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1 year ago
<view class="settlement">
<view class="topContent">
<view style="margin-top:22upx">通过审核后会有专人联系</view>
1 year ago
<view class="formContent">
<u-form :model="form" ref="uForm">
<view class="formSection">
<u-form-item label="*主体公司名称 ">
<u-input border placeholder="请输入贵公司名称" v-model="form.store_name" />
<u-form-item label="*主营类目" @click="categoryShow = true">
<u-input v-model="form.store_cat" placeholder="请选择选择主营类目" type="select"
@click="categoryShow = true" />
<u-action-sheet :list="categoryList" :cancel-btn="false" v-model="categoryShow"
1 year ago
<view class="formSection">
<u-form-item label="*公司地址" @click="addrshow = true">
<u-input v-model="form.store_address" placeholder="请选择地级" type="select"
@click="addrshow = true" />
<u-picker mode="region" v-model="addrshow" @confirm="getAddress"></u-picker>
<u-form-item label="*合作品牌 ">
<u-input border placeholder="请输入" v-model="form.store_brand" />
<u-form-item label="*自有品牌/代理入驻" @click="bandShow = true">
<u-input v-model="brand_name" placeholder="代理入驻" type="select" @click="bandShow = true" />
<u-action-sheet :list="bandList" :cancel-btn="false" v-model="bandShow"
<u-form-item label="*一级/二级授权" @click="levelShow = true">
<u-input v-model="authorize_name" placeholder="一级授权" type="select" @click="levelShow = true" />
<u-action-sheet :list="leveList" :cancel-btn="false" v-model="levelShow"
<u-form-item label="*可否含税" @click="taxShow = true">
<u-input v-model="rate_name" placeholder="请选择" type="select" @click="taxShow = true" />
<u-action-sheet :list="taxList" :cancel-btn="false" v-model="taxShow"
1 year ago
<view class="formSection">
<u-form-item label="*联系人姓名 ">
<u-input border placeholder="请输入姓名" v-model="form.user_name" />
<u-form-item label="*联系人职位" @click="contactShow = true">
<u-input v-model="form.user_position" placeholder="请选择" type="select"
@click="contactShow = true" />
<u-action-sheet :list="contactsList" :cancel-btn="false" v-model="contactShow"
<u-form-item label="*联系人手机号">
<u-input border placeholder="请输入手机号" type="numer" v-model="form.user_mobile" />
<u-form-item label="*联系人微信号">
<u-input border placeholder="请输入微信号" v-model="form.user_wx" />
<u-form-item label="*联系人邮箱">
<u-input border placeholder="请输入邮箱" v-model="form.user_email" />
<view class="formSection">
<u-form-item label="*仓储模式" @click="modeShow = true">
<u-input v-model="form.store_model" placeholder="请选择" type="select" @click="modeShow = true" />
<u-action-sheet :list="modeList" :cancel-btn="false" v-model="modeShow"
<u-form-item label="*周末是否发货" @click="sendShow = true">
<u-input v-model="send_name" placeholder="请选择" type="select" @click="sendShow = true" />
<u-action-sheet :list="sendList" :cancel-btn="false" v-model="sendShow"
<u-form-item label="*是否自有工厂" @click="factoryShow = true">
<u-input v-model="factory_name" placeholder="请选择" type="select" @click="factoryShow = true" />
<u-action-sheet :list="yesNotList" :cancel-btn="false" v-model="factoryShow"
<u-form-item label="*是否有线下渠道" @click="yesnoShow = true">
<u-input v-model="offline_name" placeholder="请选择" type="select" @click="yesnoShow = true" />
<u-action-sheet :list="yesNotList" :cancel-btn="false" v-model="yesnoShow"
<u-form-item label="*是否有电商店铺" @click="storeShow = true">
<u-input v-model="shop_name" placeholder="请选择" type="select" @click="storeShow = true" />
<u-action-sheet :list="yesNotList" :cancel-btn="false" v-model="storeShow"
<view class="shop">
<view class="shopTitle">电商平台可多选</view>
<view class="shopItem">
<view :class="active==index?'active shopText':'shopText'" @click="getShop(index)"
v-for="(item,index) in btnList" :key="index">
1 year ago
<image v-if="active==index" :src="$picUrl+'/static/news1/selected.png'" mode="widthFix"></image>
1 year ago
<view class="submitBtn" @click="sureSubmit">
<u-popup v-model="popShow" mode="center" border-radius="12">
<view style="text-align: center;">
1 year ago
<image :src="$picUrl+'/static/news1/pop.png'" class="popimg" mode="widthFix"></image>
<view class="popcontent">
<view class="poptitle">
<view class="poptext">
<view class="knowBtn" @click="popShow=false">
1 year ago
import * as help from '@/api/help'
