You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

587 lines
24 KiB

var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
var __esm = (fn, res) => function __init() {
return fn && (res = (0, fn[__getOwnPropNames(fn)[0]])(fn = 0)), res;
var __commonJS = (cb, mod) => function __require() {
return mod || (0, cb[__getOwnPropNames(cb)[0]])((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports;
<<<<<<< HEAD
// D:/My Proj/yanzhong/yanzong_qianduan/node_modules/weixin-js-sdk/index.js
var require_weixin_js_sdk = __commonJS({
"D:/My Proj/yanzhong/yanzong_qianduan/node_modules/weixin-js-sdk/index.js"(exports, module) {
// <define:process.env.UNI_STAT_TITLE_JSON>
var init_define_process_env_UNI_STAT_TITLE_JSON = __esm({
"<define:process.env.UNI_STAT_TITLE_JSON>"() {
// <define:process.env.UNI_STAT_UNI_CLOUD>
var init_define_process_env_UNI_STAT_UNI_CLOUD = __esm({
"<define:process.env.UNI_STAT_UNI_CLOUD>"() {
// ../../../../../project/yanzong_qianduan/node_modules/weixin-js-sdk/index.js
var require_weixin_js_sdk = __commonJS({
"../../../../../project/yanzong_qianduan/node_modules/weixin-js-sdk/index.js"(exports, module) {
>>>>>>> master
!function(e, n) {
module.exports = n(e);
}(typeof window === "object" && window, function(r, e) {
if (!r) {
console.warn("can't use weixin-js-sdk in server side");
var a, c, n, i, t, o, s, d, l, u, p, f, m, g, h, S, y, I, v, _, w, T;
if (!r.jWeixin)
return a = {
config: "preVerifyJSAPI",
onMenuShareTimeline: "menu:share:timeline",
onMenuShareAppMessage: "menu:share:appmessage",
onMenuShareQQ: "menu:share:qq",
onMenuShareWeibo: "menu:share:weiboApp",
onMenuShareQZone: "menu:share:QZone",
previewImage: "imagePreview",
getLocation: "geoLocation",
openProductSpecificView: "openProductViewWithPid",
addCard: "batchAddCard",
openCard: "batchViewCard",
chooseWXPay: "getBrandWCPayRequest",
openEnterpriseRedPacket: "getRecevieBizHongBaoRequest",
startSearchBeacons: "startMonitoringBeacons",
stopSearchBeacons: "stopMonitoringBeacons",
onSearchBeacons: "onBeaconsInRange",
consumeAndShareCard: "consumedShareCard",
openAddress: "editAddress"
}, c = function() {
var e2, n2 = {};
for (e2 in a)
n2[a[e2]] = e2;
return n2;
}(), n = r.document, i = n.title, t = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(), f = navigator.platform.toLowerCase(), o = !(!f.match("mac") && !f.match("win")), s = t.indexOf("wxdebugger") != -1, d = t.indexOf("micromessenger") != -1, l = t.indexOf("android") != -1, u = t.indexOf("iphone") != -1 || t.indexOf("ipad") != -1, p = (f = t.match(/micromessenger\/(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/) || t.match(/micromessenger\/(\d+\.\d+)/)) ? f[1] : "", m = {
initStartTime: L(),
initEndTime: 0,
preVerifyStartTime: 0,
preVerifyEndTime: 0
}, g = {
version: 1,
appId: "",
initTime: 0,
preVerifyTime: 0,
networkType: "",
isPreVerifyOk: 1,
systemType: u ? 1 : l ? 2 : -1,
clientVersion: p,
url: encodeURIComponent(location.href)
}, h = {}, S = { _completes: [] }, y = { state: 0, data: {} }, O(function() {
m.initEndTime = L();
}), I = false, v = [], _ = {
config: function(e2) {
C("config", h = e2);
var o2 = h.check !== false;
O(function() {
if (o2)
k(a.config, {
verifyJsApiList: A(h.jsApiList),
verifyOpenTagList: A(h.openTagList)
}, (S._complete = function(e4) {
m.preVerifyEndTime = L(), y.state = 1, = e4;
}, S.success = function(e4) {
