<span>{{ m.startProfit }}</span> ~ <span>{{ m.endProfit }}</span>
<a-button type="dashed" style="width: 120px" @click="handleRemovePriceRate(index,index2)">
<a-icon type="minus-circle-o" /> 删除价格区间</a-button>
<div style="width: 100%">
<a-button type="dashed" style="width: 100%; margin-right: 50px" @click="handleAddPriceRate(index)">
<a-icon type="plus-circle" /> 新增价格区间 </a-button>
<a-form-item style="margin-right: 15px; width: 33%">
<a-input placeholder="利润率" @input="onRate($event, index, index2)" suffix="%" v-model="m.add_price_rate" style="width: 100%; margin-right: 8px; text-align: center" />
<div style="width: 33%; text-align: center">
<span>{{ m.startProfit }}</span> ~ <span>{{ m.endProfit }}</span>
<div style="width: 100%">
<a-button type="dashed" style="width: calc(40% + 8px); margin-right: 50px" @click="handleAddPriceRate(index)">
<a-icon type="plus-circle" /> 新增价格区间 </a-button><a-button type="dashed" style="width: calc(40% + 8px)" @click="handleRemovePriceRate(index)">
<a-icon type="minus-circle-o" /> 删除价格区间
<a-button type="dashed" style="width: 120px;margin-left: 20px;" @click="handleRemoveCondition(index)">
<a-icon type="minus-circle-o" /> 删除分类模版
<a-form-item :wrapperCol="{ span: wrapperCol.span, offset: labelCol.span }">
<a-button type="primary" html-type="submit">提交</a-button>
<a-form-item :wrapperCol="{ span: wrapperCol.span, offset: labelCol.span }">
<a-button type="primary" html-type="submit">提交</a-button>
@ -87,11 +87,6 @@ export default {
formItemLayoutWithOutLabel: {
wrapperCol: { span: 10, offset: 3 },
setPriceVisible: false,
index_1: '',
index_2: '',
mixPrice: '',
maxPrice: '',
@ -107,6 +102,50 @@ export default {
methods: {
onPrice(e, index_1, index_2, type) {
const { form } = this
const list = form.getFieldValue('list')
if (0 >= list[index_1].price_list[index_2].min) {
list[index_1].price_list[index_2].min = null
this.$message.warning('最小利润值必须大于0', 1.5)
list[index_1].price_list[index_2].startProfit = 0
list[index_1].price_list[index_2].endProfit = 0
if (0 >= list[index_1].price_list[index_2].max) {
list[index_1].price_list[index_2].max = null
this.$message.warning('最大利润值必须大于0', 1.5)
list[index_1].price_list[index_2].startProfit = 0
list[index_1].price_list[index_2].endProfit = 0
if (list[index_1].price_list[index_2].min > list[index_1].price_list[index_2].max) {
list[index_1].price_list[index_2].max = null
this.$message.warning('最大利润值不能低于最小利润值', 1.5)
list[index_1].price_list[index_2].startProfit = 0
list[index_1].price_list[index_2].endProfit = 0
if (!list[index_1].price_list[index_2].min || !list[index_1].price_list[index_2].max || !list[index_1].price_list[index_2].add_price_rate) {
list[index_1].price_list[index_2].startProfit = 0
list[index_1].price_list[index_2].endProfit = 0
if (list[index_1].price_list[index_2].min && list[index_1].price_list[index_2].max) {
let rate = Number(list[index_1].price_list[index_2].add_price_rate)
list[index_1].price_list[index_2].startProfit = Number(
(list[index_1].price_list[index_2].min * (rate / 100)).toFixed(2)
list[index_1].price_list[index_2].endProfit = Number(
(list[index_1].price_list[index_2].max * (rate / 100)).toFixed(2)
list[index_1].price_list[index_2].add_price_rate = rate
list: list,
onRate(e, index_1, index_2) {
const { form } = this
@ -136,49 +175,6 @@ export default {
handleBatchPrice(index1, index2, min, max) {
const { form } = this
if (!this.mixPrice) {
this.$message.warning('请输入最低价格', 1.5)
} else if (!this.maxPrice) {
this.$message.warning('请输入最高价格', 1.5)
} else if (0 >= this.mixPrice) {
this.mixPrice = null
this.$message.warning('最低价格必须大于0', 1.5)
} else if (0 >= this.maxPrice) {
this.maxPrice = null
this.$message.warning('最高价格必须大于0', 1.5)
} else if (this.mixPrice > this.maxPrice) {
this.maxPrice = null
this.$message.warning('最高价格不能低于最低价格', 1.5)
} else {
const condition = form.getFieldValue('list')
condition.forEach(function (item, k) {
if (k == index1) {
item.price_list.forEach(function (item1, j) {
if (j == index2) {
item1.min = min
item1.max = max
list: condition,
this.setPriceVisible = false;
this.mixPrice = '';
this.maxPrice = ''
setPrice(index1, index2, min, max) {
this.index_1 = index1
this.index_2 = index2
this.mixPrice = min;
this.maxPrice = max
this.setPriceVisible = true
onSelect(index, event) {
const { form, $nextTick } = this
const key = form.getFieldValue('list')
@ -198,7 +194,6 @@ export default {
let that = this
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
