<template> <view class="goods-sku-popup" catchtouchmove="true" :class="valueCom && complete ? 'show' : 'none'" @touchmove.stop.prevent="moveHandle" @click.stop="stop"> <!-- 页面内容开始 --> <view class="mask" @click="close('mask')"></view> <view class="layer attr-content" :class="{'safe-area-inset-bottom':safeAreaInsetBottom }" :style="{ borderRadius: borderRadius + 'rpx ' + borderRadius + 'rpx 0 0' }"> <view class="specification-wrapper"> <scroll-view class="specification-wrapper-content" scroll-y="true"> <view class="specification-header"> <view class="specification-left"> <image class="product-img" :src="selectShop.image ? selectShop.image : goodsInfo[goodsThumbName]" :style="{ backgroundColor: goodsThumbBackgroundColor }" mode="aspectFill" @click="previewImage"></image> </view> <view class="specification-right"> <view class="price-content" :style="{ color: themeColorFn('priceColor') }"> <text class="sign">¥</text> <text class="price" :class="priceCom.length > 16 ? 'price2' : ''">{{ priceCom }}</text> </view> <view class="inventory" v-if="!hideStock">{{ stockText }}:{{ stockCom }}</view> <view class="inventory" v-else></view> <view class="choose" v-show="isManyCom"> <text v-if="!selectArr.every(val => val == '')">已选:{{ selectArr.join(' ') }}</text> </view> </view> </view> <view class="specification-content"> <view v-show="isManyCom" class="specification-item" v-for="(item, index1) in goodsInfo[specListName]" :key="index1"> <view class="item-title">{{ item.name }}</view> <view class="item-wrapper"> <view class="item-content" v-for="(item_value, index2) in item.list" :key="index2" :class="[item_value.ishow ? '' : 'noactived', subIndex[index1] == index2 ? 'actived' : '']" :style="[ item_value.ishow ? '' : themeColorFn('disableStyle'), item_value.ishow ? themeColorFn('btnStyle') : '', subIndex[index1] == index2 ? themeColorFn('activedStyle') : '' ]" @click="skuClick(item_value, index1, index2)"> {{ item_value.name }} </view> </view> </view> <view class="number-box-view" v-if="!userInfo.user_type || userInfo.user_type != 40"> <view style="flex: 1;">数量</view> <view style="flex: 4;text-align: right;"> <number-box v-model="selectNum" :min="minBuyNum || 1" :max="maxBuyNumCom" :step="stepBuyNum || 1" :step-strictly="stepStrictly" :positive-integer="true" @change="numChange" /> </view> </view> </view> </scroll-view> <view class="close" @click="close('close')" v-if="showClose != false"> <image class="close-item" :src="closeImage"></image> </view> </view> <view class="btn-wrapper" v-if="outFoStock || mode == 4"> <view class="sure" style="color:#ffffff;background-color:#cccccc">{{ noStockText }}</view> </view> <view class="btn-wrapper" v-else-if="mode == 1"> <view class="sure add-cart" style="border-radius:38rpx 0rpx 0rpx 38rpx;" :style="{ color: themeColorFn('addCartColor'), backgroundColor: themeColorFn('addCartBackgroundColor') }" @click="addCart"> {{ addCartText }} </view> <view class="sure" style="border-radius:0rpx 38rpx 38rpx 0rpx;" :style="{ color: themeColorFn('buyNowColor'), backgroundColor: themeColorFn('buyNowBackgroundColor') }" @click="buyNow"> {{ userInfo.user_type == 40?'修改价格':buyNowText }} </view> </view> <view class="btn-wrapper" v-else-if="mode == 2"> <view class="sure add-cart" :style="{ color: themeColorFn('addCartColor'), backgroundColor: themeColorFn('addCartBackgroundColor') }" @click="addCart"> {{ addCartText }} </view> </view> <view class="btn-wrapper" v-else-if="mode == 3"> <view class="sure" :style="{ color: themeColorFn('buyNowColor'), backgroundColor: themeColorFn('buyNowBackgroundColor') }" @click="buyNow"> {{ userInfo.user_type == 40?'