g.isPreVerifyOk = 0;
}, = function(e4) {
S._fail ? S._fail(e4) : y.state = -1;
}, (t2 = S._completes).push(function() {
}), S.complete = function(e4) {
for (var n3 = 0, i3 = t2.length; n3 < i3; ++n3)
S._completes = [];
}, S)), m.preVerifyStartTime = L();
else {
y.state = 1;
for (var e3 = S._completes, n2 = 0, i2 = e3.length; n2 < i2; ++n2)
S._completes = [];
var t2;
}), _.invoke || (_.invoke = function(e3, n2, i2) {
r.WeixinJSBridge && WeixinJSBridge.invoke(e3, P(n2), i2);
}, _.on = function(e3, n2) {
r.WeixinJSBridge && WeixinJSBridge.on(e3, n2);
ready: function(e2) {
(y.state != 0 || (S._completes.push(e2), !d && h.debug)) && e2();
error: function(e2) {
p < "6.0.2" || (y.state == -1 ? e2( : S._fail = e2);
checkJsApi: function(e2) {
k("checkJsApi", { jsApiList: A(e2.jsApiList) }, (e2._complete = function(e3) {
l && (i2 = e3.checkResult) && (e3.checkResult = JSON.parse(i2));
var n2, i2 = e3, t2 = i2.checkResult;
for (n2 in t2) {
var o2 = c[n2];
o2 && (t2[o2] = t2[n2], delete t2[n2]);
}, e2));
onMenuShareTimeline: function(e2) {
M(a.onMenuShareTimeline, {
complete: function() {
k("shareTimeline", {
title: e2.title || i,
desc: e2.title || i,
img_url: e2.imgUrl || "",
link: || location.href,
type: e2.type || "link",
data_url: e2.dataUrl || ""
}, e2);
}, e2);
onMenuShareAppMessage: function(n2) {
M(a.onMenuShareAppMessage, {
complete: function(e2) {
e2.scene === "favorite" ? k("sendAppMessage", {
title: n2.title || i,
desc: n2.desc || "",
link: || location.href,
img_url: n2.imgUrl || "",
type: n2.type || "link",
data_url: n2.dataUrl || ""
}) : k("sendAppMessage", {
title: n2.title || i,
desc: n2.desc || "",
link: || location.href,
img_url: n2.imgUrl || "",
type: n2.type || "link",
data_url: n2.dataUrl || ""
}, n2);
}, n2);
onMenuShareQQ: function(e2) {
M(a.onMenuShareQQ, {
complete: function() {
k("shareQQ", {
title: e2.title || i,
desc: e2.desc || "",
img_url: e2.imgUrl || "",
link: || location.href
}, e2);
}, e2);
onMenuShareWeibo: function(e2) {
M(a.onMenuShareWeibo, {
complete: function() {
k("shareWeiboApp", {
title: e2.title || i,
desc: e2.desc || "",
img_url: e2.imgUrl || "",
link: || location.href
}, e2);
}, e2);
onMenuShareQZone: function(e2) {
M(a.onMenuShareQZone, {
complete: function() {
k("shareQZone", {
title: e2.title || i,
desc: e2.desc || "",
img_url: e2.imgUrl || "",
link: || location.href
}, e2);
}, e2);
updateTimelineShareData: function(e2) {
k("updateTimelineShareData", { title: e2.title, link:, imgUrl: e2.imgUrl }, e2);
updateAppMessageShareData: function(e2) {
k("updateAppMessageShareData", { title: e2.title, desc: e2.desc, link:, imgUrl: e2.imgUrl }, e2);
startRecord: function(e2) {
k("startRecord", {}, e2);
stopRecord: function(e2) {
k("stopRecord", {}, e2);
onVoiceRecordEnd: function(e2) {
M("onVoiceRecordEnd", e2);
playVoice: function(e2) {
k("playVoice", { localId: e2.localId }, e2);
pauseVoice: function(e2) {
k("pauseVoice", { localId: e2.localId }, e2);
stopVoice: function(e2) {
k("stopVoice", { localId: e2.localId }, e2);
onVoicePlayEnd: function(e2) {
M("onVoicePlayEnd", e2);
uploadVoice: function(e2) {
k("uploadVoice", {
localId: e2.localId,
isShowProgressTips: e2.isShowProgressTips == 0 ? 0 : 1
}, e2);
downloadVoice: function(e2) {
k("downloadVoice", {
serverId: e2.serverId,
isShowProgressTips: e2.isShowProgressTips == 0 ? 0 : 1
}, e2);
