You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

369 lines
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<view class="invite">
<view class="invite-notice">
<u-notice-bar mode="horizontal" :list="list" color="#fff" bg-color="rgba(255,255,255,0.22)"></u-notice-bar>
<view class="invite-hd">
<image :src="$picUrl+'/static/news/invite-bg.png'"></image>
<view class="btn"></view>
<view class="rule"></view>
<view class="invite-bd">
<view class="invite-bd-a">
<view class="a">
<view class="l">
<view class="p">{{info.count_people}}</view>
<view class="l">
<view class="p">{{}}</view>
<view class="b" @click="openPage(1)">
我的邀请<u-icon name="arrow-right"></u-icon>
<view class="c" @click="openPage(2)">
立即提现<u-icon name="arrow-right"></u-icon>
<view class="invite-bd-b">
<image :src="$picUrl+'/static/news/invite-bg2.png'"></image>
<view class="a">
<view class="l">
可得{{info.integral}}积分<br />{{info.coupon_name}}
<view class="l">
<view class="l">
<view class="invite-bd-c">
<image :src="$picUrl+'/static/news/invite-bg3.png'"></image>
<view class="a">
<view class="l">
<view class="l">
<view class="l">
<view class="invite-bd-d">
<image :src="$picUrl+'/static/news/invite-bg4.png'"></image>
<view class="p" @click="openPage(3)">立即邀请</view>
<!-- -->
<view class="invite-popup" v-if="isPopup">
<view class="popup" @longpress="download()">
<image class="bg" :src="$picUrl+'/static/bg-6.png'"></image>
<image class="qrcode" :src="qrcode"></image>
<view class="tips">长按保存图片</view>
<view class="close">
<u-icon color="#fff" size="60" name="close-circle"></u-icon>
import { createQrCodeImg } from '@/utils/qrcode'
import * as newFunApi from '@/api/newFun'
export default{
qrcode: "",
userInfo: {},
backgroundBg: {
"background": "rgba(255,255,255,0.22)"
backgroundBg1: {
"background-color": "transparent"
isPopup: false,
info: {},
list: ["邀请更多好友,获得更多奖金"]
onReady() {
onShow() {
this.userInfo = uni.getStorageSync("userInfo");
this.qrcode = createQrCodeImg(this.userInfo.user_id, { 'size': 500 });
this.userInfo = {}
this.qrcode = ""
methods: {
download() {
async getList() {
const {status, data} = await newFunApi.inviteInit({});
if(status == 200){
uni.hideLoading(); = data;
url: "/pages/login/index"
return ;
if(index == 1){
url: "/pages/invite/list"
}else if(index == 2){
url: "/pages/news/user/withdrawal"
}else if(index == 3){
this.isPopup = true;
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