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510 lines
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510 lines
14 KiB
7 months ago
<view class="container" :style="appThemeStyle">
<mescroll-body ref="mescrollRef" :sticky="true" @init="mescrollInit" :down="{ use: false }" :up="upOption" @up="upCallback">
<!-- 拼团海报图 -->
<view v-if="curTab == 0 && setting.backdrop" class="banner">
<image class="image" :src="setting.backdrop.src" mode="widthFix"></image>
<!-- 拼团活动 -->
<view v-if="curTab == 0" class="groupon-hall active-list">
<view class="goods-item--container" v-for="(item, index) in" :key="index">
<view class="goods-item" @click="onTargetGoods(item)">
<!-- 商品图片 -->
<view class="goods-item-left">
<view v-if="item.active_type != ActiveTypeEnum.NORMAL.value" class="label">
<text>{{ ActiveTypeEnum[item.active_type].name2 }}</text>
<image class="image" :src="item.goods_image"></image>
<view class="goods-item-right">
<!-- 商品标题 -->
<view class="goods-name">
<text class="twoline-hide">{{ item.goods_name }}</text>
<!-- 商品信息 -->
<view class="goods-item-desc">
<view class="desc_situation">
<view class="state-tag">
<u-tag :color="appTheme.mainBg" :border-color="appTheme.mainBg" :text="`${item.show_people}人团`" type="error" size="mini"
mode="plain" />
<view class="state-tag">
<u-tag v-if="item.active_sales" :color="appTheme.mainBg" :border-color="tagBorderColor" :bg-color="tagBackgroundColor"
:text="`已团${item.active_sales}件`" type="error" size="mini" />
<view class="desc-footer">
<view class="item-prices oneline-hide">
<text class="price-x">¥{{ item.groupon_price }}</text>
<text class="price-y cl-9">¥{{ item.original_price }}</text>
<view class="settlement">去拼团</view>
<!-- 我的拼团 -->
<view v-if="curTab == 1" class="groupon-hall my-list">
<view class="goods-item--container" v-for="(item, index) in" :key="index">
<view class="goods-item" @click="onTargetTask(item)">
<!-- 商品图片 -->
<view class="goods-item-left">
<view v-if="item.active_type != ActiveTypeEnum.NORMAL.value" class="label">
<text>{{ ActiveTypeEnum[item.active_type].name2 }}</text>
<image class="image" :src="item.goods.goods_image"></image>
<view class="goods-item-right">
<!-- 商品标题 -->
<view class="goods-name">
<text class="twoline-hide">{{ item.goods.goods_name }}</text>
<!-- 商品信息 -->
<view class="goods-item-desc">
<view class="desc_situation">
<u-tag v-if="item.status == TaskStatusEnum.NORMAL.value"
:text="`已拼${item.joined_people}人,还差${item.people - item.joined_people}人`" type="warning" size="mini" />
<u-tag v-else class="people" :text="`${item.people}人团`" type="error" size="mini" mode="plain" />
<view class="desc-footer">
<view class="item-status">
<text>{{ TaskStatusEnum[item.status].name }}</text>
<view v-if="item.status == TaskStatusEnum.NORMAL.value" class="settlement">查看拼单</view>
<!-- 底部选项卡 -->
<view class="footer-fixed">
<view class="footer-container">
<!-- 拼团活动 -->
<view class="tabbar-item flex-box" :class="{ active: curTab == 0 }">
<view class="tabbar-item-content dis-flex flex-x-center flex-y-center" @click="onChangeTab(0)">
<view class="tabbar-item-icon">
<text class="iconfont icon-shangcheng"></text>
<view class="tabbar-item-name">
<!-- 分割线 -->
<view class="tabbar-item__divider">
<view class="divider-line"></view>
<!-- 我的砍价 -->
<view class="tabbar-item flex-box" :class="{ active: curTab == 1 }">
<view class="tabbar-item-content dis-flex flex-x-center flex-y-center" @click="onChangeTab(1)">
<view class="tabbar-item-icon">
<text class="iconfont icon-sy-yh"></text>
