You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1162 lines
27 KiB

<view class="park">
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<view class="park-navbar">
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<view class="group_1">
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<view class="image-text_1" @click="goLogin()">
<image :src="$picUrl+'/static/user/gmallZuan.png'" class="image_1"></image>
<view class="tab_pos">
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<view :class="[tabIndex==index ? 'tab_active' : 'tab_a']" v-for="(item,index) in tabbar"
@click="onChage(index)" :key="index">
<view class="tab-type">
<view class="tab-pro" v-for="(item,index) in tabType" :class="index==banIndex?'tab-pro-active':''"
@click="onChageBan(index)" :key="index">
<view class="tab-name">
<view class="tab-price">
<text style="font-size: 32rpx;">¥</text>{{Number(item.retail_current_price)}}
<view class="tab-line">
<view class="tab-quan">
<view class="tab-box">
<view class="tabFavour">
<view class="favour" v-for="(item,index) in tabFavour" :class="index==priceIndex?'favourActive':''"
@click="onChagePrice(index)" :key="index">
<view class="favour_active">
<view class="favour_infor">
<view style="overflow: hidden;">
<view class="favour_year">
{{item.year}}<text style="font-weight: 500;"></text>
<view class="favour_tips">
<view class="favour_price">
<text style="font-size: 32rpx;">¥</text>{{item.price}}
<view class="tab-title">
<view class="name">
<image :src="$picUrl+'/static/user/left.png'"></image>开通{{tabbar[tabIndex]}}的5大优势<image
<view class="advantage">
<view class="advantage-tips">
1持有本卡用户可享受先洗衣后付费服务<br />2享受全国服务商家门店9折洗衣服务<br />3本卡仅限绑定手机号本人使用<br />4本卡一经出售恕不退换<br />5本套餐不自动续订过期用户请再次购买会员
<view class="tab-title">
<view class="name">
<image :src="$picUrl+'/static/user/left.png'"></image>功能对比<image
<view class="equity" style="margin-top: 8px;">
<view class="table_box">
<u-tr v-for="(a,index) in equityList">
<u-td class="box_name">{{}}</u-td>
<u-td class='box_content'>
<u-tr v-for="(item,index) in a.list">
<u-td class="box_cus flex-1">
<view class="box_tips" :style="{ color: index==0?'#333':'#594b40' }">
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name="question-circle-fill" color="#999" size="30"></u-icon>
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<view class="box_view">
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name="checkbox-mark" color="#594b40" size="28"></u-icon>
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name="checkbox-mark" color="#b24341" size="28"></u-icon>
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<u-icon v-if="'20'" name="close" color="#959595" size="28">
<text :style="{ color: (index==0&&'pro')?'#fff':'#b24341' }"
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<u-icon v-if="equityList[0].H5Index==1&&item.H5=='10'" name="checkbox-mark"
color="#5362d9" size="28"></u-icon>
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<u-icon v-if="item.H5=='20'" name="close" color="#959595" size="28">
<text :style="{ color: (index==0&&item.H5=='H5')?'#fff':'#5362d9' }"
<view class="payment-method">
<view class="title">选择支付方式</view>
<view v-for="(a,index) in paymentMethods" @click="tabItem1(index)"
class="pay-item dis-flex flex-x-between">
<view class="item-left dis-flex flex-y-center">
<view class="item-left_icon" :class="[a.method]">
<text class="iconfont" :class="[PayMethodIconEnum[a.method]]"></text>
<view class="item-left_text">
<text>{{ PayMethodEnum[a.method].name }}</text>
<view v-if="a.method === PayMethodEnum.BALANCE.value" class="user-balance">
<text>(可用¥{{ userInfo.balance }}元)</text>
<view class="item-right col-m" v-if="payIndex == index">
<text class="iconfont icon-check" style="color: red;"></text>
<view class="bottomBtn">
<button class="submitBtn" formType="submit" @click="submitPay">立即支付 ¥<text