nodes[i].disabled = false
console.log(nodes[i].value, ids)
if (ids.includes(nodes[i].value) == true) {
nodes[i].disabled = true
@ -222,7 +217,6 @@ export default {
$nextTick(() => {
this.formData.categoryList = this.deleteNodeById(this.formData.categoryList, category)
console.log(this.deleteNodeById(this.formData.categoryList, category))
this.formData = this.formData
@ -231,11 +225,7 @@ export default {
handleRemoveCondition(index) {
const { form } = this
const keys = form.getFieldValue('list')
if (keys.length === 0) {
this.$message.warning('暂无可删除的分类模版', 1.5)
keys.splice(index, 1) // 1
list: keys,
@ -252,22 +242,12 @@ export default {
handleRemovePriceRate(index) {
handleRemovePriceRate(index1, index2) {
const { form } = this
const priceList = form.getFieldValue('list')[index].price_list
if (priceList.length === 0) {
this.$message.warning('暂无可删除的价格区间', 1.5)
const conditionList = form.getFieldValue('list')
conditionList.forEach(function (item, mm) {
if (mm == index) {
item.price_list = priceList
const priceList = form.getFieldValue('list')
priceList[index1].price_list.splice(index2, 1) // 1
list: conditionList,
list: priceList,
@ -312,6 +292,12 @@ export default {
return { value: id }
convertToString(value) {
if (typeof value == 'number') {
return String(value);
return value;
setFieldsValue() {
const { record, form, $nextTick } = this
@ -322,10 +308,10 @@ export default {
return x
record.list.forEach((x, i) => {
record[`category${x.id}`] = this.formatCategoryIds(x.category.split(','))
record[`category${x.id}`] = this.formatCategoryIds((this.convertToString(x.category)).split(','))
this.form.getFieldDecorator(`category${x.id}`, { initialValue: '', preserve: true })
x.category = x.category.split(',')
x.category = (this.convertToString(x.category)).split(',')
x.price_list.forEach((m, j) => {
m.startProfit = Number((m.min * (Number(m.add_price_rate) / 100)).toFixed(2))
m.endProfit = Number((m.max * (Number(m.add_price_rate) / 100)).toFixed(2))
@ -466,6 +452,9 @@ export default {
/deep/.ant-input-prefix {
font-weight: bold;
/deep/.ant-col-10 {
width: 80%;
.fan {
display: flex;
align-items: top;
@ -501,20 +490,20 @@ export default {
.setRule {
margin-top: 20px;
.ruleTitle {
font-size: 14px;
font-family: PingFang SC, PingFang SC;
font-weight: 500;
color: #303030;
.ruleText {
margin-top: 8px;
font-size: 14px;
font-family: PingFang SC, PingFang SC;
font-weight: 400;
color: #8b8b8b;
line-height: 32px;
.ruleTitle {
font-size: 14px;
font-family: PingFang SC, PingFang SC;
font-weight: 500;
color: #303030;
.ruleText {
margin-top: 8px;
font-size: 14px;
font-family: PingFang SC, PingFang SC;
font-weight: 400;
color: #8b8b8b;
line-height: 32px;
.inMax {
width: 100%;
@ -525,21 +514,35 @@ export default {
list-style: none;
display: inline-block;
width: 100%;
height: 30px;
padding: 4px 11px;
height: 32px;
padding: 0 26px 0 0;
color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65);
font-size: 13px;
line-height: 1.8;
line-height: 32px;
background-color: #fff;
background-image: none;
border: 1px solid #d9d9d9;
border-radius: 2px;
-webkit-transition: all 0.3s;
transition: all 0.3s;
input {
border: none;
width: 45%;
margin: 0;
height: 100%;
text-align: center;
input:focus {
outline: none;
border: none;
input::-webkit-input-placeholder {
color: #bfbfbf;
.yuan {
position: absolute;
right: 10px;
top: 2px;
top: 0px;

@ -1,88 +1,47 @@
<a-card :bordered="false">
<div class="card-title">{{ $route.meta.title }}</div>
<a-spin :spinning="isLoading">
<a-form :form="form" @submit="handleSubmit">
<a-form-item label="数据渠道" :labelCol="labelCol" :wrapperCol="wrapperCol">
<a-select-option :value="item.id" v-for="item in checkList" :key="item.id">
{{ item.name }}
<div style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.45); font-size: 12.5px; line-height: 20px">
<!-- {{form.getFieldValue('fliter_condition')}} -->
v-for="(k, index) in form.getFieldValue('fliter_condition')"
:label="index === 0 ? '过滤数据' : ''"
v-bind="index === 0 ? { wrapperCol } : formItemLayoutWithOutLabel"
<div class="fan">
style="width: 100%; margin-right: 8px; margin-top: 3px"
:dropdownStyle="{ maxHeight: '500px', overflow: 'auto' }"
@select="onSelect(index, $event)"
v-decorator="[`category${k.id}`, { rules: [{ required: true, message: '请至少选择1个商品分类' }] }]"
v-decorator="[`profit${k.id}`, { rules: [{ required: true, message: '请输入利润值' }] }]"
style="width: 94%; margin-right: 8px"