translateVoice: function(e2) {
k("translateVoice", {
localId: e2.localId,
isShowProgressTips: e2.isShowProgressTips == 0 ? 0 : 1
}, e2);
chooseImage: function(e2) {
k("chooseImage", {
scene: "1|2",
count: e2.count || 9,
sizeType: e2.sizeType || ["original", "compressed"],
sourceType: e2.sourceType || ["album", "camera"]
}, (e2._complete = function(e3) {
if (l) {
var n2 = e3.localIds;
try {
n2 && (e3.localIds = JSON.parse(n2));
} catch (e4) {
}, e2));
getLocation: function(e2) {
e2 = e2 || {}, k(a.getLocation, { type: e2.type || "wgs84" }, (e2._complete = function(e3) {
delete e3.type;
}, e2));
previewImage: function(e2) {
k(a.previewImage, { current: e2.current, urls: e2.urls }, e2);
uploadImage: function(e2) {
k("uploadImage", {
localId: e2.localId,
isShowProgressTips: e2.isShowProgressTips == 0 ? 0 : 1
}, e2);
downloadImage: function(e2) {
k("downloadImage", {
serverId: e2.serverId,
isShowProgressTips: e2.isShowProgressTips == 0 ? 0 : 1
}, e2);
getLocalImgData: function(e2) {
I === false ? (I = true, k("getLocalImgData", { localId: e2.localId }, (e2._complete = function(e3) {
var n2;
I = false, 0 < v.length && (n2 = v.shift(), wx.getLocalImgData(n2));
}, e2))) : v.push(e2);
getNetworkType: function(e2) {
k("getNetworkType", {}, (e2._complete = function(e3) {
var n2 = e3, e3 = n2.errMsg, i2 = (n2.errMsg = "getNetworkType:ok", n2.subtype);
if (delete n2.subtype, i2)
n2.networkType = i2;
else {
var i2 = e3.indexOf(":"), t2 = e3.substring(i2 + 1);
switch (t2) {
case "wifi":
case "edge":
case "wwan":
n2.networkType = t2;
n2.errMsg = "getNetworkType:fail";
}, e2));
openLocation: function(e2) {
k("openLocation", {
latitude: e2.latitude,
longitude: e2.longitude,
name: || "",
address: e2.address || "",
scale: e2.scale || 28,
infoUrl: e2.infoUrl || ""
}, e2);
hideOptionMenu: function(e2) {
k("hideOptionMenu", {}, e2);
showOptionMenu: function(e2) {
k("showOptionMenu", {}, e2);
closeWindow: function(e2) {
k("closeWindow", {}, e2 = e2 || {});
hideMenuItems: function(e2) {
k("hideMenuItems", { menuList: e2.menuList }, e2);
showMenuItems: function(e2) {
k("showMenuItems", { menuList: e2.menuList }, e2);
hideAllNonBaseMenuItem: function(e2) {
k("hideAllNonBaseMenuItem", {}, e2);
showAllNonBaseMenuItem: function(e2) {
k("showAllNonBaseMenuItem", {}, e2);
scanQRCode: function(e2) {
k("scanQRCode", {
needResult: (e2 = e2 || {}).needResult || 0,
scanType: e2.scanType || ["qrCode", "barCode"]
}, (e2._complete = function(e3) {
var n2;
u && (n2 = e3.resultStr) && (n2 = JSON.parse(n2), e3.resultStr = n2 && n2.scan_code && n2.scan_code.scan_result);
}, e2));
openAddress: function(e2) {
k(a.openAddress, {}, (e2._complete = function(e3) {
(e3 = e3).postalCode = e3.addressPostalCode, delete e3.addressPostalCode, e3.provinceName = e3.proviceFirstStageName, delete e3.proviceFirstStageName, e3.cityName = e3.addressCitySecondStageName, delete e3.addressCitySecondStageName, e3.countryName = e3.addressCountiesThirdStageName, delete e3.addressCountiesThirdStageName, e3.detailInfo = e3.addressDetailInfo, delete e3.addressDetailInfo;
}, e2));
openProductSpecificView: function(e2) {
k(a.openProductSpecificView, {
pid: e2.productId,
view_type: e2.viewType || 0,
ext_info: e2.extInfo
}, e2);
addCard: function(e2) {
for (var n2 = e2.cardList, i2 = [], t2 = 0, o2 = n2.length; t2 < o2; ++t2) {
