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<view class="image-text_1" v-if="!isLogin" @click="goLogin">
<view class="text-wrapper_1" v-if="isLogin">
<text lines="1" class="text_1" v-if="userInfo.user_type==40">店长</text>
<text lines="1" class="text_1" v-else-if="userInfo.user_type==30">分销</text>
<text lines="1" class="text_1" v-else-if="userInfo.user_type==20">Plus会员</text>
<text lines="1" class="text_1" v-else-if="userInfo.user_type==10">游客</text>
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<text lines="1" class="text_2">消息</text>
<view class="group_4" @click="lookMemberCode('2')">
<image src="/static/user/code.png" class="thumbnail_2"></image>
<text lines="1" class="text_3">会员码</text>
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<image src="/static/user/code.png" class="thumbnail_3"></image>
<text lines="1" class="text_4">分销码</text>
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<view class="plusLeft">
<view class="leftTop">
<text v-if="userInfo.user_type==20">Plus</text>
<text v-if="userInfo.user_type==30">分销</text>
<view class="leftBottom">
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<view class="rightBot">
<!-- v-if="userInfo.user_type!=30&&userInfo.user_type!=40" -->
<view class="newplus" v-if="userInfo.effective_time==''">
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<view class="vipLine">
<image src="/static/user/vip.png" mode="" class="vipIcon"></image>
<view class="sec">
<text class="inVip">加入会员</text>
<text class="enjoyVip">享受会员价</text>
<u-icon name="arrow-right"></u-icon>
<view class="memVip fxVip" @click="goMember('fx')">
<view class="vipLine">
<image src="/static/user/vip.png" mode="" class="vipIcon"></image>
<view class="sec">
<text class="inVip">加入会员</text>
<text class="enjoyVip">享受分销价</text>
<u-icon name="arrow-right"></u-icon>
<view class="goodsManage" v-if="userInfo.user_type==40&&userInfo">
<view class="manageTitle">
<text lines="1" class="text_5 titleLeft">商品管理</text>
<text lines="1" class="text_6 titleRight">查看全部</text>
<!-- v-if="userInfo.user_type==1" -->
<view class="grounding">
<view class="image-text_2" @click="goJump('/pages/news/goods/oneGrounding')">
<image src="/static/user/shelf.png" class="label_1"></image>
<view class="text-group_2">
<text lines="1" class="text_7">2</text>
<text lines="1" class="text_8">一键上架</text>
<view class="box_3" @click="goJump('/pages/news/goods/batchdel')">
<image src="/static/user/deal.png" class="image_4"></image>
<text lines="1" class="text_9">删除商品</text>
<view class="image-text_4" @click="goJump('/pages/news/goods/list')">
<image src="/static/user/search.png" class="label_3"></image>
<text lines="1" class="text-group_4">商品查询</text>
<view class="userSell" v-if="userInfo.user_type==40">
<view class="sell">
<view class="type">
<view class="typeLeft common">
<view class="typeRight common">
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<view class="walletList">
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<view class="listItem" @click="toLiulang()">
<view class="num">
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<view class="num">
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<view class="listItem" @click="getCoupon">
<view class="num">
<view class="info">
<view class="goodsManage">
<view class="manageTitle">
<text lines="1" class="text_5 titleLeft">商品订单</text>
<text lines="1" class="text_6 titleRight" @click="goJump('/pages/news3/shopOrder')">查看全部</text>
<view class="grounding goodsOrder">
<view class="image-text_2" @click="goGoodsOrder('payment')">
<image src="/static/user/unpay.png" class="label_1"></image>
<view class="text-group_2">
<text lines="1" class="text_7">2</text>
<text lines="1" class="text_8">待付款</text>
<view class="image-text_3 send" @click="goGoodsOrder('delivery')">
<image src="/static/user/unsend.png" class="label_2"></image>
<text lines="1" class="text-group_3">待发货</text>
<view class="box_3 send" @click="goGoodsOrder('received')">
<image src="/static/user/untake.png" class="image_4"></image>
<text lines="1" class="text_9">待收货</text>