v-decorator="[`profit_rate${k.id}`, { rules: [{ required: true, message: '请输入利润率' }] }]"
style="width: 94%; margin-right: 8px"
style="margin-top: 30rpx"
v-if="form.getFieldValue('fliter_condition').length > 0"
:disabled="form.getFieldValue('fliter_condition').length === 1"
@click="() => handleRemoveCondition(index)"
<a-form-item v-bind="formItemLayoutWithOutLabel">
<a-button type="dashed" style="width: calc(50% + 8px)" @click="handleAddCondition">
<a-icon type="plus" /> 新增过滤数据
<a-form-item :wrapperCol="{ span: wrapperCol.span, offset: labelCol.span }">
<a-button type="primary" html-type="submit">提交</a-button>
<a-card :bordered="false">
<div class="card-title">{{ $route.meta.title }}</div>
<a-spin :spinning="isLoading">
<a-form :form="form" @submit="handleSubmit">
<a-form-item label="选择渠道" :labelCol="labelCol" :wrapperCol="wrapperCol">
<a-select v-decorator="[`open_channel`]" allowClear mode="multiple" @change="getChannel" placeholder="请选择渠道">
<a-select-option :value="item.id" v-for="item in checkList" :key="item.id">
{{ item.name }}
<div style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.45); font-size: 12.5px; line-height: 20px">
<!-- {{form.getFieldValue('fliter_condition')}} -->
<a-form-item v-for="(k, index) in form.getFieldValue('fliter_condition')" :key="k.id" :label="index === 0 ? '筛选条件' : ''" :labelCol="labelCol" v-bind="index === 0 ? { wrapperCol } : formItemLayoutWithOutLabel" required>
<div class="fan">
<a-tree-select :key="k.id" style="width: 100%; margin-right: 8px; margin-top: 3px" placeholder="请选择商品分类" :dropdownStyle="{ maxHeight: '500px', overflow: 'auto' }" :treeData="formData.categoryList" treeCheckable checkStrictly
allowClear showCheckedStrategy="SHOW_ALL" @change="onChange(k.id, $event)" @select="onSelect(index, $event)" @focus="handleSelectChange(index)"
v-decorator="[`category${k.id}`, { rules: [{ required: true, message: '请至少选择1个商品分类' }] }]"></a-tree-select>
<a-input placeholder="利润值" prefix=">" suffix="元" v-decorator="[`profit${k.id}`, { rules: [{ required: true, message: '请输入利润值' }] }]" style="width: 94%; margin-right: 8px" />
<a-input placeholder="利润率" prefix=">" suffix="%" v-decorator="[`profit_rate${k.id}`, { rules: [{ required: true, message: '请输入利润率' }] }]" style="width: 94%; margin-right: 8px" />
<a-icon style="margin-top: 30rpx" v-if="form.getFieldValue('fliter_condition').length > 0" class="dynamic-delete-button" type="minus-circle-o" :disabled="form.getFieldValue('fliter_condition').length === 1"
@click="() => handleRemoveCondition(index)" />
<a-form-item v-bind="formItemLayoutWithOutLabel">
<a-button type="dashed" style="width: calc(50% + 8px)" @click="handleAddCondition">
<a-icon type="plus" /> 新增筛选条件
<a-form-item :wrapperCol="{ span: wrapperCol.span, offset: labelCol.span }">
<a-button type="primary" html-type="submit">提交</a-button>
@ -92,259 +51,271 @@ import * as GoodsApi from '@/api/goods'
import GoodsModel from '@/common/model/goods/Index'
import { isEmpty } from '@/utils/util'
export default {
data() {
return {
labelCol: { span: 3 },
wrapperCol: { span: 10 },
// loading
isLoading: false,
form: this.$form.createForm(this),
formData: GoodsModel.formData,
record: {},
checkList: [],
formItemLayoutWithOutLabel: {
wrapperCol: { span: 10, offset: 3 },
created() {
this.isLoading = true
// form
GoodsModel.getFromData().then(() => {
this.isLoading = false
this.form.getFieldDecorator('fliter_condition', { initialValue: [], preserve: true })
this.getDataList() //
methods: {
onSelect(index, event) {
const { form, $nextTick } = this
const key = form.getFieldValue('fliter_condition')
for (let i = 0; i < key.length; i++) {
if (i == index) {
$nextTick(() => {
fliter_condition: key,
deleteNodeById(nodes, ids) {
let that = this
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
nodes[i].disabled = false
if (ids.includes(nodes[i].value) == true) {
nodes[i].disabled = true
if (nodes[i].children && nodes[i].children.length > 0) {
that.deleteNodeById(nodes[i].children, ids) //
return nodes
handleSelectChange(index, event) {
const { form, $nextTick } = this
const key = form.getFieldValue('fliter_condition')
let category = []
for (let i = 0; i < key.length; i++) {
if (i !== index) {
key[i].category.forEach((item) => {
$nextTick(() => {
this.formData.categoryList = this.deleteNodeById(this.formData.categoryList, category)
this.formData = this.formData
handleRemoveCondition(index) {
const { form, $nextTick } = this
const keys = form.getFieldValue('fliter_condition')
