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1 year ago
<view class="fright">
<view class="park-navbar">
<u-navbar title="退货退款详情" :border-bottom="false" back-icon-color='#000000' title-color="#000000"></u-navbar>
<view class="fright-hd">
<image class="img" src="/static/daichu.png" mode="aspectFit"></image>
<view class="title">退款中</view>
<view class="boer">
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<view class="wuliu-name">
退货物流<text>顺丰快递 SF234568990</text>
<u-icon name="arrow-right" color="#B7B7B7" size="30"></u-icon>
export default {
data() {
return {
orderId: '',
order: '',
deliveryStatus: '',
receiptStatus: '',
onLoad(op) {
this.orderId = op.orderId;
8 months ago
this.order = op.order ?JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(op.order)): ''
1 year ago
this.deliveryStatus = op.deliveryStatus;
this.receiptStatus = op.receiptStatus
methods: {
openPage() {
url: '/pages/order/refund/refund?orderId=' + this.orderId + '&order=' + JSON.stringify(this
.order) +
"&deliveryStatus=" + this.deliveryStatus + '&receiptStatus=' + this.deliveryStatus
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