<view class="order-tab">
<view :class="OrderType == 0 ? 'tab action' : 'tab'" @click="onOrderTab(0)">
<text class="line"></text>
<view :class="OrderType == 1 ? 'tab action' : 'tab'" @click="onOrderTab(1)">
<text class="line"></text>
<view :class="OrderType == 2 ? 'tab action' : 'tab'" @click="onOrderTab(2)">
<text class="line"></text>
<view class="section1" v-if="OrderType == 0">
<u-form :model="form" ref="uForm">
<view class="section1Item c">
<u-form-item label="反馈类型" label-width="170">
<u-radio-group v-model="form.type">
<u-radio active-color="#FF4434" v-for="(item, index) in checkboxList1" :key="index"
{{ item.name }}
<u-form-item label="反馈店铺" label-width="170">
<u-radio-group v-model="form.shop">
<u-radio active-color="#FF4434" v-for="(item, index) in checkboxList2" :key="index"
{{ item.name }}
<u-form-item label="反馈类型" label-width="170" @click="typeShow = true">
<u-input v-model="form.shopText" placeholder="请选择门店" type="select" @click="typeShow = true" />
<!-- <u-action-sheet :list="shopList" :cancel-btn="false" v-model="typeShow"
@click="actionSheetCallback"></u-action-sheet> -->
<u-picker :range="shopList" range-key="text" @confirm="actionSheetCallback($event)"
v-model="typeShow" mode="selector"></u-picker>
<u-form-item label="投诉内容" required label-width="150" label-position="top">
<u-input v-model="form.comment" height="228" class="realAddr" placeholder="请填写投诉内容"
<u-upload :action="action" :header="header" @on-uploaded="transferSuccess" @on-remove="transferRemove"
width="180" height="180" :file-list="finishImageList" :custom-btn="true" max-count="6">
<template v-slot:addBtn>
<view class="slot-btn" hover-class="slot-btn__hover" hover-stay-time="150">
<image :src="$picUrl + '/static/news/icon-upload.png'"></image>
<view class="1">上传照片</view>
<view class="section1Item" style="margin-top:20rpx;">
<u-form-item label="您的称呼" label-width="170">
<u-input placeholder="请输入您的称呼" v-model="form.user_name" />
<u-form-item label="手机号码" label-width="170">
<u-input placeholder="请输入手机号" v-model="form.mobile" />
<view class="introContent">
<view class="introText">温馨提示</view>
<view class="introText">1.工作人员将于1小时内与您联系解决您的问题(工作时间为周一至周日09:00~21:30)</view>
<view class="introText">2.有效投诉奖励:最高奖励200元现金/代金券</view>
<view class="submitBtn-box">
<view class="submitBtn" @click="submit">
<view class="section2" v-if="OrderType != 0 && feedBackList.length > 0">
<view class="feedShow" v-for="(item, index) in feedBackList" :key="index">
<view class="feedbackItem">
<view class="feedbackContent">
<view class="fbTitle">
<view class="fbFlag" v-if="item.type == 1">
<view class="fbFlag fbFlag2" v-if="item.type == 2">
<view class="fbFlag fbFlag3" v-if="item.type == 3">
<view class="fbTitleText">
{{ item.shop_name }}
<view class="statusfb">
<text v-if="item.status == 0">待处理</text>
<text v-if="item.status == 1">已完成</text>
<u-read-more showHeight="160" textIndent="0" fontSize="26rpx" color="#9E9E9E" :toggle="true"
<rich-text :nodes="item.content"></rich-text>
<view v-if="item.file_path">
<u-upload width="180" height="180" max-count="1" :file-list="item.file_paths" :deletable="false">
<view class="timefb" v-if="OrderType == 1">
<text>反馈人:</text> {{ item.user_name }}
<view class="timefb">
<text>反馈时间:</text> {{ item.created_at }}
<view class="feedbackResult" v-if="item.status">
<u-collapse-item :open="false" title="处理结果">
<u-form :model="item" ref="item" class="selfForm">
<u-form-item label="处理时间:" label-width="150" prop="time">
{{ item.replay_at }}
<u-form-item label="反馈内容:" label-width="150" prop="feedback">
{{ item.reply }}
<!-- <view class="section2" v-if="OrderType == 2 && feedBackList.length > 0">
<view class="feedShow" style="padding: 0;" v-for="(item, index) in feedBackList" :key="index">
<view class="feedbackResult">
<u-collapse-item :open="true" title="处理结果">
<u-form :model="item" ref="item" class="selfForm">
<u-form-item label="处理时间:" label-width="150" prop="time">
{{ item.replay_at }}