var r2 = n2[t2], r2 = { card_id: r2.cardId, card_ext: r2.cardExt };
k(a.addCard, { card_list: i2 }, (e2._complete = function(e3) {
if (n3 = e3.card_list) {
for (var n3, i3 = 0, t3 = (n3 = JSON.parse(n3)).length; i3 < t3; ++i3) {
var o3 = n3[i3];
o3.cardId = o3.card_id, o3.cardExt = o3.card_ext, o3.isSuccess = !!o3.is_succ, delete o3.card_id, delete o3.card_ext, delete o3.is_succ;
e3.cardList = n3, delete e3.card_list;
}, e2));
chooseCard: function(e2) {
k("chooseCard", {
app_id: h.appId,
location_id: e2.shopId || "",
sign_type: e2.signType || "SHA1",
card_id: e2.cardId || "",
card_type: e2.cardType || "",
card_sign: e2.cardSign,
time_stamp: e2.timestamp + "",
nonce_str: e2.nonceStr
}, (e2._complete = function(e3) {
e3.cardList = e3.choose_card_info, delete e3.choose_card_info;
}, e2));
openCard: function(e2) {
for (var n2 = e2.cardList, i2 = [], t2 = 0, o2 = n2.length; t2 < o2; ++t2) {
var r2 = n2[t2], r2 = { card_id: r2.cardId, code: r2.code };
k(a.openCard, { card_list: i2 }, e2);
consumeAndShareCard: function(e2) {
k(a.consumeAndShareCard, { consumedCardId: e2.cardId, consumedCode: e2.code }, e2);
chooseWXPay: function(e2) {
k(a.chooseWXPay, x(e2), e2), B({ jsApiName: "chooseWXPay" });
openEnterpriseRedPacket: function(e2) {
k(a.openEnterpriseRedPacket, x(e2), e2);
startSearchBeacons: function(e2) {
k(a.startSearchBeacons, { ticket: e2.ticket }, e2);
stopSearchBeacons: function(e2) {
k(a.stopSearchBeacons, {}, e2);
onSearchBeacons: function(e2) {
M(a.onSearchBeacons, e2);
openEnterpriseChat: function(e2) {
k("openEnterpriseChat", { useridlist: e2.userIds, chatname: e2.groupName }, e2);
launchMiniProgram: function(e2) {
k("launchMiniProgram", {
targetAppId: e2.targetAppId,
path: function(e3) {
var n2;
if (typeof e3 == "string" && 0 < e3.length)
return n2 = e3.split("?")[0], n2 += ".html", (e3 = e3.split("?")[1]) !== void 0 ? n2 + "?" + e3 : n2;
envVersion: e2.envVersion
}, e2);
openBusinessView: function(e2) {
k("openBusinessView", {
businessType: e2.businessType,
queryString: e2.queryString || "",
envVersion: e2.envVersion
}, (e2._complete = function(n2) {
if (l) {
var e3 = n2.extraData;
if (e3)
try {
n2.extraData = JSON.parse(e3);
} catch (e4) {
n2.extraData = {};
}, e2));
miniProgram: {
navigateBack: function(e2) {
e2 = e2 || {}, O(function() {
k("invokeMiniProgramAPI", { name: "navigateBack", arg: { delta: || 1 } }, e2);
navigateTo: function(e2) {
O(function() {
k("invokeMiniProgramAPI", { name: "navigateTo", arg: { url: e2.url } }, e2);
redirectTo: function(e2) {
O(function() {
k("invokeMiniProgramAPI", { name: "redirectTo", arg: { url: e2.url } }, e2);
switchTab: function(e2) {
O(function() {
k("invokeMiniProgramAPI", { name: "switchTab", arg: { url: e2.url } }, e2);
reLaunch: function(e2) {
O(function() {
k("invokeMiniProgramAPI", { name: "reLaunch", arg: { url: e2.url } }, e2);
postMessage: function(e2) {
O(function() {
k("invokeMiniProgramAPI", { name: "postMessage", arg: || {} }, e2);
getEnv: function(e2) {
O(function() {
e2({ miniprogram: r.__wxjs_environment === "miniprogram" });
}, w = 1, T = {}, n.addEventListener("error", function(e2) {
var n2, i2, t2;
l || (t2 = (n2 =, i2 = n2.src, t2 != "IMG" && t2 != "VIDEO" && t2 != "AUDIO" && t2 != "SOURCE") || i2.indexOf("wxlocalresource://") != -1 && (e2.preventDefault(), e2.stopPropagation(), (t2 = n2["wx-id"]) || (t2 = w++, n2["wx-id"] = t2), T[t2] || (T[t2] = true, wx.ready(function() {
