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6 months ago
<view v-show="!isLoading" class="container" :style="appThemeStyle">
<!-- 商品图片轮播 -->
<SlideImage v-if="!isLoading" :video="" :videoCover="goods.videoCover" :images="goods.goods_images" />
<!-- 商品信息 -->
<view v-if="!isLoading" class="goods-info m-top20">
<!-- 价格销量 -->
<view class="info-item info-item__top dis-flex flex-x-between flex-y-end">
<view class="block-left dis-flex flex-y-center">
<view class="active-tag">
<!-- 砍价底价 -->
<text class="floor-price__samll"></text>
<text class="floor-price">{{ active.floor_price }}</text>
<!-- 商品原价 -->
<text class="original-price">{{ goods.goods_price_min }}</text>
<view class="block-right dis-flex">
<!-- 销量 -->
<view class="goods-sales">
<text>已砍成{{ active.active_sales }}</text>
<!-- 标题分享 -->
<view class="info-item info-item__name dis-flex flex-y-center">
<view class="goods-name flex-box">
<text class="twoline-hide">{{ goods.goods_name }}</text>
<view class="goods-share__line"></view>
<view class="goods-share">
<button class="share-btn dis-flex flex-dir-column" @click="onShowShareSheet()">
<text class="share__icon iconfont icon-fenxiang"></text>
<text class="f-24">分享</text>
<!-- 商品卖点 -->
<view v-if="goods.selling_point" class="info-item info-item_selling-point">
<text>{{ goods.selling_point }}</text>
<!-- 活动倒计时 -->
<view v-if="active.is_end == false" class="info-item info-item_status info-item_countdown dis-flex flex-y-center">
<text class="countdown-icon iconfont icon-naozhong"></text>
<text class="m-r-10">还剩</text>
<count-down :date="active.end_time" separator="zh" theme="text" />
<!-- 活动已结束 -->
<view v-if="active.is_end == true" class="info-item info-item_status info-item_end">
<text class="countdown-icon iconfont icon-naozhong"></text>
<!-- 砍价玩法 -->
<view class="bargain-rules m-top20 b-f" @click="handleShowRules()">
<view class="item-title dis-flex">
<view class="block-left flex-box">
<view class="block-right">
<text class="show-more col-9">查看规则</text>
<!-- 砍价步骤 -->
<view class="rule-simple dis-flex flex-x-around">
<view class="simple-item dis-flex flex-dir-column flex-y-center">
<view class="i-number dis-flex flex-x-center flex-y-center">
<text class="f-30">1</text>
<view class="i-text f-28">点击砍价</view>
<view class="simple-item dis-flex flex-dir-column flex-y-center">
<view class="i-number dis-flex flex-x-center flex-y-center">
<text class="f-30">2</text>
<view class="i-text f-28">找人帮砍</view>
<view class="simple-item dis-flex flex-dir-column flex-y-center">
<view class="i-number dis-flex flex-x-center flex-y-center">
<text class="f-30">3</text>
<view class="i-text f-28">砍到最低</view>
<view class="simple-item dis-flex flex-dir-column flex-y-center">
<view class="i-number dis-flex flex-x-center flex-y-center">
<text class="f-30">4</text>
<view class="i-text f-28">优惠购买</view>
<!-- 选择商品规格 -->
<view v-if="goods.spec_type == 20" class="goods-choice m-top20 b-f" @click="onShowSkuPopup()">
<view class="spec-list">
<view class="flex-box">
<text class="col-8">选择</text>
<text class="spec-name" v-for="(item, index) in goods.specList" :key="index">{{ item.spec_name }}</text>
<view class="f-26 col-9 t-r">
<text class="iconfont icon-arrow-right"></text>
<!-- 商品服务 -->
<!-- <Service v-if="!isLoading" :goods-id="goodsId" /> -->
<!-- 商品SKU弹窗 -->
<SkuPopup v-if="!isLoading" v-model="showSkuPopup" :skuMode="skuMode" :active="active" :goods="goods" />
<!-- 商品评价 -->
<Comment v-if="!isLoading" :goods-id="goodsId" :limit="2" />
<!-- 商品描述 -->
<view v-if="!isLoading" class="goods-content m-top20">
<view class="item-title b-f">
<view v-if="goods.content != ''" class="goods-content__detail b-f">
<mp-html :content="goods.content" />
<!-- 底部选项卡 -->
<view class="footer-fixed">
<view class="footer-container">
<!-- 导航图标 -->
<view class="foo-item-fast">
<!-- 首页 -->
<view class="fast-item fast-item--home" @click="onTargetHome">
<view class="fast-icon">
<text class="iconfont icon-shouye"></text>
<view class="fast-text">
<!-- 客服 -->
<customer-btn v-if="isShowCustomerBtn">
<view class="fast-item">
<view class="fast-icon">
<text class="iconfont icon-kefu1"></text>
<view class="fast-text">
<!-- 购物车 (客服按钮不显示时) -->
<view v-if="!isShowCustomerBtn" class="fast-item fast-item--cart" @click="onTargetCart">
