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7 months ago
<view class="refundPrice">
<view class="refundPrice-hd">
<view class="a" style="color: #F55349;">退货运费</view>
<view class="p">平台秉承谁过错谁承担的原则如商品存在质量问题发错货等情况退货运费由商家承担</view>
<view class="a">商家责任</view>
<view class="p">无需消费者承担退货运费您需向商家发起退货退款/换货申请商家同意申请后寄件时请您先垫付运费退货/换货完成后审核通过将自动打款运费给您</view>
<view class="a">非商家责任</view>
<view class="p">消费者承担退货运费</view>
export default {
data() {
return {
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