style="font-size: 48rpx;">{{tabFavour[priceIndex].price}}</text>(开通您的{{tabbar[tabIndex]}})</button>
<u-popup v-model="show" length="60%" mode='center' :mask='true' :closeable='true'>
<view class="content">
<view class="content-title">
<view class="content-box">
import * as api from '@/api/tutorial'
import {
} from '@/core/payment'
import {
} from '@/common/enum/payment'
// 支付方式对应的图标
const PayMethodIconEnum = {
[PayMethodEnum.WECHAT.value]: 'icon-wechat-pay',
[PayMethodEnum.ALIPAY.value]: 'icon-alipay',
[PayMethodEnum.BALANCE.value]: 'icon-balance-pay',
[PayMethodEnum.HUIFU.value]: 'icon-balance-pay'
// 支付方式的终端名称
const PayMethodClientNameEnum = {
[PayMethodEnum.WECHAT.value]: '微信',
[PayMethodEnum.ALIPAY.value]: '支付宝'
export default {
data() {
return {
background: {
background: 'none'
// 枚举类
paymentMethods: [],
isClick: true,
radius: '28rpx 0 0 0',
leftNum: 33.33333,
tabbar: ['零售商城', '批发商城'],
tabIndex: 0,
banIndex: 0,
priceIndex: 0,
payIndex: 0,
tabType: [],
tabFavour: [{
name: '限时享受额外权益',
price: 0,
year: 1
name: '限时享受额外权益',
price: 0,
year: 2
equityList: [],
userInfo: '',
retail: null,
show: false,
content_description: '',
feature_name: ''
onLoad() {
this.retail = uni.getStorageSync('userInfo').retail
onShow() {
methods: {
openPopup(msg, name) {
this.feature_name = name
this.content_description = msg
if (msg) { = true
tabItem1(i) {
if (this.paymentMethods[i].method == 'huifu') {
this.payIndex = i
onChage(index) {
this.radius = index == 0 ? '28rpx 0 0 0' : '0 28rpx 0 0';
this.leftNum = index == 0 ? 33.33333 : 66.66666;
this.tabIndex = index;
onChageBan(index) {
this.banIndex = index
onChagePrice(index) {
this.priceIndex = index
getBan() {
let that = this
that.tabFavour.forEach(item => {
if (item.year == 1) {
item.price = item.year * that.tabType[that.banIndex].retail_current_price
if (item.year == 2) {
item.price = Number((Number(item.year * (that.tabType[that.banIndex]
.retail_current_price)) - Number(that.tabType[that.banIndex]
async toWechatPay() {
const that = this;
const {
} = await api.submit({
method: 'wechat',
client: "MP-WEIXIN",
retail_price_id: that.tabType[that.banIndex].retail_price_id,
year: that.tabFavour[that.priceIndex].year
if (status == 200) {
orderKey: data.payment.out_trade_no,
.then((result) => {
console.log(22, result)
title: "支付成功",
icon: 'success'
this.isClick = true;
setTimeout(() => {
url: "/pages/user/index"
}, 1000)
.catch(err => {
title: "支付失败",
icon: 'none'
this.isClick = true;
//去支付 余额支付
async toPay() {
const that = this;
const {
} = await api.submit({
method: 'balance',
client: "MP-WEIXIN",
retail_price_id: that.tabType[that.banIndex].retail_price_id,
year: that.tabFavour[that.priceIndex].year
if (status == 200) {
title: "支付成功"
this.isClick = true;
setTimeout(() => {
url: "/pages/user/index"
}, 1000)
} else {
this.isClick = true;
icon: "none",
title: message
// 支付
async submitPay() {
let that = this;
if (that.isClick == false) {
that.isClick = false;
if (that.paymentMethods[that.payIndex].method == "balance") {
if (Number(that.tabFavour[that.priceIndex].price) <= Number(that.userInfo.balance)) {
} else {
that.isClick = true;
icon: "none",
title: "余额不足,请选择其他支付方式"
} else if (that.paymentMethods[that.payIndex].method == "wechat") {
// 会员权益
async getDescribe() {
let that = this;
let {
} = await api.describe();
if (status == 200) {
let all = {
feature: '功能',
air: 'air',
airIndex: 1,
pro: 'pro',
proIndex: 1,
H5: 'H5',
H5Index: 1,
function_description: '说明',
plate_id: 1
let list = [{
name: '商品',
list: [{
H5: "1998元/年",
air: "2998元/年",
create_time: "2024-07-30 20:54:45",
description_status: 10,
feature: "指导价格",
function_description: "",
id: 1,
plate_id: 1,
pro: "3998元/年",
sort: 0,
type: 10,
update_time: "2024-07-30 20:54:45",
}, {
H5: "H5网页",
air: "小程序",
create_time: "2024-07-30 20:54:45",
description_status: 10,
feature: "呈现载体",
function_description: "",
id: 2,
plate_id: 1,
pro: "小程序",
sort: 0,
type: 10,
update_time: "2024-07-30 20:54:45",
}, {
H5: "20",