<view class="box_3 send" @click="goGoodsOrder('received')">
<image src="/static/user/over.png" class="image_4"></image>
<text lines="1" class="text_9">已完成</text>
<view class="goodsManage">
<view class="manageTitle">
<text lines="1" class="text_5 titleLeft">服务订单</text>
<text lines="1" class="text_6 titleRight" @click="toFuwu(0)">查看全部</text>
<view class="grounding goodsOrder">
<view class="image-text_2" @click="toFuwu(3)">
<image src="/static/user/unpay.png" class="label_1"></image>
<view class="text-group_2">
<text lines="1" class="text_7">2</text>
<text lines="1" class="text_8">待确认</text>
<view class="image-text_3 send" @click="toFuwu(2)">
<image src="/static/user/unsend.png" class="label_2"></image>
<text lines="1" class="text-group_3">待服务</text>
<view class="box_3 send" @click="toFuwu(1)">
<image src="/static/user/untake.png" class="image_4"></image>
<text lines="1" class="text_9">待支付</text>
<view class="image-text_4 send" @click="toFuwu(4)">
<image src="/static/user/detail.png" class="label_3"></image>
<text lines="1" class="text-group_4">已完成</text>
<view class="goodsManage" v-if="userInfo.user_type!=20&&userInfo.user_type!=10">
<view class="manageTitle">
<text lines="1" class="text_5 titleLeft">分销订单</text>
<text lines="1" class="text_6 titleRight">查看全部</text>
<view class="grounding goodsOrder">
<view class="image-text_2">
<image src="/static/user/unpay.png" class="label_1"></image>
<view class="text-group_2">
<text lines="1" class="text_7">2</text>
<text lines="1" class="text_8">待付款</text>
<view class="image-text_3 send">
<image src="/static/user/unsend.png" class="label_2"></image>
<text lines="1" class="text-group_3">待发货</text>
<view class="box_3 send">
<image src="/static/user/untake.png" class="image_4"></image>
<text lines="1" class="text_9">待收货</text>
<view class="box_3 send">
<image src="/static/user/over.png" class="image_4"></image>
<text lines="1" class="text_9">已完成</text>
<view class="image-text_4 send">
<image src="/static/user/detail.png" class="label_3"></image>
<text lines="1" class="text-group_4">退款中</text>
<view class="wallet">
<view class="myWallet">
<view class="walletList">
<view class="listItem" @click="myWallet">
<view class="num">
<view class="info">
<view class="listItem">
<view class="num">
<view class="info">
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<view class="info">
<view class="myServe">
<view class="myservice">
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<view class="serveIcon" v-if="userInfo.user_type==40" @click="goPage()">
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<view class="serveInfo">
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<view class="serveInfo">
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<image src="/static/user/member.png" mode="" class="icons"></image>
<view class="serveInfo">
<view class="serveIcon" v-if="userInfo.user_type==40">
<image src="/static/user/retail.png" mode="" class="icons"></image>
<view class="serveInfo">
<view class="serveIcon" @click="goPage('/pages/news1/MerchantSettlement')">
<image src="/static/user/checkIn.png" mode="" class="icons"></image>
<view class="serveInfo">
<view class="serveIcon" v-if="userInfo.user_type==40">
<image src="/static/user/staff.png" mode="" class="icons"></image>
<view class="serveInfo">
<view class="serveIcon" v-if="userInfo.user_type==40">
<image src="/static/user/setHome.png" mode="" class="icons"></image>
<view class="serveInfo">
<view class="serveIcon" @click="goPage('/pages/news/park/addressList')">
<image src="/static/user/address.png" mode="" class="icons"></image>
<view class="serveInfo">
<view class="serveIcon" @click="goPage('/pages/invite/index')">
<image src="/static/user/invite.png" mode="" class="icons"></image>
<view class="serveInfo">
<view class="serveIcon">
<image src="/static/user/invites.png" mode="" class="icons"></image>
<view class="serveInfo">
<text v-if="userInfo.user_type!=20&&userInfo.user_type!=10">邀请分销</text>
<text v-if="userInfo.user_type==20||userInfo.user_type==10">加入分销</text>
<view class="serveIcon">