if (keys.length === 0) {
keys.splice(index, 1) // 1
$nextTick(() => {
fliter_condition: keys
handleAddCondition() {
const { form } = this
const key = form.getFieldValue('fliter_condition')
const keys = key ? key : []
const nextKeys = keys.concat([{ category: [], profit: '', profit_rate: '', id: this.generateRandomString(8) }])
fliter_condition: nextKeys,
generateRandomString(length) {
let result = ''
const characters = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'
const charactersLength = characters.length
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
result += characters.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * charactersLength))
return result
getDataList() {
return GoodsApi.getDataList().then((result) => {
const obj = result.data
Object.keys(obj).forEach((item) => {
this.checkList.push({ id: item, name: obj[item] })
formatCategoryIds(categoryIds) {
return categoryIds.map((id) => {
return { value: id }
setFieldsValue() {
const { record, form, $nextTick } = this
const profitAry = []
const profitRateAry = []
const categoryAry = []
if (record.fliter_condition) {
record.fliter_condition = JSON.parse(record.fliter_condition)
record.fliter_condition = record.fliter_condition.map((x) => {
x.id = this.generateRandomString(8)
return x
record.fliter_condition.forEach((x, i) => {
record[`profit${x.id}`] = x.profit
record[`profit_rate${x.id}`] = x.profit_rate
record[`category${x.id}`] = x.category
this.form.getFieldDecorator(`category${x.id}`, { initialValue: '', preserve: true })
this.form.getFieldDecorator(`profit${x.id}`, { initialValue: '', preserve: true })
this.form.getFieldDecorator(`profit_rate${x.id}`, { initialValue: '', preserve: true })
if (record.open_channel) {
const list = record.open_channel
const channelAry = []
this.checkList.map((item) => {
if (list.indexOf(item.id) != -1) {
this.form.open_channel = channelAry
!isEmpty(form.getFieldsValue()) &&
$nextTick(() => {
pick(record, ['open_channel', 'fliter_condition', ...profitAry, ...profitRateAry, ...categoryAry])
formatCategoryIds(categoryIds) {
return categoryIds.map((id) => {
return { value: id }
getDetail() {
this.isLoading = true
.then((result) => {
result.data.storeInfo.open_channel = result.data.storeInfo.open_channel
? result.data.storeInfo.open_channel.split(',')
: undefined
this.record = result.data.storeInfo
.finally(() => (this.isLoading = false))
getChannel(val) {
this.form.open_channel = val
handleSubmit(e) {
const {
form: { validateFields },
} = this
validateFields((errors, values) => {
!errors && onFormSubmit(values)
data() {
return {
labelCol: { span: 3 },
wrapperCol: { span: 10 },
// loading
isLoading: false,
form: this.$form.createForm(this),
formData: GoodsModel.formData,
record: {},
checkList: [],
formItemLayoutWithOutLabel: {
wrapperCol: { span: 10, offset: 3 },
created() {
this.isLoading = true
// form
GoodsModel.getFromData().then(() => {
this.isLoading = false
this.form.getFieldDecorator('fliter_condition', { initialValue: [], preserve: true })
this.getDataList() //
methods: {
onChange(id, event) {
console.log(id, event)
onSelect(index, event) {
const { form, $nextTick } = this
const key = form.getFieldValue('fliter_condition')
for (let i = 0; i < key.length; i++) {
if (i == index) {
$nextTick(() => {
fliter_condition: key,
deleteNodeById(nodes, ids) {
let that = this
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
nodes[i].disabled = false
if (ids.includes(nodes[i].value) == true) {
nodes[i].disabled = true
if (nodes[i].children && nodes[i].children.length > 0) {
that.deleteNodeById(nodes[i].children, ids) //
return nodes
handleSelectChange(index, event) {
const { form, $nextTick } = this
const key = form.getFieldValue('fliter_condition')
let category = []
for (let i = 0; i < key.length; i++) {
if (i !== index) {
key[i].category.forEach((item) => {
$nextTick(() => {
this.formData.categoryList = this.deleteNodeById(this.formData.categoryList, category)
this.formData = this.formData
handleRemoveCondition(index) {
const { form, $nextTick } = this
const keys = form.getFieldValue('fliter_condition')
if (keys.length === 0) {
keys.splice(index, 1) // 1
$nextTick(() => {
fliter_condition: keys
handleAddCondition() {
const { form } = this
const key = form.getFieldValue('fliter_condition')
const keys = key ? key : []
const nextKeys = keys.concat([{ category: [], profit: '', profit_rate: '', id: this.generateRandomString(8) }])
