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712 lines
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712 lines
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1 year ago
<view class="goods">
<!-- <view class="goods-top">
<input type="textarea" v-model="content" placeholder="输入SKU直接导入获取商品信息" />
<view class="btn" :style="{'opacity': content?1:0.6 }" @click="onClickAccess">一键获取</view>
</view> -->
<view class="goods-hd">
<view class="item">
<view class="a">商品名称<text>*</text></view>
<view class="b">
<input type="text" v-model="from.goods_name" placeholder="请输入商品价格,最低0.1元" />元
<view class="item">
<view class="a">商品分类</view>
<view class="b" @click="openPage(1)">
<view class="select">请选择商品分类<u-icon name="arrow-right"></u-icon>
<view class="items">
<view class="a">商品照片<text>*</text>
<view class="tip">最多上传100张</view>
<view class="c">
<u-upload :action="action" :header="header" @on-uploaded="goosSuccess" @on-remove="goodsRemove"
width="180" height="180" :file-list="goodsImageList" :custom-btn="true" max-count="100">
<template v-slot:addBtn>
<view class="slot-btn" hover-class="slot-btn__hover" hover-stay-time="150">
<image :src="$picUrl+'/static/news/icon-upload.png'"></image>
<view class="1">上传图片</view>
<view class="items">
<view class="a" style="align-items: flex-start">商品详情<text>*</text>
<view class="input">
<textarea placeholder="可输入商品的详细描述" v-model="from.goods_details" class="t"></textarea>
<view class="c">
<u-upload :action="action" :header="header" @on-uploaded="detailSuccess" @on-remove="detailsRemove"
width="180" height="180" :file-list="goodsDetailImageList" :custom-btn="true" max-count="6">
<template v-slot:addBtn>
<view class="slot-btn" hover-class="slot-btn__hover" hover-stay-time="150">
<image :src="$picUrl+'/static/news/icon-upload.png'"></image>
<view class="1">上传图片</view>
<view class="items">
<view class="a">商品素材<text>*</text></view>
<view class="c">
<u-upload :action="action" :header="header" @on-uploaded="sourceSuccess" @on-remove="sourceRemove"
width="180" height="180" :file-list="goodSourceImageList" :custom-btn="true" max-count="6">
<template v-slot:addBtn>
<view class="slot-btn" hover-class="slot-btn__hover" hover-stay-time="150">
<image :src="$picUrl+'/static/news/icon-upload.png'"></image>
<view class="1">上传图片</view>
<view class="goods-hd">
<view class="items">
<view class="a" style="justify-content: space-between;">多规格<u-switch v-model="skuchecked"
<view class="b">
<view class="item">
<view class="a">商品价格<text>*</text></view>
<view class="b">
<input type="text" @input="keyGoodsPrice" v-model="from.goods_price"
placeholder="请输入商品价格,最低0.1元" />元
<view class="item">
<view class="a">商品原价</view>
<view class="b">
<input type="text" @input="keyOriginalPrice" v-model="from.goods_original_price"
placeholder="请输入商品划线价格" />元
<view class="item">
<view class="a">商品库存<text>*</text></view>
<view class="b">
<input type="number" v-model="from.goods_stock" placeholder="请输入商品库存" />件
<view class="item">
<view class="a">商品重量<text>*</text></view>
<view class="b">
<input type="text" v-model="from.goods_weight" placeholder="请输入商品重量" />kg
<view class="goods-hd">
<view class="item">
<view class="a">配送方式<text>*</text></view>
<view class="b" style="width: 350rpx;height: 40rpx;text-align: right;">
<picker @change="changeDelivery" mode="selector" placeholder="请选择配送方式"
style="width: 350rpx;height: 40rpx;" range-key="text" :value="index" :range="deliveryList">
<text :style="{color: from.delivery_name? '#303030' : '#C7C7C7'}">
<u-icon name="arrow-right" color="#C7C7C7"></u-icon>
<view class="item">
<view class="a">运费模版<text>*</text></view>
<view class="b" style="width: 350rpx;height: 40rpx;text-align: right;">
<picker @change="changeDeliveryTemplate" mode="selector" placeholder="请选择运费模版"
style="width: 350rpx;height: 40rpx;" range-key="text" :value="index" :range="deliveryTemplate">
<text :style="{color: from.template_name? '#303030' : '#C7C7C7'}">
<u-icon name="arrow-right" color="#C7C7C7"></u-icon>
<view class="item">
<view class="a">销售状态<text>*</text></view>
<view class="b">
<u-switch v-model="salesChecked" active-color="#55BD6A"></u-switch>
<view class="goods-fd">
<view class="btn" @click="onSubmit">确认</view>
<u-popup v-model="isShow" mode="bottom" border-radius="12" mask-close-able="false" closeable>
<view class="goods-classify">
<view class="goods-classify-hd">
<view class="a" @click="openPage(2)">
<u-icon name="plus"></u-icon>新增分类
<view class="goods-classify-bd">
<scroll-view scroll-y class="l">
<view class="item" @click="tabLItem(0)">
<view :class="tabLIndex == 0?'item-on':''">数码</view>
<view class="item" @click="tabLItem(1)">
<view :class="tabLIndex == 0?'item-on':''">食品</view>