修改价格':buyNowText }} </view> </view> </view> <!-- 页面内容结束 --> </view> </template> <script> import NumberBox from './number-box' var vk; // vk依赖 var goodsCache = {}; // 本地商品缓存 export default { name: 'GoodsSkuPopup', components: { NumberBox }, emits: ['update:modelValue', 'input', 'update-goods', 'open', 'close', 'add-cart', 'buy-now', 'cart', 'buy', 'num-change'], props: { // true 组件显示 false 组件隐藏 value: { Type: Boolean, default: false }, modelValue: { Type: Boolean, default: false }, // vk云函数路由模式参数开始----------------------------------------------------------- // 商品id goodsId: { Type: String, default: '' }, // vk路由模式框架下的云函数地址 action: { Type: String, default: '' }, // vk云函数路由模式参数结束----------------------------------------------------------- // 该商品已抢完时的按钮文字 noStockText: { Type: String, default: '该商品已抢完' }, // 库存文字 stockText: { Type: String, default: '库存' }, // 商品表id的字段名 goodsIdName: { Type: String, default: '_id' }, // sku表id的字段名 skuIdName: { Type: String, default: '_id' }, // sku_list的字段名 skuListName: { Type: String, default: 'sku_list' }, // spec_list的字段名 specListName: { Type: String, default: 'spec_list' }, // 库存的字段名 默认 stock stockName: { Type: String, default: 'stock' }, // sku组合路径的字段名 skuArrName: { Type: String, default: 'sku_name_arr' }, // 默认单规格时的规格组名称 defaultSingleSkuName: { Type: String, default: '默认' }, // 模式 1:都显示 2:只显示购物车 3:只显示立即购买 4:显示缺货按钮 默认 1 mode: { Type: Number, default: 1 }, // 点击遮罩是否关闭组件 true 关闭 false 不关闭 默认true maskCloseAble: { Type: Boolean, default: true }, // 顶部圆角值 borderRadius: { Type: [String, Number], default: 0 }, // 商品缩略图字段名(未选择sku时) goodsThumbName: { Type: [String], default: 'goods_thumb' }, // 商品缩略图背景颜色,如#999999 goodsThumbBackgroundColor: { Type: String, default: '#999999' }, // 最小购买数量 默认 1 minBuyNum: { Type: [Number, String], default: 1 }, // 最大购买数量 默认 100000 maxBuyNum: { Type: [Number, String], default: 100000 }, // 步进器步长 默认 1 stepBuyNum: { Type: [Number, String], default: 1 }, // 是否只能输入 step 的倍数 stepStrictly: { Type: Boolean, default: false }, // 自定义获取商品信息的函数,支付宝小程序不支持该属性,请使用localdata属性 customAction: { Type: [Function], default: null }, // 本地数据源 localdata: { type: Object }, // 价格的字体颜色 priceColor: { Type: String }, // 立即购买按钮的文字 buyNowText: { Type: String, default: '立即购买' }, // 立即购买按钮的字体颜色 buyNowColor: { Type: String }, // 立即购买按钮的背景颜色 buyNowBackgroundColor: { Type: String }, // 加入购物车按钮的文字 addCartText: { Type: String, default: '加入购物车' }, // 加入购物车按钮的字体颜色 addCartColor: { Type: String }, // 加入购物车按钮的背景颜色 addCartBackgroundColor: { Type: String }, // 不可点击时,按钮的样式 disableStyle: { Type: Object, default: null }, // 按钮点击时的样式 activedStyle: { Type: Object, default: null }, // 按钮常态的样式 btnStyle: { Type: Object, default: null }, // 是否显示右上角关闭按钮 showClose: { Type: Boolean, default: true }, // 关闭按钮的图片地址 https://img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i1/121022687/O1CN01ImN0O11VigqwzpLiK_!!121022687.png closeImage: { Type: String, default: '' }, // 是否隐藏库存显示 hideStock: { Type: Boolean, default: false }, // 颜色主题 theme: { Type: String, default: 'default' }, // 请求中的提示 actionTips: { Type: String, default: '请求中...' }, // 默认选中的SKU defaultSelect: { Type: Object }, // 是否使用缓存 useCache: { Type: Boolean, default: true }, /** * 默认商品,设置该值可快速展示商品 * 逻辑: 先展示 defaultGoods 