fliter_condition: nextKeys,
generateRandomString(length) {
let result = ''
const characters = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'
const charactersLength = characters.length
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
result += characters.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * charactersLength))
return result
getDataList() {
return GoodsApi.getDataList().then((result) => {
const obj = result.data
Object.keys(obj).forEach((item) => {
this.checkList.push({ id: item, name: obj[item] })
formatCategoryIds(categoryIds) {
return categoryIds.map((id) => {
return { value: id }
setFieldsValue() {
const { record, form, $nextTick } = this
const profitAry = []
const profitRateAry = []
const categoryAry = []
if (record.fliter_condition) {
record.fliter_condition = JSON.parse(record.fliter_condition)
record.fliter_condition = record.fliter_condition.map((x) => {
x.id = this.generateRandomString(8)
return x
record.fliter_condition.forEach((x, i) => {
record[`profit${x.id}`] = x.profit
record[`profit_rate${x.id}`] = x.profit_rate
record[`category${x.id}`] = x.category
this.form.getFieldDecorator(`category${x.id}`, { initialValue: '', preserve: true })
this.form.getFieldDecorator(`profit${x.id}`, { initialValue: '', preserve: true })
this.form.getFieldDecorator(`profit_rate${x.id}`, { initialValue: '', preserve: true })
if (record.open_channel) {
const list = record.open_channel
const channelAry = []
this.checkList.map((item) => {
if (list.indexOf(item.id) != -1) {
this.form.open_channel = channelAry
!isEmpty(form.getFieldsValue()) &&
$nextTick(() => {
pick(record, ['open_channel', 'fliter_condition', ...profitAry, ...profitRateAry, ...categoryAry])
formatCategoryIds(categoryIds) {
return categoryIds.map((id) => {
return { value: id }
convertToString(value) {
if (typeof value == 'number') {
return String(value);
return value;
getDetail() {
this.isLoading = true
.then((result) => {
result.data.storeInfo.open_channel = result.data.storeInfo.open_channel
? this.convertToString(result.data.storeInfo.open_channel).split(',')
: undefined
this.record = result.data.storeInfo
.finally(() => (this.isLoading = false))
getChannel(val) {
this.form.open_channel = val
handleSubmit(e) {
const {
form: { validateFields },
} = this
validateFields((errors, values) => {
!errors && onFormSubmit(values)
// api
onFormSubmit(values) {
const params = {}
params.fliter_condition = values.fliter_condition.map((x, i) => {
return {
category: values[`category${x.id}`],
profit: values[`profit${x.id}`],
profit_rate: values[`profit_rate${x.id}`],
// if (params.fliter_condition.length > 0) {
// params.fliter_condition.forEach((item) => {
// item.category = Array.from(item.category, ({ value }) => value)
// })
// }
params.open_channel = values.open_channel ? values.open_channel.join(',') : ''
params.fliter_condition = params.fliter_condition.length > 0 ? params.fliter_condition : []
this.isLoading = true
Api.update({ form: params })
.then((result) => {
this.$message.success(result.message, 1.5)
.catch(() => {
this.isLoading = false
.finally(() => (this.isLoading = false))
// api
onFormSubmit(values) {
const params = {}
if (values.fliter_condition) {
params.fliter_condition = values.fliter_condition.map((x, i) => {
return {
category: values[`category${x.id}`],
profit: values[`profit${x.id}`],
profit_rate: values[`profit_rate${x.id}`],
} else {
params.fliter_condition = []
// if (params.fliter_condition.length > 0) {
// params.fliter_condition.forEach((item) => {
// item.category = Array.from(item.category, ({ value }) => value)
// })
// }
params.open_channel = values.open_channel ? values.open_channel.join(',') : ''
params.fliter_condition = params.fliter_condition.length > 0 ? params.fliter_condition : []
this.isLoading = true
Api.update({ form: params })
.then((result) => {
this.$message.success(result.message, 1.5)
.catch(() => {
this.isLoading = false
.finally(() => (this.isLoading = false))
<style lang="less" scoped>
/deep/.ant-form-item-control {
padding-left: 10px;
.ant-form-item-control {
padding-left: 0;
padding-left: 10px;
.ant-form-item-control {
padding-left: 0;
/deep/.ant-input-prefix {
font-weight: bold;
font-weight: bold;
.fan {
display: flex;
align-items: top;
display: flex;
align-items: top;
.fan /deep/ .ant-form-item {
margin-bottom: 0;
margin-bottom: 0;
// .fan /deep/ .ant-select-search__field__placeholder{
// top: 30%;

@ -3,61 +3,60 @@
