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<view class="invoice">
<view class="invoice-goods">
<view class="a">
<view class="b">
<view class="invoice-company">
<view class="a">
<view class="l">提现金</view>
<view class="r">
<view class="p"><input type="number" v-model="" placeholder="请输入金额" /></view>
<view class="w">全部提现</view>
<view class="b">
<view class="item">
<view class="l">姓名:</view>
<view class="r">
<input type="text" v-model="obj.bank_name" placeholder="请输入姓名" />
<view class="item">
<view class="l">身份证号:</view>
<view class="r">
<input type="text" v-model="" placeholder="请输入身份证号" />
<view class="item">
<view class="l">银行卡号:</view>
<view class="r">
<input type="number" v-model="obj.bank_card" placeholder="请输入银行卡号" />
<view class="item">
<view class="l">开户行名称:</view>
<view class="r">
<input type="number" v-model="obj.bank_account" placeholder="请输入银行卡号" />
<view class="item">
<view class="l">银行预留手机号:</view>
<view class="r">
<input type="number" v-model="" placeholder="请输入银行预留手机号" />
<view class="item">
<view class="l">验证码:</view>
<view class="r">
<input type="number" v-model="" placeholder="请输入验证码" />
<view class="code">获取验证码</view>
<view class="invoice-info">
<view class="b">
<view class="item">
<view class="l">是否开发票:</view>
<view class="r">
<view class="lis" @click="toggleItem(1)">
<image v-if="toggleIndex == 1" src="@/static/invoice/select-on.png"></image>
<image v-else src="@/static/invoice/select.png"></image>
<view class="lis" @click="toggleItem(2)">
<image v-if="toggleIndex == 2" src="@/static/invoice/select-on.png"></image>
<image v-else src="@/static/invoice/select.png"></image>
<view class="items" v-if="toggleIndex == 2">
<template v-if="toggleIndex == 1">
<view class="item">
<view class="l">发票类型:</view>
<view class="r">
<view class="li" :class="tabIndex == 1?'li-on':''" @click="tabItem(1)">个人</view>
<view class="li" :class="tabIndex == 2?'li-on':''" @click="tabItem(2)">单位</view>
<view class="item" v-if="tabIndex == 1">
<view class="l">发票抬头:</view>
<view class="r">
<input type="text" placeholder="请输入个人姓名" />
<view class="item" v-if="tabIndex == 2">
<view class="l">发票抬头:</view>
<view class="r">
<input type="text" v-model="invoicList[index1].header" placeholder="请输入单位名称" />
<picker :value="index1" :range="invoicList" :range-key="'header'" mode="selector" @change="bindPickerChange1">
<view class="tt">更改抬头</view>
<view class="item" v-if="tabIndex == 2">
<view class="l">单位税号:</view>
<view class="r">
<input type="text" v-model="invoicList[index1].duty_no" placeholder="请输入纳税人识别号" />
<view class="invoice-fd">
<u-modal v-model="show" :content="content" :show-cancel-button="true" :show-title="false"
import * as InvoiceApi from '@/api/invoice'
import * as wallet from '@/api/wallet'
export default {
data() {
return {
content: "确认您的发票信息无误后再提交",
show: false,
toggleIndex: 2,
index: -1,
array: ['普通增值税发票','普通发票'],
index1: -1,
tabIndex: 1,
pay_type:'',//提现方式(10微信支付 20支付宝支付 30银行卡支付)
alipay_name:'',//陈旭 支付宝姓名(仅提现方式为支付宝)
onLoad() {
methods: {
getMyInvoicing() {
let app = this;
.then(result => {
app.invoicList =
onClose() {},
tabItem(i) {
this.tabIndex = i;
toggleItem(i) {
this.toggleIndex = i;
toDetail(i) {
url: "/pages/invoice/edit"
bindPickerChange(e) {
this.index = e.detail.value
bindPickerChange1(e) {
this.index1 = e.detail.value
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