信息,再取数据库,再更新页面(通常为更新库存) */ defaultGoods: { Type: Object }, /** * 金额是否需要除以100 * 1:金额会除以100 * 0:金额不会除以100 */ amountType: { Type: Number, default: 1 }, // 每次选择完SKU后,购买数量归1,如果有最小购买数量,则设置为最小购买数量 selectedInit: { Type: Boolean, default: false }, // 是否开启底部安全区适配,默认true safeAreaInsetBottom: { Type: Boolean, default: true }, }, data() { return { userInfo: {}, complete: false, // 组件是否加载完成 goodsInfo: {}, // 商品信息 isShow: false, // true 显示 false 隐藏 initKey: true, // 是否需要初始化 true 是 false 否 // #ifndef MP-BAIDU shopItemInfo: {}, // 存放要和选中的值进行匹配的数据(因百度小程序setData不支持中文字段,故不编译shopItemInfo变量) // #endif selectArr: [], // 存放被选中的值 subIndex: [], // 是否选中 因为不确定是多规格还是单规格,所以这里定义数组来判断 selectShop: {}, // 存放最后选中的商品 selectNum: this.minBuyNum || 1, // 选中数量 outFoStock: false, // 是否全部sku都缺货 openTime: 0, themeColor: { // 默认主题 default: { priceColor: 'rgb(254, 86, 10)', buyNowColor: '#ffffff', buyNowBackgroundColor: 'rgb(254, 86, 10)', addCartColor: '#ffffff', addCartBackgroundColor: 'rgb(255, 148, 2)', btnStyle: { color: '#333333', borderColor: '#f4f4f4', backgroundColor: '#ffffff' }, activedStyle: { color: 'rgb(254, 86, 10)', borderColor: 'rgb(254, 86, 10)', backgroundColor: 'rgba(254,86,10,0.1)' }, disableStyle: { color: '#c3c3c3', borderColor: '#f6f6f6', backgroundColor: '#f6f6f6' } }, // 红黑主题 'red-black': { priceColor: 'rgb(255, 68, 68)', buyNowColor: '#ffffff', buyNowBackgroundColor: 'rgb(255, 68, 68)', addCartColor: '#ffffff', addCartBackgroundColor: 'rgb(85, 85, 85)', activedStyle: { color: 'rgb(255, 68, 68)', borderColor: 'rgb(255, 68, 68)', backgroundColor: 'rgba(255,68,68,0.1)' } }, // 黑白主题 'black-white': { priceColor: 'rgb(47, 47, 52)', buyNowColor: '#ffffff', buyNowBackgroundColor: 'rgb(47, 47, 52)', addCartColor: 'rgb(47, 47, 52)', addCartBackgroundColor: 'rgb(235, 236, 242)', // btnStyle:{ // color:"rgb(47, 47, 52)", // borderColor:"rgba(235,236,242,0.5)", // backgroundColor:"rgba(235,236,242,0.5)", // }, activedStyle: { color: 'rgb(47, 47, 52)', borderColor: 'rgba(47,47,52,0.12)', backgroundColor: 'rgba(47,47,52,0.12)' } }, // 咖啡色主题 coffee: { priceColor: 'rgb(195, 167, 105)', buyNowColor: '#ffffff', buyNowBackgroundColor: 'rgb(195, 167, 105)', addCartColor: 'rgb(195, 167, 105)', addCartBackgroundColor: 'rgb(243, 238, 225)', activedStyle: { color: 'rgb(195, 167, 105)', borderColor: 'rgb(195, 167, 105)', backgroundColor: 'rgba(195, 167, 105,0.1)' } }, // 浅绿色主题 green: { priceColor: 'rgb(99, 190, 114)', buyNowColor: '#ffffff', buyNowBackgroundColor: 'rgb(99, 190, 114)', addCartColor: 'rgb(99, 190, 114)', addCartBackgroundColor: 'rgb(225, 244, 227)', activedStyle: { color: 'rgb(99, 190, 114)', borderColor: 'rgb(99, 190, 114)', backgroundColor: 'rgba(99, 190, 114,0.1)' } } } }; }, created() { let that = this; vk = that.vk; if (that.valueCom) { that.open(); } this.userInfo = uni.getStorageSync('userInfo') }, mounted() {}, methods: { // 初始化 init(notAutoClick) { let that = this; // 清空之前的数据 that.selectArr = []; that.subIndex = []; that.selectShop = {}; that.selectNum = that.minBuyNum || 1; that.outFoStock = false; that.shopItemInfo = {}; let specListName = that.specListName; that.goodsInfo[specListName].map(item => { that.selectArr.push(''); that.subIndex.push(-1); }); console.log(notAutoClick,that.specListName) console.log(that.goodsInfo) that.checkItem(); // 计算sku里面规格形成路径 that.checkInpath(-1); // 传-1是为了不跳过循环 if (!notAutoClick) that.autoClickSku(); // 自动选择sku策略 }, // 使用vk路由模式框架获取商品信息 findGoodsInfo(obj = {}) { let that = this; let { useCache } = obj; if (typeof vk == 'undefined') { that.toast('custom-action必须是function', 'none'); return false; } let { actionTips } = that; let actionTitle = ''; let actionAoading = false; if (actionTips !