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732 lines
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732 lines
16 KiB
<view class="wallet">
<u-navbar title="我的钱包" :background="background" title-color="#fff"></u-navbar>
<image :src="$picUrl+'/static/news1/walletBg.png'" class="bgImg" mode="widthFix"></image>
<view class="walletContainer">
<view class="section1">
<view class="yue" @click="introShow=true">余额说明</view>
<view class="accountNum">
<view style="margin-left: 5px;" @click="isEye=!isEye"><u-icon :name="isEye?'eye':'eye-off'" color="#652F17" size="34"></u-icon></view>
<view class="walletHandle">
<view class="chongzhiBtn" @click="onRecharge">
<view class="section2">
<view class="accountItem">
<view class="itemTop">
<view class="itemTitle">
<u-icon name="arrow-right" color="#909090" size="22"></u-icon>
<view class="num">
¥ {{infor.pay_money}}
<view class="handleBtn" @click="cashOut">
<view class="accountItem">
<view class="itemTop">
<view class="itemTitle">
<view class="num">
¥ {{infor.expend_money}}
<view class="recordBtn" @click="cashOutList">
<view class="getData">
<view class="order-tab">
<view class="tab" :class="{'action':OrderType==''}" @click="onOrderTab('')">
<text class="line"></text>
<view class="tab" :class="{'action':OrderType==10}" @click="onOrderTab(10)">
<text class="line"></text>
<view class="tab" :class="{'action':OrderType==50}" @click="onOrderTab(50)">
<text class="line"></text>
<view class="tab" :class="{'action':OrderType==60}" @click="onOrderTab(60)">
<text class="line"></text>
<view class="tab" :class="{'action':OrderType==40}" @click="onOrderTab(40)">
<text class="line"></text>
<u-picker mode="time" v-model="timeShow" :params="timeParams" @confirm="getTime"></u-picker>
<u-dropdown class="dropdownStyle" ref="dropdown1" height="100" active-color="#FE422B" @open="dropOpen"
<u-dropdown-item title="属性" @update:modelValue="open()">
<view class="slot-content">
<view class="slotItem">
<view class="title">时间</view>
<view class="timecontainer">
<u-input border v-model="start_at" placeholder="开始日期" type="select"
@click="onTime(1)" />
<text style="margin:0 20rpx;">-</text>
<u-input border v-model="end_at" type="select" placeholder="结束日期" @click="onTime(2)" />
<view class="slotItem">
<view class="title">分类</view>
<view class="itemBtn">
<view @click="setActive(" :class="'active btnText':'btnText'"
v-for="(item,index) in btnList" :key="index">{{item.text}}</view>
<view class="btnGroup">
<button class="btn resetBtn">重置</button>
<button class="btn confirmBtn" @click="onSure" style="margin-left:20rpx;">确定</button>
<view class="dataList" style="margin: 0 36rpx;">
<view class="item" v-for="item in list" :key="i" v-if="list.length>0">
<view class="l">
<view class="a">{{item.describe}}</view>
<view class="b">{{item.create_time}}</view>
<view class="r">
<view class="a">{{}}</view>
<view class="empty" v-else>
<image :src="$picUrl+'/static/news1/walletEmpty.png'" mode="widthFix"></image>
<u-popup v-model="introShow" mode="center" border-radius="12">
<view class="introContent">
<view class="introTitle">余额说明</view>
<view class="introtext">1.账户余额=可提现金额+不可提现金额</view>
<view class="introtext">2.不可提现余额=近30天充值金额</view>
<view class="introtext">3.可提现余额=账户余额-不可提现金额</view>
<view class="introBtn" @click="introShow=false">我知道了</view>
import img from "@/static/wallet/wallet.png"
import * as wallet from '@/api/wallet'
export default {
data() {
return {
background: {
background: 'url(' + img + ') center top no-repeat',
backgroundSize: '100% auto',
OrderType: 0,
timeShow: false,
timeParams: {
year: true,
month: true,
day: true,
btnList: [{
text: '充值',
id: 10
}, {
text: '提现',
id: 50
}, {
text: '退款',
id: 40
}, {
text: '付款',
id: 20
active: -1,
introShow: false,
infor: '',
list: [],
start_at: '',
end_at: '',
paramsIndex: 0,
isDropShow: true
onLoad(options) {
onShow() {
uni.$on('updateDataEvent', () => {
methods: {
dropOpen() {
this.OrderType = 999
dropClose() {
this.OrderType =''
onRecharge() {
url: '/pages/wallet/recharge/index'
getBalance(type) {
let that = this;
let obj = {
type: type,
start_at: that.start_at,
end_at: that.end_at,
.then(res => {
that.list = []
that.list =
getUserInfor() {
let that = this;
.then(res => {
that.infor =
setActive(type) {
| = type;
onSure() {
this.timeShow = false
resetting() {
this.paramsIndex = 0;
this.start_at = '';
this.end_at = '';
this.timeShow = false
onOrderTab(type) {
this.OrderType = type;
getTime(e) {
if (this.paramsIndex == 1) {
this.start_at = e.year + '-' + e.month + '-' +;
if (this.paramsIndex == 2) {
this.end_at = e.year + '-' + e.month + '-' +;
onTime(index) {
this.paramsIndex = index;
this.timeShow = true
cashOut() {
// 立即提现
url: '/pages/news/user/withdrawal?balance=' + this.infor.pay_money
cashOutList() {
// 提现记录
url: '/pages/news/user/rechargeList'
// openDrawer(){
// this.$;
// }
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