<div class="card-title">{{ $route.meta.title }}</div>
<a-spin :spinning="isLoading">
<a-form :form="form" @submit="handleSubmit">
<a-form-item v-bind="formItemLayoutWithOutLabel">
<div class="msg">
<a-modal v-model:visible="setPriceVisible" width="450px" title="利润值" @ok="handleBatchPrice(index_1, index_2, mixPrice, maxPrice)">
<div class="fen" style="margin-top: -10px">
<input placeholder="最大利润值" style="margin-right: 25px" v-model="mixPrice" class="input" type="text" />
<input placeholder="最小利润值" v-model="maxPrice" class="input" type="text" />
<div class="setRule">
<div class="ruleTitle">设置规则</div>
<div class="ruleText">
A.当加价率生效后会员价高于市场价会员价统一自动按以下标准执行 市场价-成本价x_____% +成本价=会员价
_____%为此时的加价率 利润低于_____元的商品不展示在商城里
<div style="width:1000px">
<a-form-item v-bind="formItemLayoutWithOutLabel">
<div class="msg">
<a-form-item v-bind="formItemLayoutWithOutLabel">
<a-button type="dashed" style="width: calc(43.5% + 8px); margin-right: 50px" @click="handleAddCondition">
<a-icon type="plus-circle" /> 新增分类模版 </a-button><a-button type="dashed" style="width: calc(44.5% + 8px)" @click="handleRemoveCondition">
<a-icon type="minus-circle-o" /> 删除分类模版
<a-form-item v-for="(k, index) in form.getFieldValue('list')" :key="k.id" :label="index === 0 ? '会员模版' : ''" :labelCol="labelCol" v-bind="index === 0 ? { wrapperCol } : formItemLayoutWithOutLabel" required>
<a-tree-select style="width: 100%; margin-right: 8px; margin-top: 3px" placeholder="请选择商品分类" :dropdownStyle="{ maxHeight: '500px', overflow: 'auto' }" :treeData="formData.categoryList" treeCheckable allowClear treeCheckStrictly
@select="onSelect(index, $event)" @focus="handleSelectChange(index)" v-decorator="[`category${k.id}`]"></a-tree-select>
<div style="width: 100%">
<div class="fan" v-for="(m, index2) in k.price_list" :key="m.id">
<a-form-item style="margin-right: 15px; width: 33%; cursor: pointer">
<div class="inMax" @click="setPrice(index, index2,m.min,m.max)">
<span v-if="m.min && m.max">{{ m.min }} ~ {{ m.max }}</span><span style="color: #d9d9d9" v-else>利润值</span>
<div class="yuan"></div>
<div class="ruleText"><span class="ruleTitle">会员说明</span>A.当加价率生效后会员价高于市场价会员价统一自动按以下标准执行
市场价-成本价x_____% +成本价=会员价 _____%为此时的加价率</div>
<a-form-item v-bind="formItemLayoutWithOutLabel">
<div style="width: 100%;">
<a-button type="dashed" style="width: 100%" @click="handleAddCondition">
<a-icon type="plus-circle" /> 新增分类模版 </a-button>
<a-form-item v-for="(k, index) in form.getFieldValue('list')" :key="k.id" :label="index === 0 ? '会员模版' : ''" :labelCol="labelCol" v-bind="index === 0 ? { wrapperCol } : formItemLayoutWithOutLabel" required>
<div style="width: 100%;display: flex;align-items: center;justify-content: space-between">
<div style="width: 700px;">
<a-tree-select style="width: 100%; margin-right: 8px; margin-top: 3px" placeholder="请选择商品分类" :dropdownStyle="{ maxHeight: '500px', overflow: 'auto' }" :treeData="formData.categoryList" treeCheckable allowClear
treeCheckStrictly @select="onSelect(index, $event)" @focus="handleSelectChange(index)" v-decorator="[`category${k.id}`]"></a-tree-select>
<div style="width: 100%">
<div class="fan" v-for="(m, index2) in k.price_list" :key="m.id">
<a-form-item style="margin-right: 15px; width: 47%; cursor: pointer">
<div class="inMax">
<input placeholder="最小利润值" @blur="onPrice($event, index, index2)" v-model="m.min" class="input" type="text" />
~<input placeholder="最大利润值" @blur="onPrice($event, index, index2)" v-model="m.max" class="input" type="text" />
<div class="yuan"></div>
<a-form-item style="margin-right: 15px; width: 23%">
<a-input placeholder="利润率" @input="onRate($event, index, index2)" suffix="%" v-model="m.add_price_rate" style="width: 100%; margin-right: 8px; text-align: center" />
<div style="width: 30%; text-align: center">
<span>{{ m.startProfit }}</span> ~ <span>{{ m.endProfit }}</span>
<a-button type="dashed" style="width: 120px" @click="handleRemovePriceRate(index,index2)">
<a-icon type="minus-circle-o" /> 删除价格区间</a-button>
<div style="width: 100%">
<a-button type="dashed" style="width: 100%; margin-right: 50px" @click="handleAddPriceRate(index)">
<a-icon type="plus-circle" /> 新增价格区间 </a-button>
<a-form-item style="margin-right: 15px; width: 33%">
<a-input placeholder="利润率" @input="onRate($event, index, index2)" suffix="%" v-model="m.add_price_rate" style="width: 100%; margin-right: 8px; text-align: center" />
<div style="width: 33%; text-align: center">
