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770 lines
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770 lines
16 KiB
8 months ago
<view class="head-info">
<!-- 搜索 -->
<view class="searchContent">
<u-search height="50" @search="getListAfter" @custom="getListAfter" placeholder="输入订单编号"
<!-- <u-input v-model="keyword" placeholder="输入订单编号/收件人名字/电话商品名称"/> -->
<!-- <u-icon name="search" class="search"></u-icon> -->
<!-- <view class="filter" @click="getFilterHandle">
<image src=":src="$picUrl+'/static/news3/filter.png" mode="widthFix"></image>
</view> -->
<!-- 分类列表 -->
<view class="container">
<view class="classify-list">
<view class="list" v-for="(item,index) in classList" :class="{'action'}"
@click="onClassify(item,index)" :key="index">
<text class="line" v-show=""></text>
<view class="shopContent">
<view class="shopItem" v-for="(item,index) in goodsList" :key="index" v-if="goodsList.length>0">
<view class="orderInfo">
<text class="statusText">{{item.state_text}}</text>
<view class="shopItemInfo" v-for="(p,i) in item.goods" :key="i">
<image :src="p.goods_image"></image>
<view class="priceCon">
<text class="num">x{{p.total_num}}</text>
<view class="priceText">
<text style="font-size: 26upx;">¥</text>
<view class="totalNum">
<view class="remark">
<view class="remarkTitle">
收件人姓名: {{item.address_name}}
<view class="remarkContent">
<view class="btnGroup">
<view class="btn info" v-show="item.state_text=='待发货'||item.state_text=='待付款'">修改地址</view>
<view class="btn primary" v-show="item.state_text=='待发货'||item.state_text=='待付款'"
<view class="btn primary" v-show="item.state_text=='待发货'"
<view class="btn info" v-show="item.state_text=='refund'">拒绝</view>
<view class="btn primary" v-show="item.state_text=='refund'">同意</view>
<view class="btn info" v-show="item.state_text=='cancel'||item.state_text=='complete'">删除订单</view>
<view class="btn info" @click="afterSale=true" v-show="item.state_text=='receipt'">转至售后</view>
<view class="btn primary" v-show="item.state_text=='receipt'">修改物流</view>
<u-empty text="暂无数据显示哦~" v-else mode="list"></u-empty>
<u-popup v-model="show" mode="bottom" border-radius="10" :closeable="true">
<view class="filterContent">
<view class="filterTitle">
<view class="filterItem">
<view class="filterItemContent">
<view class="itemTitle">
<view class="timeContainer">
<u-input v-model="startTime" type="select" @click="getTime('start')" disabled
placeholder="起始时间" />
<u-input v-model="endTime" type="select" @click="getTime('end')" disabled
placeholder="终止时间" />
<view class="filterItemContent">
<view class="itemTitle">
<view class="selectContainer">
<view @click="setResourceIndex(index)"
:class="sourceIndex==index?'selectItem active':'selectItem'"
v-for="(item,index) in selectList" :key="">
<view class="filterItemContent">
<view class="itemTitle">
<view class="selectContainer">
<view @click="setpayIndex(index)" :class="payIndex==index?'selectItem active':'selectItem'"
v-for="(item,index) in payList" :key="">
<view class="btnGroup">
<view class="resetBtn">
<view class="confrim">
<u-picker mode="time" z-index="99999" v-model="timeShow"></u-picker>
<u-popup v-model="afterSale" width="80%" border-radius="10" :closeable="true" mode="center">
<view class="afterSales">
<view class="filterTitle">
<view class="filterItem">
<view class="filterItemContent">
<view class="itemTitle">
上传照片 <text style="color:#FF5042">*</text><text>最多可传5张图片</text>
<u-upload :fileList="finishImageList" :previewFullImage="true" @afterRead="afterRead"
:maxCount="8" width="180" height="180" upload-text="上传照片" @delete="deletePic" name="1"
<view class="filterItemContent">
<view class="itemTitle">
<u-input v-model="remark" placeholder="请输入您的留言" type="textarea" :auto-height="true" />
<view class="submit">
<afterSale ref='afterSales'></afterSale><addShuiyin />
import afterSale from './components/afterSales.vue'
import * as newFunApi from '@/api/newFun'
import * as Api from '@/api/dealer/order'
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
classifyShow: 'all',
classList: [{
id: 'all',
name: '全部',
}, {
id: 'delivery',
name: '待发货',
}, {
id: 'receipt',
name: '待验收',
}, {
id: 'pay',
name: '待付款',
}, {
id: 'complete',
name: '已完成',
}, {
id: 'refund',
name: '售后订单',
}, {
id: 'apply_cancel',
name: '待取消',
}, {
id: 'cancel',
name: '已取消',
goodsList: [
show: false,
timeShow: false,
selectList: [{
id: 1,
name: '预售'
id: 2,
name: '秒杀'
id: 3,
name: '拼团'
id: 4,
name: '砍价'
payList: [{
id: 1,
name: '微信支付'
id: 2,
name: '好友代付'
id: 3,
name: '线下支付'
sourceIndex: 0,
payIndex: 0,
startTime: null,
endTime: null,
pageNum: 1,
keyword: "",
total: 1,
pageNum: 1,
// classList: [
// {
// id: 0,
// name: '全部',
// },{
// id: 1,
// name: '待付款',
// },{
// id: 2,
// name: '待发货',
// },{
// id: 3,
// name: '售后订单',
// },{
// id: 4,
// name: '已退款',
// },{
// id: 5,
// name: '已完成',
// },{
// id: 6,
// name: '已删除',
// },
// {
// id: 7,
// name: '待收货',
// }
// ],
onReady(options) {
// this.getList()
onLoad(options) {
// console.log(options);
this.classifyShow = options.type;
console.log("会员管理带来的user_id", options.user_id)
onPageScroll(e) {
methods: {
// 获取当前标签项的值
// getTabValue() {
// const app = this
// if (app.classList.length) {
// return app.classList[app.curTab].id
// }
// return -1
// },
// 获取提现列表
async getList() {
title: "加载中"
const app = this
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
dataType: app.classifyShow,
page: app.pageNum
.then(result => {
// 合并新数据
// const newList =
// = getMoreListData(newList, app.list, pageNo)
app.goodsList = app.goodsList.concat(
| =
// async getList() {
// uni.showLoading({
// title:"加载中"
// })
// let {status, message, data} = await newFunApi.shopOrderList({
// dataType: this.classifyShow,
// page: this.pageNum,
// searchValue: this.keyword
// });
// if(status == 200){
// uni.hideLoading();
// this.goodsList = this.goodsList.concat(
// =
// }
// },
goJump(path, value) {
url: path + '?item=' + JSON.stringify(value),
getListAfter() {
this.goodsList = [];
getLable(val) {
// let arr = this.classList.filter(item=>{
// return
// })
// return arr[0].name
onSearch() {
url: ''
onClassify(item, index) {
this.classifyShow =;
setResourceIndex(index) {
this.sourceIndex = index;
setpayIndex(index) {
this.payIndex = index;
getTime(val) {
this.timeShow = true;
getFilterHandle() {
this.$refs.afterSales.afterSale = true;
onReachBottom() {
if (this.goodsList.length <= {
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