localId: i2,
success: function(e3) {
n2.src = e3.localData;
}, true), n.addEventListener("load", function(e2) {
var n2;
l || (n2 = (e2 =, e2.src, n2 != "IMG" && n2 != "VIDEO" && n2 != "AUDIO" && n2 != "SOURCE") || (n2 = e2["wx-id"]) && (T[n2] = false);
}, true), e && (r.wx = r.jWeixin = _), _;
return r.jWeixin;
function k(n2, e2, i2) {
r.WeixinJSBridge ? WeixinJSBridge.invoke(n2, P(e2), function(e3) {
V(n2, e3, i2);
}) : C(n2, i2);
function M(n2, i2, t2) {
r.WeixinJSBridge ? WeixinJSBridge.on(n2, function(e2) {
t2 && t2.trigger && t2.trigger(e2), V(n2, e2, i2);
}) : C(n2, t2 || i2);
function P(e2) {
return (e2 = e2 || {}).appId = h.appId, e2.verifyAppId = h.appId, e2.verifySignType = "sha1", e2.verifyTimestamp = h.timestamp + "", e2.verifyNonceStr = h.nonceStr, e2.verifySignature = h.signature, e2;
function x(e2) {
return {
timeStamp: e2.timestamp + "",
nonceStr: e2.nonceStr,
package: e2.package,
paySign: e2.paySign,
signType: e2.signType || "SHA1"
function V(e2, n2, i2) {
e2 != "openEnterpriseChat" && e2 !== "openBusinessView" || (n2.errCode = n2.err_code), delete n2.err_code, delete n2.err_desc, delete n2.err_detail;
var t2 = n2.errMsg, e2 = (t2 || (t2 = n2.err_msg, delete n2.err_msg, t2 = function(e3, n3) {
var i3 = c[e3];
i3 && (e3 = i3);
i3 = "ok";
var t3;
n3 && (t3 = n3.indexOf(":"), (i3 = (i3 = (i3 = (i3 = (i3 = (i3 = (i3 = n3.substring(t3 + 1)) == "confirm" ? "ok" : i3) == "failed" ? "fail" : i3).indexOf("failed_") != -1 ? i3.substring(7) : i3).indexOf("fail_") != -1 ? i3.substring(5) : i3).replace(/_/g, " ")).toLowerCase()) != "access denied" && i3 != "no permission to execute" || (i3 = "permission denied"), (i3 = e3 == "config" && i3 == "function not exist" ? "ok" : i3) == "") && (i3 = "fail");
return n3 = e3 + ":" + i3;
}(e2, t2), n2.errMsg = t2), (i2 = i2 || {})._complete && (i2._complete(n2), delete i2._complete), t2 = n2.errMsg || "", h.debug && !i2.isInnerInvoke && alert(JSON.stringify(n2)), t2.indexOf(":"));
switch (t2.substring(e2 + 1)) {
case "ok":
i2.success && i2.success(n2);
case "cancel":
i2.cancel && i2.cancel(n2);
default: &&;
i2.complete && i2.complete(n2);
function A(e2) {
if (e2) {
for (var n2 = 0, i2 = e2.length; n2 < i2; ++n2) {
var t2 = e2[n2], t2 = a[t2];
t2 && (e2[n2] = t2);
return e2;
function C(e2, n2) {
var i2;
!h.debug || n2 && n2.isInnerInvoke || ((i2 = c[e2]) && (e2 = i2), n2 && n2._complete && delete n2._complete, console.log('"' + e2 + '",', n2 || ""));
function B(n2) {
var i2;
o || s || h.debug || p < "6.0.2" || g.systemType < 0 || (i2 = new Image(), g.appId = h.appId, g.initTime = m.initEndTime - m.initStartTime, g.preVerifyTime = m.preVerifyEndTime - m.preVerifyStartTime, _.getNetworkType({
isInnerInvoke: true,
success: function(e2) {
g.networkType = e2.networkType;
e2 = "" + g.version + "&o=" + g.isPreVerifyOk + "&s=" + g.systemType + "&c=" + g.clientVersion + "&a=" + g.appId + "&n=" + g.networkType + "&i=" + g.initTime + "&p=" + g.preVerifyTime + "&u=" + g.url + "&jsapi_name=" + (n2 ? n2.jsApiName : "");
i2.src = e2;
function L() {
return new Date().getTime();
function O(e2) {
d && (r.WeixinJSBridge ? e2() : n.addEventListener && n.addEventListener("WeixinJSBridgeReady", e2, false));
// dep:weixin-js-sdk
var weixin_js_sdk_default = require_weixin_js_sdk();
export {
weixin_js_sdk_default as default