== 'custom') { actionTitle = useCache ? '' : '请求中...'; } else { actionAoading = useCache ? false : true; } vk.callFunction({ url: that.action, title: actionTitle, loading: actionAoading, data: { goods_id: that.goodsId }, success(data) { that.updateGoodsInfo(data.goodsInfo); // 更新缓存 goodsCache[that.goodsId] = data.goodsInfo; that.$emit('update-goods', data.goodsInfo); }, fail() { that.updateValue(false); } }); }, updateValue(value) { let that = this; if (value) { that.$emit('open', true); that.$emit('input', true); that.$emit('update:modelValue', true); } else { that.$emit('input', false); that.$emit('close', 'close'); that.$emit('update:modelValue', false); } }, // 更新商品信息(库存、名称、图片) updateGoodsInfo(goodsInfo) { let that = this; // goodsInfo.sku_list.map((item, index) => { // item.sku_name_arr = ["20ml/瓶"]; // }); let { skuListName } = that; if (JSON.stringify(that.goodsInfo) === '{}' || that.goodsInfo[that.goodsIdName] !== goodsInfo[that.goodsIdName]) { that.goodsInfo = goodsInfo; that.initKey = true; } else { that.goodsInfo[skuListName] = goodsInfo[skuListName]; } if (that.initKey) { that.initKey = false; // 是否默认选中第一个SKU // 条件是 单规格商品或者多规格单SKU商品 const skuList = that.goodsInfo[that.skuListName] const autoClickSku = !that.isManyCom ? true : skuList.length === 1 that.init(!autoClickSku) } // 更新选中sku的库存信息 let select_sku_info = that.getListItem(that.goodsInfo[skuListName], that.skuIdName, that.selectShop[that.skuIdName]); Object.assign(that.selectShop, select_sku_info); that.defaultSelectSku(); that.complete = true; }, async open() { let that = this; that.openTime = new Date().getTime(); let findGoodsInfoRun = true; let skuListName = that.skuListName; // 先获取缓存中的商品信息 let useCache = false; let goodsInfo = goodsCache[that.goodsId]; if (goodsInfo && that.useCache) { useCache = true; that.updateGoodsInfo(goodsInfo); } else { that.complete = false; } if (that.customAction && typeof that.customAction === 'function') { try { goodsInfo = await that .customAction({ useCache, goodsId: that.goodsId, goodsInfo, close: function() { setTimeout(function() { that.close(); }, 500); } }) .catch(err => { setTimeout(function() { that.close(); }, 500); }); } catch (err) { let { message = '' } = err; if (message.indexOf('.catch is not a function') > -1) { that.toast('custom-action必须返回一个Promise', 'none'); setTimeout(function() { that.close(); }, 500); return false; } } // 更新缓存 goodsCache[that.goodsId] = goodsInfo; if (goodsInfo && typeof goodsInfo == 'object' && JSON.stringify(goodsInfo) != '{}') { findGoodsInfoRun = false; that.updateGoodsInfo(goodsInfo); that.updateValue(true); } else { that.toast('未获取到商品信息', 'none'); that.$emit('input', false); return false; } } else if (typeof that.localdata !== 'undefined' && that.localdata !== null) { goodsInfo = that.localdata; if (goodsInfo && typeof goodsInfo == 'object' && JSON.stringify(goodsInfo) != '{}') { findGoodsInfoRun = false; that.updateGoodsInfo(goodsInfo); that.updateValue(true); } else { that.toast('未获取到商品信息', 'none'); that.$emit('input', false); return false; } } else { if (findGoodsInfoRun) that.findGoodsInfo({ useCache }); } }, // 监听 - 弹出层收起 close(s) { let that = this; if (new Date().getTime() - that.openTime < 400) { return false; } if (s == 'mask') { if (that.maskCloseAble !