<view v-if="cartTotal > 0" class="fast-badge fast-badge--fixed">{{ cartTotal > 99 ? '99+' : cartTotal }}
<view class="fast-icon">
<text class="iconfont icon-gouwuche"></text>
<view class="fast-text">
<!-- 操作按钮 -->
<view class="foo-item-btn">
<view class="btn-wrapper">
<view v-if="active.is_start && !active.is_end" class="btn-item btn--main" @click="handleMainBtn(3)">
<text>{{ isPartake? '继续砍价' : '立即砍价' }}</text>
<button v-else class="btn-item btn--gray">
<text>{{ active.is_end ? '活动已结束' : '活动未开启' }}</text>
<!-- 分享菜单 -->
<share-sheet v-model="showShareSheet" :shareTitle="goods.goods_name" :shareImageUrl="goods.goods_image" :posterApiCall="posterApiCall"
:posterApiParam="{ activeId }" />
<!-- 砍价规则弹窗 -->
<u-modal v-if="!isLoading" v-model="showRules" title="砍价规则">
<scroll-view style="height: 610rpx;" :scroll-y="true">
<view class="pops-content">
<text>{{ setting.rulesDesc }}</text>
<addShuiyin />
import WxofficialMixin from '@/core/mixins/wxofficial'
import { getSceneData } from '@/core/app'
import ShareSheet from '@/components/share-sheet'
import CustomerBtn from '@/components/customer-btn'
import SkuPopup from './components/SkuPopup'
import SlideImage from '../../goods/components/SlideImage'
import Comment from '../../goods/components/Comment'
// import Service from '../../goods/components/Service'
import CountDown from '@/components/countdown'
import * as GoodsApi from '@/api/goods'
import * as CartApi from '@/api/cart'
import * as ActiveApi from '@/api/bargain/active'
import SettingModel from '@/common/model/Setting'
export default {
components: {
// Shortcut,
// Service,
mixins: [WxofficialMixin],
data() {
return {
// 正在加载
isLoading: true,
// 显示/隐藏SKU弹窗
showSkuPopup: false,
// 模式 1:都显示 2:只显示购物车 3:只显示立即购买
skuMode: 3,
// 显示/隐藏分享菜单
showShareSheet: false,
// 显示砍价规则
showRules: false,
// 获取商品海报图api方法
posterApiCall: ActiveApi.poster,
// 当前活动ID
activeId: null,
// 当前商品ID
goodsId: null,
// 活动详情
active: {},
// 商品详情
goods: {},
// 砍价设置
setting: null,
// 标记当前用户是否正在参与
isPartake: null,
// 砍价任务ID (当前用户参与的话才有值)
taskId: null,
// 购物车总数量
cartTotal: 0,
// 是否显示在线客服按钮
isShowCustomerBtn: false
* 生命周期函数--监听页面加载
async onLoad(options) {
// 记录query参数
// 加载页面数据
// 是否显示在线客服按钮
this.isShowCustomerBtn = await SettingModel.isShowCustomerBtn()
methods: {
// 记录query参数
onRecordQuery(query) {
const scene = getSceneData(query)
this.activeId = query.activeId ? parseInt(query.activeId) : parseInt(scene.aid)
this.goodsId = query.goodsId ? parseInt(query.goodsId) : parseInt(scene.gid)
// 刷新页面数据
onRefreshPage() {
const app = this
app.isLoading = true
Promise.all([app.getActiveDetail(), app.getGoodsDetail(), app.getCartTotal()])
.then(() => app.setWxofficialShareData())
.then(() => app.isLoading = false)
// 获取砍价活动详情
getActiveDetail() {
const app = this
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then(result => { =
app.setting =
app.isPartake =
app.taskId =
// 获取商品信息
getGoodsDetail() {
const app = this
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
GoodsApi.detail(app.goodsId, false)
.then(result => {
app.goods =
// 获取购物车总数量
getCartTotal() {
const app = this
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then(result => {
app.cartTotal =
* 显示/隐藏SKU弹窗
onShowSkuPopup() {
this.showSkuPopup = !this.showSkuPopup
// 显示隐藏分享菜单
onShowShareSheet() {
this.showShareSheet = !this.showShareSheet
// 显示砍价规则
handleShowRules() {
this.showRules = true
// 跳转到首页
onTargetHome(e) {
// 跳转到购物车页
onTargetCart() {
// 点击主按钮
handleMainBtn() {
const app = this
// 发起新的砍价任务
if (!app.isPartake) {
return app.onShowSkuPopup()
// 已发起砍价则跳转到砍价任务详情页
app.$navTo('pages/bargain/task', { taskId: app.taskId })
// 设置微信公众号链接分享卡片内容
setWxofficialShareData() {
const { goods } = this
title: goods.goods_name,
desc: goods.selling_point,
imgUrl: goods.goods_image
* 分享当前页面
onShareAppMessage() {
// 构建页面参数
const app = this
const params = app.$getShareUrlParams({
activeId: app.activeId,
goodsId: app.goodsId
return {
title: app.goods.goods_name,
path: `/pages/bargain/goods/index?${params}`
* 分享到朋友圈
* 本接口为 Beta 版本暂只在 Android 平台支持详见分享到朋友圈 (Beta)
onShareTimeline() {
// 构建页面参数
const app = this
const params = app.$getShareUrlParams({
activeId: app.activeId,
goodsId: app.goodsId
return {
title: app.goods.goods_name,
path: `/pages/bargain/goods/index?${params}`
page {
background: #fafafa;
<style lang="scss" scoped>
@import "./style.scss";