1 year ago
export default {
data() {
return {
brand_name: '',
authorize_name: '',
rate_name: '',
shop_name: '',
offline_name: '',
factory_name: '',
send_name: '',
1 year ago
form: {
store_name: '',
store_cat: '',
store_address: '',
store_brand: '',
store_settle_type: '',
authorize: '',
has_tax: '',
user_name: '',
user_position: '',
user_mobile: '',
user_wx: '',
user_email: '',
store_model: '',
send_type: '',
has_factory: '',
has_offline: '',
has_online_shop: '',
1 year ago
categoryShow: false,
categoryList: [{
text: '3C数码',
id: 1
}, {
text: '家用电蒸',
id: 2
}, {
text: '家居家装',
id: 3
}, {
text: '家居生活',
id: 4
}, {
text: '美容个护',
id: 5
}, {
text: '服饰箱包',
id: 6
}, {
text: '母婴玩具',
id: 7
}, {
text: '运动广外',
id: 8
}, {
text: '食品饮料',
id: 9
}, {
text: '水果生鲜',
id: 10
}, {
text: '汽车用品',
id: 11
}, {
text: '虚拟商品',
id: 11
bandShow: false,
bandList: [{
text: '自有品牌',
id: 1
}, {
text: '代理入驻',
id: 2
levelShow: false,
leveList: [{
text: '一级授权',
id: 1
}, {
text: '二级授权',
id: 2
modeShow: false,
modeList: [{
text: '自有仓库',
id: 1
}, {
text: '上游代发',
id: 2
}, {
text: '以上皆有',
id: 3
contactShow: false,
contactsList: [{
text: '老板',
id: 1
}, {
text: '市场经理',
id: 2
}, {
text: '商务',
id: 3
yesnoShow: false,
sendShow: false,
factoryShow: false,
taxShow: false,
taxList: [{
text: '不含',
id: 0
}, {
text: '含',
id: 1
storeShow: false,
yesNotList: [{
text: '无',
id: 0
}, {
text: '有',
id: 1
sendList: [{
text: '不发货',
id: 0
}, {
text: '发货',
id: 1
addrshow: false,
btnList: [],
active: 0,
popShow: false,
1 year ago
onLoad() {
methods: {
actionSheetCallback(type, index) {
console.log(type, index)
if (type == 1) { //类目
this.form.store_cat = this.categoryList[index].text
if (type == 2) { //自有品牌/代理入驻
this.brand_name = this.bandList[index].text
this.form.store_settle_type = this.bandList[index].id
if (type == 3) { //一级/二级授权
this.authorize_name = this.leveList[index].text
this.form.authorize = this.leveList[index].id
if (type == 4) { //是否含税
this.rate_name = this.taxList[index].text
this.form.has_tax = this.taxList[index].id
if (type == 5) { //职务
this.form.user_position = this.contactsList[index].text
if (type == 6) { //模式
this.form.store_model = this.modeList[index].text
if (type == 7) { //是否周末发货
this.send_name = this.sendList[index].text
this.form.send_type = this.sendList[index].id
if (type == 8) { //是否有工厂
this.factory_name = this.yesNotList[index].text
this.form.has_factory = this.yesNotList[index].id
if (type == 9) { //是否有线下渠道
this.offline_name = this.yesNotList[index].text
this.form.has_offline = this.yesNotList[index].id
if (type == 10) { //是否有电商店铺
this.shop_name = this.yesNotList[index].text
this.form.has_online_shop = this.yesNotList[index].id
1 year ago
getShop(index) {
1 year ago = index;
getAddress(e) {
this.form.store_address = + +;
getStoreList() {
let that = this;
.then(res => {
that.btnList =
sureSubmit() {
const that = this;
that.form.store_type = that.btnList[]
.then(res => {
if (res.status) {
that.popShow = true
} else {
title: '入驻失败',
icon: 'none',
duration: 2000
1 year ago
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1 year ago
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1 year ago
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1 year ago
font-size: 26upx;
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font-weight: 500;
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width: 236upx;
1 year ago
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font-weight: 500;
color: #4C4C4C;
margin-bottom: 24upx;
1 year ago
.shopItem {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
justify-content: space-between;
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1 year ago
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1 year ago
.popcontent {
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1 year ago
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flex-direction: column;
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font-weight: 400;
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margin-top: 60upx;
1 year ago
.popimg {
// position: absolute;
width: 120upx;
height: auto;
position: relative;
z-index: 2;
1 year ago
::v-deep .u-mode-center-box {
background: transparent;
1 year ago