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307 lines
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8 months ago
<view class="refund">
<view class="refund-navbar">
<u-navbar title="退货退款详情" :border-bottom="false" :background="background"></u-navbar>
<view class="refund-hd">
<view class="l">
<view class="a">退款成功</view>
<view class="b">
<view class="r">
<image :src="$picUrl+'/static/news/icon-arrow.png'"></image>
<view class="refund-bd">
<view class="li" :class="currentIndex >= 0?'li-on':''">
<view class="line">
<image v-if="currentIndex >= 0" class="icon" :src="$picUrl+'/static/news/icon-success.png'"></image>
<view v-else class="clicle"></view>
<view class="title">同意退款</view>
<view class="timer">12-1 19:22</view>
<view class="li" :class="currentIndex >= 1?'li-on':''">
<view class="line">
<image v-if="currentIndex >= 1" class="icon" :src="$picUrl+'/static/news/icon-success.png'"></image>
<view v-else class="clicle"></view>
<view class="title">微信支付处理中</view>
<view class="timer">12-1 19:22</view>
<view class="li" :class="currentIndex >= 2?'li-on':''">
<view class="line">
<image v-if="currentIndex >= 2" class="icon" :src="$picUrl+'/static/news/icon-success.png'"></image>
<view v-else class="clicle"></view>
<view class="title">退款成功</view>
<view class="timer">12-1 19:22</view>
<view class="refund-box">
<view class="a">
<view class="b">
顺丰快递 SF234568990
<view class="c">
<image :src="$picUrl+'/static/news/icon-arrow.png'"></image>
<view class="refund-box">
<view class="a">
<view class="c">
<image :src="$picUrl+'/static/news/icon-arrow.png'"></image>
<view class="refund-fd">
<view class="a">
<view class="more">
查看全部<image :src="$picUrl+'/static/news/icon-arrow.png'"></image>
<view class="b">
<view class="li">退款什么时候到账退到哪里</view>
<view class="li">如何查询退款到账信息</view>
// import img from "@/static/news/refund-bg.png"
import * as refundApi from '@/api/refund'
export default {
data() {
return {
currentIndex: 0,
background: {
background: `url(${this.$picUrl}/static/news/refund-bg.png) center -44px no-repeat`,
// background: 'url(' + img + ') center -44px no-repeat',
backgroundSize: '100%',
onLoad(op) {
methods: {
getRefundDetails(orderRefundId) {
const app = this
.then(result => {
app.refundDetails =
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