air: "20",
create_time: "2024-07-30 20:54:45",
description_status: 10,
feature: "商品上架2",
function_description: "支持批量多电商平台多数量的商品一键上架,需先进行API接口配置444",
id: 4,
plate_id: 1,
pro: "10",
sort: 0,
type: 10,
update_time: "2024-07-30 20:54:45",
}, {
H5: "10",
air: "10",
create_time: "2024-07-30 20:54:45",
description_status: 10,
feature: "批量上架",
function_description: "通过PC端EXCEL表一键导入商品到系统,实现自动上架,高效快捷",
id: 5,
plate_id: 1,
pro: "10",
sort: 0,
type: 10,
update_time: "2024-07-30 20:54:45",
}, {
name: '订单',
list: [{
H5: "10",
air: "10",
create_time: "2024-07-30 20:54:45",
description_status: 10,
feature: "全部订单",
function_description: "展示全部商品订单",
id: 26,
plate_id: 3,
pro: "10",
sort: 0,
type: 10,
update_time: "2024-07-30 20:54:45",
}, {
H5: "10",
air: "10",
create_time: "2024-07-30 20:54:45",
description_status: 10,
feature: "订单详情",
function_description: "展示订单的商品型号、价格、数量、运费、支付方式、配送方式、付款状态、发货状态、收货状态、订单状态、订单留言、商家备注",
id: 27,
plate_id: 3,
pro: "10",
sort: 0,
type: 10,
update_time: "2024-07-30 20:54:45",
}, {
H5: "10",
air: "10",
create_time: "2024-07-30 20:54:45",
description_status: 10,
feature: "复制订单",
function_description: "可以一键复制订单号、商品名称、商品编码、单价、数量、总价、收件人、电话、地址,方便复制粘贴调货下单代发使用",
id: 28,
plate_id: 3,
pro: "10",
sort: 0,
type: 10,
update_time: "2024-07-30 20:54:45",
}, {
H5: "10",
air: "10",
create_time: "2024-07-30 20:54:45",
description_status: 10,
feature: "订单备注",
function_description: "订单状态以及处理订单的每一个环节或者步骤,都可以自由备注文字和图片,系统会自动记录备注人和备注日期,方便更好的服务",
id: 29,
plate_id: 3,
pro: "10",
sort: 0,
type: 10,
update_time: "2024-07-30 20:54:45",
}, {
name: '其他',
list: [{
H5: "20",
air: "10",
create_time: "2024-07-30 20:54:45",
description_status: 10,
feature: "回收列表",
function_description: "家电回收、手机回收、平板回收、电脑回收等回收类目,可以自建更多回收商品类型",
id: 51,
plate_id: 5,
pro: "10",
sort: 0,
type: 10,
update_time: "2024-07-30 20:54:45",
}, {
H5: "20",
air: "10",
create_time: "2024-07-30 20:54:45",
description_status: 10,
feature: "回收分类",
function_description: "商家自定义回收分类,比如:电视回收、空调回收、洗衣机回收、手机回收、平板回收、手表回收、电脑回收等",
id: 52,
plate_id: 5,
pro: "10",
sort: 0,
type: 10,
update_time: "2024-07-30 20:54:45",
this.equityList = list
// const objectData =, item, index) => {
// acc[index]=[item]
// return acc;
// }, {});
// console.log(acc)
// //[1].unshift(all)
// // this.equityList =
// // console.log(this.equityList)
} else {
// 列表
async getRetailList() {
let that = this;
let pames = {
retail_type: this.tabIndex == 0 ? 10 : 20,
client: 'MP-WEIXIN',
let {
} = await api.retailList(pames);
if (status == 200) {
that.userInfo = data.list.personal;
that.tabType = data.list.list
that.paymentMethods = data.list.paymentMethods
} else {
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image {
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border-left: none;
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border: none !important;
padding: 0 !important;
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justify-content: center;
overflow: hidden;
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line-height: 40rpx;
color: rgba(51, 51, 51, 1);
text-align: left;
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background: #FE483B;
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font-weight: 700;
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margin: 30rpx 58rpx;
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font-size: 30rpx;
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font-size: 28rpx;
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&:last-child {
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font-size: 44rpx;
&.wechat {
color: #00c800;
&.alipay {
color: #009fe8;
&.balance {
color: #ff9700;
&.huifu {
color: #009fe8;
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font-size: 28rpx;
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font-size: 32rpx;
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margin-left: 20rpx;
font-size: 26rpx;