<image src="/static/user/customer.png" mode="" class="icons"></image>
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style="border: none;display: inline-block;width: 120rpx;padding:0;color">客服</button>
<view class="serveIcon">
<image src="/static/user/set.png" mode="" class="icons"></image>
<view class="serveInfo" @click="goPage('/pages/news1/setting')">
<view class="serveIcon">
<image src="/static/user/complaint.png" mode="" class="icons"
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<image src="/static/user/about.png" mode="" class="icons"></image>
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<image src="/static/user/help.png" mode="" class="icons"></image>
<view class="serveInfo">
<view class="serveIcon" @click="goPage('/pages/news1/huoyuan')">
<image src="/static/user/retail.png" mode="" class="icons"></image>
<view class="serveInfo">
<view class="serveIcon"
<image src="/static/user/sj.png" mode="" class="icons"></image>
<view class="serveInfo">
<view class="serveIcon"
<image src="/static/user/hygl.png" mode="" class="icons"></image>
<view class="serveInfo">
<view class="serveIcon" @click="goPage('/pages/news1/jinqun')"
<image src="/static/user/jq.png" mode="" class="icons"></image>
<view class="serveInfo">
<view class="goodsSuggest" v-if="userInfo.user_type!=40">
<view class="line">
<image src="/static/user/left.png" mode=""></image>
<image src="/static/user/right.png" mode=""></image>
<view class="goodsList">
<view class="group_11" v-for="(item,index) in suggestGoodsList" :key="index" @click="goodsDetail(item)">
<view class="block_2">
<image :src="item.goods_image" class="image_3"></image>
<view class="box_6">
<!-- <view class="text-wrapper_4">
<text lines="1" class="text_12">自营</text>
</view> -->
<text lines="1" decode="true" class="text_13">{{item.goods_name}}</text>
<view class="text-wrapper_5">
<text lines="1" class="text_14">¥</text>
<text lines="1" class="text_15">{{item.goods_price_min}}</text>
<text lines="1" class="text_16">到手价</text>
<text lines="1" class="text_17">¥{{item.line_price_max}}</text>
<!-- <text lines="1" decode="true" class="text_18">200+条评论 99%好评率</text> -->
<view class="memberCode" v-if="memberCode" @click="memberCode=false">
<view class="codeMain">
<view class="myCode">
<text v-if="userInfo.user_type==20">我的专属会员识别码</text>
<text v-if="userInfo.user_type==30">我的专属分销识别码</text>
<view class="codeImg">
<image src="" mode="" class="img"></image>
<view class="codeName">
import {
} from '@/core/app'
import * as UserApi from '@/api/user';
import * as Api from '@/api/goods'
export default {
data() {
return {
background: {
background: 'url( center top no-repeat',
backgroundSize: '100% auto',
userType: 2,
memberCode: false,
isLogin: false,
userInfo: {
user_type: 40
onShow(options) {
methods: {
getSuggest() {
// 获取推荐商品
const that = this
.then(res => {
that.suggestGoodsList =
// 刷新页面
onRefreshPage() {
this.isLogin = checkLogin()
console.log(this.isLogin, '是否登录')
// 获取页面数据
// 获取当前用户信息
getUserInfo() {
const that = this
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
!that.isLogin ? resolve(null) :{}, {
load: that.isFirstload
.then(result => {
that.userInfo =
uni.setStorageSync('userInfo', that.userInfo)
.catch(err => {
if (err.result && err.result.status == 401) {
that.isLogin = false
} else {
toLiulang() {
if (!uni.getStorageSync('AccessToken')) {
url: "/pages/login/index"
url: "/pages/news/park/browsingHistory"
toFuwu(type) {
if (!uni.getStorageSync('AccessToken')) {
url: "/pages/login/index"
url: "/pages/news/recycling/orderList?type=" + type
url: path
goLogin() {
// 去登录
url: '/pages/login/index'
goMember(type) {
url: '/pages/member/index?type=' + type
goOrder() {
url: '/pages/order/index'
lookMemberCode(val) {
this.memberCode = true;
getCoupon() {
// 跳转领券中心
url: '/pages/news/coupon/index'
myWallet() {
// 我的钱包
url: '/pages/news1/wallet'
goGoodsOrder(val) {
// 我的订单
url: '/pages/order/index?dataType=' + val
goodsDetail(item) {
// 跳转商品详情
url: '/pages/goods/detail'
goPage(url) {
url: url
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