<view class="item" @click="tabLItem(2)">
<view :class="tabLIndex == 0?'item-on':''">服饰鞋包</view>
<view class="item" @click="tabLItem(3)">
<view :class="tabLIndex == 0?'item-on':''">家居百货</view>
<view class="item" @click="tabLItem(4)">
<view :class="tabLIndex == 0?'item-on':''">美妆/个户</view>
<view class="item" @click="tabLItem(5)">
<view :class="tabLIndex == 0?'item-on':''">家居百货</view>
<view class="item" @click="tabLItem(6)">
<view :class="tabLIndex == 0?'item-on':''">美妆/个户</view>
<view class="item" @click="tabLItem(7)">
<view :class="tabLIndex == 0?'item-on':''">食品</view>
<view class="item" @click="tabLItem(8)">
<view :class="tabLIndex == 0?'item-on':''">服饰鞋包</view>
<view class="item" @click="tabLItem(9)">
<view :class="tabLIndex == 0?'item-on':''">家居百货</view>
<view class="item" @click="tabLItem(10)">
<view :class="tabLIndex == 0?'item-on':''">美妆/个户</view>
<scroll-view scroll-y class="r">
<view class="item" v-for="(a,i) in 10" @click="tabRItem(i)">
<view :class="tabRIndex == i?'item-on':''">水产肉类/新鲜水果</view>
import Config from '@/core/config'
import * as newFunApi from '@/api/newFun'
export default {
data() {
return {
from: {
goods_name: '',
goods_class: '',
goods_image_id: '',
details_image_id: '',
source_image_id: '',
goods_details: '',
goods_price: '',
goods_original_price: '',
goods_stock: '',
goods_weight: '',
delivery_id: '',
delivery_name: '',
template_name: '',
template_id: '',
content: '',
skuchecked: false,
salesChecked: false,
goodSourceImageList: [],
goodsDetailImageList: [],
goodsImageList: [],
deliveryTemplate: [{
text: '南京市',
id: 0
}, {
text: '西藏',
id: 1
deliveryList: [{
text: '物流',
id: 0
}, {
text: '送货上门',
id: 1
isShow: false,
value: "",
tabLIndex: 0,
tabRIndex: 0,
action: '',
header: '',
onReady() {
this.action = (Config.get('apiUrl') + 'upload/image').replace("index.php?s=/", "")
this.header = {
'Storeid': uni.getStorageSync('Store').storeInfo.store_id,
'Access-Token': uni.getStorageSync('AccessToken'),
'platform': "MP-WEIXIN",
methods: {
// 提交信息
async onSubmit() {
const that = this;
if (!that.from.goods_name) {
return that.$toast('请输入商品名称')
let {
} = await newFunApi.addTransfer(that.form);
if (status == 200) {
title: "上架成功"
setTimeout(function() {
delta: 1
}, 2000);
// 原价
keyOriginalPrice(e) {
if (Number(e.detail.value) == 0 || Number(e.detail.value) < 0) {
this.from.goods_original_price = ''
return this.$toast('商品价不能低于0.1元')
this.from.goods_original_price = this.blurAmount(e.detail.value)
// 商品价
keyGoodsPrice(e) {
if (Number(e.detail.value) == 0 || Number(e.detail.value) < 0) {
this.from.goods_price = ''
return this.$toast('商品价不能低于0.1元')
this.from.goods_price = this.blurAmount(e.detail.value)
// 价格规则
blurAmount(amount) {
let num = null
num = amount.replace(new RegExp('^(\\d+\\.\\d{2}).+'), '$1')
const startPoint = /^\./g
if (startPoint.test(num)) {
num = amount.replace(startPoint, '0.')
if (num && !num.includes('.') && num !== '0') {
num = +num
const morePoint = /\.+(\d*|\.+)\./g
if (morePoint.test(num)) {
num = amount
.replace(/\.{2,}/g, ".")
.replace(".", "$#$")
.replace(/\./g, "")
.replace("$#$", ".")
return num
// 获取配送方式
changeDelivery(e) {
this.from.delivery_name = this.deliveryList[e.detail.value].text;
this.from.delivery_id = this.deliveryList[e.detail.value].id;
// 运费模板
changeDeliveryTemplate(e) {
this.from.template_name = this.deliveryTemplate[e.detail.value].text;
this.from.template_id = this.deliveryTemplate[e.detail.value].id;
// 一键获取
onClickAccess() {
goosSuccess(list) {
if (list.length > 0) {
const {
} = list[0];
if (response.status == 200) {
title: "上传成功"
this.from.goods_image_id = this.handleRemove('', list)
// 详情
detailSuccess(list) {
if (list.length > 0) {
const {
} = list[0];
if (response.status == 200) {
title: "上传成功"
this.from.details_image_id = this.handleRemove('', list)
// 素材
sourceSuccess(list) {
if (list.length > 0) {
const {
} = list[0];
if (response.status == 200) {
title: "上传成功"
this.from.source_image_id = this.handleRemove('', list)
goodsRemove: function(file, fileList) {
this.from.goods_image_id = this.handleRemove(file, fileList)
detailsRemove: function(file, fileList) {
this.from.details_image_id = this.handleRemove(file, fileList)
sourceRemove: function(file, fileList) {
this.from.source_image_id = this.handleRemove(file, fileList)
handleRemove: function(file, fileList) {
console.log(file, fileList)
let idList = []
fileList.forEach(item => {
return idList.join(',')
openPage(i) {
if (i == 1) {
this.isShow = true;
} else if (i == 2) {
this.isShow = false;
url: "/pages/news/goods/classify"
tabLItem(i) {
this.tabLIndex = i
tabRItem(i) {
this.tabRIndex = i
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