== false) { that.$emit('input', false); that.$emit('close', 'mask'); that.$emit('update:modelValue', false); } } else { that.$emit('input', false); that.$emit('close', 'close'); that.$emit('update:modelValue', false); } }, moveHandle() { //禁止父元素滑动 }, // sku按钮的点击事件 skuClick(value, index1, index2) { let that = this; if (value.ishow) { if (that.selectArr[index1] != value.name) { that.$set(that.selectArr, index1, value.name); that.$set(that.subIndex, index1, index2); } else { that.$set(that.selectArr, index1, ''); that.$set(that.subIndex, index1, -1); } that.checkInpath(index1); // 如果全部选完 that.checkSelectShop(); } }, // 检测是否已经选完sku checkSelectShop() { let that = this; // 如果全部选完 if (that.selectArr.every(item => item != '')) { that.selectShop = that.shopItemInfo[that.getArrayToSting(that.selectArr)]; let stock = that.selectShop[that.stockName]; if (typeof stock !== 'undefined' && that.selectNum > stock) { that.selectNum = stock; } if (that.selectNum > that.maxBuyNum) { that.selectNum = that.maxBuyNum; } if (that.selectNum < that.minBuyNum) { that.selectNum = that.minBuyNum; } if (that.selectedInit) { that.selectNum = that.minBuyNum || 1; } } else { that.selectShop = {}; } }, // 检查路径 checkInpath(clickIndex) { let that = this; let specListName = that.specListName; //console.time('筛选可选路径需要的时间是'); //循环所有属性判断哪些属性可选 //当前选中的兄弟节点和已选中属性不需要循环 let specList = that.goodsInfo[specListName]; for (let i = 0, len = specList.length; i < len; i++) { if (i == clickIndex) { continue; } let len2 = specList[i].list.length; for (let j = 0; j < len2; j++) { if (that.subIndex[i] != -1 && j == that.subIndex[i]) { continue; } let choosed_copy = [...that.selectArr]; that.$set(choosed_copy, i, specList[i].list[j].name); let choosed_copy2 = choosed_copy.filter(item => item !== '' && typeof item !== 'undefined'); if (that.shopItemInfo.hasOwnProperty(that.getArrayToSting(choosed_copy2))) { specList[i].list[j].ishow = true; } else { specList[i].list[j].ishow = false; } } } that.$set(that.goodsInfo, specListName, specList); // console.timeEnd('筛选可选路径需要的时间是'); }, // 计算sku里面规格形成路径 checkItem() { let that = this; // console.time('计算有多小种可选路径需要的时间是'); let { stockName } = that; let skuListName = that.skuListName; // 去除库存小于等于0的商品sku let originalSkuList = that.goodsInfo[skuListName]; let skuList = []; let stockNum = 0; originalSkuList.map((skuItem, index) => { if (skuItem[stockName] > 0) { skuList.push(skuItem); stockNum += skuItem[stockName]; } }); if (stockNum <= 0) { that.outFoStock = true; } // 计算有多小种可选路径 let result = skuList.reduce( (arrs, items) => { return arrs.concat( items[that.skuArrName].reduce( (arr, item) => { return arr.concat( arr.map(item2 => { // 利用对象属性的唯一性实现二维数组去重 //console.log(1,that.shopItemInfo,that.getArrayToSting([...item2, item]),item2,item,items); if (!that.shopItemInfo.hasOwnProperty(that.getArrayToSting([...item2, item]))) { that.shopItemInfo[that.getArrayToSting([...item2, item])] = items; } return [...item2, item]; }) ); }, [ [] ] ) ); }, [ [] ] ); // console.timeEnd('计算有多小种可选路径需要的时间是'); }, getArrayToSting(arr) { let str = ''; arr.map((item, index) => { item = item.replace(/\./g, '。'); if (index == 0) { str += item; } else { str += ',' + item; } }); return str; }, // 检测sku选项是否已全部选完,且有库存 checkSelectComplete(obj = {}) { let that = this; let clickTime = new Date().getTime(); if (that.clickTime && clickTime - that.clickTime < 400) { return false; } that.clickTime = clickTime; let { selectShop, selectNum, stockText, stockName } = that; if (!selectShop || !selectShop[that.skuIdName]) { that.toast('请先选择对应规格', 'none'); return false; } if (selectNum <= 0) { that.toast('购买数量必须>0', 'none'); return false; } // 判断库存 if (selectNum > selectShop[stockName]) { that.toast(stockText + '不足', 'none'); return false; } if (typeof obj.success == 'function') obj.success(selectShop); }, // 加入购物车 addCart() { let that = this; that.checkSelectComplete({ success: function(selectShop) { selectShop.buy_num = that.selectNum; that.$emit('add-cart', selectShop); that.$emit('cart', selectShop); } }); }, // 立即购买 buyNow() { let that = this; that.checkSelectComplete({ success: function(selectShop) { selectShop.buy_num = that.selectNum; console.log(selectShop) that.$emit('buy-now', selectShop); that.$emit('buy', selectShop); } }); }, // 弹窗 toast(title, icon) { uni.showToast({ title: title, icon: icon }); }, // 获取对象数组中的某一个item,根据指定的键值 getListItem(list, key, value) { let that = this; let item; for (let i in list) { if (typeof value == 'object') { if (JSON.stringify(list[i][key]) === JSON.stringify(value)) { item = list[i]; break; } } else { if (list[i][key] === value) { item = list[i]; break; } } } return item; }, getListIndex(list, key, value) { let that = this; let index = -1; for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (list[i][key] === value) { index = i; break; } } return index; }, // 自动选择sku前提是只有一组sku,默认自动选择最前面的有库存的sku autoClickSku() { let that = this; let { stockName } = that; let skuList = that.goodsInfo[that.skuListName]; let specListArr = that.goodsInfo[that.specListName]; if (specListArr.length == 1) { let specList = specListArr[0].list; for (let i = 0; i < specList.length; i++) { let sku = that.getListItem(skuList, that.skuArrName, [specList[i].name]); if (sku && sku[stockName] > 0) { that.skuClick(specList[i], 0, i); break; } } } }, // 主题颜色 themeColorFn(name) { let that = this; let { theme, themeColor } = that; let color = that[name] ? that[name] : themeColor[theme][name]; return color; }, defaultSelectSku() { let that = this; let { defaultSelect } = that; if (defaultSelect && defaultSelect.sku && defaultSelect.sku.length > 0) { that.selectSku(defaultSelect); } }, /** * 主动方法 - 设置sku that.$refs.skuPopup.selectSku({ sku:["红色","256G","公开版"], num:5 }); */ selectSku(obj = {}) { let that = this; let { sku: skuArr, num: selectNum } = obj; let specListArr = that.goodsInfo[that.specListName]; if (skuArr && specListArr.length === skuArr.length) { // 先清空 let skuClickArr = []; let clickKey = true; for (let index = 0; index < skuArr.length; index++) { let skuName = skuArr[index]; let specList = specListArr[index].list; let index1 = index; let index2 = that.getListIndex(specList, 'name', skuName); if (index2 == -1) { clickKey = false; break; } skuClickArr.push({ spec: specList[index2], index1: index1, index2: index2 }); } if (clickKey) { that.init(true); skuClickArr.map(item => { that.skuClick(item.spec, item.index1, item.index2); }); } } if (selectNum > 0) that.selectNum = selectNum; }, priceFilter(n = 0) { let that = this; if (typeof n == 'string') { n = parseFloat(n); } if (that.amountType === 0) { return n.toFixed(2); } else { return (n / 100).toFixed(2); } }, pushGoodsCache(goodsInfo) { let that = this; let { goodsIdName } = that; goodsCache[goodsInfo[goodsIdName]] = goodsInfo; }, // 用于阻止冒泡 