<view class="tabbar-item-name">
import WxofficialMixin from '@/core/mixins/wxofficial'
import { hex2rgba } from '@/utils/color'
import MescrollMixin from '@/uni_modules/mescroll-uni/components/mescroll-uni/mescroll-mixins'
import { getEmptyPaginateObj, getMoreListData } from '@/core/app'
import { ActiveStatusEnum, ActiveTypeEnum, TaskStatusEnum } from '@/common/enum/groupon'
import * as TaskApi from '@/api/groupon/task'
import * as GoodsApi from '@/api/groupon/goods'
import SettingModel from '@/common/model/groupon/Setting'
const pageSize = 15
export default {
mixins: [MescrollMixin, WxofficialMixin],
data() {
return {
// 枚举类
// 当前tab索引
curTab: 0,
// 上拉加载配置
upOption: {
// 首次自动执行
auto: true,
// 每页数据的数量; 默认10
page: { size: pageSize },
// 数量要大于3条才显示无更多数据
noMoreSize: 3,
// 拼团设置
setting: {},
// 拼团商品列表
goodsList: getEmptyPaginateObj(),
// 我的拼单列表
myList: getEmptyPaginateObj(),
watch: {
curTab(val) {
// 设置页面标题
uni.setNavigationBarTitle({ title: val == 0 ? '拼团活动' : '我的拼团' })
computed: {
// 标签背景色
tagBackgroundColor() {
return hex2rgba(this.appTheme.mainBg, 0.1)
// 标签边框颜色
tagBorderColor() {
return hex2rgba(this.appTheme.mainBg, 0.6)
* 生命周期函数--监听页面加载
onLoad(options) {
// 设置当前tab索引
if ( {
this.curTab =
// 获取拼团设置
// 设置微信公众号链接分享卡片内容
methods: {
// 获取拼团设置
getSetting() {
| => this.setting = setting)
* 上拉加载的回调
* 其中page.num:当前页 从1开始, page.size:每页数据条数,默认10
* @param {Object} page
upCallback(page) {
const app = this
// 设置列表数据
.then(list => {
const curPageLen =
const totalSize =
app.mescroll.endBySize(curPageLen, totalSize)
.catch(() => app.mescroll.endErr())
// 获取列表数据(根据当前选项卡判断调用的方法)
getListData(pageNo) {
const apiFuc = {
0: this.getGoodsList,
1: this.getMyList
return apiFuc[this.curTab](pageNo)
* 获取拼团商品列表
* @param {Number} pageNo 页码
getGoodsList(pageNo = 1) {
const app = this
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
GoodsApi.list({ page: pageNo }, { load: false })
.then(result => {
// 合并新数据
const newList =
| = getMoreListData(newList, app.goodsList, pageNo)
// 获取我的拼团列表
getMyList(pageNo) {
const app = this
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
TaskApi.myList({ page: pageNo }, { load: false })
.then(result => {
// 合并新数据
const newList =
| = getMoreListData(newList, app.myList, pageNo)
// 切换当前选项卡
onChangeTab(key = 0) {
const app = this
// 记录选项卡索引
app.curTab = key
// 刷新列表数据
app.goodsList = getEmptyPaginateObj()
app.myList = getEmptyPaginateObj()
// 跳转到拼团商品详情
onTargetGoods(item) {
this.$navTo('pages/groupon/goods/index', { grouponGoodsId: item.groupon_goods_id })
// 跳转拼单详情页
onTargetTask(item) {
this.$navTo('pages/groupon/task/index', { taskId: item.task_id })
// 设置微信公众号链接分享卡片内容
setWxofficialShareData() {
this.updateShareCardData({ title: '拼团活动' })
* 分享当前页面
onShareAppMessage() {
// 构建页面参数
const params = this.$getShareUrlParams()
return {
title: '拼团活动',
path: `/pages/groupon/index?${params}`
* 分享到朋友圈
* 本接口为 Beta 版本,暂只在 Android 平台支持,详见分享到朋友圈 (Beta)
onShareTimeline() {
// 构建页面参数
const params = this.$getShareUrlParams()
return {
title: '拼团活动',
path: `/pages/groupon/index?${params}`
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&.my-list {
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&:last-child {
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display: block;
width: 100%;
min-height: 68rpx;
font-size: 28rpx;
line-height: 1.3;
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margin-top: 20rpx;
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font-size: 26rpx;
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