<u-form-item label="反馈内容:" label-width="150" prop="feedback">
{{ item.reply }}
</view> -->
<view class="empty" v-if="OrderType != 0 && total == 0">
<u-empty text="暂无信息" mode="list"></u-empty>
<!-- <view class="empty" v-if="OrderType == 2">
<image class="emptyImg" :src="$picUrl + '/static/news1/feedbackempty.png'" mode="widthFix"></image>
<view class="emptytext">
</view> -->
import Config from '@/core/config'
import * as feedback from '@/api/feedback'
export default {
data() {
return {
action: '',
header: '',
OrderType: 0,
shop_id: '',
total: 1,
form: {
type: '',
shop: '',
shopText: '',
comment: '',
user_name: '',
phone: ''
feedBackList: [],
checkboxList1: [{
name: '投诉',
val: 1
name: '建议',
val: 2
name: '表扬',
val: 3
checkboxList2: [{
name: '门店',
val: 1
name: '其他',
val: 2
typeShow: false,
shopList: [],
finishImageList: [],
result: {}
onReady() {
this.action = (Config.get('apiUrl') + 'upload/image').replace("index.php?s=/", "")
this.header = {
'Storeid': uni.getStorageSync('Store').storeInfo.store_id,
'Access-Token': uni.getStorageSync('AccessToken'),
'platform': "MP-WEIXIN",
onShow() {
onLoad(params) {
onReachBottom() {
if (this.feedBackList.length < this.total && this.OrderType != 0) {
methods: {
getShopList() {
const that = this
that.shopList = []
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then(res => {
if (res.data.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < res.data.length; i++) {
let obj = {
text: res.data[i].shop_name,
id: res.data[i].shop_id
transferSuccess(list) {
if (list.length > 0) {
const {
} = list[0];
if (response.status == 200) {
title: "上传成功"
let idList = []
list.forEach(item => {
this.image_id = idList.join(',');
transferRemove(file, fileList) {
this.image_id = this.handleRemove(file, fileList);
handleRemove: function (file, fileList) {
let idList = []
fileList.forEach(item => {
return idList.join(',')
submit() {
const that = this
if (that.form.comment == '') {
title: '请填写投诉内容!',
icon: 'none',
duration: 2000
if (this.form.mobile && (!/^\+?\d[\d -]{8,12}\d/.test(this.form.mobile))) {
title: '手机号格式不正确!',
icon: 'none',
duration: 2000
let params = {
shop_id: that.shop_id,
type: that.form.type,
object_type: that.form.shop,
content: that.form.comment,
user_name: that.form.user_name,
mobile: that.form.mobile,
image_id: that.image_id
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then(res => {
that.shop_id = ''
that.form = that.$options.data().form
that.image_id = ""
that.finishImageList = []
* 订单tab点击
onOrderTab(type) {
this.OrderType = type;
this.pageNum = 1
this.image_id = ""
this.finishImageList = []
this.feedBackList = []
if (type != 0) {
getFeedBack(type) {
// 获取我的反馈信息
const that = this
let params = {
is_my: 0,
page: that.pageNum
params.is_my = type == 1 ? 0 : 1
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then(res => {
if (res.status == 200) {
that.total = res.data.list.total
let end = res.data.list.data
itme.file_paths = []
let img_arr = itme.file_path.split(',')
that.feedBackList = that.feedBackList.concat(end)
actionSheetCallback(index) {
console.log(index, this.shopList)
this.form.shopText = this.shopList[index].text;
this.shop_id = this.shopList[index].id
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/* 订单tab */
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margin-bottom: 30rpx;
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// width: calc(100% - 100rpx);
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border: 1px solid #2DC37F;
color: #2DC37F
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flex: 1;
font-size: 28rpx;
white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
color: #000;
font-weight: bold;
.timefb {
margin-top: 20rpx;
font-size: 24rpx;
color: #A0A0A0;
.feedbackResult {
padding: 0 30rpx;
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color: #A6A6A6;
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border: none;
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