stop() {}, // 图片预览 previewImage() { let that = this; let { selectShop, goodsInfo, goodsThumbName } = that; let src = selectShop.image ? selectShop.image : goodsInfo[goodsThumbName]; if (src) { uni.previewImage({ urls: [src] }); } }, getMaxStock() { let maxStock = 0; let that = this; let { selectShop = {}, goodsInfo = {}, skuListName, stockName } = that; if (selectShop[stockName]) { maxStock = selectShop[stockName]; } else { let skuList = goodsInfo[skuListName]; if (skuList && skuList.length > 0) { let valueArr = []; skuList.map((skuItem, index) => { valueArr.push(skuItem[stockName]); }); let max = Math.max(...valueArr); maxStock = max; } } return maxStock; }, numChange(e) { this.$emit("num-change", e.value); } }, // 计算属性 computed: { valueCom() { // #ifndef VUE3 return this.value; // #endif // #ifdef VUE3 return this.modelValue; // #endif }, // 最大购买数量 maxBuyNumCom() { let that = this; let maxStock = that.getMaxStock(); let max = that.maxBuyNum || 100000; // 最大购买量不能超过当前商品的库存 if (max > maxStock) { max = maxStock; } return max; }, // 是否是多规格 isManyCom() { let that = this; let { goodsInfo, defaultSingleSkuName, specListName } = that; let isMany = true; if ( goodsInfo[specListName] && goodsInfo[specListName].length === 1 && goodsInfo[specListName][0].list.length === 1 && goodsInfo[specListName][0].name === defaultSingleSkuName ) { isMany = false; } return isMany; }, // 默认价格区间计算 priceCom() { let str = ''; let that = this; let { selectShop = {}, goodsInfo = {}, skuListName, skuIdName } = that; if (selectShop[skuIdName]) { str = that.priceFilter(selectShop.price); } else { let skuList = goodsInfo[skuListName]; if (skuList && skuList.length > 0) { let valueArr = []; skuList.map((skuItem, index) => { valueArr.push(skuItem.price); }); let min = that.priceFilter(Math.min(...valueArr)); let max = that.priceFilter(Math.max(...valueArr)); if (min === max) { str = min + ''; } else { str = `${min} - ${max}`; } } } return str; }, // 库存显示 stockCom() { let str = ''; let that = this; let { selectShop = {}, goodsInfo = {}, skuListName, stockName } = that; if (selectShop[stockName]) { str = selectShop[stockName]; } else { let skuList = goodsInfo[skuListName]; if (skuList && skuList.length > 0) { let valueArr = []; skuList.map((skuItem, index) => { valueArr.push(skuItem[stockName]); }); let min = Math.min(...valueArr); let max = Math.max(...valueArr); if (min === max) { str = min; } else { str = `${min} - ${max}`; } } } return str; } }, watch: { valueCom(newVal, oldValue) { let that = this; if (newVal) { that.open(); } }, defaultGoods: { immediate: true, handler: function(newVal, oldValue) { let that = this; let { goodsIdName } = that; if (typeof newVal === 'object' && newVal && newVal[goodsIdName] && !goodsCache[newVal[goodsIdName]]) { that.pushGoodsCache(newVal); } } } } }; </script> <style lang="scss" scoped> /* sku弹出层 */ .goods-sku-popup { position: fixed; left: var(--window-left); right: var(--window-right); bottom: var(--window-bottom); top: var(--window-top); z-index: 21; overflow: hidden; &.show { display: block; .mask { animation: showPopup 0.2s linear both; } .layer { animation: showLayer 0.2s linear both; bottom: var(--window-bottom); } } &.hide { .mask { animation: hidePopup 0.2s linear both; } .layer { animation: hideLayer 0.2s linear both; } } &.none { display: none; } .mask { position: fixed; left: var(--window-left); 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