<span>{{ m.startProfit }}</span> ~ <span>{{ m.endProfit }}</span>
<div style="width: 100%">
<a-button type="dashed" style="width: calc(40% + 8px); margin-right: 50px" @click="handleAddPriceRate(index)">
<a-icon type="plus-circle" /> 新增价格区间 </a-button><a-button type="dashed" style="width: calc(40% + 8px)" @click="handleRemovePriceRate(index)">
<a-icon type="minus-circle-o" /> 删除价格区间
<a-button type="dashed" style="width: 120px;margin-left: 20px;" @click="handleRemoveCondition(index)">
<a-icon type="minus-circle-o" /> 删除分类模版
<a-form-item :wrapperCol="{ span: wrapperCol.span, offset: labelCol.span }">
<a-button type="primary" html-type="submit">提交</a-button>
<a-form-item :wrapperCol="{ span: wrapperCol.span, offset: labelCol.span }">
<a-button type="primary" html-type="submit">提交</a-button>
@ -87,11 +86,6 @@ export default {
formItemLayoutWithOutLabel: {
wrapperCol: { span: 10, offset: 3 },
setPriceVisible: false,
index_1: '',
index_2: '',
mixPrice: '',
maxPrice: '',
@ -107,6 +101,50 @@ export default {
methods: {
onPrice(e, index_1, index_2, type) {
const { form } = this
const list = form.getFieldValue('list')
if (0 >= list[index_1].price_list[index_2].min) {
list[index_1].price_list[index_2].min = null
this.$message.warning('最小利润值必须大于0', 1.5)
list[index_1].price_list[index_2].startProfit = 0
list[index_1].price_list[index_2].endProfit = 0
if (0 >= list[index_1].price_list[index_2].max) {
list[index_1].price_list[index_2].max = null
this.$message.warning('最大利润值必须大于0', 1.5)
list[index_1].price_list[index_2].startProfit = 0
list[index_1].price_list[index_2].endProfit = 0
if (list[index_1].price_list[index_2].min > list[index_1].price_list[index_2].max) {
list[index_1].price_list[index_2].max = null
this.$message.warning('最大利润值不能低于最小利润值', 1.5)
list[index_1].price_list[index_2].startProfit = 0
list[index_1].price_list[index_2].endProfit = 0
if (!list[index_1].price_list[index_2].min || !list[index_1].price_list[index_2].max || !list[index_1].price_list[index_2].add_price_rate) {
list[index_1].price_list[index_2].startProfit = 0
list[index_1].price_list[index_2].endProfit = 0
if (list[index_1].price_list[index_2].min && list[index_1].price_list[index_2].max) {
let rate = Number(list[index_1].price_list[index_2].add_price_rate)
list[index_1].price_list[index_2].startProfit = Number(
(list[index_1].price_list[index_2].min * (rate / 100)).toFixed(2)
list[index_1].price_list[index_2].endProfit = Number(
(list[index_1].price_list[index_2].max * (rate / 100)).toFixed(2)
list[index_1].price_list[index_2].add_price_rate = rate
list: list,
onRate(e, index_1, index_2) {
const { form } = this
@ -136,49 +174,6 @@ export default {
handleBatchPrice(index1, index2, min, max) {
const { form } = this
if (!this.mixPrice) {
this.$message.warning('请输入最低价格', 1.5)
} else if (!this.maxPrice) {
this.$message.warning('请输入最高价格', 1.5)
} else if (0 >= this.mixPrice) {
this.mixPrice = null
this.$message.warning('最低价格必须大于0', 1.5)
} else if (0 >= this.maxPrice) {
this.maxPrice = null
this.$message.warning('最高价格必须大于0', 1.5)
} else if (this.mixPrice > this.maxPrice) {
this.maxPrice = null
this.$message.warning('最高价格不能低于最低价格', 1.5)
} else {
const condition = form.getFieldValue('list')
condition.forEach(function (item, k) {
if (k == index1) {
item.price_list.forEach(function (item1, j) {
if (j == index2) {
item1.min = min
item1.max = max
list: condition,
this.mixPrice = ''
this.maxPrice = ''
this.setPriceVisible = false
setPrice(index1, index2, min, max) {
this.index_1 = index1
this.index_2 = index2
this.mixPrice = min;
this.maxPrice = max
this.setPriceVisible = true
onSelect(index, event) {
const { form, $nextTick } = this
const key = form.getFieldValue('list')
@ -198,7 +193,6 @@ export default {
let that = this
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
nodes[i].disabled = false
console.log(nodes[i].value, ids)
if (ids.includes(nodes[i].value) == true) {
nodes[i].disabled = true
@ -220,10 +214,8 @@ export default {
console.log(key, category)
$nextTick(() => {
this.formData.categoryList = this.deleteNodeById(this.formData.categoryList, category)
console.log(this.deleteNodeById(this.formData.categoryList, category))
this.formData = this.formData
@ -232,11 +224,7 @@ export default {
handleRemoveCondition(index) {
const { form } = this
const keys = form.getFieldValue('list')
if (keys.length === 0) {
this.$message.warning('暂无可删除的分类模版', 1.5)
keys.splice(index, 1) // 1
list: keys,
@ -253,22 +241,12 @@ export default {
handleRemovePriceRate(index) {
handleRemovePriceRate(index1, index2) {
const { form } = this
const priceList = form.getFieldValue('list')[index].price_list
if (priceList.length === 0) {
this.$message.warning('暂无可删除的价格区间', 1.5)
const conditionList = form.getFieldValue('list')
conditionList.forEach(function (item, mm) {
if (mm == index) {
item.price_list = priceList
const priceList = form.getFieldValue('list')
priceList[index1].price_list.splice(index2, 1) // 1
list: conditionList,
list: priceList,
@ -313,6 +291,12 @@ export default {
return { value: id }
convertToString(value) {
if (typeof value == 'number') {
return String(value);
return value;
setFieldsValue() {
const { record, form, $nextTick } = this
@ -323,10 +307,10 @@ export default {
return x
record.list.forEach((x, i) => {
record[`category${x.id}`] = this.formatCategoryIds(x.category.split(','))
record[`category${x.id}`] = this.formatCategoryIds((this.convertToString(x.category)).split(','))
this.form.getFieldDecorator(`category${x.id}`, { initialValue: '', preserve: true })
x.category = x.category.split(',')
x.category = (this.convertToString(x.category)).split(',')
x.price_list.forEach((m, j) => {
m.startProfit = Number((m.min * (Number(m.add_price_rate) / 100)).toFixed(2))
m.endProfit = Number((m.max * (Number(m.add_price_rate) / 100)).toFixed(2))
@ -467,6 +451,9 @@ export default {
/deep/.ant-input-prefix {
font-weight: bold;
/deep/.ant-col-10 {
width: 80%;
.fan {
display: flex;
align-items: top;
@ -502,20 +489,20 @@ export default {
.setRule {
margin-top: 20px;
.ruleTitle {
font-size: 14px;
font-family: PingFang SC, PingFang SC;
font-weight: 500;
color: #303030;
.ruleText {
margin-top: 8px;
font-size: 14px;
font-family: PingFang SC, PingFang SC;
font-weight: 400;
color: #8b8b8b;
line-height: 32px;
.ruleTitle {
font-size: 14px;
font-family: PingFang SC, PingFang SC;
font-weight: 500;
color: #303030;
.ruleText {
margin-top: 8px;
font-size: 14px;
font-family: PingFang SC, PingFang SC;
font-weight: 400;
color: #8b8b8b;
line-height: 32px;
.inMax {
width: 100%;
@ -526,21 +513,35 @@ export default {
list-style: none;
display: inline-block;
width: 100%;
height: 30px;
padding: 4px 11px;
height: 32px;
padding: 0 26px 0 0;
color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65);
font-size: 13px;
line-height: 1.8;
line-height: 32px;
background-color: #fff;
background-image: none;
border: 1px solid #d9d9d9;
border-radius: 2px;
-webkit-transition: all 0.3s;
transition: all 0.3s;
input {
border: none;
width: 45%;
margin: 0;
height: 100%;
text-align: center;
input:focus {
outline: none;
border: none;
input::-webkit-input-placeholder {
color: #bfbfbf;
.yuan {
position: absolute;
right: 10px;
top: 2px;
top: 0px;

@ -14,19 +14,19 @@
<a-form-item label="商城简介" :labelCol="labelCol" :wrapperCol="wrapperCol">
<a-textarea v-decorator="['describe']" />
<a-form-item label="商城Logo" :labelCol="labelCol" :wrapperCol="wrapperCol" extra="建议尺寸: 300*300">
<a-form-item label="商城Logo" :labelCol="labelCol" :wrapperCol="wrapperCol" extra="建议尺寸: 175*25,最大宽度175,最小高度25">
<SelectImage :defaultList="record.logoImage ? [record.logoImage] : []" v-decorator="['logo_image_id']" />
<a-form-item label="登录Logo" :labelCol="labelCol" :wrapperCol="wrapperCol" extra="建议尺寸: 300*300,为正方形图片">
<a-form-item label="登录Logo" :labelCol="labelCol" :wrapperCol="wrapperCol" extra="建议尺寸: 132*132,请上传正方形图片">
<SelectImage :defaultList="record.loginImg ? [record.loginImg]: []" v-decorator="['login_img_id']" />
<a-form-item label="新品首发" :labelCol="labelCol" :wrapperCol="wrapperCol" extra="建议尺寸: 300*300">
<a-form-item label="新品首发" :labelCol="labelCol" :wrapperCol="wrapperCol" extra="建议尺寸: 375*326">
<SelectImage multiple :defaultList="record.newProductImg ? record.newProductImg : []" v-decorator="['new_product_img_id']" />
<a-form-item label="大牌正品" :labelCol="labelCol" :wrapperCol="wrapperCol" extra="建议尺寸: 300*300">
<a-form-item label="大牌正品" :labelCol="labelCol" :wrapperCol="wrapperCol" extra="建议尺寸: 375*200">
<SelectImage :defaultList="record.bigBrandImg ? record.bigBrandImg : []" v-decorator="['big_brand_img_id']" />
<a-form-item label="秒杀背景图" :labelCol="labelCol" :wrapperCol="wrapperCol" extra="建议尺寸: 300*300">
<a-form-item label="秒杀背景图" :labelCol="labelCol" :wrapperCol="wrapperCol" extra="建议尺寸: 375*275">
<SelectImage multiple :defaultList="record.flashSaleImg ? record.flashSaleImg : []" v-decorator="['flash_sale_img_id']" />
<!-- <a-form-item
